My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 186 - 186: 184 Deep Love of Ji Baijian (Part 10) with Conspiracies

Chapter 186 - 186: 184 Deep Love of Ji Baijian (Part 10) with Conspiracies

Translator: 549690339

Song Zhizhi was carried out of the hospital by Ji Baijian.

There were still many reporters in the garage. Ji Baijian let Luo Xiaolang block them and smoothly carried Song Zhizhi into the car.

“Master Ji, can you disclose how Chief Song is doing? Mrs. Song just mentioned a while ago that Chief

Song was improving. Is this true?” “Is he awake now?” “Will Chief Song wake up?”

Luo Xiaolang drove away.

Naturally, no one answered the reporters’ questions.

In the car.

Song Zhizhi was actually awake.

She opened her eyes and said, “Don’t go too far.”

“No, we really need to leave at this time, otherwise… she won’t take action.” “You mean there are spies around.” Song Zhizhi’s face changed slightly.

“Very likely. ”

Song Zhizhi nodded.

At this point, you must not be careless.

Thankfully, Ji Baijian was thoughtful.

“So, are you taking me home now?”

“We’re going to my house…but first, there might be an urgent matter to take care of.” Ji Baijian said. As he spoke, he pulled out a first aid kit from under the driver’s seat.

Song Zhizhi was surprised.

She had no idea she had this thing in her car!

But there was no time to ask at that moment.

All she saw was Ji Baijian tearing open his clothes. Through the dim street light outside the window, she saw a large wet patch on his abdomen.

It wasn’t water… it was blood.

“Ji Baijian…” Song Zhizhi couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Shh.” Ji Baijian put his finger to Song Zhizhi’s mouth, “Don’t shout, I won’t die.” “What on earth happened?” Song Zhizhi asked him anxiously.

What does he mean ‘he won’t die’? He won’t die, yet he is bleeding so much?

“Can you help me bandage it first? I only had a temporary treatment by Yin Qin this afternoon. It may have ripped a little.” Ji Baijian said, his voice revealing no signs of pain.

Song Zhizhi felt uncomfortable.

Thinking back, Yin Qin’s disgusted expression when seeing them being intimate this afternoon was because, she feared that Ji Baijian’s injuries were too severe.

She innocently thought Yin Qin was simply jealous.

Why does Ji Baijian always help her when she needs it most, while she is always unaware of his pain?

Just now, he carried her out of the hospital.

The exertion must have torn the wound.

Ji Baijian had already taken off his shirt by this moment.

Song Zhizhi couldn’t see clearly.

Ji Baijian took out a petite flashlight, handed it to Song Zhizhi, and focused the light so only the two of them could see.

Only then did Song Zhizhi see the large knife cut from his abdomen to his chest.

“It’s not deep.” Ji Baijian knew she was frightened and explained, “So it’s just a superficial wound, it will heal quickly.”

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

All the while, she kept up a brave face even when his injuries were so severe.

Ji Baijian, the man she detested.

Her eyes were red, she held back tears, and began to cleanse it with iodine. Once sure that the wound had stopped bleeding, she clumsily began to bandage him with gauze. Once he finished the treatment, Ji Baijian seemed to exhale a long sigh.

It must be painful.

It must be very painful, but throughout the process, he hadn’t let out a single groan.

At that moment, he just lay back on her shoulder. She could feel his warm breath at her ear as he adjusted his breathing.

“Luo Xiaolang, make a phone call to Yin Qin, the number is…” Ji Baijian said.

His tone was the same as ever, but at that moment he didn’t have the strength to pick up the phone.

Luo Xiaolang activated the Bluetooth and dialled the number Ji Baijian gave.

The call connected.

“Yin Qin, don’t oversleep tonight.” Ji Baijian said.

“I know.”

“If anything happens, you dare to go to the hospital first, I will notify you.”


Ji Baijian stopped talking and just leaned on Song Zhizhi’s shoulder.

His breath slowly became steady.

Slowly, it seemed to stabilize.

Song Zhizhi asked, “Can you tell me what happened now?”

Ji Baijian didn’t get up. He laid on Song Zhizhi’s shoulder. They were so close it looked intimate, but only Song Zhizhi knew that she dare not touch him, they were keeping a subtle distance.

Ji Baijian responded, curtly saying, “Liu Zizhong is dead.”

“What?” Song Zhizhi exclaimed.

But her body didn’t dare to move at all. She was afraid her movement would hurt Ji Baijian’s wound.

Ji Baijian explained, “I’ve confined Liu Zizhong in a fairly remote warehouse. Because I don’t know who’s pulling the strings behind the scenes, I’ve been extremely cautious, not daring to fully expose myself I’m afraid that if the situation gets exposed, the person behind could instantly start suspecting you from my identity. Regardless of whether they suspect us of kidnapping Liu Zizhong, without concrete proof, they can only theorize. As long as it’s speculation, Nie Wenzhi won’t stop. She won’t definitely think this incident is arranged by us, and then she will take risks, ready to die.”

Song Zhizhi nodded.

Ji Baijian was really thoughtful in his approach.

No matter how desperate Nie Wenzhi is, if she knew for sure that Liu Zizhong was kidnapped by them, no matter how distraught she is, she would bear with it. After all, since they’ve discovered there’s something wrong with Liu Zizhong, the chances she’S not suspected is almost zero. Hence, she’ll be patient and won’t act rashly. And this patience… who knows how many more years it will last.

Considering Nie Wenzhi has been with her father for over a decade, who knows how much longer she might decide to lay low!

