My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 81-1

Chapter 81-1

Snowy Night

Interrogation Room.

Since it was just a routine questioning, the person sitting across from her was not handcuffed. They even poured him a glass of water.

Song Yuhang pulled out a chair and sat down, while Lin Yan and Zheng Chengrui kept an eye on the surveillance screen outside.

The accompanying investigator opened the transcript and began, Where were you between four and five oclock yesterday morning?

The person opposite her was dressed in a black leather jacket, with a large gold chain hanging around his neck and gold rings on his fingers. It was as if he wanted everyone to know he was a nouveau riche. He fidgeted his leg and replied.

I was at Rain Bar drinking. Whats the matter?

Song Yuhang handed over a photo of Gao Qiang and asked, Do you know this person?

The nouveau riche with the gold chain glanced at it and smirked. Yeah, isnt that the guy who owes money and never pays it back?

Song Yuhang remained composed and looked at him. So, you knew he had debts and still drank with him?

The nouveau riche chuckled twice, stubbing his cigar in the ashtray. Theres no law that says I cant drink with someone who owes debts, right? Besides, officer, you dont understand that guy. Despite his current downfall, hes the second son of a big company. He still has some assets hidden away. If you dig a little, youll find something. Dont you think so?

The investigator continued, How much money does he owe you?

The nouveau riche furrowed his brow and calculated, Including interest, its around a hundred thousand or so.

When did he start borrowing money from you?

Right around the time his family got into trouble. He took a drag from his cigarette, leaned back in his chair, and finished the water in the disposable cup. He then asked for a refill.

One more cup, one more cup, make it into tea.

The accompanying detective glanced at Song Yuhang, who nodded. He took the paper cup and left the room.

In a short while, a steaming cup of tea arrived at the table.

Song Yuhang played with the pen in her hand and calmly said, You might not be able to get your money back. Hes dead.

The person across from her hadnt even swallowed a sip of tea when he sprayed it all out with a pfft sound.

Cough, cough, cough What the fuck Are you serious? Tissues, tissues, my leather jacket The nouveau riche said while grabbing tissues to wipe the water off himself.

Both individuals across the table were watching him intently, and he raised his head with a hint of suspicion.

You didnt call me here today suspecting me of killing him, did you? The nouveau riche raised both fingers and swore to the heavens.

On my honor, Officer, after he left last night, I was still at Rain Bar drinking with a group of friends. We drank until the sky was almost bright, and I never went out! If you dont believe me, check the surveillance footage, check it!

They had already obtained the surveillance video from the bar, and it indeed showed Gao Qiang entering and leaving alone. If someone had followed him, the nouveau riche wouldnt be sitting here smoking and drinking tea; he would have been taken care of a long time ago.

Song Yuhang forced a smile and tugged at the corner of her lips. Who else was drinking with you? Write down their names and phone numbers. Do you remember how much you all drank? Was there any attempt to persuade you to drink more?

The investigator stood up and handed him a pen and paper. The nouveau riche shook his head. I dont remember how much we drank. Persuasion? Nah, that kid was like he had never drunk in his entire life. He got a few of us completely wasted.

In another interrogation room, the person sitting there was the same individual involved in the events of that night, giving a similar statement.

Lin Yan held a cup of coffee and leaned against the table, staring at the large screen, lost in thought.

The iron door opened with a clang, and the nouveau riche straightened his clothes as he walked out. As he passed by Lin Yan, he glanced at her for a moment. Song Yuhang also followed closely behind, subtly blocking the mans line of sight.

Dont leave the country recently. If there are any developments, well find you at any time.

Alright, alright, alright. The nouveau riche shrugged nonchalantly as he stepped out. As soon as he was out, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigar, lighting it up. Hey, there are quite a lot of beauties in your department.

No one paid him any attention, and a young detective came over to escort him out.

In the end, the last glimpse he caught was the female officer who had just interrogated him wrapping her arms around Lin Yans waist, protecting her as they walked in the opposite direction. It wasnt a casual shoulder-to-shoulder embrace between siblings, but a direct waist-holding gesture, silently proclaiming ownership.

