My Enchanting System

Chapter 774 Cain Vs Mystra

Cain stood in the middle of the fighting plane, looking at the sky, "Who will challenge me next?"

Mystra floated in, "Damn this all,"

"Mother of all magic. Welcome, and get ready to get beaten." Cain smiled, cracking his neck.

"In your dreams. Amaterasu allowed me to go all out," Mystra smiled, "As long as I'm not facing that monster. Everything should be fine."

"I'm the monster," Cain opened his arms, "The moment you lose and I can take your portfolio. I should be able to build a new kingdom,"

"Then go build one in the mortal world, why would you need my power?" Mystra growled.

"I need a kingdom strong enough to raise an army." Cain waved his hand, pointing at Mystra, "I'm willing to let you keep the power if you became obedient. You can choose between bowing your head with your will, or should I push it down."

"You think I will submit to the likes of you?" Mystra growled, "An outsider. An eldritch being that is throwing the world's order into chaos."

"The world is already falling into chaos and I'm trying to rebuild it. You only want to mitigate the pain as the world dies." Cain stepped forward and Mystra walked toward him.

"You can't save it. You can gather an army of that monster Lilia and you won't have enough power to rebuild it." Mystra growled.

The two walked close till Mystra's chest touched Arad's solar plexus. He stood at almost seven feet tall while she was a bit less than six.

A blue shadow of magic seeped from beneath Mystra's feet. "I control all magic, from spells to witchcraft and druidic magic. Her boots and gloves burned in a blue flame as her nails flashed with light. White tattoos expanded from them to cover her whole body.

Mystra's eyes had a faint cyan flare in them, she glared at Cain with a passive face.

Cain's eyes flashed with a dark blue flare, "Are you trying to intimidate me? I felt more scared when one of my maids screamed at me for walking when she was cleaning." Cain remembers Elise.

Mystra giggled, "I do not have the need for such tricks." ZON! Her body disappeared. She landed away sitting on a broom with Cain's right arm floating above her hand.

[Division Dimensions]

"Did you not see it?" Mystra giggled, "Without limitation to keep the world's mana stable. You won't be able to stand against my magic."

Cain looked at his arm, bleeding. 'She used dimension magic to separate space around my arm from reality and then took it.'

"That arm, are you sure you should be carrying it?" Cain looked at Mystra.

His severed arm started wiggling. The wound closed and it turned purple, shifting into tentacles that tied the goddess of magic. Mystra growled, "Gross! Take those things away from me,"

The reality around her cracked, shattering like glass as she tore Cain's tentacles off.

BAM! In an instant, Cain appeared behind her, closing his arms to catch her. ZON! Mystra teleported away, "You're trying to catch me alive? That's a pipe dream,"

Cain looked at her, "To be honest, I would like to kill and take the portfolio. But Lilia wants me to keep you alive for her,"

Mystra's face twisted, "That blasphemous bitch, she wants to use a goddess as a geni pig?"

"I don't care how she wants to use you. I only care about erasing magic from the world." Cain closed his fist, "Erase everything, rebuild magic from the start. Make the people strong enough to face monsters, set a new order so the world won't ever crumble again."

"If your first nonsense was a pipe dream, this is a drunkard babbling." Mystra, opened her palm, pointing it toward Cain. [Death Flash]

A beam of light burst from Mystra's hand, rushing at Cain. Cain stomped the ground, kicking upward. CRACK! His kick deflected the beam.

ZON! Mystra appeared behind him, whispering into his ear. "S^%^£$%^$%^" [TRUE NAME MAGIC: DEATH]

Cain felt his body weaken, his soul crack and his bones almost turn to mush. His body bent forward, seeming to fall.

Thud! He wrapped his legs around Mystra's hips, catching her, "Got you!" He smiled, "True name magic. The magic to utter someone's true name and for reality to change depending on your will."

"Why aren't you dying?" Mystra gasped.

"You don't know my true name, simple as that," CRACK! Cain grabbed Mystra by the neck, "Even I don't know it."

Before coming here, Lilia asked Cain to let her tamper with his soul. She went inside and encrypted everything related to him in forbidden knowledge.

