My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 213 - 213: 211: Learning to Fight Back (4) – Xin Zaozao, So Sweet!

Chapter 213 - 213: 211: Learning to Fight Back (4) – Xin Zaozao, So Sweet!

Translator: 549690339

At the Xin Group’s chairman’s office.

Xin Zaozao stared at Mu Cidian.

Mu Cidian addressed her as “Chairman”.

Even without any discernible tone, it somehow felt mocking.

She was silent for a few seconds, acknowledging that she had been too emotional. She knew that in order to truly run a conglomerate, one needs to remain objective and cool-headed, like Mu Cidian. Even if he despised her and wished her dead, he still came to see her.

She said, “You have 10 minutes.”

“Thank you,” Mu Cidian replied succinctly.

Xin Zaozao pursed her lips.

Mu Cidian was… weird today.

Even a tad incomprehensible.

Nie Feng had already stepped back at this moment.

Mu Cidian sat down in front of Xin Zaozao and started, “This is a collaboration proposal for the golf resort. This plan is different from the agreement I previously urged you to sign. That agreement was mostly full of binding clauses. The actual collaboration details are in this proposal. You can take your time to peruse it.”

Xin Zaozao furrowed her brows.

“Let me briefly explain a few key points,” Mu Cidian said, his tone cold but strangely serious, “Firstly, the original collaboration company, MRW, breached and withdrew their investment before the contract was signed. Without a formal contract, we cannot legally require them to compensate us. We have no choice but to swallow this loss. That was my oversight. Secondly, the current collaborator, Hengda Group; they mainly focus on promoting scenic spots, resorts, hotels, and so on. They do have some minor real estate deals, but they’re not big. However, because they’ve been focused on promoting in recent years, they have a large user base. If we collaborate with them, we can increase the exposure of our resort.”

As Xin Zaozao watched him, she thought he seemed to be explaining why he chose Hengda.

“Collaborating with them also has two benefits. Firstly, they’re just starting in real estate. If they can suddenly collaborate with a large conglomerate like ours, they will definitely pull all resources. We can leverage their resources to save a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources, making future profitability faster and more noticeable. The ultimate goal of any business is to maximize profits quickly! Moreover, due to the rise of the Internet, the Hengda Group has been growing rapidly in recent years. Originally, they were not well-known in Jin City, but they applied for an IPO at the beginning of this year. The current stock market value is not low. During our discussion, they assured that they can guarantee the absolute capital flow for this collaboration, reducing our own stress.”

Xin Zaozao lightly bit her lip.

For a brief moment, she was almost persuaded.

“With the Hengda Group, we can’t lose,” said Mu Cidian.

“And then?” Xin Zaozao asked skeptically.

Mu Cidian continued, “Board members of the golf project Liu Wudong, Zhan Ziwen, Yu Feng and others all have different scales of financing. You can see the specific projects involved in the last page of the contract. This was my earlier promise to them, promising them a share of the profits. The projects involving the board members currently cannot constitute business violations as none of the projects are named after them. It’S difficult to investigate and even if something was found, it could harm the reputation of the Group. I suggest you not to take this action under the current circumstances. However, you can conduct a clear tendering process for these projects when signing the final agreement with the Hengda Group, preventing them from coming in.”

Xin Zaozao just listened.

She wasn’t moved by Mu Cidian’s lengthy explanation.

What use was it to say all this?

She didn’t trust him at all.

She asked, “What’s in it for you?”

Undermining the board members who support him? Was he shooting himself in the foot?

Who would believe that?!

“No benefit,” Mu Cidian replied bluntly.

“You’d do it even if there’s no benefit?” Xin Zaozao responded, more sarcastic than before.

“I’m tired,” Mu Cidian suddenly stated.

Xin Zaozao furrowed her brow. Mu Cidian glanced at the time, “It’s been exactly ten minutes.”

Then he stood up and left her office.

Xin Zaozao watched Mu Cidian’s retreating figure.

She watched his back, watched it coldly.

What was Mu Cidian planning?

Why was he being so blunt with her? What was his goal?

She lowered her head and looked at the pink file on the table.

She pursed her lips.

Should she open it?

Should she believe the content within?

If she really did open it, she could be lead astray; it could cause her to lose her decision -making power!

Mu Cidian was definitely up to no good!

Mu Cidian left the Xin Group.

It was the end of the workday.

He got into the car.

His mother, Wan Quan, had come to pick him up.

Tonight, his mother wanted to go out for dinner and asked him to accompany her.

While watching him, Wan Quan instructed the driver and said, “People say it’S better to rest a bit after a tiring day rather than work late. You, however, are driving yourself to the brink. You have lost so much weight.”

“I’m fine.” Mu Cidian responded lightly.

Wan Quan sighed, “Are you still resentful about the shares I asked you to give me?”

“I know your personality better than anyone else. No matter what happens, you always keep it to yourself. I know you are resenting me.”

Mu Cidian turned his face to look out the window.

He didn’t really want to listen to his mother’s words.

From his childhood till now, he felt like he was living in her shadow, involuntarily doing many bad things under her endless teachings and influences.

His eyes flickered subtly.