The nouveau riche touched his nose, swaggered out, and headed towards the exit.

Song Yuhang drove her home after the interrogation. Lin Yan had just finished a cup of coffee and felt a bit drowsy, as if the caffeine hadnt done much to wake her up.

She stifled a yawn and asked, Do you think his suspicion can be cleared?

Based on what we have now, there arent any doubts. The timeline, testimonies, and surveillance footage all match up.

During a pause at a traffic light, Song Yuhang squeezed her hand. Dont fall asleep in the car. You might catch a cold.

Lin Yan looked out the window at the flowing neon lights, feeling a touch of solitude. Its good that Gao Qiang is dead. Even if he were alive, he might not have been sentenced to death. Everyone who has caused harm to others should pay the price.

Song Yuhang didnt engage in a discussion on this matter. Emotionally, she leaned more towards Lin Yans viewpoint. However, her profession and position meant that she couldnt let emotions cloud her judgment.

In the eyes of the law, everyone is equal. It doesnt open a path for you just because you were once a good person, nor does it push you into a pit just because you were a bad person. Moreover, the boundary between good and bad is inherently subjective and blurry. The world has never been a simple black-and-white dichotomy.

It exists in delicate shades of gray.

When the traffic light turned green, Song Yuhang stepped on the gas pedal. Perhaps it was truly just an accident. I still want to believe that in the end, good and evil will receive their respective consequences.

The nouveau riche, who had walked out of the entrance of the police station, quickly blended into the crowd. He glanced back through the rearview mirror of a parked car and noticed several plainclothes officers following him.

He accelerated, crossed the intersection, and just as he stepped onto the opposite side of the road, the green light turned red, trapping the plainclothes officers behind the stream of cars.

The nouveau riche turned into a few small alleys, completely disappearing from the plainclothes officers view.

Inside a telephone booth on the street, he dialed a number, and someone picked up quickly.

Hello? His voice was slightly breathless. Im being followed.

On the other end, the voice remained calm and composed, without a hint of panic.

Dont worry, let them follow. Nowadays, the police focus more on solid evidence than mere confessions. If they cant find any evidence in a few days, theyll naturally give up.

However, what surprised him was that they continued to investigate even without any fingerprint evidence. They seemed to believe that Lin Yan held a deep hatred for Gao Qiang.

There was a soft chuckle from the other end.

The nouveau riche swallowed nervously. So, what should I do then?

You go out now. Eat and drink as you normally would these days. Deliberately hiding will only arouse suspicion.

The nouveau riche nodded, gripping the receiver tightly. And it seems like theyre really together.

There was silence for three seconds. The man tilted his head back and finished his glass of red wine in one gulp.

I understand.

Outside Lin Yans house.

Song Yuhang unbuckled her seatbelt. When are you going to call Lin Ge and ask him out for a meal?

Lin Yan glanced at her wristwatch. How about now? Its just a little past nine, so hes probably still awake.

It was the perfect time since she hadnt had a chance to clarify some things with Song Yuhang earlier.

Alright, put it on speakerphone. I wont say anything.

Lin Yan clicked her tongue. Are you going to interrogate me too?

Good point. Lets interrogate each other in bed.

Lin Yan swung her bag over and threw a playful remark, Youre panting just from being called fat.

Coincidentally, the call connected, and Song Yuhang watched as Lin Yan cleared her throat and activated the speakerphone.

Hello, Lin Ge, its me. Are you free tomorrow? I want to visit Auntie and have a meal together.

Lin Ges voice sounded a bit hoarse, No rush. Dont make the trip now. Shes currently in an isolation ward and wont be able to come home until Friday. Lets meet at home then.

Lin Yan pondered for a moment, glanced at Song Yuhang, and said, Alright, lets have a meal together tomorrow. Its been so long

Lin Ge chuckled softly, Impressive that you still remember me. Alright, where do you want to eat?

