My German Empire

Chapter 18: Dinner

Chapter 18: Dinner

After a short break, everyone gathered in the banquet room of the hotel. At this time, it was almost dark and it was just the right time to have dinner.

The spacious table was full of hearty delicacies, black caviar, fresh mushroom soup, special brown bread, delicate pancakes, etc. Of course, the legendary vodka was indispensable.

Tukhachevsky greeted enthusiastically. "Your Excellency Wilhelm, of course you have to try vodka when you come to the Soviet Union. It is brewed in our hometown and it can be said to be the best in our Soviet Union."

Wilhelm took a taste of the wine in the glass. " Nima, is this really something that people should drink? It's clearly liquid fire!" He only felt a hot sensation rushing into the stomach down the esophagus. The internal organs seemed to be burning.

Wilhelm closed his mouth tightly, afraid that he would spit it out as soon as he coughed. The other accompanying people were not much better.

Upon seeing this picture, Khachevsky laughed heartily. "Haha, it seems that Lord Wilhelm needs to practice his drinking more."

Tukhachevsky told the waiter. "Serve these VIPs with Rigulev beer."

Wilhelm spoke quickly. "I don't need it, just give me some black tea."

After tasting the Gulev beer from the previous day, everyone nodded. "Yes, they don't have a flavor."

Wilhelm watched in surprise at the dinner table as Tukhachevsky drank the high-purity vodka one after another, thinking that even if he was not killed according to this drinking method, he would not live to be 50 years old? You must know that even in the 21st century, the average life expectancy in Russia is still below the global average, and the biggest reason is alcoholism.

Natasha, who was sitting next to him tried to start a conversation. "His Royal Highness Wilhelm, do you usually have any hobbies?"

Wilhelm smiled. " my hobbies? It's similar to General Tukhachevsky. Music, literature, painting, astronomy, architecture, etc. are all my hobbies. Of course, I am definitely not as good as General Tukhachevsky in sports. "

Tukhachevsky's eyebrows twitched slightly. "Oh? I really hope to have time to exchange music with His Royal Highness."

"You don't need to find time, isn't it better now?" It may be that the sip of alcohol that he just drank has begun to play. Wilhelm feels a little airy, but fortunately he is still sober. After saying this, he got up and walked to the side of the piano, waved his hand to make the pianist back away, and sat down on the stool. "General Tukhachevsky, then I will start." Although he didn't know the piano in the original time and space, "Wilhelm" was proficient in everything like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, whether he liked it or not. These were the compulsory things that had to be learned.

Tukhachevsky didn't expect Wilhelm to really start, and couldn't help putting down the wine glass in his hand and listen carefully.

The wine table suddenly fell silent.

After pressing a few buttons indiscriminately, he took a deep breath and started to play seriously.

"It was quiet everywhere in the garden late at night, and the leaves no longer rustled;

What a beautiful night, fascinating, what a quiet night.

The small river flows quietly, with slight waves, the bright moon shining on the water, and the silver dangling.

I could vaguely hear someone singing softly, what a quiet night.

My sweetheart sits beside me, watching me silently;

I want to tell you, but I am embarrassed, I keep a lot of words in my heart.

The long night is passing by, and the sky is bright, I sincerely wish you good girl;

I hope from now on, you and I will never forget the evening outside of Moscow. "

When the last note disappeared, everyone was still immersed in the beautiful music.


Wilhelm pressed a key lightly, and Tukhachevsky slowed down his drinking.

Wilhelm smiled. "Your Excellency General, are you satisfied with my improvisation?" After all these days, he can already plagiarize things from the future without blushing and use it for himself, anyway no one will jump out to expose him anyway. .

Tukhachevsky praised from the heart. "Good! Your Excellency Wilhelm, you really opened my eyes. I didn't expect you to reach such a high level of music at a young age."

"Then I will give you this lyrics and music, as a gift of friendship between us." Maybe in the future the Soviet intelligence agency will mash up evidence of your collusion with Germany from this lyric.

"Good! For the sake of our friendship, I will offer another drink to Your Excellency Wilhelm."

"Then I will use tea instead of wine to respond to you, honorable general. May our friendship last forever."

In this way, everyone finished the meal in a very friendly atmosphere.

"..." Wilhelm didn't let everyone go back to their rooms, and called everone into his suite.

After everyone came in, Wilhelm put his right index finger on his lips and made a silent motion, pointing his left finger to the ceiling and then to the floor.

Everyone is wise, and they immediately understood the implications and began to scold these Soviets in their hearts.

"Everyone please help yourselves, I'll go and wash my face first." I'll to the bathroom,

Wilhelm couldn't help sighing that this bathroom was more magnificent than his original bachelor apartment. After washing his face with cold water, his dizzy head was completely awake.

When he returned to the living room, Rommel couldn't help but exclaim. "His Royal Highness, I didn't expect you to have such a high musical talent."

Wilhelm smiled disapprovingly. "It may be that vodka has activated my musical cells, but I don't want to try that taste ever again."

"The taste of these Soviets is really unusual."

"Yeah, I'm afraid I'll burn my brain if I drink such a strong thing again."

"Today, Tukhachevsky drank at least two bottles, right? He can walk so steadily, just like a normal person, which is really admirable."

Manstein, Guderian, and Rommel are similar in age, and the Russians are even more unanimous. "This general looks very young."

Wilhelm said casually. "General Tukhachevsky was born in 1893 and is 35 years old this year."

Rommel, the youngest here, is 37 years old, with the rank of captain, and 47-year-old Brausic is also a colonel but compared with Tukhachevsky's military rank, it's really far behind.

Guderian couldn't help muttering. "Does this man really have real abilities ? We have to go back and study."

"Just study what he is doing, he won't be our enemy in the future." By 1937, he should be over. Isn't it a waste of time to monitor him? Moreover, although Tukhachevsky wrote a large number of military theoretical works in production, it was not until the early 1960s that he began to publish some of them publicly.

After thinking about it, Wilhelm spoke to Geer. "I just heard that General Tukhachevsky is also staying here? Go and inquire if he is drunk. If he is still sober, ask him to come and discuss business."

Brausic persuaded. "His Royal Highness, is this right? You said before that the Soviets wanted something from us. If we speak first, won't we lose our momentum."

momentum? Wilhelm rolled his eyes and didn't get angry. "They ask from us, we also ask from them. Otherwise, why did we come all the way here? To act hypocritical with each other? ."

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