My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 294: Old Stories

Chapter 294: Old Stories

"Do I look like someone who's sick?"

Qi Yuan was speechless.

The people in this world seemed to have an average IQ that was not very high, and they were also a bit shortsighted. With his looks, he clearly appeared smart, not like someone with a mental illness.

Yang Shan glanced at Qi Yuan and nodded seriously, "You do, and you don’t."

If he truly had a mental illness, how could he have such talent in martial arts? Yang Shan had only moved here a week ago, but he had witnessed Qi Yuan's progress with his own eyes. This speed, even compared to the martial arts prodigies he knew, was quite impressive.

"What do you think of the innate martial technique? Any insights?" Yang Shan changed the subject, getting back to the main topic. He had to admit, he held Qi Yuan in high regard, as if he saw a younger version of himself in him. Although, he himself was not yet forty.

Qi Yuan, hearing Yang Shan’s question, lowered his head in thought, recalling the scene from earlier.

Seeing this, Yang Shan smiled, "When I first saw an innate martial technique, I was also amazed, thinking it was something mystical, perhaps even a step into the extraordinary... But unfortunately..."

Yang Shan's voice carried a hint of nostalgia for the past. Innate martial techniques seemed mysterious, but under scientific scrutiny, they were just... that. Of course, they worked well to impress someone like Qi Yuan, who wasn't even a martial artist yet.

"The core of the innate martial technique... should be the bloodline?" Qi Yuan looked up, gazing at Yang Shan with a serious expression.

Yang Shan was taken aback, his heart suddenly pounding.

"How do you know that?"

An expression of disbelief appeared on his face. After his retirement, it was the first time he had been so caught off guard. Qi Yuan's response was just too unexpected.

Research on innate martial techniques had never ceased throughout history. Unfortunately, after so many years of research, there had been no conclusive results. On the contrary, various heresies and cults had emerged.

The current world's top martial artists had come together, spending huge sums of money, manpower, and force to uncover a small part of the mystery of innate martial techniques.

As a peak martial artist, Yang Shan had participated in the research on innate martial techniques. The latest research suggested that innate martial techniques might be related to blood.

To be honest, when he first heard this conclusion, Yang Shan was shocked. How could martial arts be related to something as unrelated as blood? At that time, even the peak martial artist community was shaken. Of course, this shock was limited to their small circle. This information had not been leaked to the public.

Qi Yuan was just an ordinary orphan of a martyr. There was no way he could know about this.

How could Qi Yuan know about this?

Yang Shan couldn't help but wonder.

"I saw it," Qi Yuan said casually.

"Saw it?" Yang Shan looked skeptical, not quite believing Qi Yuan's words.

"When you used your innate martial technique, your blood had a slight boiling effect," Qi Yuan smiled, "I have good eyesight; I'm not nearsighted."

"Slight boiling?" Yang Shan chewed on Qi Yuan's words. This slight boiling effect probably wasn't just the blood. When he used the 'Hong Lei Palm,' his whole body boiled, not just his blood. Why did Qi Yuan specifically mention the blood? Was it a coincidence... or was it talent? Many thoughts crossed his mind.

If it was a coincidence, that was fine. But if it was talent... then it was terrifying. It would mean Qi Yuan was exceptionally suited for martial arts. He might even have a chance to reach the pinnacle of martial arts and become one of the strongest in the martial arts world.

Although... it still wouldn't compare to those who had taken advanced gene drugs, but it would still be terrifying.

"Innate martial techniques are indeed performed by the boiling of blood reaching a certain frequency. It does have a bit of a connection to the extraordinary," Qi Yuan stated firmly. He had already figured out why martial arts were weak on Gongxing. It was because the bloodline was too diluted. For instance, when Yang Shan performed the 'Hong Lei Palm' earlier, the blood boiling was minimal.

"Do you know how to break through the limits of martial arts?" Qi Yuan asked Yang Shan.

"I don’t know. If I did, I wouldn't be here. But do you, someone who isn't even a martial artist, know?" Yang Shan became interested. He looked at Qi Yuan differently now. If earlier he thought Qi Yuan was just a talented prodigy, now he felt... something else.

"To break through the limits of martial arts, you need to recognize your ancestors," Qi Yuan earnestly shared his insight. "The martial arts on Gongxing might as well be called 'bloodline martial arts.' If your ancestor breaks through the martial arts limits and reaches a higher realm, then... your bloodline will also transcend, and your martial arts potential and strength will increase."