Do you think Im that heartless? Lin Yan protested playfully, Anything is fine. Its been a while since I had hot pot, so lets go for that.

Lin Ge nodded, Sure, you can decide on the venue.

Then lets meet tomorrow evening at 8 oclock. Ill message you the details. Dont be late.

Deal. I wont be late.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuhang stared at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan put her phone back in her bag. Whats wrong?

Song Yuhang observed her lips intently. Indeed, youre heartless.

What kind of twisted talk is that? Lin Yan chuckled, pushed open the car door, but it wouldnt budge despite her efforts.

She turned to look at Song Yuhang.

Her gaze was intense.

A slight smirk formed at the corner of Lin Yans lips. Arent you going home?

Song Yuhang shook her head. Wouldnt Forensic Doctor Lin welcome me up for a visit?

Breaking through that layer of pretense, Lin Yan became even more uninhibited. Leaning back in her seat, she raised her eyes to meet Song Yuhangs gaze, a hint of a playful smile playing on her lips.

What kind of visit are we talking about here?

Her rosy lips slightly parted, exuding a seductive smile that stirred irresistible desires.

Song Yuhang leaned in and kissed her, saying, Well, theyre both verbs, no difference.

Though Song Yuhang was a novice, she quickly caught on, and the two of them engaged in a passionate exchange, with no distinction between who was leading and who was following.

The position was somewhat inconvenient, so Song Yuhang reached out and pulled her over from the passenger seat.

Lin Yans breath grew ragged as she gripped Song Yuhangs shoulders, instinctively feeling that if they continued like this, she wouldnt be able to get up tomorrow.

You can sleep at my place, but no touching.

Song Yuhang was caught up in the moment, unbuttoning her shirt with a bite. Then I wont sleep. Ill stay in the car.

You Lin Yan was about to explode with anger. She shook her shoulders and shouted, Are you f***ing trying to exhaust me?

Song Yuhang chuckled, pressing her forehead against hers. Alright, alright, I wont do it. Lets go upstairs.

Lin Yan rummaged through her belongings to find toiletries for her. If youre going to stay over frequently, well need to get some more things, especially since you keep wearing my clothes to work every day.

Feng Jianguo had been acting all grumpy and scowling at her these past few days, but Lin Yan didnt really care. If they transferred her away, the Jiangcheng City Bureaus Technical Investigation Department could finally shut down for good.

Song Yuhang chuckled. You always think things through.

Lin Yan handed her the new pajamas. Im going to take a shower first. Do as you please.

Dont you want to join me? Song Yuhang asked in return.

Lin Yan directly tossed a towel in her face and angrily slammed the bathroom door shut. Get lost!!!

Song Yuhang shrugged helplessly, placed the towel and pajamas neatly on the sofa, and decided to wear them after her shower. She then surveyed the entire villa.

Every day during the daytime, housekeepers came to clean, so it was spotless without a speck of dust. The floor was so clean that it could reflect ones likeness, not a single strand of hair in sight.

The marble tiles reflected a cold light under the stark white glow of the chandelier.

Song Yuhang shook her head, reached for the wall lamp, turned off the overhead lights, and switched to a warm yellow light. The atmosphere instantly became cozy. She also turned on the central air conditioning, setting the heating to a comfortable 28 degrees Celsius.

Lin Yan really didnt know how to live. Such a good house was wasted on her.

Her gaze passed through the French windows and looked outside, where a few roses and wintersweets swayed in the cold wind in the courtyard.

Song Yuhang hurriedly put on slippers and ran outside, picking a few flowers and plucking a few wild daisies from the corner to use as decoration.

When she returned, she rummaged through Lin Yans well-stocked liquor cabinet and found a suitable bottle to use as a vase. She cleaned it, trimmed the flower stems, and placed them in the vase on the counter.

With a snow-white tablecloth spread out, the ambiance immediately became different.