"I see, it was that bitch!" Mystra growled, "Putting her hand on Cain's chest, [Astral shift]

Cain's body disappeared, getting locked into a small dimension. [Divine Seal] [Eternal Prison] Mystra sealed the dimension with Cain inside. He won't be coming out.

Mystra took a deep breath, "I should stop, fighting like this can damage the world's mana." she turned to leave but then felt something slimy slide on her thighs below her robe.

She pulled and threw it away. A purple tentacle with many eyes. "Let me get inside at least," The tentacles manifested a mouth and spoke. It was Cain.

"I sealed you!" Mystra growled.

The tentacles grew into a full body and Cain stared at the baffled goddess of magic. "You tried to seal my soul and body, but that's impossible for you."

Mystra felt her Eternal Prison shatter. "How!" She screamed.

Cain smiled, pulling Hati's eternal sword from his chest. "Suprise, I have the eternal shard."

"You ate Hati?" Mystra growled.

"No!" Cain shook his head, "As long as she's submissive to me and Aria, I can link and use her powers as I want. Like how they can suck my magic."

Cain grabbed the sword with two hands, smiling, "Want to see more tricks?" BOM! The sword exploded, crackling with holy and cursed magic.

"GIH!" Mystra gasped, conjuring a massive barrier.

Cain swung the sword down from a wraith stand, [Eternal Contradiction]

CLAP! The sword sends a massive slash of mixed holy and cursed magic. Shattering Mystra's barrier and forcing her to dodge. "You monster!"

"I'm not done yet," Cain smiled. He opened his mouth and all the draconic elements started collecting. [Tiamat chaos breath]

Mystra only saw a flash approaching her and she teleported away, sending the magic in the area burn. "Stop mixing everything! You will damage the natural Mana!" She growled.

"Is that so?" Cain smiled, "But I'm only using the mana generated by my body and the girls. I still haven't touched nature yet."

With Cain's smile, his body started to shift.

Two horns grew on Cain's head. A long leathery back tail extended from his lower back with two massive bat-like wings.

Mystra turned away and flew as fast as she could, that form was dangerous.

"Come on! Don't run away!" Cain waved his hand. He was absorbing power from Gracie. If she was the mother of all life and a succubus goddess. He now became the father of all life and an incubus god.

Mystra knew that was a woman's worse nightmare, if she don't run away she will end up sucking him off.

"Monster! Monster! What trick did that bitch use? How can he shift between his wives powers like this if he didn't eat them?" Mystra thought as she ran away.

CLICK! The world around her shifted from a barren wasteland to an endless green field. Mystra stopped and glared around, confused. "I can't sense Amaterasu's barrier," She growled.

Thud! Cain appeared flapping his wings before her, "Why are you running?" He smiled, "I teleported us to Lilia's personal world. I cleaned it with Chauntea's magic."

"You have Chauntea as well?" Mystra growled, "That traitor! I expected more dignity from the oldest divine rank 19."

Cain scratched his chin, "She was the smartest of you, she choose the winning side."

"Smart my ass, she betrayed us all!" Mystra growled.

"Do you think the old Chauntea could change a whole world into green fields this fast?" Cain smiled, "Thanks to being with me, her power has grown several times since she's been with me."

Cain wasn't joking, he was a source of power, unlike any other creature."

"You will grow strong as well if you submitted," Cain smiled.

"And lose my freedom? Hell no!" Mystra clenched her fist, swinging at Cain's face.

Mystra blinked before her fist could connect, and the next this she saw was herself bowing to Cain. "You change your mind?" Cain asked with a smile.

Mystra jumped back, "What happened?" She glared up and down, feeling her body with her hands. "You lost to my seduction for a moment. Don't worry, I didn't do anything."

Mystra never felt this humiliated before. Her face blushed red and the veins on her face popped, "You bastard!"

"Calm down!" Cain waved his hands, "You might fall into it again if you lost your nerves!"

Mystra glared at Cain, but the next this was that she found herself liking Cain's foot. "See, I told you to calm down." Cain glared at her with an evil smile.

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