My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 88-2

Chapter 88-2


Hello, a standard room, please. Lin Yan took out her ID card and handed it over, casually tapping her fingertips on the counter while sneakily using her peripheral vision to scan behind her.

There were surveillance cameras in the hotel lobby; the person tailing her had not come in.

Lin Yan whistled softly and threw a flirtatious look at the receptionist, then picked up her key card and went upstairs.

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A standard room, thanks. Song Yuhang pulled out money from her wallet, handed it over, took her change and room card, and then she also went upstairs.

Fifteen minutes later, in the cover of the night, a window on the second floor cracked open ever so slightly, revealing an empty alleyway below.

A nimble figure scaled down the drainpipe with bare hands, then darted into the darkness.

When Lin Yan reached the agreed spot, Song Yuhang was already waiting for her.

Seeing her run over, Song Yuhang finally breathed a sigh of relief and greeted her: Are you okay?

Im fine, Lin Yan shook her head. Took some effort, but I managed to shake them off.

The long run and climb had left her a bit out of breath. Song Yuhang, feeling concerned, took her by the hand and guided her along the walls edge, avoiding the surveillance cameras blind spots, and they entered a small hostel.

The landlady, slouched in her chair, barely lifted an eyebrow as someone entered: ID card.

Song Yuhang directly took out twice the amount of the room price and placed it on the counter.

The landlady sat up, counting the money with a grin, and tossed them a set of keys.

Straight upstairs then turn left.

Just like that, the two of them checked into a black hotel that didnt require identity registration, using double the money.

To craft a perfect alibi and shake off their pursuers, Song Yuhang intentionally left surveillance footage of herself with Lin Yan on the streets and then checked into a large hotel. These kinds of hotels usually register with the local police department, so anyone inquiring could easily find out when and where she had checked into the hotel.

This could be the police or some unknown force trailing them.

Lin Yan did the same, with her only worry being the potential danger she might encounter if they split up.

But Lin Yan was adamant about separating. Holding her hand firmly, she whispered, One piece of evidence with each of us. They wont act rashly if they cant tell who has it. Its actually more dangerous for us to be together. Lets split up.

With that, she resolutely slipped her hand out of Song Yuhangs palm and left.

It wasnt until that moment, when they entered the room, closed the door behind them, and locked it, that Song Yuhang, holding the person tightly in her arms, finally felt the weight lift off her heart and settle back into her stomach.

Lin Yan, buried in her neck, hugged her back.

As long as their affections were confirmed, she never held back her love.

Worried about me?

Song Yuhang cupped her face, looked into her eyes, and saw her own reflection there.

She gave a bitter smile: What else could I do? I was scared to death.

Lin Yan tiptoed, and Song Yuhang naturally didnt miss the chance when she showed willingness to get close.

Because most of us are already using all our strength just to live, we study hard only to live better, to change our lives, to buy what we want, and to chase after the people we like.

Success isnt just about studying, but studying indeed is a shortcut to success. It doesnt ask for capital; it only demands your persistent effort. Xiao Zhou, your teacher doesnt want you to drop out. You must persevere.

At noon, all the small groups regrouped for a brief case analysis.

First was Zheng Chengrui: Checked the computer used by the deceased, Ding Xue, before her death. Nothing abnormal, but when we looked at the frequently used communication tools, we found traces of chat history having been erased.

Song Yuhang, propping her chin on her hands and leaning back in her chair, asked, With whom? And how soon can we recover it?

A photo was enlarged on the screen: a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, dressed in a suit and shoes, slightly heavyset.

The current principal of Jiangcheng No.1 Middle School, Ge Jun.

Song Yuhang understood right away: This Ge Jun, on the day of the incident last Friday, went on a business trip to the provincial capital and has a certain degree of suspicion. Send someone to contact the provincial office and invite him back for a tea and chat.

Zhang Jinhai, holding his teacup, paused a moment: Im afraid thats not appropriate, after all, hes the principal of a key city school and also a peoples congress representative. Lets wait until the chat records are recovered and we have solid evidence.

Everyones gaze turned toward Song Yuhang, who showed no particular reaction, just twirling a pen in her hand with an indifferent expression.

F***. Song Yuhang cursed under her breath, watching her casually enter the bathroom, her anger with nowhere to vent, she took out a cigarette from her pocket and walked to the window to smoke.

Looking through the curtains, this place is in prime location, right opposite the sweet soup shop, with the whole entrance and courtyard in plain sight.

The street is quiet, with only the occasional bark of a dog. In other words, if theres the slightest noise opposite, they could definitely hear it.

