My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 140 - 136 The Main Army of Tianyuan Territory (3K)_1

Chapter 140: Chapter 136 The Main Army of Tianyuan Territory (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

Holy smokes! Holy smokes! Holy smokes!

Gazing at the domain that spreads out from the center of Dead Bone, Lord Shepherd remained silent for a long time.

“Has… has a domain already been created?”

To tell the truth, General Dead Bone possessing ‘Hero’s Aura,’ ‘Perfect State of Mind,’ and ‘Venue Skills’ as preconditions make it seem reasonable that he could take hold of domain power during his breakthrough…

Damn hell no (°A°)/!

This is a domain!

One of the three major checkpoints to the Legendary Realm!

As for what the Legendary Realm represents… Mu Yuan actually doesn’t know.

Even with the three elements of ‘Domain,’ ‘Light of Will,’ and ‘Super Limit Body,’ his understanding is only limited to these terms, and beyond that…

What exactly is a domain, what is Light of Will, as a greenhand, how could he,

Mu Yuan, understand.

Not to mention him, even the original newbie guide ‘Not a Daughter Fan,’ Yang Kong, a seasoned player who has been gaming for probably two to three years, said he wasn’t sure how powerful the Fourth-order Leader Level was, let alone, the Legendary Realm above the Leader Level.

Everyone has heard of the name Legendary, but how many people have really seen Legendary?

“However, if General Dead Bone can create a domain at the Elite-level stage, those strong figures, top-tier troops should be able to do it too, right? It seems like the depth of this world is deeper than I thought.”

In order for Dead Bone to absorb more experiences from his predecessors, Mu Yuan went to the forum to search for related information about domains.

Luckily, he is now a lord, and his search permissions are relatively high. And with the peaceful environment of the internet era and Xuan Country, after some effort, he finally manages to download some domain-related materials for a paid fee.

■’As I had guessed, a domain seems to be an extension of the Hero’s Aura, Artistic Conception, and venue skills. Among these, venue skills are a compulsory prerequisite. However, most of the powerful ones who can create a domain have a very high understanding.”

■’A domain can enhance oneself, strengthen teammates, weaken enemies,

control the environment, and so on.”

It is not easy to explain in a few words, but having seen Dead Bone’s Withered Bone Realm before, Mu Yuan has understood a bit more.

It is worth mentioning that when he uses the Dead Bone’s template, he is unable to use the domain’s power. The information in the materials has already mentioned this.

Artistic Conception is a state of mind.

Whereas a domain is a state of mind combined with ability.

However, Mu Yuan has a vague sense of grasping something. Although it feels like an illusion, he has still managed to scoop up some ripples.

He is getting the hint, even if by a very tiny fraction.

Being able to nurture a future emperor like Dead Bone, he must be a brilliant and stunning young talent, right-

Cough cough.

Gathering his thoughts, Mu Yuan contemplates.

“From the initial entry to full-fledged mastery, the domain has a long way to go, and Dead Bone is currently just at the initial stage of entry to the domain.

“Moreover, there are different levels of domains.

It’s analogous to regular skills, advanced skills, and top-tier skills, the gap between them is remarkable.

The difference between high-order troops and ordinary troops is even more stark.

Although there are no inferior domains, there are still stronger ones among the strong ones, and higher-order domains are more profound and have a wider coverage.

As for the Withered Bone Realm…

Dead Bone seems to have suddenly got it, “After creating the domain, Bone always felt something was inadequate, but could not solve this problem despite thinking about it deeply. Now, at last I understand.

Indeed, it can only be Lord!

Just a few words cleared up its confusion, reminding it not to immerse itself in the creation of the domain, but to constantly look forward.

Yes, how could it be enough with just a Withered Bone Realm? A real skeleton should have the courage to create a stronger domain.

Mu Yuan:”???”

So, what else have you figured out?

Emperor Dead Bone, true terror indeed!

With Dead Bone and Duo Lai advancing into the Elite-level, Lord Shepherd’s confidence has grown slightly. Plus, the crisis is imminent with all eyes from beneath the ground cast on him, he has no choice but to prepare urgently.

There’s no other way for him to choose.

So, Mu Yuan restarted his exploration of the underground world.

“However, the dungeon is quite far from my territory. Why would the Monster Tribe cast their gaze on this place so quickly?’

He happened to glance at the pinned news on the forum and found that his encounter might not be unique.


f According to the latest survey by the Tai Xuan Pioneer Group, the activity level of the Monster Tribe is 13.6 percent higher than before. Some pioneers say that this is also one of the subsequent effect changes manifested by the Red Fog.]

[The association also reminds all explorers here to be careful and cautious.] As a new lord, Mu Yuan also received a specially mass-sent notification related to the increase in monster activity.

The notification reminds the new lords that they can ask for help from their surroundings in the face of a major crisis.

Officials have set up a rescue strategy for Group Lords and Independent Lords. Asking for help requires a certain cost. But when it truly is a matter of survival, any price that can be exchanged for a life-saving straw is worth it.

The charging standards of the official defense team is also quite reasonable.

Except for,

Help can only resolve a momentary crisis. If one truly wants to survive securely, one can only rely on their own strength.

Only strength is truth.

