My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 581 Why are you making that face?

1.4+'px'}">581 Why are you making that face?

After 2 hours of hard work, Alan, Ian, Jordan, Atlas and Colin were finally done healing everyone, and although some of them were still unconscious, they were no longer in danger.

While Elias was organizing what should be done next, Miguel took the opportunity to make more of Ashton's remedy and then he forced all those who had been wounded to drink a remedy just to be sure that they would all be fine, especially those who were still unconscious.

Alan was exhausted and he had been able to hold on this long only because Erik had kept his Stage 2 activated for him to draw into his energy reserve and use his amazing power.

But as soon as all the wounded were heal, Erik joined him and since he had already asked for permission to leave, he teleported them right away into their room in the Royal Palace.

Alan as he let Erik take care of him, asked him worriedly: "Did you get any news from Nolan… How is he doing?"

Erik then said to him as he helped Alan undress before laying him down in their bed: "I asked Ashton about him but he just told me not to worry and that he was fine... Otherwise, he has no idea when your brother will wake up, but if Nolan hasn't woken up by this afternoon, he told me that he'd give him another of his remedies against mental fatigue."

Alan said to Erik, sensing that he was about to fall asleep: "Why did using his ability suddenly exhaust him so much? You've been training with him every evening so that he could master how to capture energy and condense it, so why is he unconscious, I don't understand?"

Erik then said, explaining to him: "The Divine Evil element is more powerful than the Divine Angelic element, it takes about 3 golden particles to destroy one black particle, so the effort Nolan had to produce to capture and condense the energy of the Divine Evil element is also proportional... It's already a miracle that he managed to condense that energy, your brother is more like you than I would have imagined, he's really very talented too."

Alan smiled at him and said: "It's a good thing Nolan has already found his soulmate, otherwise I'd never have let you train alone with him again."

Erik shook his head helplessly and said: "Nonsense... Rest now, I'll stay with you, don't worry."

Alan yawned and said before falling asleep, his head resting on Erik's shoulder: "Thank you sweetheart, you already knew I was going to ask you these questions so you asked them first to be able to reassure me... I love you so much Erik."

He added then in a whisper, kissing his neck at the same time: "Rest sweetheart, I can feel you're exhausted too."

Erik smiled when he saw that Alan had finally fallen asleep, and after checking that he didn't have a fever and that he was just sleeping peacefully, he kissed his forehead and he closed his eyes because Alan was right, even though he could now use his Stage 2 at will, using it for so long had exhausted him as well.


Back in the prison dimension, Elias had given his orders to his men and sent half of them to worlds where he knew there were Mages and fighters strong enough to take part in the battle against the Titans, Knights of Darkness, Demons and creatures of all kinds.

Training by looting the red dungeons had been put on hold for the time being, as recruiting as many allies as possible had become their top priority.

With the consent of Kevin, Axel, Ian and Liam, they had decided to settle all those who were willing to fight alongside them in their world, as it was an ideal place to train all those who wanted to take part in the upcoming war.

After the last group of Warrior Spirits had left the prison dimension, Elias finally joined Kevin, Axel and Miguel, who were already talking to Solomon, Sora and Atlas about Sora and Lena's home world and the mission they wanted to entrust to them.

Miguel was telling Kevin and Axel what Sora and Lena's home world was like and Kevin stopped him as soon as Miguel told him about the evil creatures that lived there such as skeletons, zombies, vampires, succubi, three-headed dogs and even more powerful creatures.

Kevin then looked at Axel and they both suddenly became very serious.

When Miguel and Elias saw the change in their expression, Elias immediately asked Kevin: "What's the matter, why are you making that face?"

Axel then told them: "Before you joined us and helped us get rid of Cassandra and Lilith's henchmen, in two dungeons we came across creatures that seemed to be under Lilith's control."

Kevin continued: "The first creatures were Vampires, and the leader of these Vampires clearly spoke of his Goddess and consumed a black pill that could only have been made by Lilith."

Axel saw their expressions darken so he continued: "The second creatures were Elementaries... And the dungeon boss that was a lightning Elementary could use lightning spells that were surrounded by black flames.

We also found a box hidden in a wall of the dungeon boss's room that contained black pills, and there was an impressive stockpile of weapons in that dungeon."

Elias then said: "There's a world where Elementaries live and when we visited it, there were no traces of humans or Gods there, so we never went back... but now that there's doubt, we'll have to send some men to check this world again."

Miguel then told him: "Let's leave Mykael to deal with it with Colin, and we'll ask them to take Ashton and Alan there, so they can both absorb a large amount of particles of the elements they need the most."

Elias nodded and Kevin then asked them: "What about Sora and Lena's world, could it be that it has fallen under Lilith's control?"

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