And her, she can’t wait a minute longer.

She said, “Then why were you injured? Why is Liu Zizhong dead?”

“After Liu Zizhong disappeared, the mastermind behind was bound to search for him. Such a key figure as Liu Zizhong couldn’t just vanish without trace, so the mastermind has been investigating. And I didn’t expect their speed to be so fast; they found Liu Zizhong by what should be now yesteraay’s noon.”

Song Zhizhi frowned.

Who, who exactly could have such capability. Ji Baijian said, “They wanted to kill off all leads.”


“It’s hard to explain why, but from my basic inference, they thought that Liu Zizhong’s identity has been exposed, there’s no point in keeping him, and hence they wanted to remove him to prevent future threats.”

“So cruel? They killed him off directly without even fully confirming why Liu Zizhong was kidnapped?!” Song Zhizhi could hardly believe it, “What if, it’S just a normal kidnapping case, and has nothing to do with their mastermind?”

“They wouldn’t consider so much, they’re just that cruel.” Ji Baijian confirmed, “Besides, your father’s situation is already settled, there is likely not much use of Liu Zizhong. To them, they’d rather kill three thousand by mistake, than let one go!”

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

So… for her family to be alive now, it’s a miracle, right?


It’s because they are still useful.

If they’re not, they would die one by one just like in her past life.

“And naturally, I didn’t want Liu Zizhong dead.” Ji Baijian said, “Liu Zizhong knew a lot of things, but as to not let him realize who was behind it, I was worried that if we were exposed, and the mastermind found Liu Zizhong, they could figure out the cause of the incident after a question. As your father’s case hasn’t settled yet, we can’t act rashly. Or else, the mastermind will turn against the Song family, they will definitely not show mercy, and will not be as accurate as we predicted this time. Eventually, it leads to our passivity! Therefore, I didn’t ask Liu Zizhong anything he knew.” Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

“So, when I heard someone went to the warehouse, I rushed over immediately, with Yin Qin backing me up. I was wearing a black mask and changed my outfit, making sure no one could recognize me! I went to intercept, hoped to bring Liu Zizhong back, but I didn’t think they’d go to kill him directly instead of rescuing him. So when I tried to intervene, they had already killed Liu Zizhong. Since they wanted to kill off all the leads, and Liu Zizhong was indeed dead, there was no need to fight anymore. That moment I chose to retreat without hesitation. During the retreat, I got injured by one of the accomplices who came to kill. Fortunately, we had already prepared an escape route, so they didn’t catch up.”

Even though Ji Baijian described it lightly, Song Zhizhi was scared.

It mustn’t be as plain as Ji Baijian described.

Wei Ziming said, Ji Baijian was no ordinary person, Ji Baijian had extraordinary skills, Ji Baijian was very, very capable, even he could get so hurt by them, the people who came to kill Liu Zizhong, definitely were not simple.

“Was it the Corpse Organization again?” Song Zhizhi asked.

“Can’t confirm.” Ji Baijian said, “But it’S highly likely.”

“Why can they control the Corpse Organization so much? Is it really just because they have money? Did they buy them off?”

“This is something I’m suspecting too. But right now I can’t give you a definite answer, I will find out.”

“Alright.” Song Zhizhi nodded, she knew if Ji Baijian couldn’t confirm something, he wouldn’t lead her on.

Like whether Nie Wenzhi can hold back. Ji Baijian said it was a speculation, only something that’s a hundred percent certain, would make her act.

“So, you came to the hospital today, accompanied me all the way, acting as if you’re not injured, is it to make the mastermind not suspect you?” Song Zhizhi speculated.

“Yes.” Ji Baijian nodded, “In order to make the mastermind give up suspecting me, the first thing I did after escaping was to come to the hospital with Yin Qin, to let Nie Wenzhi know I’m fine. As expected, she would inform the person behind, and they would lessen their suspicion. They wouldn’t stop Nie Wenzhi from acting afterwards.” Song Zhizhi looked at Ji Baijian.

Ji Baijian had thought of everything.

She had been reincarnated for an extra life, living for 6 more years, yet she didn’t have Ji Baijian’s ability. She felt this was not just called a gap, but an absolute difference as wide as between heaven and earth.

She felt a bit upset in her heart.

Really, really upset.

Ji Baijian has really been risking his life to help her.

In the past, she thought what was between them was love, that they could love each other deeply, passionately til ‘the mountains crumble and the earth splits’.

But that’s just romantic feelings, pure emotions!

Not like Ji Baijian, recklessly risking his life!

Knowing the dangerous situation she was in, he could still violate the rules for her, risk his own life for her, and disregard his own safety for her!

Did she really deserve Ji Baijian doing all this for her?

At the very beginning, she was the one who approached him with an ulterior motive.

At the very beginning, Ji Baijian was forced to accept.

Song Zhizhi’s nose suddenly felt sour, and her eyes were a little red.

How should she repay him?

Just by offering herself to him?

She reached out and gently held Ji Baijian’s arm.

Ji Baijian’s cheek, which was resting on her shoulder, seemed to move slightly.

“Ji Baijian.” Song Zhizhi called his name.

“Yeah.” Ji Baijian responded.

He must be really weak, right?

Yet he still took the time to clarify everything she needed to know.

“In the future, how do you want me to treat you?” Song Zhizhi asked him.

With a very ordinary sentence.

Nothing melodramatic.

Her tone was also very insipid.

But at this moment, this was the most sincere, and most heartfelt confession in her life.

As long as Ji Baijian answers, she will surely agree, no matter what..

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