My Dragon System

Chapter 179 - Fall back

Chapter 179 - Fall back

Suddenly, every member of the Red wings could feel the power inside them grow, they felt energized. It was only a small power boost but the extra energy was addicting. Gary knew that now was the right time to act. He needed to take the lead.

He ran straight ahead and through the Gate towards the two Slug like creatures with both of his swords drawn. As soon as Gary was within range, the slug creatures threw hundreds of tentacles at him.

But Gary was ready, unlike before where he had to wait for the white lines to appear at a crucial time. This time they had already appeared. Gary spun around with both blades held in his hand aiming for all the white marks in his vision, cutting off all the tentacles that came at him.

Half of the tentacles grew back while the other half remained cut.

"Looks like you still work," Gary said looking at his new sword.

Gary continued to move forward as the tentacles continued to come at him. Gary felt like he was on top of the world and had never felt stronger striking each of the tentacles down. The knights continued to watch in awe.

However, when all was going well for Gary one of the slug-like creatures lifted its body to reveal it's underbelly. Underneath the creature was a horrible site, thousands and thousands of tentacles had appeared and came out all at once towards Gary.

This time it was too much for him to deal with. He cut off the first set that came towards him but then straight after another four manged to grip around his wrists and ankles.

"Dam it, how strong is this beast!"

Gary tried his best to wiggle free but it was useless.

The tentacles drew him in closer into the slug's body, where the tentacles started to part to the side and reveal a set of razor-sharp teeth.

"Is this the end." Gary thought, but just then, two knights came running out slashing at the tentacles holding onto Gary. Gary was set free and as he turned around, he could see all the knights had joined in the fight.

"Sorry, we took so long." A knight said.


At the cemetery, there was no time for Monk and Martha to act, as soon as the minotaurs spotted them, they immediately stopped their rampage on the tombs and graves and came straight after the people.

"Everyone back up!" Monk shouted.

Most of the knights managed to flee and run back towards the centre of the town but one of the knights stood there motionless.

One of the minotaurs who held a giant wooden club in its hand walked towards the young frightened knight. The knight drew his sword but his hands were shaking. The minotaur lifted his club and swung it down but when the minotaur looked at his club, there was no blood.

"Are you okay?" Monk asked as he had managed to push the young knight out of the way at the last second.

The young knight nodded and then immediately got up and ran back towards the academy.

"What do we do?" Martha asked, "it's impossible, we can't take these three things down with just us two."

"Just slow them down, we'll do whatever we can to slow them down while heading back to the academy, then Nes will hopefully be here by then."


At the library, Dan and the two Twins weren't doing much better. The Slime snake had immediately shot out a slimeball from its mouth aiming towards Badger and Sloth. The two of them immediately dodged it remembering the sleeping effect the slime had.

Unfortunately, the slime hit a group of knights standing behind the two causing them to instantly fall asleep while being stuck on the ground.

"Avoid the green slime at all costs!" Badger shouted, "We can come back for them later!"

Badger and Sloth moved forward and managed to manoeuvre themselves between the beast's legs but when they tried attacking their weapons bounced right off.

"Dam it!" Sloth shouted, "Even Jack couldn't damage this thing how are we meant to?"

The two continued to move between its legs to distract the beast but all this could do was buy them some time. Eventually, the beast decided to ignore the two and started to once again focus on the knights.

"RUN!" A knight shouted. The knights immediately fell back and started to run towards the academy. The Slime Snake shot out another glob of green slime right at the knights.

The knights were fast but not fast enough, there were never going to be able to run away from the green slime. Then, just before the green slime had hit, Dan jumped in and whacked the green slime with his spear activating its special ability.

The spear flung the green slime back at the snake. However, the snake's body was agile and it simply twisted itself to avoid the slime.

"Monk, Badger we can't do anything here!" Dan shouted, "We have to go back!"

The twins hated the idea of retreating but it was true there was nothing they could to the beast.


Ray was currently at the top floor of Avrion academy, he was slowly watching all the battles take place all over the city. He knew the beasts were strong and was hoping his Dragon Roar would have been able to turn the tides a little bit but it was useless.

Slowly Ray could see that all three groups were heading back to Avrion academy and any second now they would all be just outside the front.

Ray needed to do something to help but he didn't know-how. He needed to get down there fast but was afraid by the time he had eventually gotten down, the three groups would have already died.

Then suddenly, a familiar sound popped inside of Ray's head and a screen appeared.

"What perfect timing."

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