My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 98-2

Chapter 98-2


Lin Yan lunged to seize control: I wont give up, but I wont give up on you either!

The vehicle spun on the bridge, disorienting Song Yuhang, who fiercely wrestled with her hands, her eyes filled with fierce determination.

Lin Yan, listen up! Didnt you say youd listen to everything I say?!

Except for this f*ucking one thing, Ill listen to anything else!

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Lin Yan roared, her eyes brimming with tears.

Song Yuhang felt extreme heartache, gripping her by the nape of her neck to restrain her. She then gently guided her to the other side of the car door as usual, embracing her tenderly and brushing the hair beside her cheeks behind her ear.

Alright, how about this: I have another request. I want you to stay alive, to pursue your own dreams, and to seek out the truth for all the unjustly departed souls.

In this moment, Lin Yans tears streamed down her face, trembling all over, continuously calling out Song Yuhangs name, pleading for mercy: Song Yuhang, Song Yuhang, I dont want happiness, I want you, I want you

Song Yuhang gave a faint smile, before she could even take out the ring from her chest, she was engulfed by the flames.

She only managed to undo her seatbelt, exerted all her strength, and pushed the person out through the open car door.

Lin Yan rolled to the side of the road like a kite with a broken string.

Flames rose from the bridge, the loud noise even startling Duan Cheng and his crew who were guarding the entrance.

A few people hurriedly glanced over, their eyes widening in shock.

Duan Cheng dashed forward as if possessed: Captain Song, Sister Lin!

Watching Song Yuhangs car plunge into the sea, cradling an unconscious child in her arms, the stoic demeanor of Ji Jingxing also crumbled. She collapsed on the ground, unable to withhold her sobs.


In the distance, sirens began to blare.

Zheng Chengrui threw the remote control and hugged him around the waist, dragging him back. Lets go, hurry! Fang Xin, help!

Im not going, not going, I have to go save them! Duan Cheng pried open his hands, roaring with tears streaming down his face.

Fang Xin wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, walked up, and fiercely slapped him, making him turn his head.

Duan Cheng stared at her intensely.

Theres still a child over there who is unconscious and in danger at any moment! Have you forgotten what Sister Lin said about safely getting her to the hospital? If you go to save her now, everything shes done for us will be in vain, do you understand?!

Duan Cheng choked up, I understand, I do, but

The bridge was so high, the sea so cold, and so deep.

Seeing him cry, Fang Xin couldnt bear it anymore. She pulled him into her arms, holding his head and comforting him.

Duan Cheng wailed, and Fang Xin, tears in her eyes, exchanged a glance with Zheng Chengrui. Nodding, he helped Ji Jingxing and Xiaowei into the car, picked up his remote control, retrieved the drone, and messily wiped away their footprints and traces with dried branches and leaves, covering them up.

A small car rushed away into the mountains before the police arrived.

With a splash, the sound of water, the waves obscured the ripples.

Feng Jianguo opened the car door and leaped out, Stop her!

But it was too late.

No one even touched the hem of her clothes. They watched helplessly as she plunged into the deep sea, disappearing like a fish swimming away.

Winter is not the season for diving.

Lin Yan had never dived in an unfamiliar sea before, let alone jumped from such a high place.

She was extremely anxious, her diving posture was all messed up, and she almost got knocked out by gravity. After swallowing several mouthfuls of salty sea water, she finally came to her senses, floated to the surface, took a deep breath of fresh air, and then plunged back down.

The deeper she dived, the colder it became. Her blood seemed to congeal throughout her body, and the wounds stung intensely as they soaked in the sea water.

It felt like Lin Yan had lost all sense of awareness. As she swam, faint red blood mixed with seawater trailed behind her.

Tears began to fall uncontrollably, but she couldnt close her eyes. She needed to rely on the faint bioluminescence emitted by plankton to locate the spot where the vehicle had plunged into the sea in the dark environment.

This is like finding a needle in a haystack.

She had never spent this long in the deep sea before. Various sea creatures swam past her, from fish to jellyfish, but she paid no attention.

She was like a madwoman, searching the ocean floor to find her beloved.

Diving deep without any protective gear made her eardrums ring, causing a splitting headache. As oxygen depleted, her lungs felt like they were being poked by countless steel needles.

The most deadly threat was the cold. At any moment, hypothermia could make her lose consciousness, drifting into a deep slumber on the ocean floor.

Lin Yan grimaced, biting down on her tongue to jolt herself awake with pain.

Tears running down her face, she silently prayed in her heart: Song Yuhang, where are you? Come out quickly.

Stop hiding from me, Ill do anything you say.

Stepping on a reef, Lin Yan thrust forward with all her might, breaking through the water ripples. In her sight, a large group of fish gathered together.

