My Dragon System

Chapter 204 - Kicked out

Chapter 204 - Kicked out

Everyone in the room was sweating slightly as they saw Lenny's actions. They had never seen someone so daring in their life before. Right now, they were in front of the Guild leader of one of the biggest guilds in Kelberg and not only that but they were in his base.

Even Ray would have chosen to be more sly about his actions.

"Well?" Lenny asked.

Mark picked up the ring and started to examine it.

"It is indeed my ring, thank you for bringing it back to me, the ring was stolen from me the other day and I had yet to find it."

Ark let out a sigh of relief while Ray had noticed Lenny's face had only gotten angrier.

"Lies, I have been alive for many years and I know when I have sniffed out a puppet of the Shadow plague."

"And you believe this ring is proof enough?" Mark replied, "Do you really think that the mayor and the other Guilds will turn against me just because you found my ring?"

"You were the only one who knew about where we were going, were you not?" Lenny asked.

"And what about Ark, why isn't he a suspect in all this?"

Ark suddenly felt a little betrayed hearing the guild leader suggest that he might be a traitor.

"Simple, he does not smell of the Shadow plague."

Although everyone believed in Lenny's words, they hoped he had a better answer than this.

Mark started to laugh.

"If you ask me, Ark is your number one suspect, anyway I am sick and tired of you disrespecting me, guards escort them out of here. Oh and Ark, I can no longer have a suspected member of the Shadow plague in my Guild, You are hereby dismissed this instant."

Ark suddenly couldn't move. It felt like his whole world had come crumbling down. The guild he had served for the longest time, the place he had called a family had just banished him over what, he didn't really understand.

To the others though, Mark's strange actions only proved that he was in line with the Shadow plague even more. When asked if the ring belonged to anyone, Ark without hesitation said it belonged to the Fallen angels, and his actions after proved that he truly cared for the guild.

Unless the man was a top-class actor it was hard for them to believe that Ark was behind everything.

The group was then escorted out of the guild and Ark's guild tag was taken away.

"Well, what do we do now?" Gary asked.

"Did you find out any more information on the Demon man?" Lilly asked.

"Actually, I do, I was keeping it to myself but it looks like we are a standstill at the moment." Lenny then pulled out a little Journal of his and opened it up so the others could see. On the page was a little diagram of the Hammer that Ray had been looking for.

"This hammer here is what the man wielded, its name is the Dragon hammer. It is said to be an unstable weapon, causing madness. It says the dragon hammer was lost three hundred years ago before it reappeared in the hands of one of the dragon knights only to be lost again."

When looking at the diagram of the hammer, Gary had spotted something. On the hilt of the hammer when it wasn't attached to a man, was a little symbol. The symbol of wings and an eye in the centre, it was the same symbol the Dark guild used as well as the same symbol that was on Gary's sword he found underground.

The information Ray had just been told had come to a shock to him as well. Ray had an estimate that he had passed away as a dragon a hundred years ago, at the same time that's when the Shadow plague started to appear and a few years later the dragon knights to combat the Shadow plague.

Learning that the Dragon hammer came during a time while he was still alive as a Dragon.

While everyone was busy looking at the diagrams, Lenny interrupted them to add one more thing.

"There is actually something else but I didn't say anything about it because I wasn't sure it would help. I met up with the Demon man on my way here."

"What!" Lilly shouted.

"Calm down, nothing happened, the Demon man simply requested a duel. He said to find the boy with red hair that stopped him last time. How he would like a one on one fight with the boy but when I entered the tavern, I was unable to see him nor find him in the city, so I decided to keep this information to myself this time."

After Lenny had finished speaking, Jack, Gary, Lilly, and Berg couldn't help but slightly turn their head towards Ray. They knew exactly who the Demon man wanted a duel with.

These actions didn't go unnoticed of course and Lenny straight away knew something was up.

"Am I missing something?"

"I guess there is no point hiding it," Ray said as he cancelled the transformation skill on himself.

Slowly the black strands of hair on his head started to turn red and eventually his whole head had gone red apart from a few stray hairs here and there.

"I didn't realize you were a mage?" Lenny said, "And a powerful one at that."

Lenny was quite good at seeing through magic disguises but for some reason, he wasn't able to see through Ray's which surprised him.

"He can't go against the Demon man, he will be killed." Ark said, "That man had even beaten a B class adventurer to death."

"No, maybe we can use it to our advantage," Gary said, "that man clearly thinks he can beat Ray in a one on one fight, perhaps a personal grudge from last time but I think Ray can win."

"And what if he loses the fight?" Lilly said, "We will be down one more person meaning closer doom for us all."

"What if it is a trap?" Berg added.

"I think we should leave this decision to Ray." Jack said, "All of this doesn't matter unless Ray wants to do it."

Ray clenched his fist and answered.

"I'll do it, it's payback time."

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