My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 94-1

Chapter 94-1


The New Years Eve that Lin Yan spent at the Song family home turned into one of her most treasured memories later on.

Leaning on Song Yuhangs shoulder, she idly cracked sunflower seeds, listening to Mother Song share amusing anecdotes from her daughters childhood, chuckling heartily as Song Yuhangs cheeks became increasingly rosy with bashfulness.

Mother Song also peppered her with questions about various aspects of her work and personal life. Lin Yan responded with sincerity, not hiding anything, including details of her illness.

Mother Song couldnt fully comprehend the disease, but when Song Yuhang described the symptomsregular insomnia, long-term medication usage, vomiting, and other side effectsshe felt a twinge of sorrow for this poor child.

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Ultimately, her primary concern was: Thiswhat syndrome did you call it? Its not hereditary, right?

Lin Yan hadnt fully swallowed her mouthful of water when, with an indelicate snort, it nearly sprayed out everywhere.

Really, was this the primary concern of all parents in the world?

Mother Song was visibly worried.

Song Yuhang couldnt help but chuckle: Its okay, Mom, its not hereditary. Besides, even if it was, youve still got me, right? And if all else fails, we can always adopt.

She cracked a handful of sunflower seeds, giving all the kernels to Lin Yan.

By the way, how did you come to know about all this?

Mother Song was slightly embarrassed; she hadnt really had any exposure to these things herself.

I, uh, read about it in the newspaper.

From the TV set, the tune Unforgettable Tonight began to play, and the chimes of the midnight bell rang from outside the window.

Mother Song heaved a sigh of relief and started to hustle people out.

Alright already, hurry up and go take a bath and sleep, dont you have to catch a flight tomorrow?

Okay. Song Yuhang put the sunflower seeds back into the dish and pulled Lin Yan as they dashed into the bathroom.

Mom, no need to make breakfast for us tomorrow, Id like to sleep in a bit.

Fine, got it, got it.

Mother Songs drawn-out response came from the living room.

Song Yuhang held her hand as they washed together, then they brushed their teeth, and after washing their faces, she began to take off her sweater.

Lin Yan pressed down on the hem of the garment, looking at her warily: What are you doing?

Its water and time-saving for two to wash together.

Auntie is still outside, you Lin Yans eyes widened, but her mouth was swiftly covered by a hand.

Did she still want to be able to face people when she went out tomorrow?

Shh, dont make noise. What used to be sneaky can now be done openly.

Um No, you cant! Lin Yans eyes reddened with urgency, steadfastly refusing and gasping for breath, she managed to push Song Yuhang out the door, splashing her face with water from the showerhead.

Song Yuhang, wiping the water off her face, turned to see Mother Song still busy in the living room and went over to help tidy up.

Mom, let me do it. You should go to sleep.

She said, helping her to sit on the sofa, then she took the broom and started to sweep the room.

Mother Song watched her tall figure stoop over, sweeping out sunflower seed shells from underneath the sofa, and called out her name.


What is it, Mom? She looked up at her, her hands never ceasing their work.

Nothing much, just that seeing you now, Im reminded of when you were just born, tiny as a palm. The doctor said you were premature and probably wouldnt survive three months, but look at you now, all grown up.

Mother Song looked at the portrait of her late husband, measured with her hand, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Youre even taller than your father now.

Song Yuhang set down the broom and half-knelt beside her, taking her hand with a touch of emotion, Mom

Mother Song gently brushed her black hair from her forehead to behind her ears, I never really noticed before, but today, watching you take care of Yanyan, I realized that my daughter has truly grown up and found her own place in the world.

Song Yuhang rested her face on her mothers knee, Mom, no matter how old I am, whether or not I have a girlfriend, or who I am with, you will always be my mom, and I will always love you.

Song Yuhang knew that Mother Song might not necessarily accept homosexuality; she simply loved all who were dear to her daughter, accepting Lin Yan out of her hope for her daughters happiness.

This is such great and profound maternal love.

She rubbed her moms leg, just like when she was younger.

Mom, dont worry, Im not the type to forget my mother once I have a wife.

Mother Song laughed lightly: If you were that kind of person, itd be better if you didnt start a relationship at all, to avoid holding any girl back. By the way, have you met Yanyans family?

At the mention of Lin Yans father, Lin Youyuan, Song Yuhang had a look that spoke volumes of unsaid troubles.

I have met them, but

The outcome was not as good as expected; in fact, it could be said that from then on, a feud was born.

Mother Song pondered, Since you two have decided to get married, there are things that must be done. Those who should be respected must be respected. If Lin Yan doesnt want to go home, you need to be tactful. Dont favor one over the other.

Song Yuhang smiled. She didnt plan to share the overly complicated issues that would worry her mother, so she gently squeezed her hand.

