Ch: 36 [Dracul]

Ch: 36 [Dracul]

The eroge points notification is pinging... I don't even know how much I earned. I will check later...

Cecil's tiny, slender body quivers with each touch. My finger is exploring her naked body. I run my fingers from her neck down her spine, stopping at her tailbone. She is trembling in my arms. Her neck is so close to my mouth. I can see the blood flowing through her veins. I lick her neck and smell her. Then, I cupped her ass. So soft...

Cecil didn't resist. She moans as I continue to massage her ass. I can smell the scent of her pussy. It's wet and dripping with juices.

So, this is the power of Dracul. If I want to, I can plunge my teeth into her neck and drink her pure blood. She won't even remember a thing. I will get even stronger than I am right now. My senses will improve without the Q&Q Skill. I am sure my body will evolve too.

It seems I managed to stay in control this time. This means the void or whatever that fuck was took over my mind back then. But this urge and Cecil's pure smell... It's near impossible to resist it.

I can hear her heartbeat. It's too fast. I look into her eyes... She is aroused.

"Cecil's... Why do you need money so much that you accepted my offer even though you are afraid?" I said as I stood up with Cecil in my arms.

Cecil looks a little surprised by the situation. She blinked for a couple of seconds and said, "Sir. Your eyes... They are red." 

"Does it bother you?" I asked with a smile. I see, so using Dracul makes my eyes shine red. Interesting.

Cecil shakes her head.

"So, will you answer my first question?" I asked.

I walked out of the stage area and went to the glass wall. I can see everything so clearly. The world looks so clear even in the dark night. I can even see those two girls playing with their dog in the building across the street. A mosquito just bit the girl on the left. A man on the street fell on his stomach. I can smell a strong scent of alcohol from him. I can hear the bartender downstairs flirting with a mature granny.

Things might seem chaotic from others' perspectives, but it feels good. I can see everything I want. I can hear everything I want. I can smell anything I want. Although my senses have improved by leaps, I am still in control. This means I must control my urge to drink blood.

This is my power, and I am in control...

"My drug addict father owed debts to some loan sharks. He failed to repay, so they took him. That was two years ago. Mom passed away that year from a brain stroke. Last week those loan sharks came back and told me to pay the debts. They gave me two months. They threatened to sell me overseas if I failed to pay. My friend introduced me to Madame Clara, and she offered me the job. I had no choice but to work here..." Cecil explained her situation.

"How much?" I inquired.

"1 million dollars. They said it's the added interest for two years. I know I can never earn that much and pay. I can't even go to the police because those people bribe them. When they took my father... I lodged a complaint, but the police did nothing. But when you told me you would give me that much money for a dance... I thought maybe... if I sell my body for a night, I might earn that much money and pay them," Cecil replied with a sad expression.

Cecil's hands are on her chest, hiding her boobs. I can see a little drop of tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Poor girl... I feel like I have done something wrong. Damn! Everyone has a story of their own, I guess.

Loan sharks. Those nasty bastards. Seeshh! How dare they threaten a beautiful petite girl like her? Her father took the debt, and the loan sharks took him. They probably sold his organs by now. So, that's the deal done and closed.

Now they dare threaten to take my virgin Cecil from me... She is mine. I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her. I will make sure those bastards pay with their life...

I put Cecil down.

"Do you know where those loan sharks live?" I asked. Someone is gonna die tonight.

"I don't know, but two of them are always lurking on the street around my house," answered Cecil.

"Well, my beautiful Cecil," I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Get dressed and take me to them. I will make sure that they never ever come back again." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Just like that?! You don't want to have sex with me?" asked Cecil. I can sense doubt in her tone. I see... She went through a lot alone. I guess it's hard for her to trust anyone anymore.

"Sorry if I went out of my boundaries back then. I do want to have sex with you, but not like this. Not when both of us will regret it, in the future, for giving our first to each other when there isn't any love. Moreover, this was my first lap dance, and you nailed it perfectly," I say with a little chuckle.

"Now, hurry up..." I said.



I opened the car's door like a gentleman. Cecil got in. I took the driver's seat... Let's go and hunt some bad people...

It took 30 minutes to reach Cecil's home. All credits go to my Ferrari 250. So swift like the wind, we covered hours of journey in just 30 minutes. She lives in a small rundown house in a slum area. I never knew there was a slum like this. Che! She had a hard life... It's 1000% worse than mine. And I was complaining like a moron over a girl and money.

So, this is life... I learned something valuable today...

"Where are they?" I asked.

Cecil points toward a man leaning on a light post and smoking, "There he is. I don't know where the other one went." She replied.

"One is enough," I turned the car back. I have to park this beauty somewhere safe. I saw a gas station around the corner. Let's park there.

I parked the car at the gas station.

"Stay in the car and lock it from the inside. I will be back. Yell *Dracul* If anyone tries to hurt you in my absence. Don't worry. No one will be able to break this beauty easily," I said and got out of the car.

"Please be careful," Cecil said. She looks concerned about my safety. That's good to know. I shook my head with a smile.

I touched the car, 'Q&Q. Increase the quality.' This should hold on if someone attacks in my absence.


I cracked my neck and fingers.

Phew!!! I took a deep breath. Time to test this new power. Let's start with speed... I crouched down on the ground and dashed off... Everything around me is standing still... Or I might be going too fast...

I can detect every living organism in the area. It's incredible... Freaking awesome... The street looks clear. I guess not many people go through this slum at night. Well, that's good news for me...

I am standing behind the man Cecil pointed to. Look at him. So weak and defenseless. It's so easy to kill him. It will take just a second to snap his neck. But breaking a branch won't kill the tree. I have to find its roots and tear them apart...

I appeared before him. The man stumbled back in shock.

"Who are you? Where did you come from, bastard?" The shady man took out a handgun from his back.

"I heard you give loans at low interest and deal in money. I got a proposal for you that will change your life. Wanna make a deal," I said with a smile.

"Who gave you that info? Tell me his name, or else I will shoot you dead, bastard," yelled the man pressing the handgun on my forehead.

"Fall on your knees, you lowly creature," I said angrily. Seeing that man pointing a gun at me made my blood boil for some reason.

Wtf is this red aura?

"You... You freak! What the fuck are you?" cries the man as the gun drops from his hand. His knees waver as he stumbles on the ground. He is shaking in fear. The red aura is coiling around his body like an invisible snake.



SUPPORT ME: /XcaliburXc

Ch: 37 [Define Life]

Ch: 38 [Weapon Master PT-1]

Ch: 39 [Weapon Master PT-2]

Ch: 40 [Undying Ninjas]

Ch: 41 [He who laughs]

Ch: 42 [Sudden Outburst]

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