My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 98: This is your little aunt

Chapter 98

After leaving the Fu Family Villa, Ms. Bai Qianqian tried to arrange outings with Shi Li online, but Shi Li refused, using the excuse of needing to do homework at home.

After being rejected by Shi Li several times, Bai Qianqian rarely took the initiative to invite Shi Li out anymore.

It was unclear whether she had given up on Shi Li as a target or was thinking of a new approach.

To ensure her own safety while also looking out for Fu Huixing, Shi Li secretly warned him to be careful of Bai Qianqian.

Though speaking ill of someone behind their back could easily lead to misunderstandings about oneself being a gossip, for the sake of classmate Fu Huixing's kidneys, Shi Li felt compelled to say something.

Fu Huixing was indeed a decent person. When Shi Li reminded him to keep his distance from Bai Qianqian, he not only agreed with Shi Li's advice but returned the same suggestion to her. He said that keeping distance from strangers was the right idea, and although Bai Qianqian was Fu Zhanyang's girlfriend, no one really knew what kind of person she was, so it would be best for Shi Li not to go out shopping or dining with her.

Seeing his long message, Shi Li wanted to label him with a "discerning eye" tag. He was quite perceptive about people.

Of course, Shi Li had no intention of going out with Bai Qianqian. Did she think her life was too long, or that she possessed the ability to infinitely regenerate kidneys and wasn't afraid of them being harvested?

Since she had neither, she needed to protect herself, starting with refusing Bai Qianqian.

After rejecting Bai Qianqian twice in a row, a third of Shi Li's winter break had passed.

As the New Year approached, Huang Jie rarely went to the studio anymore. Shi Father's Company, however, was quite busy. He was working overtime and attending meetings every day, preparing for the holiday break during the New Year period.

Shi Father's Company had good employee benefits, with relatively long holiday periods compared to other companies. After a busy period, he returned home early to enjoy his New Year vacation.

Huang Jie and the housekeeper were shopping for New Year goods, while Shi Li and Shi's father decorated the house to create a festive atmosphere.

Shi's father was on a ladder hanging decorations, while Shi Li was busy handing things up to him from the ground.

Just then, the home phone rang, and Shi Li rushed to answer it.

After picking up the phone, she responded with a few "uh-huhs" before hanging up.

"Who was that? What's the matter?"

Shi Li told her father to come down from the ladder first, lest he get too excited upon hearing the phone conversation and fall off.

"Grandmother wants us to go to the Old Mansion for dinner tonight. She said Youngest Uncle Shi is back, and our family should have an early reunion dinner together to liven things up."

Sure enough, upon hearing that Youngest Uncle Shi had returned, Shi's father's brows furrowed tightly. In the end, he only snorted through his nose, "So he remembers to come back."

Huang Jie, who had just returned from shopping with the housekeeper, only caught her husband's words as she entered. She instinctively asked, "Who's back?"

Shi Li ran to the door to take the gift boxes from Huang Jie's hands, smiling as she said, "My youngest uncle is back. He should be at the Old Mansion now. Grandmother just called to invite us for dinner tonight."

"That's great news! Let's go, we must go."

Shi's father looked at his wife somewhat helplessly. After being married for over a decade, he understood her all too well: she just wanted to go and see the drama unfold.

Shi Li thought to herself, so this is why I like to eat melon (gossip) and join in on the excitement, it's because I take after my mother.

When Shi Li's family of three arrived at the Old Mansion, it was only afternoon.

Eldest Uncle Shi and Eldest Aunt Shi weren't home. Shi's Grandmother was sitting on the living room sofa, accompanied by a man and a woman. The man was Shi Li's Youngest Uncle Shi.

"Grandmother, I'm here!" Shi Li called out excitedly as soon as she entered.

Hearing her granddaughter's voice, Shi's Grandmother was very pleased. "Ah Li is here. Come in quickly. I've had Sister Cui prepare the sweet soup you love. Hurry and have a couple of sips to warm yourself up."

The person Shi's Grandmother called Sister Cui took the coats from the family of three, her voice full of smiles, "The soup is in the kitchen. Ah Li, go get it and bring some for your parents too."


The sweet soup was being kept warm in a clay pot, at a temperature not quite ready for immediate consumption.

