My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 614 A huge advantage for them

614 A huge advantage for them

The corium that Axel's grandfather had been poisoned with for years had left some traces and even though it had been completely eliminated from his system, all the extraordinary abilities that his grandfather possessed as the Supreme Alpha of his world had still not returned to what they had once been... At least they hadn't the last time they'd been there.

But since they had eliminated all the Werewolves with corrupted souls, and all the Alphas had finally recognized Axel as their undisputed leader, his family should have had no more problems and peace should have returned to their world.

But Kevin was right, they absolutely had to return to this world, and not just to visit his family but to get the answer from the Alphas of this world.

Last time, Axel and Kevin had shown them the threat hanging over their Universe and all the Alphas had already promised to take part in the war, but they had also told them that they would give all their best soldiers the choice of whether or not to take part in it, because after all, for those who decided to accompany them in this war, they were not sure if they would be able to come back alive.

The Werewolves were truly peerless fighters and as they were used to fighting together, for those who chose to take part in the war with them, all they would have to do was loot as many purple dungeons as possible to increase their level as much as they could before the War began, and that was why they had to go back, so that the Werewolves who wanted to join them could begin their intensive training.

After their dinner, Axel teleported them directly to the dimension reserved for Mages, since Miguel had given them a direct access to it for all of them to be able to go train whenever they wanted to, and after Willow was settled and had started her meditation to absorb as many particules as she could, Axel teleported them near an area where there were a lot of purple dungeons and since it was just the 2 of them they could really enjoy their time.

They didn't mind what kind of creatures they were to face and Axel chose only the strongest purple dungeons to loot as he too wanted to be able to enjoy it.

Kevin was looting them using his Stage 2 and this time he fought the creatures mainly using his spells and he even used few times the wonderful energy that his daughter had created.

And after he used it a few times, he gained more options to use it. He could simply conjured up a certain amout of the sacred fire energy that he could shape as he wished, or he could choose to conjure up directly small balls and again he could choose between conjuring up 1, 3 or 5 small balls of this sacred fire energy.

Of course he could use it only when his Stage 2 was activated otherwise it would consume too much of his Soul points but whenever he was using his Stage 2 his reserve of Soul force points was now at 42,000 points and since he was recovering 400 Soul force points per seconds, he could cast the spell that would use 5 small balls which required 40,000 Soul force points.

And the first time he used it, Axel pouted as these 5 small balls killed the dungeon boss and all his army in one go, not leaving even one creature alive for him.

So Axel forbade him from using the sacred fire energy because it wasn't fair and not really fun for him, and Kevin then agreed and told him that he would train this kind of spell only against the dummies that his father had.

They looted dungeons all night long and finally at 5 am after having earned a lot of Stats points they finally went to get their daughter and Axel after that teleported them back to their room to rest.

Kevin before falling asleep opened his System and the summary of what they earned tonight was displayed right away.


You have looted 7 purple dungeons and completed of the Optional Quests, here your rewards:

- Reward 1 : 450 Stats points

- Reward 2 : 3,200,000 gold coins

- Reward 3 : Legendary grade box × 9

- Reward 4?: Divine grade box × 2

Kevin was quite pleased with these rewards and he said to Axel: "While I'm sleeping, deal with the boxes for me. Keep whatever you want and give the rest to the Royal Palace treasury."

Axel nodded and after Kevin chose to distribute his Stats points evenly amongst his different Stats, his new basic Stats were then displayed in front of him.


Name : KEVIN

Race : Human

Level 200 (Max)

Class : Legendary Mage

Exp : Max

Strength : 1,030

Agility : 980

Stamina : 1,000

Soul force : 4,200 / 4,200

Perception : 1,020

HP : 50,000 / 50,000 (Max)

Recovery?: 40 HP / sec?; 400 Soul force points / sec

Kevin couldn't help but sighed because the difference between the max level of HP between humans and Gods was really huge, only 50,000 HP max for the humans while it was 250,000 for the Gods… And Titans were considered as Gods.

That's was a huge advantage for them and that was why only the Divine Shapeshifters or the Divine creatures would be allowed to join them for the war, as well as the fighters or the Mages of the Gods like Esme or Mykael who had Stats comparable to those of the Titans as they had been alive and trained for millenia, and that they were all Elite Soldiers.

Of course the Lan's were expection because they all had unique talent and anyways, when the time came, it would be Elias and Miguel who would decided who could participate or not in the war.

Axel then told him as Willow was already sleeping besides them: "Take some rest babe, we will probably leave in a few hours to Sora and Lena's world."

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