My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 34: Healing and killing

Chapter 34: Healing and killing

Yun Jhin entered his former room as he took a deep breath and opened his spatial bag, out of there he took all of the herbs he needed and mashed them together using his hands, as he cupped his hands together with the mashed herbs a purple flame appears in his hands. As the flame intensity increased a multitude of impurities were extracted from the herb mush.

Then he used the herb mush to clean his body, the soothing feeling of the hot herb mush immediately gave him a good feeling, his tense torn muscles started to mend and relax, his hidden injuries started to slowly heal, after he made sure he finished with his outer body, he took the mush of herbs and heated them again.

After he finished heating the herbs again, he took a cauldron out of his spatial bag and threw the herbs inside, then he put a lid on the cauldron and increased the heat from his flames, the heat of the flames was way higher than before as the herbs started to liquify in the cauldron, the liquid then started to harden in the form of a multicolored pill.

After a few hours of creating the pill, he finally stopped heating the cauldron. Opening the lid of the cauldron he looked inside and smiled as he took the pill in his hands, he then scribbled the pill with some little formation runes and inserted his ki in it. After he finished with everything he opened his mouth and ate the pill!

The pill dissolved into his stomach as a smile appeared on his face, all of his hidden injuries started to heal at extreme speed as he kept a cold expression on his face, after a few days of resting and letting all of the medicinal effects heal him fully he walked outside the headquarters of the dragon eating sect, then as he looked backward he let loose a barrage of flames that engulfed the headquarters and destroyed it!

There was no need for the headquarters to exist as the sect master was dead, Susang's body was still in there and it burnt to cinders along with the headquarters, Yun Jhin gave him a flame funeral.

He slowly started to walk towards the capital after he finished everything at the headquarters, the body snatcher knew that the crown prince would send for him sooner or later, so he decided to go by himself if he was lucky he might get appointed to the dragon stone retrieval team.

As Yun Jhin entered the capital he met with a guard which directly invited him to meet the crown prince, Yun Jhin shook his head inside, the crown prince was very previsible in his opinion.

Yun Jhin went directly to the imperial palace and met with the crown prince and the left minister again, the crown prince looked like he didn't sleep well for some days as there were dark bags under his eyes, he smiled faintly at Yun Jhin as he entered the room and he said:

"You are the last one who saw the dragon stone, might you tell me in which direction the one who stole it went?"

Yun Jhin knew the twins must have reported what he said to the crown prince by now but the crown prince wanted to see if I omitted anything or lied. Yun Jhin opened his mouth and said:

"I'm not sure your highness, they walked towards the docks of the city, they could have gone into the ocean, maybe that's where their sect is located?"

The crown prince's eyes widened as he looked the left minister and slowly said:

"Under the ocean? Yes, I see I see now!"

The crown prince always wondered how such a small kingdom like the Earth Kingdom could travel the sea to attack them in such a way, but with the help of the underwater sect, things would be way easier for them!

The crown prince kept a warm smile on his face as he looked at Yun Jhin and said:

"Thanks for the extra information Sisheng, I see why my second brother believed in you, fortunately, you made the right decision and sided with me, anyways my little sister asked for you and I wouldn't want to keep her waiting, you should go and meet her, afterward, come back because I have an important mission for you..."

The crown prince left the room and walked towards the imperial hall where the throne was then he disappeared from Yun Jhin's view, Yun Jhin frowned as he looked at the hall and said to himself:

"Formation behind the throne, I guess that's where the emperor is currently residing to heal himself... I cannot attack yet, I would need to be atleast at the 9th stage of the ki cultivating realm."

He shook his head as he went to talk with princess Mumu for a while then Yun Jhin left her alone, the princess felt very wronged as she wanted to give her body to him but Yun Jhin wasn't interested at all, after all, his true body was a caterpillar and his host's body was living undead, the only disadvantage of a living undead body would be its erectile dysfunction, however, Yun Jhin could have cared less about this weakness when he made the host's body eat the pill.

If Sun Sisheng soul was still alive he would have cried seeing how Yun Jhin handled his little brother.

Not long after he finished dealing with the princess he met with the left minister, the old man nodded at Yun Jhin as he said slowly:

"The crown prince is left attending some important matters with his imperial father, he told me to give you the mission instead, and it's going to be a very important one."

The older man had a strange glint in his eyes as he looked at Yun Jhin and opened his mouth again:

"Your file says that you have a very strong stealth technique, the crown prince told me that you should go and scout out the Heavenly Turtle's sect location if you do that you would gain unpreceded merit!"

