My Hubby Can't Stop Pampering Me

Chapter 310 - 311: Tears (4)

Chapter 310: Chapter 311: Tears (4)

Translator: 549690339

He lowered his head to take a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her. But Xue Feifei didn’t take it. She walked away, hanging her head low and subtly turning her body to one side.

Yu Sixing was stunned for a few seconds. By the time he came to his senses, Xue Feifei had already taken the elevator down, quickly disappearing into the bustle of the streets.

What on earth was all of this about? Was she trying to make amends? Because she felt so terrible due to his actions that she thought she needed to plead with him? Were her tears and bend-down a result of being oppressed by life’s hardships and fate?

The people inside, including Lu Weixi, were not aware of the scene outside. The wedding was carried out as per protocol, and the food was decent. However, the bridesmaids and groomsmen were not seen around, and Qin Weijia left halfway through the wedding, only to return just before it ended. Qin Zhimei, standing by her side, seemed to be in low spirits, as if she had been crying.

At one-thirty in the afternoon, the wedding came to an end. Until that moment, Lu Weixi hadn’t glanced at Bai Changyou, who was tucked away in the corner to the right.

As she left, people still flocked around Qin Zhiyou. Bai Changyou couldn’t find a chance to say a word to her.

When she reached the first floor, Qin Zhiyou still wondered whether Lu Weixi would tell him about the groundbreaking ceremony or at least ask him for a lift. That would give him a legitimate reason to accompany her, wouldn’t it?

To his surprise, Lu Weixi was engrossed in her phone since the moment they left the room, and once on the ground floor, she took a call immediately, “Master, I’m at the main entrance of XX Hotel, just come pick me up.”

She’d even called a cab already! And continued to sport a calm demeanor, “Zhiyou, I have a couple of things to deal with, you can go ahead, I’ll just catch a cab.”

Qin Zhiyou had a rather indifferent expression on his face, as if he hadn’t heard what she said. His car arrived just in time. With a swift movement, he slid into the back seat, slammed the door shut and ordered, “Drive.”

There were many witnesses to this scene as the wedding reception had just ended, inspiring discreet chatter. Lu Weixi, however, remained remarkably composed. Qin Zhisu, watching from afar, wanted to offer her a ride but was constrained. On one hand, the groundbreaking ceremony was about to start, and he had to be there as the principal architect. On the other hand, the presence of spectators made him hold back to avoid attracting undue attention. He thus sat in his car, waiting until Lu Weixi left safely before he could feel at ease to leave too.

Bai Changyou and Cai Yiren noticed, and both seemed to be headed towards her. But before they could even get within ten meters of Lu Weixi, her cab arrived. She got in promptly, and the car drove off. Only then did Qin Zhisu breathe a sigh of relief.

Cai Yiren, noticing Qin Zhisu’s waiting, turned around and asked, “Zhisu, are you going to President Liao’s later?”

Qin Zhisu nodded.

Cai Yiren smiled, “My father has also been invited. Rushuang and I are going too. I heard that the chosen interior designer will be there today. I want to check out who it is, so I can be more ambitious in the future.”

Without a response, Qin Zhisu started his car and drove off.

Lu Weixi was the first to arrive. Instead of reporting to President Liao, she first rendezvoused with the team from Lulu.

Xiaochen was attending such a grand event for the first time and was a little excited, “Not only will Simon White be there today, but many business tycoons will be present too. Look at that man over there, do you recognize him!?”

PS: I took medicine today and was knocked out for the entire day. Finally feeling better, so the draw will continue tomorrow. If you want a chance to win 666 book coins, leave three recommendations and three reviews, and sign up in the comments below this chapter..

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