My Enchanting System

Chapter 757 Alice Vs Primos

Amaterasu stared at Gracie, keeping a safe distance, "You won't start rampaging, right?" she asked with a smile. Gracie replied with a passive face, "I will if Cain wants, but you're stronger than me. Why be afraid?"

"When the sun dies, it takes everyone with her." Amaterasu replied, "In the slim chance you managed to kill, or rebirth me, everyone would die." Amaterasu replied.

"Amaterasu, we should welcome her instead of being afraid," Selune, the moon goddess, approached them with a smile.

"We had Taiia as the only greater deity of rank 20." Moradin, the dwarf god, smiled, "But now we have another one, do we?"

Cain stood beside Moradin, smiling, "Taiia, the goddess of the Sun, moon, and destruction. And now we Have Gracie, the goddess of Life, death, rebirth, and lust."

Sofia smiled, puffing her chest, "Gracie is stronger! Instead of the power being distributed on different beings, she has all the portfolios."

"Sorry to break it to you, but that's a bad thing at this level," Selune looked at her, smiling.

"What do you mean?" Hati asked.

"Ah, kid of the Fenrir. It's been a while," Selune smiled, "Having multiple gods in a single deity makes it possible for each of them to perfect his power. It also means we can't die unless all of us are killed."

"But Asura died," Sofia glared at them.

"Asura was already transferring his power to Kali. He faced Talos with less than a tenth of his might and died." Selune looked at Amaterasu.

"At his death, Kali was already the goddess of destruction. That is why Talos failed to attain any power from killing Asura." Amaterasu explained.

"So, who will fight next?" Sofia asked, lifting her arm, "I want to punch some things,"

"We've been fighting in anger a lot. Should we get a friendly match?" Amaterasu smiled, flying to the sky.

"We're fighting you?" Sofia asked.

"No, I'm the last one to fight," Amaterasu replied, "And that will be against Cain or Chad, whoever survives till the end,"

Selena rushed toward Cain, "Does that mean we will fight each other-nya?"

"Probably, but we don't need to kill each other," Cain replied.

"Coming from the calculated world of steel, the one, the first, and the only Primos of mechanus!" Amaterasu shouted, sending a ray of light to the sky.

SWOSH! A massive rod of steel fell from the sky. BAM! It cracked in half, and a steel golem walked out.

"Ho! A warforged, I expected Primos to have a better body," Cain said with a smile, "But I'm sure he packed all of his arsenals into it,"

Primos glared toward Amaterasu, "I expect the solar power as soon as possible,"

Amaterasu smiled, "I already sent double to your plane. Can you make the fight a bit more fun? You're far better than the last Primos,"

"Thanks, so who will be my opponent?" Primos asked, and Amaterasu looked at Alice, "It's your turn, Alice,"

"Me?" Alice gasped, "I don't have a portfolio!"

"I already paid Primos to fight you," Amaterasu smiled, "You're an Archon that I made. I must spend a bit on training you,"

Alice looked at Cain, and he nodded, "Give it a try. You might learn a thing or two,"

Alice walked into the dimension and faced Primos.

"Primos, this isn't a death match, don't forget that. And try to make it fun." Amaterasu shouted, and Primos nodded, "Steel doesn't forget," He looked at Alice. And then at the sky.

"Mechanus was named the cog world before I took over. Do you know why I changed the name?" He glared at Alice.

"Is that so? I didn't live long enough to know," Alice replied.

Cain and Moradin looked at Amaterasu and Selune, "Do you know why he changed it?" they asked.

"I don't know. I don't meddle in other gods' affairs," Amaterasu replied.

Primos glared at Alice, his eyes crackling with lightning, "I changed the name, so it will Mech-Anus,"

It took Alice a moment to understand, and she pinched her forehead with a sigh, "Don't tell us you changed the name of a world to a joke?"

"The cog world was a ruthless, calculated world where everything is already determined. I led a rebellion against the previous Primos to change that and attempt to learn the living emotions,"

"What doesn't mean you have to name your world Mech-Anus!" Alice sighed, conjuring a sword of light in her hand.

