My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 590 There is no debt between us

590 There is no debt between us

Miguel had already explained to him that this white light was the combination of the 4 basic elements, water, wind, earth and fire as well as the element of light which allowed them to combine together and create this dazzling white aura, but Kevin was really curious to see what his System would tell him about it.

[Fire, Water, Earth and Wind element mixed with the Light element, level 10 spell: Blessing magic, many uses, requires 70,000 Soul force points to activate the observation skill, your Soul force reserve is insufficient to copy this spell]

Kevin got even more curious when he saw 'many uses', but unfortunately he had already used his Stage 3 earlier and he couldn't use it before another one hour, so he told them what his System said about this white light and Lena then said to him: "Let's try another time then, we will spend a lot of time together anyways in the next few days."

Kevin nodded and Nolan finally opened his eyes and he smiled after checking that he was well in his room and that Ashton was there as well as their friends and he said to them, kissing Willow little hand, which made her laugh: "Thank you so much, little princess, and thank you everyone, I could feel that my life and Ashton's were threatened but I couldn't do anything to help you."

Kevin then thanked Lena and Axel teleported them back in the Royal Palace of the Demons where Lena was just before coming to help them.

Ashton then explained everything to Nolan since Kevin came to pick up his daughter who had finally finished helping all their friends and he said to them: "Just rest now, even though you will feel well, what you have just been through was not nothing so don't train today and pass some time together, alright?"

Nolan looked at Kevin and he bowed his head saying: "Thank you, my King, for saving us, my family own you a lot, we won't forget."

Kevin nodded and he told him before teleporting them in front of Alan and Erik's royal suite: "Your family has always fought alongside the King, it is my honor to count all of you as my friends, there is no debt between us, rest now!"

Kevin, once in front of Alan and Erik's door, hesitated to knock... And if they didn't answer Ashton's calls just because they were both too busy, it wouldn't be the first time, but given that Nolan was unconscious, it still seemed odd to him that Alan hadn't answered.

Axel joined them and, sensing Kevin's hesitation, he said to him: "I'll knock, and if they don't answer I'll go in. Stay here with Willow just in case it's a false alarm, I wouldn't want her seeing things she's not supposed to."

Kevin smiled at him and said: "Okay, let's do it that way then!"

Axel knocked and when they heard nothing, Axel finally opened the door and went in.

Kevin was getting worried because he couldn't hear any suspicious noises and there didn't seem to be any movement in the room.

Axel suddenly called out to him and Kevin went in with Willow in his arms.

He almost swore again when he saw that Alan was still sleeping peacefully and that Erik was also asleep except that he had gotten up on their bed and had taken up a defensive position.

Kevin then said to Axel: "That's not good, for Erik's Warrior Spirit instincts to kick in like that he must really be exhausted, at least too exhausted to wake up when he heard you come into the room."

Axel nodded and said: "And that not all, did you see Alan? Although everything seems to be going well for him, he's extremely pale, and with Erik on guard we can't get near them to check if everything is ok with them."

Kevin then said: "I think we can, Erik is very familiar with our energies so he should be able to recognize them. He'll know then that he and especially Alan are safe and he should relax, the same way that the Warrior Spirits didn't try to attack Willow after Caleb deployed his aura."

Axel found this reasoning logical and so he activated his Divine Wolf, while Kevin activated his Stage 2… Again and deployed his aura in the room for Erik to be able to identify them.

It worked, and Erik ended up lying back down next to Alan, whom he took into his arms.

Axel then asked Kevin: "So what do we do now?"

Kevin said: "We keep our auras deployed to reassure Erik and we just check if they're OK."

Axel took Willow in his arms and cautiously approached Erik while Kevin went to check on Alan.

As Axel wasn't an expert in these matters, he let Willow check Erik's body and she told them: "It's fine, Erik's just exhausted but he's not in a coma, he'll soon recover on his own, there's nothing to worry about."

Kevin made the same diagnosis as Willow for Alan and he took the opportunity to make him drink a legendary grade healing potion as his energy reserve was still very low.

Then he gave Alan a remedy against mental fatigue and after that Alan had already regained some color and at least he didn't seem to be in pain anymore.

Axel then asked Kevin when he saw him giving Alan some potions to drink: "And for Erik?"

Kevin shook his head and said: "He's a Warrior Spirit, after a few hours of sleep he'll be fine, don't worry, we can go now and let them rest."

Axel with Kevin's help pulled the cover over them and then he teleported them to their own Royal Suite and said: "It's time for the both of you to rest too, a little nap won't do you any harm."

Kevin nodded, he had used a lot of his powers during the battle and afterwards he'd even activated his Stage 3 to be able to copy the sacred fire energy that Willow had created.

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