My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 290: Ten Years Later, the World Has Changed

Chapter 290: Ten Years Later, the World Has Changed

On top of a tall building, a man in a black trench coat had a confident look in his eyes.
"With this shot, even a god would die."

As a sniper trained by the Black Crystal Count's family, the man in the black trench coat was full of confidence. His marksmanship was beyond doubt, and most importantly, the distance wasn't far. This single shot would be enough to kill the target.

Standing beside him was a young woman with an ordinary appearance. Her face showed an arrogant confidence as if she looked down upon the entire world.

"It's better if he's dead. Such a useless person doesn't even deserve to be my partner. It's better to kill him," she said.

The woman, named Wang Wei, was just an ordinary company employee. In the future, she would lose her job due to her lack of skills and ultimately be forced to become a nanny. Trapped in online loans, her temper became irritable. She became a nanny for a moderately wealthy family, specifically to care for a baby. Annoyed by the baby's crying, she often drugged the baby and mistreated it, which eventually led to the baby's death due to her negligence. She was subsequently arrested and imprisoned.

Originally, her life was filled with darkness and despair, but fate played a trick on her. The world reset, and she returned to ten years ago.

Back in her younger self's body, she considered herself the favored one of the world. Armed with memories of the past, she didn't immediately seek to cooperate with the Seven Martial Star families. Instead, she first collaborated with a local power, which turned out to be the Black Crystal Count's family.

Using her memories from the previous life, she successfully gained the trust of the Black Crystal Count family. She also knew that there was another person in Tianyue City who had also reset. Since this person was also from Tianyue City, she had a lot of information about him. She knew he would die a year later in the future. Therefore, she assumed that he probably didn't retain his memories of the world reset.

As a naturally selfish person, she believed that there should only be one resetter in Tianyue City—herself, the true chosen one.

Faced with Qi Yuan, she felt a murderous intent. The fewer special people like herself, the better. Moreover, Qi Yuan was going to die in a year anyway and didn't have ten years of memories, which made Wang Wei disdainful.

"Follow me, and in the future, you might even qualify to enter the Seven Martial Stars," Wang Wei said, painting a grand picture for the sniper.

Just then, the sniper in the black coat suddenly frowned, "What's going on? He's not dead!"

Through his scope, he saw that Qi Yuan had stepped out of the car, completely defying his expectations. This was the king of sniper rifles; he had personally seen it penetrate the car window. Even if Qi Yuan had worn a bulletproof vest, he should still be dead.

Wang Wei was also taken aback but quickly forced a smile, "It seems he's had a stroke of luck."

An unexpected development wasn't a big deal to her. She had prepared many plans to hunt down Qi Yuan. As for a stroke of luck... it was indeed just that.

At that moment, on the highway, a Dayun-brand heavy truck suddenly accelerated, making a screeching noise as it sped madly toward Qi Yuan. The heavy truck seemed to lose control, its speed suddenly increasing. Such a strong impact could even crush a small car, let alone an ordinary person.

The truck driver, wearing a plain outfit, had a crazed look in his eyes and a hint of pity in his smile as he looked at Qi Yuan.

In a nearby car, a male driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, his eyes filled with fear, "Oh no!"

He saw the large truck heading straight for Qi Yuan and instinctively closed his eyes. However, when he opened them again, the scene he had imagined didn't happen. Instead, the truck seemed to hit an invisible wall, flipping into the air before crashing back down in place.

The young man standing in front was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?"

"Call the police!"

Without hesitation, the male driver dialed emergency services. He quickly got out of his car to see what had happened.

Not far away, Kuang Huan stared at the overturned truck with wide eyes, "Is this... a human tank?"

Although he hadn't seen Qi Yuan make a move, the fact that the heavy truck flipped in place after accelerating defied all logic. If Qi Yuan had caused this, then in his mind, Qi Yuan was like a human tank.

At such strength, even at the border, he could easily wipe out a squad of gene-enhanced soldiers. Of course, that was assuming they didn't encounter any high-precision weapons.

At this moment, Wang Wei's smile froze on the rooftop. "What happened? The truck flipped?"

It was too far away for her to see clearly what had happened. She tried to contact the driver using a communicator, but there was only silence.

"Did he flip it over? Did he use high-quality gene serum?" Wang Wei's face showed a trace of panic.

"Impossible! High-quality gene serums are tightly regulated, and he doesn't have the qualifications to obtain one. It must have been an accident; the truck must have tipped over," the sniper in the black coat concluded.

