My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 134 - 134: 130 Survival (3) Astonishing Luo Xiaolang

Chapter 134 - 134: 130 Survival (3) Astonishing Luo Xiaolang

Translator: 549690339

The night was very dark, as was the sea.

Fortunately, the man who had followed them into the sea underwater seemed to have thought that they would surface to board a speedboat. When he came up for air and then dipped his head back down, he couldn’t see them. After all, visibility was quite low underwater.

Luo Xiaolang stealthily moved through the sea with Song Zhizhi.

There seemed to be bullets falling around them, and even more apparent were sounds of splashes, suggesting more people entering the water.

Some were lifesavers, and others naturally were not.

At a time like this, it was impossible to tell who was who.

Song Zhizhi was being pulled by Luo Xiaolang, unsure where he was taking her.

She actually wanted to get them back to the cruise ship.

The cruise was owned by the First Group, and it was unlikely they would want to kill her. She believed it would be safe there.

She tried to communicate her intention to Luo Xiaolang, but he offered no response and continued to proceed in an opposite direction from the ship.


They had been swimming for a long time and hadn’t run into anyone.

Certainly, it was expected that more people would have ended up in the water.

Song Zhizhi was consistently anxious.

Now, even more distressing, she was struggling to breathe.

She had never received professional training; she was unable to stay in the water for too long.

Song Zhizhi’s hold on Luo Xiaolang’s hand tightened.

Luo Xiaolang seemed to feel Song Zhizhi’s discomfort at that moment.

After looking around, he finally brought her to the water’s surface.

Once she reached the surface of the water, Song Zhizhi began to gasp for air desperately.

She had never craved air this much in her life.

She was panting, her entire body was struggling for breath.

Luo Xiaolang was calm, using this moment to merely catch his breath—a stark contrast to Song Zhizhi.

Once she had calmed down a bit, Song Zhizhi, still panting, spoke, “We should return to the cruise ship. It’s safer there.”

“We can’t go back,” Luo Xiaolang explained. “The red dot that was aimed at you on the speedboat came from the ship. I surveyed our surroundings, and besides the cruise, there are no other ships around.

The red dot laser that Just appeared IS used exclusively by snort-range weapons, so It couldn’t possibly be a sniper. The distance between the cruise ship and the speedboat was just right. This means that the person who wants to kill you is still on the ship.”

Song Zhizhi was taken aback.

She had always thought that apart from his fighting ability, Luo Xiaolang understood little else.

But at this moment, his analysis was thorough and precise, and due to her lack of knowledge of weaponry, she hadn’t even considered all that he had.

Luo Xiaolang continued, “We couldn’t go back earlier, and we certainly can’t now. There are many people under the cruise ship surface, and I don’t know if any of these people want to kill you. If you can assure me there are none, I will take you back.”

“How do you know there are a lot of people under the surface around the cruise?”

“I grew up in the Martial Art World. When I was an infant, I was raised by a pack of wolves. Even when martial arts masters took me from them, because the Martial Art World is located deep within the mountains, I spent a lot of time playing in the forest. I have sharper hearing than the average person. My masters say that I can hear and pay attention to ten times more than most.”

Song Zhizhi stared at Luo Xiaolang in shock.

So the reason they hadn’t bumped into anyone despite her clear feeling that many were in the water was because of Luo Xiaolang’s extraordinary perceptiveness, allowing them to safely swim in the sea.

Not only that, Song Zhizhi now realized that they have swam far away from the ship.

Luo Xiaolang, this woman who had been pulling her along, had been swimming at an incredible speed!

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