Yang Shan thought about it, furrowed his brows, and after a while, said, "I understand what you're saying... to some extent."

This theory had circulated in the peak martial artist circle before. It was believed that the ancient ones were stronger because of their pure bloodlines, while the modern ones were weaker due to the dilution of this certain bloodline. Of course, this was just a hypothesis and not a definitive conclusion.

"But I can't break through the martial artist's limits... let alone my ancestors. Even though I’d love to take it easy and let my ancestors work hard, that’s undoubtedly a fantasy!" Yang Shan replied seriously.

His father's martial arts talent was even worse than his own. Among the peak martial artists in the world, even the most hopeful ones wouldn't dare to claim they could break through the limits.

"Isn't that simple? You acknowledge me as your ancestor. When I break through, your bloodline might also transcend, breaking the martial arts limits!"

"Get lost!"

Yang Shan was furious.

Qi Yuan just chuckled, "It seems your determination to break the limits of martial arts isn’t strong enough. Anyway, I've gained some insights. I'll go back and hone my martial technique. Bye."

After saying this, Qi Yuan left immediately.

Watching Qi Yuan's retreating figure, Yang Shan’s gaze was deeply conflicted. "Could he really be a genius? No, he’s just sick! Even if I acknowledge him as my ancestor, even if he breaks through the martial arts limits, my bloodline wouldn't transcend because we’re not even related by blood!"

Yang Shan felt that Qi Yuan's logic had led him astray. Acknowledging a different ancestor wouldn't work. Moreover, was breaking through the martial arts limits so easy? Throughout history, countless extraordinarily talented martial artists had appeared, yet no one had ever broken the limits.

Thinking of something, he sent a message to an old friend.

"I met a true martial arts prodigy. His talent is far stronger than mine was when I was young!"

"Oh, such a promising talent. When are you planning to take him under your wing?" The reply came quickly.

"Forget about taking in a disciple. Let’s put the past grievances behind us; I don’t want to stir up trouble again." Yang Shan sent the message and continued with a voice message, "This martial arts prodigy saw me perform my innate martial technique once and deduced that... it might be related to the boiling of the bloodline."

"What? How does he know that? Is there really such a prodigy?" His friend’s voice cracked with excitement.

"Not only that, but he also pointed out a way to break through the martial arts limits. After thinking about it carefully, I believe... this path is feasible."

"Are you joking? Breaking through the martial arts limits, proposed by a newcomer? How is that possible!"

His friend’s voice was filled with disbelief. This kind of astonishment was akin to a college student developing nuclear fusion to transfer to a better university on Blue Star.

"It's theoretically feasible, but it needs verification. Would you like to verify it with me?" Yang Shan’s lips curled into a smile.

"How to verify?"

"You recognize me as your ancestor. If I break through the martial arts limits, your bloodline will also transcend." After so much buildup, Yang Shan finally revealed his proposal.

About a minute later, his friend sent a 60-second voice message.

Yang Shan didn’t click on it, but he knew it was filled with curses.

"It actually makes some sense. This was the suggestion from that young friend," Yang Shan shared today’s conversation with Qi Yuan with his friend.

"Even if it’s true, why should I recognize you as my ancestor instead of you recognizing me?"

"Because my martial arts talent is stronger than yours, and I have a better chance of breaking through the martial arts limits!" Yang Shan smiled brightly.

"Yes, your talent is stronger, your martial arts talent is higher than mine, and your talent for flirting is better too. You’re great at getting women into bed. As soon as you message a female friend, she’ll say she's going to bed and chat tomorrow."

"Screw you!" Yang Shan's face flushed, "It’s still better than you, who gave bad reviews to all the food delivery merchants and then confessed to Wang Yan."

Yang Shan's old friend was also quite a character in his youth. He had once crazily ordered takeout from nearby shops, immediately giving them bad reviews with a confession to Wang Yan in the review. This audacious move caused quite a stir in the school, and Wang Yan ended up in an awkward position socially.

Of course, Yang Shan knew that was a grudge his old friend had with Wang Yan in their youth. Now, it didn't seem like much.

"With less than three months left before the Martial Arts Tournament in Tianyue City, should I come and see this martial arts prodigy you're talking about? Even though what he said sounds a bit absurd, it does make some sense."

Playing around aside, when it came to breaking through the martial arts limits, his old friend was serious. After all, their group's existence was centered on breaking through these limits.