Hearing this, Wang Wei breathed a sigh of relief. She also reflected that her performance just now was not very good. As a chosen one, she should have the psychological quality to remain calm even when mountains crumble in front of her.

"Where is he?" Wang Wei asked, holding her binoculars and looking at the overturned truck, but she couldn't spot Qi Yuan anywhere.

"He... should have escaped amidst the chaos. It's okay; I'll report this to the higher-ups. He won't get away in Tianyue City," the sniper in the black coat said, picking up the communicator to communicate with other members of the Black Crystal family.

Wang Wei watched the truck and a smile appeared on her face, "I guess he's just lucky."

She vaguely felt that perhaps the other party was a resetter like her, favored by the destiny of the world, making it hard to kill. The thought of this made her feel both pleased and troubled.

"But he's just a half-resetter; how could he escape my grasp?" With this thought, Wang Wei regained her confidence.

After a few moments, the sniper in the black coat spoke, his face showing some frustration, "Miss Wang Wei, Zhao Zhiqi has ordered us to return immediately and give him an explanation."

The Black Crystal Count family wasn't monolithic, nor did everyone support cooperation with Wang Wei. Zhao Zhiqi represented another faction and had always been wary of Wang Wei. This assassination attempt had been planned behind Zhao Zhiqi's back. Now that the operation had started, Zhao Zhiqi found out and berated the sniper over the phone.

"Hmph, looks like he's getting senile," a hint of killing intent flashed in Wang Wei's eyes, "Ignore him. The Black Crystal family isn't run by him now."

Wang Wei had long been dissatisfied with Zhao Zhiqi. She had planned to eliminate Zhao Zhiqi after achieving her goals with the Black Crystal family's help.

Upon receiving Wang Wei's order, the sniper nodded.

"I'll issue the order to the police station to summon Qi Yuan for questioning," he said.

The law was a tool for the ruling class, and as for maintaining order... they were just the lapdogs of the nobles. This world had not eliminated class differences with the advancement of technology and civilization; it had, in fact, solidified them further.

Hearing the sniper's plan, Wang Wei's self-satisfaction grew even stronger.
There was a time when nobles and guards seemed as dangerous as tigers and scorpions in her eyes, but now they were just pawns.

The feeling of controlling other people's fates was exhilarating.

"Alright, we should head back and wait for..." Wang Wei's voice suddenly stopped because, directly in front of her, a familiar figure appeared.

Her heart skipped a beat but then quickly calmed down. She began clapping her hands as if applauding, "Interesting, you actually found your way here. Could it be that there's a traitor on my side who tipped off Zhao Zhiqi, who then informed you?"

At this moment, Wang Wei's mind was racing, quickly deducing the most likely scenario. If not for this, how could a loser like Qi Yuan, a half-resetter, find this place and have the nerve to confront her?

"It seems you've already connected with Zhao Zhiqi and even obtained high-quality gene serum," Wang Wei said, her mind at ease as if everything was under her control.

Qi Yuan looked at Wang Wei with an inexplicable expression in his eyes, "Are you sick? Did you send people to kill me?"

"Why do I need a reason to kill you?" Wang Wei replied confidently.

"Oh, you're a pretentious woman?" Qi Yuan was taken aback.

The woman in front of him was not only average-looking but also incredibly arrogant.

Unperturbed by Qi Yuan's words, Wang Wei continued, "As a half-kindred spirit, I'll let you die knowing why. I'm going to kill you... because I am a resetter!"

"Does being a resetter give you the right to kill people? Does being a resetter mean you can ignore the law?" Qi Yuan was furious. Why are there always chaotic and evil people in this world? If everyone in the world were as lawful and good as he was, the world would be a beautiful place. If there were grudges, people would at most take revenge without involving the innocent.

“It seems you only have memories of a year. You have no idea what the future holds!” Wang Wei’s eyes filled with anticipation and a hint of madness.

“What the future is like has nothing to do with you because... you have no future,” Qi Yuan decided to eliminate this chaotic evil person. This kind of behavior—shooting someone in broad daylight—was unacceptable. And attempting to murder a lawful and good citizen like himself was even more intolerable.

“Did you gain confidence from the high-grade gene serum? You have no idea what you’re up against!” Wang Wei’s expression grew fierce.

“But do you know… what you’re up against?” Qi Yuan’s face became serious, his whole demeanor suddenly exuding a profound aura.