Song Yuhang fished out a flashlight from her backpack, cracked open a sliver of window, and shone the beam onto the glass of the bungalow.

Guo Xiaoguang, seeing the patches of light on the floor, got up and turned on the electric light.

It flashed for a moment and was quickly turned off.

This was the agreed-upon signal to confirm each others safety.

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Song Yuhangs hanging heart was completely put at ease.

After Lin Yan finished her shower and came out drying her hair, Song Yuhang glanced over unintentionally and saw that she hadnt tied her bathrobe, which instantly made her furious. She lunged over, grabbed the blanket, and covered her up tightly.

Keep yourself in line.

Lin Yan struggled, but was pinned down on the bed with a towel and given a good rub-down until her hair was nearly dry. Only then did Song Yuhang get up to take her own shower.

As soon as she left, Lin Yan, with her hair looking like a birds nest, crawled out and threw a wet towel onto her back while flipping the middle finger.

Song Yuhang poked her head out of the bathroom and said, That

Lin Yan immediately covered herself with the blanket and lay back down.

Song Yuhang couldnt help but laugh, whistled cheerfully, and shut the bathroom door.

Little rascal, I can still handle you.

After running around all day, Lin Yan was genuinely tired. She yawned, covering her mouth, and looked up at her: Arent you sleeping?

Song Yuhang, just finished with her bath, her hair still slightly damp, lay it flat behind her ear, propping up an arm as she lay on her side facing her.

Im not sleeping; I need to keep an ear out for any noise from the other side.

Lin Yan snuggled into her arms, wrapped her arms around her waist, and mumbled: Then Ill sleep first, and we can switch when I wake up in the middle of the night.

Go to sleep. Song Yuhang affectionately brushed the stray hair from her cheek to behind her ear and gently planted a kiss on her forehead.

To help her sleep more peacefully, she used one hand served as a pillow and the other gently patted her back, with no plans to wake her during the night.

She slept without dreams, and it was the sound of the rolling gate being pulled open from across the street that woke her up in the early morning.

Guo Xiaoguang peeked out timidly. It was not yet fully light, and the long street had few pedestrians. He looked around before carefully helping his mother out, carrying a big travel bag on his back, dragging a suitcase in hand, quickly locked the door, and, leading Guo Yuezhen, hurried away.

The car arranged by Lin Yan was waiting at the corner.

Only after she saw them safely on the car did Lin Yan, still groggy, collapse back on the bed.

Ah, its still early, sleep for a bit more, just a bit more.

Song Yuhang couldnt help but laugh and tickled her: Didnt you make a big fuss last night? Huh?

Hahaha, stop ithey!

While they were fooling around, another love scene came to a close.

A man stood in front of a floor-length mirror doing up his buttons. In contrast to Lin Youyuan, he was full of youthful vigor, his body devoid of any excess fat, and even early in the morning, he was refreshed and clear-headed, with every hair in place.

He seems to have a habit of regularly cutting his hair, never letting his hair and beard grow wild.

This strictness in life was a clear sign of his rigidity in bed.

The woman, somewhat unsatisfied, got out of bed barefoot and wrapped her arms around his waist.

The mans shaving hand stiffened; he looked down with still gentle words, even though his mind was already ponderingwhat kind of specimen would this hand make?

What are you doing?

The womans hand slid down the triangular area: When will you give this to me, I want to

The man pressed her hand, turned around with a smile: Didnt I say, wait until you get his will and then well talk.

But The woman frowned, shaking his arm, coaxing him with a petulant tone.

Everythings already gone that way, the company is about to collapse, and he still wont give in, what can I do?

The man chuckled meaningfully, lifted her hand, and kissed it lightly: Then its up to your skills.

Guo Xiaoguang breathed a sigh of relief when he got on the van, settled his mother into her seat, and fastened her seat belt for her.

The driver in the front row, wearing sunglasses, turned around: Mr. Guo?

Guo Xiaoguang nodded and handed over a business card: Miss Lin sent me to find you.

The man glanced at the card and a cunning smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Guo Xiaoguangs heart skipped a beat and he thought this is bad!, he pushed the car door but it wouldnt budge. When he looked up again, a gun was pointed at his forehead.

Child, Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang, whats happening? The old lady, hearing the commotion, reached out her hand, groping around.

Guo Xiaoguang, holding his mothers hand, was sweating profusely. He swallowed hard and said, Its nothing, Mom, just chatting with this big brother.

The mans face broke into a sly smile, appreciating Guos quick-witted response.

He put away the gun and started the van: Lets go. My boss wants to see both of you; lets not keep him waiting.

LP: Let me guess That was Lin Ge and Lin Youyans current wife, huh? Bastards!


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