"Sure, I’ll introduce you to him when the time comes. Also, don’t think about taking him as a disciple; I don’t want him caught up in our circle."

"Why, are you afraid of the Guiran people?"

Yang Shan paused for a moment, "I'm not afraid; I just feel... disgusted."

The Guiran people were the dominant ethnic group in the country of Wugui. This country had a theocracy where the church leader was the true ruler. The conflict between the Guiran people and Qin Yuan had existed since the last century. It could be said that the Guiran people were the primary target of Gu Wu's attacks on Qin Yuan.

On Gongxing, Qin Yuan and Gu Wu were two global superpowers. In a way, the Guiran people were Gu Wu's mad dogs. They frequently initiated wars and massacres of civilians.

In the past, the group of peak martial artists that Yang Shan was part of received a directive to hunt down... a priest of the Guiran people. Due to the situational constraints, gene warriors could not be deployed, so the task fell to these peak martial artists.

At that time, Yang Shan and his group successfully killed the priest, but it completely infuriated the Guiran people. Guiran assassins and fanatical believers launched a series of frenzied suicide attacks against Yang Shan and his team. Yang Shan suffered severe injuries during that mission, leading to his decision to retire. However, the feud with the Guiran people persisted.

That's why he didn't want to drag Qi Yuan into it. After all, even if Qi Yuan broke through the martial arts limits, could he match the gene warriors of the Guiran people? It's worth noting that while Qin Yuan and Gu Wu might still put on a facade and talk about fairness, freedom, and democracy, Wugui didn’t even bother to pretend.

Their gene warriors were even more insane, causing greater harm to the human body, but evidently... they were also more powerful. That's why the gene warriors of the Guiran people were terrifying—they truly didn’t care about their lives.

"The Guiran people are indeed disgusting, but what can we do?" His friend laughed, a hint of helplessness in his voice. They were all adults; they knew the world's tune wouldn't change just because of their preferences. Even though Guiran still practiced slavery and treated human life as worthless, they still lived quite comfortably.

"The most disgusting thing is that the Holy Son of Wugui married the daughter of a general from Canxing!" Yang Shan mentioned, his eyes showing a rare flash of fear.

That was Canxing!

Canxing's technology was far more advanced than Gongxing’s. In fact, the technological development of Gongxing largely came from Canxing. Without Canxing's initial bloody suppression, Gongxing wouldn’t have experienced such rapid technological growth.

Yang Shan's grandfather died on a mission on Canxing. Regarding Canxing, he was both fearful and resentful. The alliance between Wugui and Canxing was one of the reasons they were so confident.

For the former enemy Canxing, today's global powers rarely promoted enmity or hatred but instead preached peaceful coexistence. Because of this, there were many rumors on Gongxing. The most widespread was that the upper echelons of Qin Yuan and Gu Wu had long been controlled by Canxing.

Of course, for Yang Shan, these were mere baseless speculations. The upper echelons were still the same.


"Innate martial technique..."

In his room, Qi Yuan was contemplating his innate martial technique.

"The innate martial technique most closely related to my bloodline would be the most suitable for me and also the most powerful."

Qi Yuan's eyes could see the gaps in information, and he was a powerful cultivator who had slain Yangshen (Sun God). His insight far surpassed that of ordinary people.

Even though he had only seen Yang Shan perform an innate martial technique once, his understanding of it had already surpassed everyone else's.

"So... the innate martial technique of the original bloodline of this body is the most suitable for me and the most powerful!"

Qi Yuan's eyes flashed with a sharp glint.

He stared at his blood as if seeing through the ancient past. He saw mutant sea creatures swimming in the sea. He saw a drop of blood fall from the sky.

Suddenly, his mind cleared, and everything became instantly clear.

"Exploding Bird Punch!"

Qi Yuan's eyes shone with brilliance. He continued to deduce, as if he had gained memories from his bloodline heritage. At that moment, his innate martial technique formed.

"This name... is so low-level."

Looking at the newly formed innate martial technique, Qi Yuan was somewhat speechless. The name of this martial technique lacked any sense of sophistication. It wasn’t even as good as the names he could come up with.

"It seems my ancestor had a low level of education and probably hated birds. Otherwise, why would an innate martial technique awaken with the name 'Exploding Bird Punch'?"

Qi Yuan shrugged.

He casually tried out the innate martial technique and then frowned.

"It's not just probable; he really hated birds."

This 'Exploding Bird Punch' looked more like a cat catching a sparrow—there wasn’t anything explosive about it.

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