My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 660: Talking Behind Someones Back Should Be Done in Private!

Chapter 660: Talking Behind Someones Back Should Be Done in Private!

Following Shen Le’s navigation records, Ling Mo and the others left Dongming and walked for a while before entering a relatively hidden route.

This road had been replaced by a highway in the past. Although it wasn’t officially abandoned, the traffic was relatively sparse, which meant fewer zombies.

To Ling Mo’s pleasant surprise, the road had actually been cleared.

The few abandoned vehicles had been pushed to the side, revealing a winding but unobstructed path.

This was no small feat. Even for survivors, let alone those with superpowers, this would have been a strenuous task.

However, considering they had the Number 1 experimental subject with them, most of the heavy lifting was likely done by that monster.

Judging by the marks on the ground, some zombies had been killed here as well.

The corpses of these zombies had attracted another batch of zombies.

These zombies were now slowly moving along the road, eyes looking forward, occasionally glancing around in search of potential prey.

Just having the road cleared didn’t mean much to Ling Mo and the others.

But as they wandered along the roadside, Ling Mo unexpectedly found an off-road vehicle that was not only fully fueled but also stocked with some food.

There was no doubt that this vehicle belonged to the members of the Niepan headquarters. In the cramped space at the back of the off-road vehicle, there was a rectangular iron cage, likely used to hold Number 1.

The bars of the cage bore many signs of being struck, suggesting that Number 1 had struggled and been beaten frequently.

As Ling Mo stared at the cage, an image of Xu Shuhan crouching inside involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Through the iron bars, he saw her red eyes, disheveled hair, and slightly open collar…

“Wait, why am I thinking about this…”

Ling Mo quickly shook his head. When he looked at Xu Shuhan, she suddenly seemed to sense something, grabbing Xia Na’s arm and hiding behind her.

“Uh…” Ling Mo felt an immediate wave of awkwardness.

Before getting into the off-road vehicle, Ling Mo glanced back over his shoulder.

Although he couldn’t see them with the naked eye, Ling Mo was well aware that Yu Shiran and Xiao Bai were following behind.

After the last incident, the zombie loli had stopped running around recklessly.

However, now she had to stick with Xiao Bai, trailing from a distance.

In terms of pace, Xiao Bai was definitely not lacking in speed or endurance.

But the fact that it was infected made it a ticking time bomb, potentially causing unexpected situations at any moment.

Despite the concerns, given the current circumstances, all they could do was keep a close watch.

As for Yu Shiran, the zombie loli likely had her usual disgruntled expression…

Thinking about this, Ling Mo felt somewhat helpless.

Such is the pressure of the situation…

“Captain, get in the car,” Mu Chen urged.

He was clearly enamored with the off-road vehicle, urging Ling Mo while his hands caressed the hood, making appreciative sounds.

But in the brief moment that passed, when Mu Chen turned around, he was stunned to find someone already sitting in the driver’s seat.

“Wait, you can drive?” Mu Chen asked, wide-eyed.

Xia Na snorted, flexing her fingers in anticipation, “Of course.”

“So confident…” Mu Chen’s expression showed a hint of skepticism, but then he noticed Ling Mo’s expression.

The captain was sitting rigidly in the passenger seat, looking rather grim…

Mu Chen’s heart sank, but after opening his mouth, he ultimately said nothing and got into the car silently.

If Ling Mo had to endure this, so did he…

“Even if she drives terribly, the worst that could happen is some swerving or a slow pace…” Mu Chen tried to reassure himself.

However, a few minutes later, he realized just how wrong he was!

Xia Na’s driving was outright reckless, her speed astonishing!

Whenever zombies appeared on the road, she would charge straight at them. It wasn’t until the zombies’ faces were almost plastered against the windshield, their grotesque expressions clearly visible, that Xia Na would suddenly swerve, narrowly scraping past them.

