My Enchanting System

Chapter 751 Umberlee Vs Poseidon

Amaterasu smiled, staring at Aria, "Is that so? That would make him a pain to deal with, but nowhere near Lilia,"

"Euh! We do not talk about that monster. She's in a whole other dimension," Aria cringed.

"I understand how you feel," Amaterasu replied. The two seem to understand each other.

"Amaterasu! The next fight, we don't have time," Corellon shouted from the ground.

Amaterasu looked down and smiled, "Well then, let's keep it going! Next is the fight over the seas of the multiverse! She flew to the sky. From the Material seas, the one and only woman dominating the deep and the unknown, the one who swims with the sea monster and sinks the ships on her whips. The one most hated and revered by the sailors, called the pearl of the sea by her worshipers and the bitch queen by her haters, Umberlee!"

A drop of water fell from the sky, exploding into a vast sea, and from it, the shape of a Titanic woman emerged. BAM! The woman's body shrunk to the size of a human, taking the form of a blond mermaid with blue eyes, glaring into the distance with a divine aura engulfing her body.

Amaterasu smiled, glaring into the sky, "Facing her is the undisputed ruler of the oceans. The king over the elemental plane of water since it existed." CRACK! The sky cracked, and waves flowed out in a violent stream. BAM! A trident burst from the water, exploding a massive crater in the ground as a topless buff ban fell from the crack.

Thud! The man landed standing on the trident hilt, glaring at Umberlee with his fishlike eyes.

"Umberlee, how deep have you sunk?" The man growled, the fins on his neck crackling with rage.

"The elemental god of water. Poseidon!" Amaterasu shouted with a smile.

"Daddy," Umberlee mumbled.

"Stupid girl! How many times have I told you to call me father?" Poseidon shouted with a red face, pointing his trident at Umberlee.

"Does it matter?" Umberlee glared at Poseidon, "You came to kill me today? Didn't you?"

Poseidon went silent, "That depends," He glared around, "Where is that abomination? I will skin him alive first,"

"That doesn't answer my question!" Umberlee shouted, and Poseidon glared at her.

"You will live if he's forcing you to server him, and I will kill you if you're with him willingly," Poseidon growled, glaring at Amaterasu, "Goddess of the sun, where is the bastard?"

"He's busy. But he will attend today," Amaterasu replied.

"Daddy!" Umberlee shouted, standing between Poseidon and Amaterasu, "You deal with me first. Leave Cain alone,"

Poseidon stared at Umberlee, "I didn't give you the mortal seas so that a random monster can snatch it from your hands." He said, with a sad face, "I will retrieve my gift and hand it to one of your sisters. You have disappointed the elemental plane of water."

"That isn't for you to decide! You already gave me the plane. You can't take it back!" Umberlee shouted.

Poseidon sighed, "Don't be a spoiled brat." He growled, "You were supposed to report to me three thousand years ago how the material plane is doing, but you didn't. You're failing as a leader,"

"I'm not!" Umberlee cried.

"I handed you the seas of the material plane on a silver plate, trusting you will prove yourself and put them to get used. Sadly that was a waste of time," Poseidon looked down, "You will die in the material place. The Patriarch of the holy lake in mount celestia is looking for a wife. You're going to him,"

"I won't go anywhere! Just give me another chance!" Umberlee shouted.

"Another? What happens to the abyssal sea?" Poseidon glared at her, "The demons kicked you from every drop of water there until they left with a fish tank. You came crying to me, so I gave you a second chance in the material plane." Poseidon lifted his trident, "You failed me again, and I won't give you a third chance,"

"Daddy!" Umberlee lifted her spear, glaring at her father's angry figure.

"I will kill you and then skin that bastard." CLENCH! Someone grabbed Poseidon's trident.

"Do you have a problem with my son?" Chad stood on the water, glaring at Poseidon's eyes.

"How did he get there?" Amaterasu looked around, and there was a hole in her barrier, "He punched a hole in? What monster!"

"You're the bastard's father? No manners like your son. This a matter between a father and his daughter, scram!" Poseidon growled.

"There are no manners with someone who wants to kill his daughter," Chad said, looking at Poseidon's face.

"Your words prove you an ignorant fool," Poseidon smiled, "The likes of you have no place in the gods'..." CRACK! Chad clenched his fist and shattered Poseidon's spear, stopping him mid-sentence.

