My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 115: Must Attend This Charity Gala

Chapter 115

Little Fatty was unaware of his uncle's investigation process.

Until one evening when his uncle's driver picked him up at the school gate, saying his uncle would take him out for a grand meal later.

In a quiet private room, Little Fatty's uncle served him food and casually asked, "How did you discover the affair between your aunt and Master Yuan Jing?"

Little Fatty was stunned: I don't know, I heard it from Shi Li. She said they would get together in the future. From his uncle's tone, could it be that his aunt and Master Yuan Jing were already involved?

Believe in Shi Li and live forever!

Shi Li is the greatest of all time!

Little Fatty couldn't claim to have discovered something he hadn't, so he only said, "What's going on between aunt and Master Yuan Jing? I often come to your house for meals, and, well, occasionally I see Master Yuan Jing. I just thought it wasn't quite proper for a single man and woman to be alone together. But that's my old-fashioned thinking. People nowadays don't think like that anymore. I hope you don't think I'm meddling."

Although Little Fatty was his own nephew and younger, his uncle didn't believe in keeping things from him just because of his age.

He told him everything, "Your guess isn't wrong. Your aunt and Yuan Jing are indeed..."

Little Fatty feigned surprise at the appropriate moment.

Little Fatty's uncle, being a man who had seen much in life, remained relatively calm, as if talking about someone else's affairs.

Little Fatty didn't know how to console his uncle. He could see his uncle was heartbroken as he poured quite a bit of alcohol down his throat.

As they were about to finish, Little Fatty's uncle, in his drunken state, implored him, "Fatty, uncle wants to ask you to keep this a secret. Don't let anyone else know besides you and me."

Little Fatty thought: This might be difficult, as everyone in our class already knows about this.

Little Fatty nodded firmly and uttered that timeless phrase, "Heaven knows, earth knows, you know, I know. Rest assured, I won't tell anyone."

His classmates learned about this through Shi Li, so it doesn't count as him telling.

Yes, that's right.

Little Fatty earnestly promised his uncle, and after saying goodbye, he reported the current progress in the group chat, then urged his teacher and classmates to help keep the secret.

This kind of thing is a bit embarrassing, and his uncle is a man who cares about face.

Little Fatty didn't know his uncle's future plans - whether he intended to divorce, or to drive Master Yuan Jing away and pretend nothing had happened, continuing to live with his aunt.

Regardless of what his uncle chose to do, Little Fatty would respect his decision.

However, before that, he still needed to protect his uncle's most valued asset - his reputation.

He repeatedly urged his classmates to keep the secret, emphasizing secrecy over and over again.

After this, things remained quiet on Little Fatty's uncle's end. There were no arguments with his wife, nor any rumors about divorcing her.

Little Fatty would occasionally speculate with his classmates in the group chat about his uncle's next move.

Little Fatty thought: There's no way around it. Seeing that his classmates were uncomfortable discussing it in front of those involved, they finally opened a small group chat to talk freely.

To avoid being excluded from the small group, Little Fatty became the topic leader, discussing the matter extensively in the main group chat. When his classmates spoke, they didn't feel restrained, so naturally, they didn't consider opening a separate small group.

Finally securing his position to stay in the loop, Little Fatty inwardly exclaimed, "That was close!"

As for Shi Li, who was excluded by everyone, she had no opportunity to be part of the gossip.

While her classmates were discussing the latest developments, Shi Li was stopped by Huang Jie, who asked if she wanted to attend a charity gala next weekend together.

"We can look for suitable jewelry there. Mom can buy it as your birthday gift for this year."

Shi Li was puzzled, "Mom, my birthday is still three months away."

Huang Jie: "Then it can be your Children's Day gift."

Who gives jewelry as a Children's Day gift? That's not very childlike at all.

Besides, Children's Day was still almost two months away.

Hearing her daughter's criticism, Huang Jie quickly changed her tune, "Then it'll be your Labor Day gift. My good girl has been studying hard for a year, so we should reward her well on Labor Day."

Shi Li had always been reluctant to attend such long and tedious events. Just as she was about to refuse, she heard Huang Jie mention the organizers of this charity gala and immediately agreed without hesitation.

Among the list of organizers, Xitai Investment and Runchi Technology particularly caught Shi Li's attention.

Since Xitai Investment was hosting, the company's president and his wife would surely be present.

But that wasn't what excited Shi Li the most. With Runchi Technology involved, Little Fatty's uncle would definitely attend, and lastly, there was Master Yuan Jing's name.

There are quite a few superstitious people in wealthy circles. Master Yuan Jing had been introduced to the circle by Little Fatty's uncle, who had introduced him to many rich people. In recent years, his reputation had grown, with many wealthy individuals and celebrities seeking his blessings and talismans.

Shi Li was quite curious to see what sparks would fly when the couple and the male mistress were all present at the same gala.

At this point, Shi Li didn't know that Little Fatty's uncle was already aware that Master Yuan Jing had interfered in his marriage, turning his hat green (a Chinese expression for being cheated on).

Otherwise, she would have been even more excited about this stimulating charity gala.

Thinking of Xu Xing, Shi Li said to Huang Jie, "Mom, why don't we bring Song Ying along that day? Let her see the world a bit, instead of staying at home facing Hong Yan's face."

Hong Yan and Youngest Uncle Shi weren't on the invitation list for the charity gala, and even if Hong Yan were eligible to go, she wouldn't bring Song Ying along.

Huang Jie and Little Fatty's aunt shared a similar attitude towards Hong Yan - utter disgust. Although Song Ying was Hong Yan's biological daughter, both of them felt sorry for her for having such a troublesome mother as Hong Yan.

Huang Jie agreed without hesitation. Regarding her daughter's closeness with outsiders, she felt a bit sour, "It's rare for you to like someone. Let's bring her along then. You can take her to a clothing store to buy a couple of appropriate cocktail dresses and teach her etiquette and manners. There will be many occasions where she'll need these skills in the future."

Shi Li had no objections, "Alright."

However, when Shi Li went to the old house the next day to take Song Ying shopping for clothes, she encountered a problem.

Hong Yan wouldn't allow Song Ying to attend the charity gala, "You've never been to such an occasion before. Don't go and embarrass yourself."

Youngest Uncle Shi tried to mediate, "There's always a first time for everything."

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