My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 43: The Milk Lady Says

Chapter 43

Therefore, when facing Shi Li, she always couldn't help but feel hostility.

When Shi Li suddenly became possessed and classmates could hear her thoughts, Gu Yuqing approached it with an attitude of watching for entertainment.

The class president knew Gu Yuqing didn't like Shi Li, and specifically sought her out to work on the issue, fearing she might accidentally reveal this to Shi Li.

But how could that be possible? Gu Yuqing couldn't wait for Shi Li to make a fool of herself, so how could she possibly warn Shi Li proactively?

After all, even many people who appear normal on the outside hide quite a few dark thoughts deep inside.

Ridiculous, how could she possibly tell Shi Li about this? This was a great opportunity to watch Shi Li make a fool of herself.

Indeed, through Shi Li's inner thoughts, Gu Yuqing saw many amusing things.

But they weren't about Shi Li herself. Rather, she got to hear all sorts of strange gossip because of Shi Li.

What surprised Gu Yuqing even more was that Shi Li, who appeared noble, cold, and goddess-like on the outside, was actually quite unhinged on the inside.

Gu Yuqing even doubted her own judgment, wondering if she had been blind before to consider Shi Li as her imaginary enemy.

Just thinking about it made her feel like she'd lost face.

After knowing Shi Li's inner thoughts, her hostility towards Shi Li gradually weakened.

But she couldn't say she liked her much. If she had liked Shi Li, she would have shamelessly pestered her for information about her sister long ago. Why wait until now?

When she heard that Shi Li wanted to help her find her sister, Gu Yuqing felt extremely ashamed.

In her heart, Shi Li became a super incredibly good person. From now on, if anyone said anything bad about Shi Li, they shouldn't blame her for turning against them.

Gu Yuqing and Gu's mother followed behind the three people in front, slowly strolling. By this time, Shi Li had long stopped thinking about Gu Yulan's current situation, but Gu Yuqing still didn't want to leave, afraid that Shi Li might reveal more information after she and her mother left.

It wasn't until near noon when Feng's Mother had to return to the villa for lunch.

Gu Yuqing couldn't continue following with her mother, so she had to give up. They returned to the small villa where her mother lived. After watching her mother finish lunch, she also said goodbye.

"Is there something at school? Why are you going back early this time?"

Gu Yuqing usually came to the nursing home every weekend to spend time with her mom.

Today was only Saturday, more than a day earlier than usual to go back, and Gu's mother was a bit reluctant to let her daughter leave.

Gu Yuqing casually made up an excuse, "Yes, it's my homeroom teacher's birthday celebration. Our class is planning to throw him a birthday party."

Gu Yuqing's homeroom teacher, who wasn't even thirty years old but was supposedly celebrating his longevity: Yes, yes, indeed.

He hadn't even met with this group of little brats in his class, and he'd already been saddled with two big black pots. First dying from a terminal illness, and now celebrating his longevity.

Since it was for the homeroom teacher's birthday, Gu's mother naturally couldn't stop her.

Before her daughter left, she advised, "Get along well with your classmates, and don't lose your temper. I think that classmate of yours just now seems like a good kid."

"Okay, mom. I can't keep you company this weekend, but I'll make it up next week." Hoping to bring her sister next weekend to make it up to you.

Gu Yuqing gently hugged her mother.

Gu's mother couldn't help but smile, "Silly child, there's no need to talk about making it up to mom."

After getting in the car, Gu Yuqing told the driver to go directly to the company.

On weekdays after school, Gu Yuqing would go home, and Gu's father would leave work on time to return home.

On weekends when Gu Yuqing went to the nursing home to accompany his wife, Gu's father would usually accompany them. Sometimes when there were matters at the company, Gu Yuqing would go to the nursing home alone while Gu's father worked overtime at the company.

Gu Yuqing was led to Gu's father's office by the secretary. Gu's father was surprised to see his daughter; by all accounts, she should have been at the nursing home at this time. How did she end up at the company?

