My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 579 Miraculously, we didn’t suffer any casualties

1.4+'px'}">579 Miraculously, we didn't suffer any casualties

Dilan joined them and while taking Phil's hand he asked him: "How are Alan and Kelan, they both told me they were fine, but they wouldn't have told me if they'd been hurt anyways... So?"

Phil then said, intertwining his fingers with his: "They're fine, they weren't hurt, don't worry. Elias and Miguel still need Alan to look after the wounded, and Kelan is going to give them a detailed report of everything he observed during the battle."

Ashton then told them, after making Nolan drink one of his remedies against mental fatigue: "Nolan's fine too, as Miguel has already told us, he just pushed his limits a little too hard for that last attack... I can't imagine how powerful this attack had to have been to put Nolan in this state."

Phil then said to them: "It was a condensed energy attack from the Divine Evil element, and no-one has any idea of how much damage his attack did, because we all had to retreat first.

But Atlas who was the one who launched it had his right hand completely eaten away by the black particles, so given his level of mastery of that element, I don't dare imagine how powerful that attack was either."

Ashton then looked at Dilan and he told him: "Nolan just needs to rest now, all his vital points are fine and..."

He looked at Phil and asked him, as it was something he couldn't check: "I suppose one of you has already checked that there were no black particles hidden in his body, right?"

Phil then smiled at him and said: "Of course, Ian and Jordan, who are more powerful than me and Blaise, checked for us that everything was fine."

Dilan then said to Ashton because he knew what he wanted to ask him: "You can take him to your room, just let us know if you need anything."

Dilan then help Phil to settle Nolan on Ashton's back and once they were alone, Dilan ask him: "How are you, did you get hurt? Did we lose someone during this battle?"

Phil then took him in his arms and said softly against his ear before answering his questions: "I missed you Dilan, I would have loved so much to have spent our first night together."

Dilan then placed his hands on either side of his face and after looking straight in his eyes, he kissed him passionately.

It didn't take Phil long to push Dilan against the wall and to press his body against his, and before he really lost control as he felt his Drakonit side already ready to sink its fangs once more into the vein pulsing at the base of Dilan's neck, he moved slightly away from him and said: "Miraculously, we didn't suffer any casualties, and thanks to Kelan and Caleb's initiative, 3 other Shapeshifters became Divine creatures, a Dragon, a Wolf and a Tiger."

Dilan in turn pushed him gently towards the sofa and once they sat down, he asked him: "Tell me, what happened? Were you in danger...? You just said miraculously?"

Phil then explained to him that the first wave of creatures had been easily eliminated and that it was then that Nolan had first succeeded in capturing and condensing the energy of the Divine Evil element.

He also told him that Alan had succeeded in creating a powerful spell that Kevin had copied and which was very effective against Legendary creatures, he even told him that this spell had helped them defeated the first wave of creatures.

Then he told him how his sons had fought by his side when, in the second wave of creatures, Drakonits that he had lived with in the world of the Titans had threatened his life and Blaise's, calling them traitors.

And he told him how extraordinary Kelan had been, wielding chains even more powerful than Kevin's and protecting them all.

He ended up by telling him that because so many Legendary creatures had joined the Knights of Darkness in the second wave, Kevin had been forced to summon dead Knights and dead Wizards to protect them all and that it was mainly thanks to his summoned creatures that no one had been killed.

Dilan was very proud of his boys and it didn't surprise him that they had fought alongside Phil, because this mark of the Union that united him and Phil had changed a lot of things for their family.

Suddenly Phil then told him: "There's something else Dilan, in the next few days I might have to go away for several days with Elias, Miguel, Ian, Liam and Blaise, we're going to ask the free Drakonits to fight by our side."

Dilan then smiled at him and he said: "That's fantastic Phil, you've always wanted to go and meet them in their world, and indeed, if the Drakonits could be our allies for this war, it would be an undeniable advantage for us."

Phil nodded, because Dilan was right, the Drakonits were not only powerful fighters, but they also had a very high regeneration ability and most of them could use the fire and Darkness element.

Then Phil admitted to him, very excited by this news: "I've always dreamed of being able to join them one day and pledge allegiance to their King so that I could stay and live with them... But in the end, I found a King I want to follow and serve loyally, and I found a world that gave me a family."

He then caressed Dilan's cheek and he said to him, looking straight in his eyes: "So now, I'm just curious to see what their world looks like and to meet them, but nothing I will discover over there will stop me for coming back to you, my only home, Dilan, can only be where you are."

Dilan felt touched by his words, and he knew how important it was for Blaise and Phil to meet these free Drakonits so he said to him: "When Elias or Miguel call you just go, we will be able to use transdimensional communication stones to talk to each other, so it's fine."

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