Shi Li cupped the porcelain bowl in her hands to warm them, stirring the soup with a spoon, intending to cool it to a drinkable temperature quickly.

Shi's Grandmother looked kindly at her granddaughter, "Is it very cold outside? Your parents should have made you wear more clothes."

Shi Li looked at her grandmother somewhat helplessly, "Grandmother, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can dress myself."

"Oh, that's right. Then your parents should at least supervise you to wear more clothes. They're really not up to the task."

Shi Li wheedled with the old lady, "Grandmother, I'm in good health. I didn't feel cold at all."

Shi's father and Huang Jie were both exasperated. The old lady's favoritism was a bit too much.

Shortly after entering, Shi Li had greeted Youngest Uncle Shi who was sitting next to Shi's Grandmother, "It's been a long time, Youngest Uncle."

It truly had been a long time. Youngest Uncle Shi said somewhat dazedly, "After so many years, Ah Li has grown into a young lady."

Youngest Uncle Shi was four years younger than Shi's father, but he looked much older. He didn't look like Shi's father's younger brother, but more like an older brother.

Standing next to Eldest Uncle Shi, people might even guess wrong about which one was the elder brother.

From the changes in his face, it was evident that Youngest Uncle Shi hadn't had an easy time during the three years he'd been away from home.

Back then, he had insisted on divorcing Youngest Aunt Shi and marrying another woman.

Youngest Aunt Shi hadn't done anything wrong in their marriage. Although she had a bit of a temper sometimes, she was a good person overall and got along well with both her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law. There was nothing to fault her for.

As a daughter who had been pampered and spoiled by her family, it was normal for her to have a slight temper.

The family didn't agree with Youngest Uncle Shi's decision to divorce Youngest Aunt Shi, but he was adamant. Youngest Aunt Shi wasn't the type to cling on shamelessly. How could she bear being so despised by her husband? She resolutely agreed to the divorce.

The divorce that year was a messy affair, and Youngest Aunt Shi's family was very upset about it.

Moreover, Youngest Uncle Shi wanted to marry another woman who wasn't from a prestigious family, but rather an orphan with no parents who had been divorced before.

Even if this potential wife had come from an illustrious background, the Shi Family wouldn't have agreed, let alone with her complex personal history.

When the family refused to consent to their marriage, Youngest Uncle Shi simply cut ties with the family.

This incident made the Shi Family a laughingstock in their social circle for a while.

Over these three years, the family occasionally heard news about Youngest Uncle Shi, but this was only because Shi's Grandmother worried about her son and had people inquire about him.

As for the rest of the Shi Family, they didn't care about his news at all.

Eldest Uncle Shi was the family's authority figure. When Youngest Uncle Shi wanted to leave the family, he had said, "If you leave, don't come back."

He was a man of his word, and once he said Youngest Uncle Shi should never return home, it wasn't something easily changed.

Shi Li's impression of her youngest uncle came entirely from her parents.

Her parents didn't like him much, and neither did Shi Li.

Logically, since Eldest Uncle Shi had said he should never return home, and it wasn't a joke, even if Youngest Uncle Shi wanted to come back with a thick skin, Eldest Uncle Shi would have driven him out.

But this was because Shi's Grandmother worried about her son, and the Shi Family members didn't want the old lady to be concerned.

There was another more important reason: Youngest Uncle Shi had been in a car accident this year. He survived but lost a leg.

Seeing that he had nearly lost his life, the family members softened their hearts. If he wanted to come home, then let him come.

Originally, Youngest Uncle Shi had been raised at home as fair and clean, but after going out on his own for a few years, he had darkened considerably, and the wrinkles on his face had multiplied. He smiled somewhat sheepishly, having completely lost the dashing air he once had. "Ah Li, let me introduce you. This is Hong Yan. Call her Youngest Aunt."

Youngest Uncle Shi wasn't trying to introduce his wife to his niece, but rather introducing his wife to his second brother and sister-in-law through his niece.

He thought that if his niece called Hong Yan "Youngest Aunt," it would be equivalent to his second brother's family acknowledging Hong Yan as his wife.

Shi Li hadn't liked this woman in her previous life, and asking her to call her "Youngest Aunt" seemed a bit difficult.

Shi Li smiled and extended her right hand, palm up, in a gesture of asking for money. "Give me a name-changing fee first."

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