Yun Jhin laughed inside as he heard the older man, they were sending him to death!

Even if he did find the Heavenly Turtle sect location there was a very high chance he could trigger a formation if he wasn't careful enough, after all, the sect had a formation master!

He was a formation master in his previous lives, even though he was one of the highest grades formation masters, it remained that a long time passed since he was last reincarnated, some formations would change forms in time and new formations would be birthed, thus he would have to take some time to reread and observe new formations in action before he could say he was up to date with all of the new formation information from this era.

He wasn't sure how much time passed since his last reincarnation but he thought that it must have been quite a long while as he didn't hear anything or read anything about the Blood Throne his former sect, they were one of the strongest Godly Sects out there of the evil alignment, everyone would tremble in front of their actions and reputation, they have done countless evil things under the guise of attaining eternal life.

Yun Jhin shook his head as he stopped thinking about these things, as long as he observed the formation of that formation master enough time he would be able to decipher it and make sure he wouldn't trigger it no matter what happened!

Yun Jhin nodded at the left minister and the man chuckled inside as he looked at Yun Jhin but he didn't let anything spill on his outside expression as he patted Yun Jhin's shoulder and said:

"You are a great general of our empire, I will make sure your deeds will be known by everyone in our empire when you come back with the information!"

Yun Jhin was ready to kill this old fart in front of him right here and then, but he was at the 7th level of the ki cultivating realm and he was also inside the imperial palace, it wasn't worth it.

Yun Jhin was then sent back to the city on the lizard mount, he wasn't given anything besides a communication stone and some reinvigoration pills. Yun Jhin looked around as he entered the dock city and met with the twins, the twins immediately bowed to him as they said:

"Moro and Toro are greeting lord Sisheng."

Yun Jhin waved at them and then he looked around as he retraced his steps and told the duo:

"You stay here and protect the city, I have a special mission from the crown prince, I have to go alone."

Moro and Toro nodded simultaneously and then went back to their jobs. Yun Jhin looked at their receding figures as he shook his head if it came to a deadly situation he would use the formation he planted into their bodies to extract all of their nutrients and ki to send them to his host's body, they weren't only poisonous formations, they were long-range transfer formations as well!

Yun Jhin jumped into the ocean as he started to swim back to the location where the dark-skinned man was teleported, he could trace the teleportation back to the location using the coordinates left behind by the formation ki, however for that he would need quite a lot of time and concentration, he didn't do that before because it would make the others suspicious if everyone was wiped out.

As Yun Jhin concentrated the underwater currents started to beat his body, he ignored them as they wouldn't do anything to his tempered undead body, light sparks started to appear around him that he traced using his soul willpower.

His soul willpower was quickly exhausting itself doing this, this was the power of the king realm that he was using at the ki cultivating realm!

Yun Jhin's face scrunched up as his sou willpower weakened but he continued using it to find the coordinates of the sect. Almost when his soul willpower emptied he finally found out the coordinates, it was quite a long way from him and he would need to swim for almost 2 months to get to it!

However his job was done, he knew where the sect was located, he wanted to go there himself but he lacked in materials and cultivation base to create a teleportation formation, he would need to go with the others from the empire, that way while the others fought their hearts out with the Heavenly Turtle sect, he could be the fisherman who would catch both the sandpiper and clam.

Yun Jhin started swimming out of the ocean at a slow speed as he recovered his soul willpower, he clutched the bead from the fairies sect then he opened his mouth and ate it!

The energy of the treasure directly entered into his soul and increase the speed of his soul willpower recovery, the treasure was useless for him and the only way to make a use for it was by extracting the soul liquid inside of it.

He breathed out as he finally swam out of the ocean and went back to the city, there he called the crown prince and told him the location of the Heavenly Turtle sect, the crown prince was at first perturbed that he location was found this fast but he decided to believe in Yun Jhin's words and he sent out his private squad full with elites!

He also sent out some aquatic mounts that could reduce the traveling time, when Yun Jhin said that he wanted to join the operation the crown prince told him that he was welcomed to join along with the twins, but inside the crown prince took them as cannon fodder that would help his elites to recover the dragon stone.

But Yun Jhin already had a plan in mind that would make him gain everything he needed from this journey, as long as the elites did as he guessed, he would fake his death and get his hands on the dragon stone as well!

After he became strong enough he would come back with the dragon stone and take over the Long Empire to fully enact the plan he concocted when he found out about the existence of the stone in question.

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