My Enchanting System

Chapter 799 Separated Quests

On the next day, the girls returned to their worn in the new kingdom. Cain returned to the mortal world to collect the ingredients needed for the bug-killing toxin [RAID] That Lilia would make to allow them to pass through the cockroaches of Maladomini.

Sofia sighed, digging a massive hole in the sea with her magic as Aria filled the dirt with magic. "Say! You're out having fun, and we're here working." She looked up.

Aria looked at her, "I'm more focused on here. We also need to do two things at the same time." She flew down to her, "I'm the only one who can do it."

Sofia stared at her. She knew that Cain and Aria were the same person. He left half of him working here with them while the other one went out to gather the ingredients.

"Cain should be the one staying here. What if Tarra woke up?" Sofia flew to Aria after digging a massive hole with a single spell.

"I have direct access to the system. And I will do better here. Also. He isn't going on the search alone." Aria smiled.

"Father-in-law invited him after all. Cain has to stay there just in case." Sofia sighed, looking at the sky.

On the other side of the world, sitting on a round table just outside an old tavern at the coast of the wood elf kingdom. Six men glared at each other, their gazes scaring everyone around.

"I say we check the mountains first. We have to get some minerals." Chad said with a smile, carrying a mug of beer big enough for two people and chugging it down. CLACK! He smacked back on the table, "Demon spiders live there as well."

"Unkle Chad. Shouldn't we go to the high elf forest first? A lot of plants there could help us. I can take us there in the blink of an eye." Corellon said with a smile, taking a sip of his glass of wine. Making the women gasp at the sight of the alluring bond and pale-skinned elve with his glowing blue eyes.

"You always think like that!" Moradin poured more beer to Chad, "We two agree more. Mountains are far better. HAHAHAHA!" He started smacking his stomach, chugging beer straight from the barrel.

The tavern owner started sweating, seeing a whole barrel disappear into the dwarf's stomach.

"I like this beer!" Moradin looked at the owner, "I grant you my approval! Make more, make more!" He laughed.

"Sir! Our barrels are full again!" One of the workers rushed out, confused. "We've been serving people since the morning!" The owner ran inside, "Don't tell me you've been pouring water into them!" He shouted in anger.

Moradin smiled.

"You're the one filling the barrels. Can you stop that, or at least tell them." Cain sighed, staring at Moradin. "And I think we should go up north. I heard that some large basilisks live in the hills. We need their eyes as well."

"Come on, Cain." The tall man sitting beside him smiled. It was Hades, "You're Chad's son, right? I did feel your magic through your mother. She beheaded me nicely."

"What even brought you here?" Cain sighed, staring at Hades with a confused face.

"Chad said it's sad seeing me live alone in the gray wastes, so he invited me to come here. Especially since your mother and stepmom sealed me in a vacuum for a few thousand years."

"That doesn't matter." Kayden growled, "We must go to all those places anyway." He looked at everyone, "We better move rather than drink here."

Chad stood, "Kayden is right. What is our first target?" He cracked his neck.

"Fine," Corellon sighed. "Let's check the mountains. I'm sure we'll find what we need there quickly."

The six of them headed out to gather the ingredients. They walked out of the comfort of the city and crossed the forest to finally see the mountains towering in front of them. Moradin walked forward. "Ho! Hmmm! Hoooo!" He chanted, "What a great mountain. I sense both warmth and great riches."

"It's a volcanic mountain. We're close to the sea after all," Corellon sighed, glaring at the dwarf god. "Stop trying to make it looks bigger than it is."

Moradin glared back at corellon with a tried look. "What fun there is in saying it like that?" He sighed, "Who cares if it's volcanic? We only want to know if we can make money and alcohol out of it."

"I don't really care. It's far more beautiful than what I have in Hades." Hades smiled.

"Isn't it a bit strange to have a whole world named after you?" Cain looked at Hades. "I'm making a domain right now, and was a bit confused about how to name it."

"I didn't name the domain. People started calling it like that because I'm the only one living in it." Hades looked at Cain. "It doesn't matter what you will name it. People are going to call it what they want."

"Like the nine hells," Cain looked at him, "They are named Battor, but everyone calls them nine hells."

"Exactly. Lolth named her domain the infinite web, but people called it demon web pit. Because Lolth is a demon spider, she has a web, and it looks like a pit." He giggled, "People could call your domain something stupid. Just get ready to accept it."

"I named my domain Erackinor, but people started calling it the soul forge. And I even got the title of the sour forger from it." Moradin sighed.

"I also named my domain Arvandor. But people called the great elvish heaven." Corellon sighed, "Why can't people use the names we give."

Chad looked at them with a stern face, "You didn't enforce the name. If you did, people would use it more."

Cain looked at them, "I will find a good name, and if not, I will be like you."

Kayden stared at Cain for a second, "You have a lot of women. I'm sure that would make it into the name."

Cain turned toward Kayden, "Where did that come from?"

"From me," Kayden glared back, "I doubt people will even realize you exist. They will only look at the goddess flying through the domain."

"You aren't better than me. Demon lord Kayden." Cain glared at Kayden it crossed eyebrows.

"I never named myself a demon lord." Kayde smiled.

"You're raising the demon god's daughter, killed a demon lord, and finally evaporated Talos like he was nothing. Even without divinity, you're at that level." Cain growled, remembering the first day he saw Kayden at the bar.

Demonofication. It usually makes people stupidly strong, but Kayden has taken it to another level in a short time. Probably because of Asura's blessing.

"Let's go. We don't have all day to waste." They kept walking toward the mountain. Monsters didn't dare get closer to them. They could feel the divine energy seeping from the party.


Klara walked back from the kitchen to check on Tarra. She slowly pushed the door open, and saw her asleep on the bed, smiling. "Good." She closed the door and went away.

"Lexi, is everything ready?" She shouted.

"Yes! Selena has delivered the thirty gorgons. Ellie and Amaya are skinning them." Lexi called back. "Everything should be ready soon."

Everly walked in from the front door. "I got some help." Behind her stood Serina, and several of Chauntea and Amaterasu's angels. Twenty to be exact.

One of Amaterasu's angels approached Klara and bowed. "My name is Shamis. I'm Amaterasu's personal cook, and those are my assistants."

Klara waved her hands, "There is no need to bow to me. I'm but a maid. We couldn't imagine having an angel cook with us."

Shamis looked at Klara with a smile. "No, it's our pleasure. The gods are hard at work building a new realm for high divinity. We must do our best to provide a respectable feast."

Everyone sprung back to work. Cutting the monsters, getting the meat ready, and cooking. The angels started showing exotic techniques to the maids.

The angels knew what each god loved, and how to cook it for them in the best way. Matecouliously preparing each dish with the utmost respect.

As the fire burned and everyone hustled, Shamis was walking across the kitchen watching everyone work and making sure they got everything perfect. It was then that she stopped, frozen in place as her eyes darted to a crack between the counters on the ground.

Shamis started sweating as she took a deep breath. She walked toward the crack and extended her hand in between. She pulled out an old piece of bread that fell in that weeks ago and glared at it.

Diana was walking by when she saw Shamis shaking. "You there. What is this?" She showed the piece of bread to Diana with an angry face. "I found it dropped between the counters."

"I don't know!" Diana cried, stepping back. "A piece of bread, I would say."

Elise walked, grabbing Shamis's hand and glaring at her eyes. "Why are you screaming at Diana?"

"Who made this bread?" Shamis glared back.

"Probably Mabel, an old lady for our city." She replied.

Shamis stared at the piece of bread, biting it.

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