My Dragon System

Chapter 220 - Infected?

Chapter 220 - Infected?

The demon had significantly weakened to what he once was before. With the black sword now suppressing his flames. Jack and Lenny were able to hold onto the Demon's hands easier. The demon man tried to struggle about but was unsuccessful, he felt like there was the power of two giants holding him down.

Now Ray had managed to recover just enough from the blow before. He had never been so embarrassed. If it wasn't for the help of the others, he would have been a goner by now. Ray knew it wasn't the time to think about those things though. He needed to deal with the Demon man now.

Ray poured all his strength into his legs to charge off. Then as he leapt through the air towards the demon man, he made sure to switch the Ki from his legs into his hands and lastly Ray started to activate the Ice attribute onto his gauntlets.

If flames powered the man then perhaps the cold weakened him.

"Let go now! Ray shouted.

Gary left the sword in the demon man, while Jack and Lenny let go at just the right moment to allow Ray's fist to hit the man. The demon man was hit, the force was so hard a large crater was created and his body was lifted into the air before it fell back onto the ground again.

The group stayed there watching the demon man for a short while but the demon didn't move a finger.

"Is he dead?" Gary asked.

"No, just unconscious, it's that Dam hammer it's protecting him," Ray said as he could see some sort of energy sustaining the life in the man with his dragon eyes.

"What shall we do?" Gary asked.

Ray was the first to approach the man. He pulled the black blade out of the demon man's body and started to expect it.

"Did you take this from Avrion?" Ray asked.

"I'm sorry, Ray, but I thought it would be useful, that it could save our lives like last time."

Ray wanted to punish Gary in some way for going against his orders especially something as big as this, but what Gary had said was correct. It seemed like the Black sword had played a big part in their victory tonight and Ray found it hard to argue with Gary over that.

Ray then chucked the sword over to Gary.

"Make sure it's wrapped up well and don't use it unless you have to."

"Of course!" Gary said smiling.

The sword didn't seem to effect Gary the same way it did last time but if Ray saw any signs of Gary acting strange even for a second, Ray would take the sword away in a heartbeat.

Lenny then started to walk over to Ray and the demon man. Lenny lifted the demon man's body up and then started to close his eyes and chant something. Suddenly, when Lenny spread his hands apart, a magical rope made of metal chains appeared.

"This is one of the strongest binding spells known in existence," Lenny said, "It will be impossible for him to escape something like this."

Eve and Mike went to check up on the archers to see if they were okay, everyone was fine, apart from a few cut and bruises here and there, that's when they noticed that the two True infected that had been guarding the shrine, were gone.

"Check the area, make sure they aren't close by but stick together, I don't want anybody dying," Eve commanded.

Ark had rushed over to Lilly who was unconscious on the floor. Ark helped her up and awakened her but when she came too, she had this horrible feeling in her head and body.

"Did we win?" Lilly groaned out.

"Yeah, we won," Ark said.

While Ark carried Lilly on his shoulder, he brought her over to the group who had now all gathered in the centre where the demon man laid tied up. The archers had finished scouting the area but there were no signs of the True infected.

In the centre, Lenny started to examine Jack's body. Jack had ended his transformation and Lenny had seen him transform back to a human.

"So you're a werewolf huh," Lenny said, "I thought they had all migrated to another continent long ago, I'm surprised there's still one here on Bronzeland."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked confused.

"Ahh so it seems you do not know of your origins, perhaps some other time young lad, we have more important matters to deal with."

Eve who had also seen Jack turn into a werewolf was even more fascinated by Jack now. In fact, she might have even preferred what Jack looked like as a werewolf. He was a bigger muscular man and had ferocious teeth. An ideal man in her eyes.

"Are you sure this rope of yours is going to hold him," Gary asked.

"Trust me but this rope is unbreakable," Lenny replied.

"Hey, Ray maybe you could use that mana steal thing you do on him?" Gary whispered.

"I'm afraid not." Ray replied, "It seems like for some reason some of my abilities do not work on either beast or humans that have been infected by the shadow plague."

Just then, when Ark had come with Lilly on his shoulder, Ray noticed something.

Ray walked up to Lilly to get a closer look just to be sure and his fears were confirmed.

"How do you feel?" Ray asked.

"My body is a little sore but my head is ringing like crazy, like something is pushing against it," Lilly replied.

After hearing those words Lenny realised why Ray was asking these questions.

"Boy don't tell me…" Lenny said.

"I'm afraid so, now don't be frightened when I tell you this but it seems like you have been infected by the Shadow plague. It must have happened when you were hit by the hammer. It's still weak at the moment but soon it might take over your body."

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