“The ambush hunter is very likely from the underground world, but it’s still unclear which tribe he belongs to and where these tribes specifically are. This must be figured out before the war.”

War is not something he wishes to instigate, and he can’t do so just because he wants to.

Early investigation and preparation are indispensable. Previously, the Dead Bone only vaguely guessed that several tribes existed. That day, the Great Lord Shepherd led the team-or rather, spiritually led the team deep into the underground world. He indeed wanted to join in person. If he fits into the templates of Duo Lai and Dead Bone, he is an elite-level powerhouse.

But, General Dead Bone considered it not secure enough.

The territory also needs someone to guard it.

Under Mu Yuan’s command, Skeleton Generals, Skeleton Warriors, and Resentful Spirits continuously swept the surroundings, wiping out one monster camp in turn.

This was just a superficial action to attract the enemy’s attention. Underground, the real scout soldiers Dead Bone and Rakshasa had already penetrated deep into the soil, heading towards the dungeon.

Duo Lai hides within the cleaning troops to resist possible strong enemies.

Just like that,

One day,

Two days,

Three days,

While Mu Yuan was continuously sweeping and improving regional safety, he naturally intensified patrols around the Tianyuan Territory. He put mental effort into controlling Hurricane Hawks, scanning over the land with sharp eyes, but failed to find any traces of underground tribes.

Even the cleaning troops encountered no strong enemies after three days, only exterminating a dozen professional-level monsters.

This number is not high, it’s too low.

The hidden enemy seems to have disappeared.

But Dead Bone and Rakshasa, who had been scouting for three days, made a major discovery.

“The Spider-Woman Tribe, seizing other tribes around and expanding outwards?”

Mu Yuan is pondering.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem wrong – monster tribes attacking each other is quite normal. However, upon careful consideration, it seems completely abnormal.

The Spider Woman Tribe likely gained a ‘fortunate opportunity’ and is developing rapidly.

This poses an even greater threat.

Dead Bone suggests that the horrifying Spider Woman Tribe must be


Duo Lai summons a Fireball, “So what are we waiting for? Let’s do it quickly-”

It’s impatient to start, no, to test his strength.

As General Duo Lai, it’s strong! (Crosses waist with arms)-!

“No hurry, let’s prepare some more.”

Mu Yuan has confidence in Dead Bone and Duo Lai, but since they want to initiate the most significant war after the official establishment of Tianyuan Territory, they need to be fully prepared.

He silently commanded the Evolution Points.

Immediately, one after another light orb appeared in his field of vision, stars of evolution light emerged and converged on the soldiers, creating a stream of stars.

‘Undead class: Skeleton Series x6oo, Phantom Series XI50, Others x3

The number of the Undead system soldiers didn’t grow a lot over time.

However, within the accumulated evolution, a lot of Rare Three-star and even Excellent One-star soldiers are represented.

There are 120 Skeleton Generals and 30 Resentful Spirits.

There are 5 Skeleton Morticians and 3 Evil Spirits.

The red-clad undead general has evolved into the Excellent Three-star stage ‘Ghost General’. Compared to Rakshasa, it doesn’t have a prefix, and its awakening talent has changed a bit. However, Red-clad is naturally gifted in illusion techniques. Rakshasa, on the other hand, almost discarded the skill ‘Sinful Eye Prison’. A burly man like him can’t handle delicate illusionary operations.

This is the current main army of the Tianyuan Territory!

Skeleton Warriors have long been ‘eliminated’. Now is the era for all Rare Three-star soldiers.

Even if Skeleton Generals and Evil Spirits are of a relatively low level, under the Boost of talent and Hero’s Aura, they still possess impressive combat power. They could kill professional-level monsters across levels without a problem. If they attack the Snake man tribe again with just the main army…no, even if they remove all the professional-level experts from the army, they can still flatten or crush the Snake man tribe.

In his view, evolving Skeleton Generals and Evil Spirits was very cost-effective. Coupled with Dead Bone’s revival ability, it could be likened to cheating. Additionally, with an energy limit far exceeding its peers, leading such soldiers would enhance Dead Bone’s talent ‘Undead Domination’ beyond ordinary levels.

Significantly expanding Dead Bone’s upper limit!

Whereas continuous evolving Skeleton Mortician seems somewhat normal.

There were still leftovers of evolution points for the Undead system. Mu Yuan didn’t continue evolving.

Compared to the Dead class, the quantity of the Human Race soldiers was much less, and they were much weaker.

Despite that, under the support of One-star Militia, the Imperial Guard had expanded to 30, while the Strong Shooter Team expanded to 40.

Both evolved entirely into Rare One-star stage.

Among them, 10 elite soldiers evolved into Royal Guard and God Archer.

A few of them even broke through to professional level.

There were also Three nuns.

This is the secondary force of Tianyuan Territory, responsible only for territorial defense, yet still far stronger than the full strength of most of the newly established territories.

However, the archer leader ‘Seventeen’ will go on expedition with the Undead Legion to reap enemy lives in the dark.


‘Soldier Type: Star Archer (Excellent One-star)’

‘Skills: Charging Arrow, Triple Shot, Meteor’

‘Talent: Mind Arrow’

■Meteor: Burn your own energy, even mental power and will power, to shoot an arrow with much more lethal power and range than ordinary.’

‘This arrow will pierce through the stars..’

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