That wasn’t all. In the split second she passed by, Xia Na would stab out with her knife, counting with a serious face amidst the blood splatter carried by the wind: “One… two…”

Mu Chen, who was quickly becoming dizzy from the wild ride, could only think, “I guessed the beginning, but I didn’t foresee this process!”

As Ling Mo and the others drove rapidly towards the Niepan headquarters, a helicopter was landing at the Falcon Second Camp.

When the helicopter’s door opened, a dozen figures streamed out. From a distant window in a nearby building, someone was watching them.

Seeing those people disembark and immediately head towards his building, this person couldn’t help but sneer, “They just show up without any notice.”

“Actually, they did leave a message…” a voice from behind couldn’t help but chime in.

“Oh… those things, I never bother to read,” the person by the window said matter-of-factly.

“True…” the person behind surprisingly agreed, nodding thoughtfully. “You’re the person in charge here now, the real boss. For them to just leave a message without discussing it, and even forcefully board the helicopter we sent for supplies…”

The person by the window suddenly turned around and said, “From now on, let it be known: without my order, no one from Falcon headquarters, no matter who, is allowed to board. Well… unless Ling Mo gives the order.”

“Ling Mo’s whereabouts are unknown…” Zhang Yu rolled his eyes dramatically.

Despite the casual tone, Zhang Yu couldn’t help but show a trace of concern.

In truth, it was Yuwen Xuan’s attitude that had attracted that group.

Now issuing such a stringent order, who knows, one day they might really only listen to Yuwen Xuan and Ling Mo…

But if that day comes, will Falcon Camp really let it slide?

Before Zhang Yu could think further, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the door.

“I need to announce you first… you can’t just barge in!”

“Announce what! Everyone here is from headquarters, and you still need to announce us to Yuwen Xuan? This is ridiculous!”

“Why waste time talking to them? You lot, get out of my way! Who do you think you are, trying to stop us? Are you blind?”

With a commotion erupting, the door began to shake with loud bangs.

“This is too much…” Zhang Yu frowned, saying.

But just as he started to speak, Yuwen Xuan tugged at his clothes and quickly moved to the door, opening it with a “click”: “Oh, what an honor.”

Outside the door, two guards looked anxious and troubled as they tried to block a large group of people.

The person at the front had his arm raised, hand poised for a slap, glaring angrily at the guards.

As soon as the door opened, his motion froze in place.

“So enthusiastic, huh? I haven’t even come out and you’re already waving at me? Hahaha, no need to be so courteous. You really know your manners. Uh… wait, who are you again, and what’s your name?”

Yuwen Xuan squinted his eyes, smiling broadly as he spoke.

Hearing the beginning of his speech, the man with the raised arm looked a bit embarrassed, but by the end, his face had darkened considerably.

Sarcasm, insult—Yuwen Xuan’s opening words had already set a confrontational tone…

The man’s fingers twitched, but he ultimately didn’t bring his hand down. Instead, he lowered his arm with a hateful look and said coldly, “I am the deputy leader of the headquarters’ Investigative Team, Gao Wei. This is our leader.”

With that, he turned his gaze to a skinny old man beside him.

The old man had dark skin, a stern expression, drooping eyelids over small eyes, and pursed lips, giving off an unapproachable demeanor.

“I am the leader, Mi Tan.”

“Should be called ‘expressionless’…” Yuwen Xuan muttered, turning his head and continuing, “High position, expressionless… quite the pair.”

Gao Wei’s face turned so dark it seemed like water might drip from it. The members of the team behind him either looked grim or struggled to suppress laughter.

It was well-known that the leader of the Second Camp was a madman, and today’s encounter certainly lived up to the reputation…

Who talks trash right to someone’s face like that? Without even lowering his voice!

Meanwhile, Zhang Yu, the supposed recipient of Yuwen Xuan’s comment, maintained a perfectly serious expression. Ignoring Yuwen Xuan’s words, he turned to Mi Tan and said, “Leader Mi, we’ve been expecting you. Please come this way.”

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