My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 35: Wedding Gossip

Chapter 35

He essentially meant that Qiao Shan was narrow-minded, and since you offended him today, you should be wary of his future retaliation.

Even without his reminder, Shi Li knew from her previous life that Qiao Shan wasn't a good person. Nevertheless, she still wanted to express her gratitude for his kind warning.

Shi Li was quite surprised that he would take the initiative to warn her. Previously, Fu Huixing had given Shi Li the impression of being a rather cold person. Only after these two interactions did she realize that he was actually warm-hearted beneath his cool exterior and enjoyed helping others.

Shi Li replied to him, [Thank you for the warning. I'm aware of this. A gentleman's revenge may take ten years, but a petty man's revenge lasts from dawn to dusk!]

After some time, when Fu Huixing saw Shi Li's message, he couldn't help but curl his lips into a smile when he read the latter two sentences.

When Shi Li returned home after school, Mrs. Huang Jie had already woken up from her nap.

While eating at the dinner table, Huang Jie mentioned, "The Lan Family Daughter is getting married this weekend. Do you have time?"

Remembering who the Lan Family Daughter was, Shi Li immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes."

[Even if she didn't have time, she would make time to go]

Her daughter wasn't usually the type to enjoy attending weddings. Every time, it was she and her daughter's father who had to drag her along, hoping she would socialize more.

This time, her daughter agreed so readily that it made Huang Jie feel a sense of unreality.

But Huang Jie didn't dare to ask too much, fearing Shi Li might change her mind.

She quickly responded, "Then Mom will help you pick out a couple of suitable outfits, and you can choose which one to wear on the day."

Though immersed in her studies, Shi Li had also inherited Huang Jie's penchant for vanity, enjoying makeup and dressing up. She didn't believe that beautifying oneself would affect her studies.

In this aspect, mother and daughter were in agreement.

December isn't an ideal month for weddings. The weather is too cold, and the choices for wedding types are limited, leaving only indoor weddings as an option.

The Lan family's rushed decision to marry off their daughter was due to their second daughter getting pregnant by her boyfriend. In a few months, it would be impossible to hide, so they chose to hastily arrange the wedding.

Huang Jie explained this to her daughter in the car on the way to the wedding.

Actually, Shi Li already knew about this without Huang Jie telling her. The wedding of the Lan family's second daughter had caused quite a stir.

In her previous life, Shi Li hadn't been cornered by hooligans in the alley. When the Lan family was marrying off their daughter, Huang Jie and Shi Li's father were still abroad. With her parents not at home, Shi Li, being a student, couldn't possibly attend the wedding on behalf of her parents. She hadn't gone to that wedding and only heard about it later through gossip.

The scene had been quite dramatic, and Shi Li deeply regretted not being able to witness it.

Now, she could see the live version.

The wedding venue had no shortage of sunflower seeds and refreshments; Shi Li didn't even need to prepare her own.

At the reception, Huang Jie took out the invitation and red envelope from her bag.

The bride's brother and sister-in-law stood by the main entrance to welcome guests. When they saw Huang Jie, they greeted her warmly.

"Mrs. Shi is here. Is this your daughter? She's so beautiful, even prettier than a celebrity."

The bride's sister-in-law extended her hand, "Mrs. Shi, please come with me."

Shi Li took a few extra glances at the bride's sister-in-law. She had chestnut-colored, slightly curled long hair, and a string of pearl necklace around her neck, looking appropriate for her sister-in-law's wedding without being too conspicuous.

Sensing Shi Li's gaze, she turned her head and smiled at Shi Li.

Shi Li returned the smile.

"Mrs. Shi, Miss Shi, these are your seats. If you need anything, just call me over."

A three-year-old girl wearing a princess ball gown hugged the bride's sister-in-law's leg at this moment. "Mommy"

"Youyou has changed into her little dress. Shall Mommy take Youyou to find Auntie? Do you remember what Mommy taught you at home?"

"I remember, give Auntie the rings."

"Ah, that's right. Shall Mommy take you to find Auntie?"


Xie Rou turned to Huang Jie and her daughter apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Shi. I need to take my daughter to my sister-in-law. If you need anything, please call my younger sister. She's not far from here."

Xie Rou pointed out where the Lan family's third daughter was seated.

Huang Jie: "Please, go ahead."

Shi Li and Mrs. Huang's seats were quite close to the front, with the groom's relatives sitting nearby.

She had heard before that the groom's background was ordinary.

Even though it was their son's wedding, it was entirely managed by the bride's side.

[Beer, soft drinks, mineral water, sunflower seeds, peanuts, eight-treasure porridge, sir, please lift your leg]

There were several of Shi Li's classmates at the scene. Hearing this voice, they knew that something big was about to happen.

[I came to the Lan family wedding with my parents, and I heard Shi Li's voice at the scene. Looks like something is going to happen today]

[Sister, you're here too!]

[I originally didn't want to come to the wedding, would rather stay at home and play games. My parents insisted on bringing me along, saying I should meet more people. I was reluctant, but when I heard Shi Li's voice, I knew I came to the right place today]

[So glad I came today]

The classmates who came to the scene exclaimed how fortunate they were, while the remaining half who could have come but chose to stay at home were almost crying.

[My mom asked if I wanted to come along, but I thought the wedding scene would be too noisy, so I went shopping with friends instead. Is it too late to go now?]

[Me too]


[I regret it now, deeply regret it]

Gao Yun, who was currently lurking online, also shed tears. Others still had a choice, but she was different. She had to tutor for two days over the weekend.

Her mother knew she had classes, so when she left in the morning, she didn't even ask for Gao Yun's opinion.

Gao Yun could already foresee that because of her busy coursework, she would miss out on many opportunities to witness drama in the future.

Just like today.

As the break between classes ended, the tutor urged Gao Yun to put down her phone and continue studying.

Gao Yun put down her phone, while her classmates in the group chat continued discussing.

[Could the brothers and sisters at the scene please take care of us poor souls who couldn't be there? Give us real-time updates on the situation]

[Please, family (hands pressed together)]


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