It couldn't be that something had happened to her mother. If something had happened to his wife, his daughter could have simply called him, there was no need to make an extra trip.

Could it be that mother and daughter had an argument?

This had never happened before. His wife's mental state was unstable, and his daughter never dared to provoke her, so how could she dare to argue with her?

Gu's father waved for her to come in, and the secretary tactfully closed the door and left.

Gu's father sat side by side with his daughter on the sofa and asked gently, "Why did you leave your mother at the nursing home? Did something happen?"

Gu Yuqing brought out the excuse she had prepared beforehand, "Dad, I just had a dream. I dreamed of my great-grandmother."

Gu's father: ??? His daughter's eyes were red, her voice slightly choked up when she spoke, and this is what she had to say?

So you're making that expression because you were scared by your great-grandmother in your dream?

Besides, your great-grandmother passed away long ago. You never even met her. How do you know it was your great-grandmother?

Gu's father suddenly felt a mix of amusement and exasperation. Just a while ago, he thought his daughter had grown up and seemed like an adult.

But now she was saying such childish things.

Gu's father didn't speak, letting her continue.

Gu Yuqing's voice was uncontrollably choked up. This wasn't an act, but a genuine outpouring of emotion.

As an older sister, how could she not miss this younger sister who had been missing for many years? Now that the dawn of victory was in sight, and she would soon be able to find her sister, of course she couldn't control her urge to cry.

"Great-grandmother said that she found my sister. She's in a small fishing village in J Province, and her adoptive parents treat her very badly."

Just finishing this sentence, Gu Yuqing couldn't control her tears.

The missing younger daughter was an unmentionable scar for their family.

Hearing his elder daughter mention it now, Gu's father's hand trembled slightly as he picked up his tea cup.

Since the younger daughter's disappearance, they had used connections all over the country to search for the child, but the results were always disappointing.

Normal people would find the idea of a prophetic dream quite far-fetched.

But Gu's father was so desperate to find his child that he thought, what if it's true?

What if his missing child really was in that small fishing village? If he, as a parent, gave up, who else could find her?

Moreover, his elder daughter had also said that the younger daughter was not living well now, and Gu's father believed this point.

He often dreamed that his thin, small daughter was being abused, and he wanted to protect her but couldn't move.

His younger daughter would cry heart-wrenchingly, calling for her dad to save her. Gu's father would shout, asking where she was now, but the younger daughter wouldn't say. Just as the younger daughter was about to speak—

Gu's father carefully asked, "What else did your great-grandmother tell you in the dream?"

"Great-grandmother said that my sister's stepmother is a pearl diver, her stepfather is a fisherman, and her stepparents had their own child a few years ago."

From his eldest daughter's words, Gu's father realized that his younger daughter's current family situation was likely not a wealthy one. Having grown up as the child of a rich family, he had never experienced such poverty himself.

If he had to say, it wasn't that he had never encountered it at all—he had probably seen it depicted in various works of literature when he was young.

A poor family, and on top of that, a stepfather and stepmother who now had their own biological child—Gu's father could hardly imagine what his child would have to face.

Though his heart felt as if it were being cut by a knife, Gu's father calmly analyzed his younger daughter's current situation.

While J Province was a coastal province, truly coastal areas were not abundant.

Although there were many such villages, finding a thirteen-year-old girl wouldn't be easy. However, compared to searching for a needle in a haystack across the entire country as before, the search area had already narrowed considerably.

Gu Yuqing continued, "That small village has a custom of worshipping the Clam God at the ancestral hall on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, praying for favorable weather in the coming year."

She cleared her throat, "My great-grandmother said we should find experts from the cultural affairs department and ask them which areas might have these customs. That way, we can narrow down the search area even further."

This was originally Shi Li's idea, but now it had become the words of Gu Yuqing's great-grandmother.

So Gu Yuqing's great-grandmother was equivalent to Shi Li.

Shi Li: Thanks for the invisible promotion by three generations.

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