My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 598 Isn’t that a premature decision?

598 Isn't that a premature decision?

When she saw that he looked disappointed she told him: "Zak, don't forget, if you want to see me, just call me and I'll come right away, okay?"

Zak nodded but he was still hesitating to part with her, it was the first time that he was leaving his world and he would have liked if his Goddess could have come with them.

But then the desire to become stronger and worthy of her hit him hard like each time he was close to her and so he told her: "Don't worry, my Goddess, I'll work hard and I'll become a powerful Mage I promise, powerful enough to be able to protect you, you will see!"

Esme then caressed his face and she kissed his forehead as it was the only sign of affection she allowed herself to give him since Zak was still too young to remember their love, and so she told him: "Zak, Miguel is going to put you through a special training, you must promise me to listen to his advice and thanks to him, you will become far more powerful than anything you could have ever imagined, trust me."

The smile on Zak's face when she told him this news made her heart skip a beat and Zak kissed her hands again after promising her that he would do his best, and then he disappeared through the transdimensional portal that closed behind him.

Her personal guards then reappeared around her and she told them: "Prepare for War, in 20 days, the battle for our Universe will start."


Meanwhile, near the Royal Palace in human territory, Liam and Garry had given all the students a free afternoon so that they could organize the mandatory tests for the entry of the young Shapeshifters into the Sun Sect, and they had also asked students who wished to help them for assistance so that the tests and registrations could be done as quickly as possible.

Garry had also asked for a feast to be organized in the evening to celebrate the arrival of the young Shapeshifters among them, and fortunately their new buildings allowed them to welcome these 200 new students without any problems, according to the number Raven had given them.

As for the teachers, they had no choice and after helping to set up the tents in the largest training ground so that the tests could be done like usual, they divided up the roles with the students who had volunteered to give them a hand.

Chris, who was Irina's brother, had volunteered and Julian had asked him and Yelena to fill out registration forms with other students and then to send the Shapeshifters to them so that they could take their tests.

For the Shapeshifters who were fighters, after filling out their registration form, they only had one test to take which allowed them to measure their Chakra reserve to pass, and then they only had to present themselves to Douglas who provided them with a magic bag, their badge that proved they belonged to the Sun Sect, and their schedule.

The magic bag for the fighters contained 5 low and medium grade healing potions, a voucher so they could go and choose a weapon in their warehouse, and the greater their chakra reserve was, the more powerful the weapons they could choose, and finally there was a pass with the number of their individual room on it.

As for the Mages, they had to pass the same tests Kevin had had to pass to enter the Sun Sect and in their magic bag there was a cauldron, some books about alchemy and a book to learn spells depending on their levels.

There was also a large box that contained all the material needed to make potions, and there again this box depended of the level of the Mages.

Kevin and Axel had decided to pay for all the expenses today, whether it was the money for registration or the cost of what was in the magic bags, or the feast that Garry had organised to welcome the Shapeshifters.

The Shapeshifters had been neglected for too long and Axel and Kevin wanted to show them that things were going to change for them from now on.

Dilan had also taken care of reimbursing the Shapeshifters who had had their property seized by the former King and because not all the Shapeshifters would take this step to ask for any compensation, Kevin had asked Dilan to help the Shapeshifters to integrate into the rest of the population.

By helping them to find an accommodation or a shop if they wanted to open a business, and that all the expenses they would face in the first month of their settlement would be advanced by the royal treasury and that they could pay this money back little by little as soon as they could afford it.

All the Shapeshifters were either fighters or Mages, and as they were now allowed to loot purple dungeons, money would never be a problem for them again, so Kevin was just trying to make things easier for them while they were starting a new life here with them.

When the registration was over, some of the Shapeshifters had stayed to train on the training grounds and Chris and Yelena had joined them with the other students and some of the teachers.

Yelena continued to train with Iris and Helena whenever they had time to come and see her and in a very short time she had become a formidable fighter.

Thanks to the ease with which she was able to master her chakra reserve, Iris and Helena, who were both part of the first Warrior Spirits to appear, had taught her not only new fighting techniques, but also how to draw on the endless reserve of energy that was the Cradle of Magic and with which she was connected.

Julian then joined her and Chris, and he asked her: "Is it true that you'll be able to join Kevin and Axel to fight the Titans? Isn't that a premature decision?"

Yelena smiled at him and offered: "Professor Julian, how about a fight against me, so you can see for yourself that my training with these two fantastic Warriors has paid off... And don't forget that I've still got 20 days to improve."

Julian didn't hesitate for long and agreed, saying: "All right, let's have a friendly fight, but no aiming at vital points or endangering each other's lives, understand?"

Yelena smiled at him and said: "Of course Professor!"

She then turned to Chris and said: "Chris, look and admire, your new teacher is really not to be taken lightly."

Chris immediately blushed when Yelena said this and Julian then looked at him and asked: "Chris... Irina's brother right?"

Chris knew that Irina being his sister, and even his family's position which had once been an asset, was no longer an asset at all, so he simply nodded and Julian said feeling suddenly nervous: "I suppose my lessons must seem boring compared to the elite teachers you've been used to... However, I hope I can help you broaden your knowledge on spells, so feel free to come and see me if there's anything in particular you'd like to discuss with me."

Julian knew that it was Kevin who had asked Yelena to befriend Chris, since he was a friend of Nolan and he had helped Dilan's men to repel the Demons' assault on the border several times.

Julian, after having learned this, didn't really feel up to teaching someone like Chris, but Garry had told him that the reason he had chosen him to be a teacher, even though he was only 28, was precisely because he had a different vision of how to use the spiritual energy that surrounded us, and that this was what had convinced him that he would make an excellent teacher.

Chris bowed his head then and he said to Julian: "Professor, your lessons are really exciting, and totally different from what I've been used to... You're an excellent teacher and I can't wait to learn new spells from you."

It was Julian's turn to feel embarrassed so he said to him: "Well, Yelena's not wrong, you don't have to admire me but take a good look at the fight, and if you want to learn how to use the spiritual energy around us in this way, I'll be happy to teach you."

Chris smiled at him then and said: "Really?"

Julian smiled at him and just nodded before heading off to one end of the training ground.

Yelena had taken the opportunity to ask the instructors of the fighters who were still there for permission to fight and for them to be the judges, and all the Shapeshifters who had stayed to train then left the training ground to make way for them, intrigued to see a fighter fighting a Mage.

Iris and Helena then teleported just next to Chris who bowed his head to them and Iris then said to him patting his shoulder: "Yelena just warned us excitedly that she was going to figh against Julian, so we came to see that."

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