I understand, mom. Dont worry, Ill be prudent. Anyway, before we officially get married, we should pay a visit.

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There is another matter, Mother Song said, straightening her face in a mock-serious manner.

No matter what, through adoption or giving birth, you two need to have a childI want to hold a grandchild.

Song Yuhang wailed, resting her head on her mothers knees, Not this again, Mom. Yanyan doesnt want children; she prefers to be a DINK.

Mother Song tugged at her ear, I dont care if youre DINK or KIND, Ive already compromised. This is the one thing you need to fulfill for me.

Song Yuhang finally understood where Lin Yan picked up the habit of tugging at her earclearly, she had learned from her own mother.

Looking utterly distressed, she hastily made her exit with a swift move. Alright, alright, your word is law, your word is law, she said. Im off to take a bath, then Ill go make a grandson for you.

??? This no-good rascal, Mother Songs face flushed with the mock anger, her hand raised as if to strike, but by then her daughter had already dashed off like a shot to find her girlfriend.

Lin Yan, after her bath, passed by the living room. Mother Song had already gone to bed, and no one was around.

Under the dim glow of the wall lamp, the incense on the altar had burned out. She walked over, lit three more sticks with the lighter, took a moment to bow her head in silent tribute, and gently placed them into the incense burner before returning to her room.

Her hair was just half-dried, not yet fully wet, when Song Yuhang came back from her shower.

Lin Yan was flipping through an album on her desk without looking up. You showered so fast?

Before her words fell silent, she was enveloped in a full embrace.

Song Yuhang buried her head in Lin Yans neck, I missed you.

Its been less than ten minutes apart, does Captain Song really need to be like this? Lin Yan chuckled, propping up her head.

Song Yuhang buried her head again, muttering as she pushed her towards the bed.

As for, as for, my mother is urging us again

What? Lin Yan was taken aback.

To have children.

As Song Yuhang spoke, she had already taken the photo album from Lin Yans hands, laid her down on the bed, and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.

Lin Yan gritted her teeth: You tell me, how are the two of us, both women, supposed to do that?

Song Yuhangs voice was sticky and muddled: Just like this, suddenly feeling that not getting pregnant is pretty good, we can

Lin Yan rolled her eyes: Can let you hassle me indefinitely?

She grabbed her hair with one hand, propping the person up.

Song Yuhang was taken aback, but it was already too late.

Lin Yan reapplied an old trick, firmly immobilizing the person beneath her with a Cross Lock.

Lin Song Yuhang gasped, her arm trapped.

Lin Yan leaned over, her long hair brushing across her face.

Sorry, Officer Song, looks like Ill disappoint you. Auntie, I cant make babies.

But Her well-manicured fingernail lifted the hem of the pajamas, slowly tracing down the slender curve of the back.

Its time for you to keep your promise, remember to keep it down.

Lin Yan whispered in her ear, hitting her sensitive spot.

After all, auntie is still in the next room.

Lin Yan Yanyan Song Yuhang gasped, her ability to form complete sentences quickly escaping her.

Hiss Mmm

That usually calm and composed face now flushed with red, slightly intoxicated, a look that only surfaced in moments like these.

Lin Yan was utterly enamored with her current expression, becoming even more enthusiastic.

Their fingers intertwined, as if kneading each other into their very bones.

The sheets became wrinkled, sweat beads rolled onto them, and strands of hair were entwined, scattered over the pillows.

The night was still young.

Early the next morning, sunlight filtered through the window screen, casting a warm glow on the wooden floor.

Ji Jingxing was roused from her sleep by a work call. After a brief conversation, she was wide awake. Turning back, she looked at the little one, Xiaowei, still deep in slumber on the bed. Despite feeling reluctant to disturb her, she gently woke her.

Xiaowei, Xiaowei, wake up, its time to get out of bed. Mommy has to work soon; I have to go to the company to meet with a client. How about I take you to Grandmas house for some dumplings first?

Mumbling, Xiaowei rubbed her eyes and crawled out from under the covers, Okay, I know, Mommy.

Ji Jingxing felt a pang of sympathy, stroked her daughters head, and held her close. She thought to herself that maybe when Xiaowei was a bit older and more self-reliant, they wouldnt have to push themselves so hard.

Good girl, get dressed. Mom is going to wash up.

By the time Ji Jingxing dropped her child off at her grandmothers, Song Yuhang and Lin Yan had just come downstairs, chatting and laughing together.

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Song Yuhang greeted them with her usual composure: Sister-in-law, Xiaowei.

Xiaowei ran up to give her a hug, Auntie!

Hey, let me see, after one New Year, have you gotten any heavier? said Song Yuhang, as she lifted the child up.

Lin Yan, however, was still giving Ji Jingxing the cold shoulder, not entirely welcoming.

Of course, Ji Jingxing paid her no mind either.


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