Song Yuhang took a step back to admire her masterpiece, feeling very satisfied. She took out her phone from her pocket and pressed the shutter.

Seeing that Lin Yan hadnt come out yet, she went to wash her hands and prepared a hot cup of milk for her to drink before going to bed. She also checked the refrigerator to see what vegetables were available for tomorrows breakfast.

Although she didnt cook, chefs often came by, and the dishes in the double-door refrigerator were still quite abundant.

Song Yuhang took out a piece of chicken breast to thaw and washed some cherry tomatoes. They could also be eaten as fruit later. She noticed fresh mangoes in a basket nearby.

After some thought, she decided to make a milk custard for her. It was nutritious and delicious. Lin Yan was picky with her food, and she was afraid plain milk wouldnt suit her taste.

When Lin Yan finished showering and came out with her hair towel-dried, Song Yuhang was beating eggs in a bowl. After a period of intensive culinary training, her movements had become quite skilled.

At first glance, with the warm yellow light, the neatly spread tablecloth, and the fresh flowers emitting a subtle fragrance on the counter, Lin Yan thought she had walked into the wrong house.

Song Yuhang heard the movement and turned to look at her. Im making a late-night snack. Go blow-dry your hair, and well be able to eat soon.

What are you making? I cant eat too much, Lin Yan muttered, walking closer to her and raising her chin to rest it on Song Yuhangs shoulder.

Song Yuhang tilted her head slightly and smiled. You have to eat. You need to gain some weight.

Lin Yan wrinkled her nose. No, I have the demeanor of a semi-public figure.

Song Yuhang clicked her tongue and fed her a piece of diced mango.

When you were publicly insulting people and engaging in public displays of affection, why didnt you think about your demeanor as a public figure?

For some reason, the food she made always suited Lin Yans taste. Lin Yan took a bite and opened her mouth for more.

Song Yuhang helplessly covered the bowl. She hadnt cut much to begin with and fed Lin Yan the last piece.

Alright, no more. We still need it for the steamed custard later.

Lin Yan seemingly obediently nodded, but in reality, she licked the juice from Song Yuhangs fingertips clean.

Song Yuhang remembered the softness within Lin Yans body, her gaze slightly darkening. She turned her face slightly stiffly and turned on the stove.

After ten minutes, turn off the heat. Oh well, Ill go take a shower first. You can turn it off when its ready.

With that, Song Yuhang took off her apron and placed it on the counter, hastily running into the bathroom.

Watching her hurriedly escaping figure, a slight curve formed at the corner of Lin Yans lips.

Usually, when she came home alone, she either immersed herself in the laboratory or went straight to bed after drinking, or she wouldnt come home at all. There were rarely such serene nights.

Lin Yan leaned against the sofa, towel-drying her hair. The floor-to-ceiling curtains were drawn, and the gas stove simmered with a bubbling sound. When Song Yuhang was cooking, she had also turned on the projector with the volume set low, playing an art film.

On the table, there were freshly washed cherry tomatoes. Lin Yan sat cross-legged on the sofa, watching the movie and popping one into her mouth, feeling extremely content.

After a while, the sound of steam escaping from the pot in the kitchen reached her ears. Lin Yan muttered, Oops, and without even having time to put on her shoes, she ran barefoot towards the kitchen.

Song Yuhang was just coming out of the bathroom. Dont

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Lin Yan instantly retracted her hand like a lightning bolt, her eye sockets turning red from the burn.

Song Yuhang hurriedly ran over and turned off the stove, then twisted the faucet open and placed Lin Yans fingers under the cool water stream.

Didnt I tell you to wait for me to come out and turn it off?

Mm, I was too hasty Lin Yan whispered, pressing her scalded fingertips against her cold earlobe. She was still wearing a loose robe, making her look petite.

Its okay, no blisters. It will be better tomorrow.

Song Yuhangs gaze fell on her bare feet, and she lifted her up in her arms. Lin Yan

LP: Not very subtle there, author I have the feeling that Lin Ge is gonna be the final boss


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