What his mother said was quite accurate.

Even when he was emotionally out of control, he could maintain his composure.

“Cidian, you have to trust your mother. Everything I do is for you. You’ll understand in time.” She said helplessly, facing her son’s indifference.

Mu Cidian still did not respond.

The car ride was quiet. It stopped at a fancy western restaurant.

Mu Cidian followed his mother inside. With the enthusiastic hospitality of the waiters, they entered a private dining room.

The moment he pushed open the door.

Mu Cidian paused.

Several people were seated around a large round table, all of them were board members of Xin Group.

Mu Cidian’s expression changed slightly, but he still followed his mother inside.

“Madam, Cidian, you are finally here. We have been waiting anxiously for you.” Liu Wudong said warmly.

“I apologize for keeping you waiting. If it weren’t for Cidian being busy with his overtime work today and me asking him several times to finish, we would have come earlier.”

“Cidian is outstanding.” Another board member, Zhan Ziwen, said, “We have all seen his capabilities.

If Xin Group could have Cidian in charge, we would not be so worried as we are now.”

“You are over-praising.”

“Madam is being modest. Cidian’s performance in the group is exceptional. I have seen many capable people over the years, but very few can surpass Cidian. Not only is he intelligent, but he also works harder than everyone else. It’s just like the saying goes, ‘there’s always someone working harder than you.’ It’s really demoralizing to compare ourselves to him!” Yu Feng flattered them for good measure.

Having heard her son receive such high praise, Wan Quan felt a sense of pride and quickly said, “Although Cidian may not be as perfect as you all say, he is still better than Xin Zaozao. I initially did not want to get involved in the group’s affairs, but Xin Zaozao insists on making a fuss. We have no choice but to go along with her.”

“That ignorant and arrogant girl, Xin Zaozao.” Liu Wudong gritted his teeth, “She threatened me today. If I don’t take her down, I’ll never be able to quench my thirst for revenge.”

“Lucky for us, you succeeded. Didn’t Xin Zaozao give in? The board of directors meeting will be held tomorrow.” Wan Quan reassured him.

“All thanks to your excellent advice, Madam.” Liu Wudong excitedly said, “Without you reminding me, I wouldn’t have thought of using this method to threaten her. Xin Zaozao is a naive young girl who hasn’t seen much of the world. The moment she’s pressured, she becomes restless. She even said that she would need three years to allow Xin Group to develop further. I say even if I gave her ten years, she wouldn’t be able to do it! ”

“Three years? She has the audacity to claim she can stay in Xin Group for three years! I can’t even bear to wait three months!” Wan Quan said emphatically.

“Yes, yes, yes. I don’t even want to wait three days.” Liu Wudong agreed hastily.

“By the way,” Yu Feng asked, “I heard that Cidian transferred his shares to you. Does this mean he will lose his say in the group?”

“You need not worry about this. Cidian will retain his position. Without your consent, Xin Zaozao couldn’t simply dismiss Cidian. Think about it, everyone has witnessed Cidian’s capabilities through his years of working at the company. If Xin Zaozao dares to take such a step, wouldn’t she just be hurting herself? Would she still be able to command authority over the group?”

“That is true.” Yu Feng said, nodding.

“It would actually be awkward for me if I did not have any shares. Without them, my position at the company would be compromised and I would lose my voice.” Wan Quan explained.

“Madam has thought more thoroughly.” Yu Feng immediately flattered her.

“Today, I invited all of you here for dinner to get everyone on the same page. At tomorrow’s board of directors’ meeting, I’ll be attending. Rest assured, I’ll show Xin Zaozao her place. At that time, you all just need to support me. Once we take over Xin Group, we’ll all enjoy the fruits of success. I promise I won’t let you down.” Wan Quan raised her wine glass and proposed a toast.

“We’ll rely on Madam and Cidian in the future.” Everyone received the toast with polite remarks.

The atmosphere inside was excellent.

But Mu Cidian, throughout, remained aloof. He didn’t participate in the conversation.

The dinner didn’t last long, but Mu Cidian was getting impatient.

He stood up.

“Where are you going?” Wan Quan seized her son’s hand.

Mu Cidian said, “To the restroom.” Wan Quan let go of him.

Mu Cidian left the private dining room.

Wan Quan furrowed her brows.

The private dining room had a restroom. Why was he going out?

In truth, Mu Cidian just didn’t want to stay in the same room.

He asked a waiter for directions to the smoking area and walked through the beautifully adorned hall towards it.

He suddenly paused mid-step.

Off in the distance.

In a small corner, by a table near the floor-to-ceiling window, he saw Xin Zaozao.

He saw Xin Zaozao and Ji Baili sitting together, dining by candlelight.

The lighting wasn’t very bright, but in that moment, he spotted her immediately.

He was indifferent.

InditterentlY, he walked by them, but Xin zaozao did not notice mm.

She was seriously engrossed in placing the order.

Choosing the dishes for Ji Baili.

She asked, “What do you like to eat?”

“I like anything you order,” Ji Baili replied frankly.

Xin Zaozao blushed.

Every time she was with Ji Baili, he didn’t say much, but his words always made her heart flutter.