Primos glared at Alice, "Then I will use my Arse-nal to fight," He took a low stance with a fist extended forward, his eyes flashing blue.

Alice could feel her head hurting just by listening to this machine.

Primos's temperature increased as multiple red lines emerged on his chest and back, "Be careful. My hits are heavy," He warned Alice.

BAM! Jets of flames burst from Primos's back, propelling him forward at an incredible speed.

"Heh?" Bent backward as Primos flew over her with a fist. "You're fast," She gasped. He almost punched her head off.

Primos opened his fist, releasing a jet of flames to stop himself and change direction. SWOSH! BAM! He blasted back toward Alice, delivering an upward Kick as she was still bent.

Alice forced her wings out, blocking Primos's kick. CRACK! She felt the bones in her wings shatter as her body flew to the sky, and the ground beneath Primos shattered.

"You're slow," Primos said with a crackling voice, flame bursting from beneath his feet. BAM! He flew toward Alice as Sofia used to fly with [Burning feet]


"Hoi! That's my spell!" Sofia cried in the back. "Primos still haven't used any magic. That's just the power of his body." Amaterasu replied.

"Golems are strong by nature," Cain said, "I'm worried about Alice's compatibility against him."

Amaterasu smiled, "Of course, Alice is at a massive disadvantage," She looked at Cain, "I need her to learn how to use her Archon powers fully,"


Alice looked down. Priomos is flying toward her at an extreme speed. She healed her wings and pointed her hands at him, [Decay Blast] She sent down a beam of rot magic.

Primos did bother to dodge and flew right through the beam, reaching Alice, "Your magic work on living being, not me," He spun around, kicking her in the back.

CRACK! Alice fell toward the ground, crashing with her spine shattered. "GAH!" She growled as her back healed almost instantly. "How am I supposed to beat something magic doesn't work on?" She sighed, conjuring a holy sword in her right hand and a decaying one in her left.

Primos stared at her, "Archons rarely rely on their magic. You should be able to destroy this body with your physical might alone," He put his palms together.

CRACK! Primos' arms fused, transforming into a bunch of barrels like the one Jack used, "Run!" He said. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! Hundreds of fist-sized steel rods launched from his arms. They flew toward Alice like rain.

"What?" Alice gasped, expanding her wings and flying away.

BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! She dodged the rods one after the other, accelerating faster and faster.

BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The rods kept chasing her head, and Alice barely dodged with her wings getting grazed.

BOOM! One of the rods managed to hit Alice's back, dropping her to the ground and exploding. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The other rods fell on her, exploding in a ground-shattering explosion of fire and steel.

"GAH!" Shouting, Alice flew from the explosion with her body still healing.

Primos glared at Alice. Her body was burned to a crisp, most of her bones shattered, and her organs have already stopped. "Good, you're learning how to fight,"

Alice's body healed in the short moment she flew toward Primos, "I will break you a piece of scrap!"

"Then show me what you can do!" Primos said, flying toward Alice.

BAM! The two clashed. Alice swung her fist at Primos's head. BAM! He caught her fist. BAM! Kicked her in the guts.

"You go for the head when fighting a living being. This is a test to force you to use all of your might," Primos said.

Alice growled, flapping her wings to not get flung away, "I'm not done yet,"

She swung another fist at Primos, hitting him in the jaw, "Weak," He said with a vibrating voice.

"Then take more!" Alice started sending a punch after the other, and Primos did the same. Each of his fists cracked her bones while she did almost no damage.

"You still see your body as that of a human," Primos kicked Alice to the ground and flew toward her with a jet of flames, "You're an archon. Punch harder!" BAM! He landed on her stomach with a kick.

Clensh! Alice Caught Primos's leg, pushing him away from her, "Get off me!" She growled.

Primos stared at her, "Then? Show me what you can do?"

Alice glared at Primos, and a memory flashed in her head. In the past when they faced the Red Wyrm. Ariel punched him hard enough that her arm exploded even when she was limited by Chad's level. That power was abnormal.

'Am I limiting my own strength?' She thought, walking toward Primos with a golden light in her right eye and a black one in her left.

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