Wang Wei was taken aback and instinctively asked, “What am I up against?”

“Of course, someone with a certificate of mental illness pretending to be insane!” At that moment, Qi Yuan took out a certificate of mental illness, showing it off to Wang Wei as if it were a precious treasure.

“With this certificate, even if I kill you, I bear no legal responsibility,” Qi Yuan said confidently, his eyes glinting with killing intent. “Now… I can kill you as I please.”

“You… haha, you’re really insane.” Wang Wei looked at Qi Yuan and couldn’t help but laugh. “You have no idea what the future world will be like! To die by my hand will be the greatest honor of your life!”

She held a blood-red bead in her hand, a twisted smile spreading across her face. As she revealed the bead, her eyes filled with an almost fanatical admiration. The sniper beside her looked terrified, clearly afraid of the bead.

“It will be your nightmare!” Wang Wei laughed triumphantly.

In ten years, the world would undergo tremendous changes. The biggest change would occur five years from now, when several spatial rifts would appear on Earth, connecting to the legendary immortal world!

It was said that immortals were immensely powerful, capable of slicing tanks in half with a single sword. Even the most advanced gene warriors couldn’t last more than a few rounds against them. The most powerful weapon of immortals was said to be their various magic treasures—mysterious and unpredictable, impossible to guard against!

The red bead in Wang Wei’s hand was one such leftover immortal artifact.

Leveraging her knowledge of the past, Wang Wei had claimed this artifact and managed to activate it. This was her greatest weapon, aside from her memories of the next ten years.

Holding the red bead, Wang Wei felt as if she herself had become an immortal—lofty and invincible, overlooking the world.

“Too bad, this frog in a well has no idea what he’s up against!”

She looked at Qi Yuan, her face filled with disdain and a hint of pity.

“This is your trump card?” Qi Yuan looked at Wang Wei, somewhat exasperated. “A mid-level Qi Refining artifact, and you consider it a treasure?”

He raised his hand and casually waved it.

Instantly, the supposedly indestructible red bead shattered into a mist.

A wisp of spiritual energy floated in the air, and Qi Yuan took a deep breath. “The spiritual energy in this isn’t even as much as I get from a single hiccup… though, I don’t hiccup.”

The smile froze on Wang Wei’s face. She couldn’t believe that her so-called “Seeking Luo Curse Pearl” had just shattered like that! “You… how do you know about spiritual energy? Weren’t you supposed to die a year from now?”

Five years later, when the spatial rifts appeared, the legends of the immortal path began to slowly surface in this world. Due to interference from a foreign star system, the arrival of the immortal path was slow and difficult. But Wang Wei distinctly remembered that a year from now, the immortal path hadn’t yet made its appearance in the world!

How could Qi Yuan know about spiritual energy and shatter her artifact so easily? Even ten years from now, this kind of immortal artifact would still be formidable to those top talents who had embraced the immortal path.

“Do you want to know? Too bad, I have a certificate of mental illness, so I don’t need to explain anything to a dead person!” Qi Yuan said, preparing to finish Wang Wei off.

At that moment, gunshots rang out. The sniper, who had remained silent until now, finally saw his chance to fire. Unfortunately for him, his efforts were in vain.

“Oh no, you missed and blew her head off,” Qi Yuan remarked casually.

The arrogant Wang Wei couldn’t laugh anymore. Her head exploded like a watermelon, splattering in all directions.

Such a scene would make an average person feel physically ill and vomit. Qi Yuan, however, only smiled brightly as he turned his gaze toward the sniper.

The sniper’s eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn’t understand what had just happened. He was sure he had aimed at Qi Yuan. How could he have missed at such close range? He felt like everything he knew was turned upside down.

Then a snap echoed.

The sniper’s consciousness faded as he slumped to the ground, lifeless.

“Good thing I have a certificate of mental illness; otherwise, killing three people would have been against the law,” Qi Yuan muttered.

He looked down at Wang Wei's corpse, his gaze deep and thoughtful. He sensed a subtle change deep within himself, a faint shift in his connection to this world, as if it had deepened.

"Is this... like raising a gu?" Qi Yuan wondered.

In an instant, he imagined a scenario involving a poisonous insect game—a cultivation of resetters pitted against each other until only one remained, who would then receive a grand reward. After killing Wang Wei, Qi Yuan felt that his own “fortune” had increased slightly.

“Is this orchestrated… or a coincidence?”

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