She said, “I like the premium steak with mushroom sauce, it’s a bit bland, so I’ll order the premium steak with black pepper sauce for you.”

“Alright,” Ji Baili said, “I now know you like the premium steak with mushroom sauce.”

Xin Zaozao was a bit embarrassed.

She hung her head, failing to make eye contact with Ji Baili.

She felt Ji Baili’s gaze was quite intense, it was a bit too much to handle.

Xin Zaozao then proceeded to order some side dishes, dessert for after the meal, and gave the menu to the waiter.

The waiter left respectfully.

Ji Baili asked, “Would you like a drink?”


And so, Ji Baili picked up the wine decanter and was about to pour wine for Xin Zaozao.

Because he had made a reservation for dinner, Ji Baili had asked the restaurant to prepare a bottle of wine.

Xin Zaozao quickly stood up and took the decanter from Ji Baili.

Ji Baili simply watched her.

“Let me take the initiative this time,” Xin Zaozao said.

Ji Baili really tried not to laugh.

But he couldn’t help but burst out laughing at this moment.

Being proactive doesn’t mean you have to pour your own drink.

This silly woman.

He said, “Please, sit. I’ll do it.”

Xin Zaozao looked at him.

“You being this proactive, where does that leave me room to act gentlemanly?”

“Oh,” Xin Zaozao obediently sat back down.

She was really such a good girl.

Ji Baili found himself becoming unexpectedly fond of Xin Zaozao.

This was, after all, merely a political marriage.

Although he didn’t have someone he was fond of before, he was indeed ‘betrayed’ by his elder brother in this situation. Wasn’t it his destiny as the adopted son to make the best of the situation and accept his life as it was? So, he could only abide by the wishes and arrangement of the eldest son and heir.

He’d originally thought they could just amicably coexist.

And yet, he regretted his initial thoughts.

He thought, I want to live a good, fulfilling life.

He poured a small amount of wine for Xin Zaozao and placed the glass in front of her, “You can only drink this much.”

“I can drink a lot,” Xin Zaozao said seriously.

Thanks to work-related social events, her alcohol tolerance had increased manifold.

As it turns out, a tolerance for alcohol really could be built up.

“So, you’re hoping to get me drunk?”

“No, no.” Xin Zaozao quickly shook her head. Ji Baili gave her a mischievous smile, “Men should not get drunk.” Xin Zaozao clearly didn’t understand.

Ji Baili didn’t explain but kept smiling, exceptionally handsome.

Truth be told, Ji Baili was quite a looker.

The genes of the Ji Family seemed to favor good looks.

The two of them chatted as the waiter served dinner.

The two of them quietly ate their meals.

Ji Baili asked, “Is the mushroom sauce good?” “Hmm, it’s not too spicy, I can’t handle spicy foods.”

“I see.”

They both fell quiet again.

“Is the mushroom sauce good?” Ji Baili suddenly asked again.

Xin Zaozao looked at him, puzzled.

Did one of them suffer memory loss?!

“It’s good.” Xin Zaozao replied.


After a while.

“Is the mushroom sauce good?” Ji Baili asked again. Xin Zaozao looked at him, more confused than ever.

Did she really have amnesia?

She asks, “Would you like to try some?”

Ji Baili, who seemed rather like a big boy, had a bright, joyful smile on his face.

He said, “Yes.”

Xin Zaozao cut a small piece of steak, dipped it in the mushroom sauce, and was about to place it on Ji Baili’s plate.

At that moment, Ji Baili had already opened his mouth.


Xin Zaozao brought her fork to Ji Baili’s mouth.

Ji Baili accepted the bite of steak.

Xin Zaozao looked somewhat shy.

Were they so close that they could share utensils?!

She blushed, her face turning red with embarrassment. As Ji Baili chewed the steak, he said, “Indeed, it’s delicious.” “Would you find it too bland?” Xin Zaozao asked.

A lot of people had told her the flavor was nondescript.

“Not at all, ” Ji Baili replied as he continued eating, “It’s quite sweet.”

“…” Xin Zaozao’s face grew even hotter.

Ji Baili really was an expert at romance.

This intensely passionate interaction took her completely by surprise.

From the smoking area of the Western restaurant, Mu Cidian stood watching their interaction through the large glass window.

He watched their intimacy.

His mind suddenly flashed back to their childhood, when Xin Zaozao was 10. He had bought her a beautiful lollipop, mainly to win her favor on his mother’s instructions, only to cruelly ditch her afterwards.

He remembered the delight in Xin Zaozao’s eyes when she saw the lollipop, and how he unwrapped it for her to eat.

“Is it good?” Mu Cidian asked her.

“It’s very sweet,” Xin Zaozao replied. After finishing, she held up the half-eaten lollipop to his mouth with her little hand, her rosy cheeks glowing, “Would you like a taste?”

She asked him.

He hesitated a little.

But her expectant gaze…

He wasn’t tenderness, he just wanted to taste it, just to see if it was really so delicious that it made her look so content.

So, he took a lick.

It was indeed sweet, incredibly sweet…

Much like Xin Zaozao used to be..

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