My Dragon System

Chapter 198 - Divine Puppet

Chapter 198 - Divine Puppet

Lilly had been tasked by her father to get as much information from the man as possible. At first, they thought the man might be related to the shadow plague and that was a huge worry for the kingdom if they were able to already infiltrate so far in.

"You can call me Vercy." The chained man said.

"Okay, Vercy," Lilly replied. "Why have you come to Delberg?"

"To kill you all," Vercy said.

"It's useless." The guard said. "The man won't say anything about the real reason he is here."

"The demon inside me has granted me unlimited power and I wanted to test it on the first city I saw, this just happened to be it. Once I get rid of you from the inside the shadow plague can come in and take care of your so-called Divine being."

Ray felt like he had just obtained another piece of the puzzle but at the same time, he didn't quite have the whole picture. Was the Shadow plagues whole goal to destroy the Divine being? Then what was his role in all this? Not only that but why would a piece of weaponry called Dragon hammer have possessed a human being.

"Good luck trying all that while stuck down here," Lilly said.

Then Vercy started to go into a mad laugh.

"You fool, you think I'm stuck here because you actually caught me?" Then the hammer on Vercy's right hand started to glow slightly purple. "I have obtained the power of a Demon, I now wield the Dragon's hammer and with it will bring destruction to you all!"

The guards quickly rushed over to try to restrain the man but then an invisible wave of power came from Vercy, knocking the two knights over.

"Lilly we have to get out of here!" Berg shouted.

"But what about Vercy," Lilly replied, "If he escaped then the whole city might be destroyed."

"Ray what should we do? Things are getting out of hand."

Ray decided he had no choice, he needed to stop the man from getting out of control.


Outside in the forest, Jack was still being followed by the outpost guards. There was currently a total of three guards on his tail. When Jack thought he had finally lost them, he went to hide behind one of the trees in the forest.

"I think I finally lost them."

The three guards continued to search the forest when one of them spotted Jack's Giant greatsword sticking out from the side of the tree.

"There he is!" the guard shouted. "Get him."

The three continued the chase through the forest and Jack was slowly starting to lose his patience. "How do Ray and Gary do it." Jack thought.

Jack was to slow to outrun the guards and wasn't nimble enough to lose them either. As soon as they saw his face, Jack knew he wouldn't be allowed in the city again and if he killed the guards it would start a whole investigation.

Besides Jack didn't want to kill some guards that had done nothing wrong, this wasn't like the Pureblood members or killing a beast. This people just had a job to do and at the end of the day went home to their families.

Then an idea came to Jack's head, he didn't need to be like Ray or Gary, he would deal with things his way. As Jack went through the forest, he drew his giant great sword. While he continued to Run Jack hacked down tree after tree with a single strike.

The guards chasing after him were able to jump over the first few trees but soon they started to slow down. Eventually, Jack was able to completely lose sight of the guards but without even realizing it, Jack himself had run into an area completely unknown to him.

"How the hell do I get back to the academy?"


In the underground cellar, the force emitting from Vercy was only getting stronger. Lilly and Berg were struggling to even stand up. Once again the Hammer on Vercy's body started to pulsate and glow again sending another strong shockwave.

Lilly felt sick and felt if she had to take this power one more time, she didn't know what would happen. Then just before the shock wave could hit Lilly, a complete stranger with red hair stood in front of her.

Ray gathered the mana in his fist and sent out a punch of his own, matching the power of the shockwave and sending out his own shockwave.

When the two shockwaves hit each other they cancelled each other out.

"You, you puppet of the Divine being, Get out of my way!" Vercy shouted.

Gary quickly rushed over to Lilly's side and gave out his hand to lift her off the ground.

"You two get out of here," Gary said.

"You!, you're the boy from the tavern!" Lilly noticed.

"Get out of here, we don't have time for introductions."

"But what about you?"

"We will be fine trust me. We're strong." Gary said smiling.

Berg then Quickly lifted Lilly up and placed her under his arm before running off to the cellar's exit.

The power coming off Vercy was strong and Ray needed to do something to make it weaker and Ray could only think of one thing. He needed to touch Vercy and use Mana drain.

Vercy continued to emit shockwave after shockwave from his hammer while being chained up but Ray equally created his own shockwave punching the air with his fist cancelling out the ones from the hammer.

Then when Ray was finally close enough to touch the man, he placed his right hand on the man's head but something unexpected happened.

Ray was instantly taken into the man's mind. At first, he could see a hopeless single man surrounded by purple flames trying to break free but it was hopeless.

As Ray moved closer to the purple flames, the flames started to form around the man and form a shape. The power was immense, the pressure was so strong Ray felt like he was going to collapse at any second.

His vision was slowly fading but before he went into complete darkness, he managed to catch the form of the purple flames, it had resembled that of a Dragon.

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