Gritting her teeth, she swam in that direction as the sea fish scattered in alarm.

Upon seeing the heavily damaged car, Lin Yan burst into tears of extreme frustration, causing bubbles to form between her lips.

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She took a few quick steps forward, vigorously pulling at the car door, kicking and pounding on it to no avail.

Lin Yan changed her approach, squeezing through the shattered windshield, the glass bits leaving a few more cuts on her body.

She slapped Song Yuhangs face hard, as she sat quietly leaning back in the seat with her eyes closed, almost like she was fast asleep.

The seawater washed her blood-stained face clean, and her soft black short hair gently rippled with the water.

Lin Yan carefully lifted her face, feeling a lump in her throat as she pressed her head against her icy forehead, pulling the person into her arms, trying to warm her up with her own body heat.

But to no avail, it was just too cold here.

She shivered all over, like a block of ice.

Glancing around, Lin Yan kicked the broken window harder with her feet, widening the gap. The shattered glass shards and bloodstains drifted away with the water.

Turning around, she used her frail shoulders to support Song Yuhang, embracing her waist, and together they struggled to swim out.

The originally thin oxygen in her lungs was depleted even faster due to the intense exercise.

Lin took in several mouthfuls of seawater, bubbles escaping from her nose.

She still bore the weight of another person on her body, making each swim laborious due to gravity.

Looking up, the seawater above remained dark, uncertain of when she would see daylight again by swimming.

However, Song Yuhang couldnt hold on for much longer.

Her face was pale, her lips a bluish-purple hue, and she had been submerged in the deep sea for a while.

Without hesitation, Lin Yan cradled her lovers face and placed her lips upon hers.

As she felt her icy cold lips, a shiver ran down Lin Yans entire body, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She transferred all her warmth, vitality, love, and breath to her.

Lin Yan held her tightly by the waist, deepening the kiss.

The circle-bound leather strap fell off, dropping into the deep sea, with her soft hair floating like seaweed in the waves.

They intertwined, weaving together, swaying with the waves, and faint red bloodstains drifting around.

Playful fish came to chase after them, while Lin Yan latched onto her waist, pulling her strenuously upstream.

She no longer felt the cold or the pain, her consciousness even a blank slate.

She had only one thought: take her away.

The seawater splashing against her body almost gave Lin Yan an illusion that it was Song Yuhang responding to her in that warm and gentle way.

Overwhelmed with joy, Lin burst into tears. Suddenly, a flash of white light exploded in her mind. She swam with all her might towards it and then realized

It was actually the dawn breaking.

Emerging from beneath the seas surface, Lin saw the eastern sky unveiling its light.

The morning sun cast its shimmering rays on the surface of the sea.

Lin Yan cried, almost wailing, dragging herself towards the shore as if her life depended on it, swimming while cursing along the way.

Song Yuhang, didnt we agree to get married? Is this engagement still valid? Fine, you pretend to be dead, pretend to be dead, then I wont marry you!

Ill go find ten or eight f*cking mistresses, come back every day to anger you! Get up! Get up and curse at me!

Lin Yan roared, stumbling, tears streaming down her face as she flung herself onto the beach.

The waves lapped at their bodies, and the police also gathered around, encircling them.

Lin Yan felt as if she had turned deaf, bending down to listen to her heartbeat.

Silent as can be, only the sound of the waves.

Seagulls soared across the sky, emitting a mournful cry.

Tears welled up in her eyes that once held so much affection, her face filled with grief, trembling all over.

As Feng Jianguo pushed through the crowd and saw the pale face of the person lying on the ground, he shuddered, his eyes slightly moist.

Someone wanted to step forward to carry her away.

Dont move!!! Lin Yan shouted hysterically, tearing open her clothes and stubbornly starting CPR.

After thirty consecutive chest compressions, she leaned down to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and her flat chest began to rise and fall.

Yet, it was only for a moment. When she let go, she stopped breathing on her own completely, relying solely on what she had blown into her.

Lin Yan cried out in silent agony. In reality, she had long reached her physical limits, solely relying on that breath to rescue the person from the seabed, swim to the shore, and now, kneeling here to give her artificial respiration.

She was working on one side, looking extremely disheveled as everyone around her watched, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her eyes were red and swollen, hair a mess, covered in bruises.

Seagulls circled above, their mournful cries lingering in the air.

Feng Jianguo watched her collapse, watched her wail and sob loudly, watched her desperately shaking Song Yuhangs shoulders, unable to bear it any longer.

The old man turned away, wiped away tears with the back of his hand, and said in a deep voice, Take her away.

LP: hahaha! Dont worry, theres still like, 40 chapters more anyways, Ill continue to curse those b*stards who did this ()


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