"Heh?" Poseidon looked at his spear, which was supposed to be an ancient weapon that withstood the harsh battles of the gods. Did it just break?

"Chad!" Amaterasu shouted, "Please get outside. This battle is between him and his daughter."

"He will kill her," Chad replied.

"Even if she died here, she would get reincarnated in the elemental plane of water. Poseidon intends to have her marry someone from mount celestia, didn't he say it?" Amaterasu pointed her finger toward Poseidon, fixing his trident.

Chad walked away, getting out of Amaterasu's barrier by punching a second hole. "Use the first hole!" Amaterasu shouted.

"Why can he break your barrier?" Moradin asked, glaring at Chad with a puzzled face.

"He's that strong," Amaterasu sighed, "Both he and Cain are problems. Seth and Abel are tame in comparison."

Corellon sighed, "They are powerhouses in the mortal realm, but they never reached godhood."

"Seth is growing stronger in the dwarf capital. The family might get untied soon," Moradin smiled, glaring at the sky.


The fight between Poseidon and Umberlee started when Chad left the barrier. "HOOOOHOOOOHOOOOO!" Umberlee sang, lifting her spear. A massive wave rose behind her back. BAM! She lept out of the water, gliding on the waves with her spear pointing forward, "Daddy! Don't die in one hit!"

"Hit as hard as you want," Poseidon said with a smile, his beard trailing with the winds as he stood on the water. "No matter how much you scream or throw a tantrum, you won't hurt me,"

CLANG! Umberlee thrusts her spear at her father, hitting him in the stomach. The spear stopped, unable to pierce the divine skin of the mighty water god. "See? My foolish daughter." He lifted his hands, "You can never reach me in power,"

He clamped his hands, aiming to smack the sides of her head.

Swosh! Umberlee docked, dodging the dual slap like a master, "You won't get me with that a second time,"

"Good, at least you're learning," Poseidon smiled, swinging an upper kick and smacking Umberlee's guts, lifting her from the water and sending her to the sky.

"GAH!" Umberlee spat blood, staring down at her father. 'A merfolk shouldn't have legs,' She thought as her guts twisted. Her father was a merfolk like she was a mermaid. They didn't have legs. But a single large fin.

"We gods can morph. How long will it take you to learn?" Poseidon growled, pointing his trident up, "HOHO!" He shouted in a deep voice, "By the waves of the sea, you shall remember the days you forgot!" A flash of light burst from the trident and flew at Umberlee, stabbing her chest.

"Each time you almost became a tyrant, I came here to beat sense back into you. The last time was twenty years ago, was it?" Poseidon growled, "I'm getting tired of you, so I will send you to a man who can keep a venomous child like you in check."

Thud! Umberlee grabbed the light piercing her chest, "I remember now," She smiled, "The previous Umberlee didn't die. It was me all along,"

"All of them," Poseidon growled, "Each time, you abused your power, causing pain and suffering to those who sail the calm seas. That I can't allow, It's my responsibility to make sure you don't cause more trouble,"

CRACK! BAM! "This time it's different," Umberlee growled, shattering the light piercing her chest and falling to the sea.

SPLASH! Umberlee rose from the sea as a gigantic woman made of water, glaring down at Poseidon. "You granted my memories back. And my full power as well. I won't fall again!"

"This time, you followed an even darker path, following the evil abomination," Poseidon said, filled with sadness. "I won't even let you walk this path. Why can't my daughter find happiness without causing suffering to people," He looked at her, crying.

BAM! The two of them clashed, shaking the whole dimension as the violent waves of the cosmos rumbled.

CRACK! CLAP! It didn't even take a second for the fight to end. Umberlee's body rolled on top of the water, bleeding.

Ting! Poseidon landed beside her, pointing his trident at her throat. "With this death, you will forget all of that happened here and start a new life in Mount Celestia as the holy lake patriarch's wife." Poseidon lifted his spear and thrust down.

"May the holy water there keeps your evil soul in check for all eternity," Poseidon said as his spear rushed toward Umberlee's throat.

CLANG! "I mean, she is called the bitch queen for a reason. I can't fault you,"

Poseidon froze. Cain squatted beside Umberlee's head, catching the trident's tip with his bare hand.

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