My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 78-2

Chapter 78-2


So, todays meal, consider it as my treat, youre not wronged.

Lin Yans eyes reddened as she swallowed her grievances and withdrew her trembling fingers.

Song Yuhang kissed her forehead. If it happens again, Ill make it up to you double, with interest.

Lin Yan supported her head with her hand as it drooped lower. And what about you? What if you cheat or flirt with someone else? Will you follow the same principle?

Song Yuhang grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. Dont worry, I wont give you that chance.

Lin Yan pushed her away in anger and leaned against the edge of the bathtub. Song Yuhang leaned over, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind and whispered softly.

Miss Lin, are you satisfied with today?

Song Yuhangs voice was still hoarse, reminding her of the heavy breathing in her ear just moments ago.

Lin Yan blushed and nudged her with her elbow. Go away.

Song Yuhang chuckled and climbed back up, holding her hand down. If you want to do it again in the future, just find me. Ill be at your service, anytime, anywhere.

Lin Yan struggled a couple of times but couldnt break free, panting for breath. So, Officer Song, you really have no experience in love? I dont believe it.

Song Yuhang flipped her over and pinched her nose. Absolutely true. Well, how about I prove it to you right now?

Lin Yan glanced downward, avoiding eye contact, and replied stubbornly, No way, I dont have the energy now. Youll have to wait for me.

Song Yuhang laughed, sealing their lips which were inches apart, and spoke in a muffled voice.

But, not having experience in love doesnt mean I dont watch movies or dont take matters into my own hands

After all Im also a normal thirty-five-year-old woman right?

Lin Yan was almost out of breath, with misty water in her eyes. Mmm Ill let you pass this time But how are we going to handle your sister-in-law?

Song Yuhang paused, hooking her pinky finger and said each word deliberately. Marry me.

Lin Yan looked at her in surprise. Huh?

She never expected this to be the answer.

Song Yuhang laughed and interlocked their fingers, pulling her into her embrace and gently patting her back.

You said youre not my family, right? Then lets become family. We can get registered and married overseas, then go through the legal process to become each others designated guardians. That way, we can maximize our status as lawful spouses and inherit each others assets within the bounds of the law.

Lin Yan lay in her arms, listening to her whispered words in her ear, her heart pounding wildly.

She couldnt find words for a moment, her vision blurred by the mist in the bathroom, and she bit her lip slightly.

Song Yuhang lifted her up again. But it might be too rushed this year. Its too soon. We need to carefully discuss passports, visas, the destination, and theres also my mother to consider. Im confident I can persuade her, its just a matter of time.

She continued talking, Well need to buy a big house too. After we get married, we cant keep living at your place.

As she spoke, Song Yuhang silently calculated her savings and added her housing fund. It should be enough to buy a nice house within the city, although it might not be as grand as their current one.

In truth, Lin Yan didnt think so far ahead. She just wanted her to admit that she was more important than that other woman, for her to coax and comfort her. After all, she had let her anger get the best of her in front of everyone, causing Song Yuhang to lose face.

Little did she know that her words led to such a long list of plans, including marriage and buying a house.

Lin Yans lips curved, wanting to smile, but tears rolled down instead.

She turned away and wiped them off herself, but Song Yuhang pulled her back and wiped them away for her.

You have more assets under your name than I do. So, to avoid people thinking Im taking advantage of you, when we go through the legal process, Ill create a unilateral will. You can do whatever you want with your assets, and I wont insist on anything.

Even the division of assets was planned.

Lin Yan sniffed and curved her lips. So, Officer Song, are you proposing right now?

Song Yuhang held her tightly, patting her head. You can consider it a rushed and abrupt proposal. I know you havent made up your mind yet, but I wont give up.

For the first time tonight, Lin Yan reached out to hug her, resting her head on Song Yuhangs shoulder. Lets wait a little longer, until everything is settled.

Okay. Song Yuhang wasnt in a rush either. She lifted Lin Yan up again and gently rubbed her face.

However, theres one thing I hope you remember now.

What is it?

Lin Yan looked into those brown pupils.

The closest people to me in this world are only my mother and you. Im willing to give my all for both of you, even my life. Dont underestimate yourself. Trust me

She took her hand and placed it over her heart.

I will always love you.

Lin Yan froze for three seconds, feeling the faint heartbeat in her palm. She curved her lips and threw herself into Song Yuhangs embrace, hanging onto her neck.

Song Yuhang was satisfied and lifted her up in her arms. However, theres one thing I cant wait for anymore.

Curious, Lin Yan wrapped her arms around Song Yuhangs waist as she was carried upstairs.

What is it?

Song Yuhang bumped the bedroom door open with her back and placed Lin Yan on the bed, leaning in close to her ear.

What do you think?

Lin Yans small voice of resistance vanished between their lips.

The next day, when the alarm clock woke Lin Yan up with the bright daylight, she instinctively turned over and tried to sit up. However, halfway through, her back and waist ached, and she flopped back onto the pillow, feeling dizzy.

Song Yuhang reached out from under the covers and turned off the alarm clock on the desk.

Lin Yan groaned, her eyes unfocused. She rolled over and hugged the blanket, but Song Yuhang followed suit, pulling her into her embrace, unable to resist the urge to get handsy.

Lin Yan was a little annoyed. Damn it, cant she be satisfied? They were up all night, and she didnt even have any energy left?

She grabbed a nearby throw pillow and hurled it at Song Yuhang.

Song Yuhang caught it with a smile, flipping her over and massaging her waist.

Can you still get up and go to work today?

Lin Yan grumbled and pushed her head away.

Fine, fine, Ill apply for leave for you.

As Song Yuhang spoke, her hands massaging Lin Yans waist became restless.

Lin Yan frowned, weakly opening her eyes. No need

Song Yuhang laughed, picked up her phone from the desk, and checked the time. It was indeed late, so she reluctantly stopped her actions.

Alright, Ill come to see you after work tonight, or I can pick you up and we can have dinner at my place. My mom really likes you, so I think you two should spend more time together

Lin Yan just wanted her to leave so she could get some proper sleep. She was so tired that she couldnt even open her eyes properly and didnt catch what Song Yuhang said clearly. She mumbled a vague response.

Okay, okay, just go.

With that, she rolled over and went back to sleep.

Song Yuhang chuckled, got out of bed barefoot, and started picking up the clothes scattered on the floor one by one, while tidying herself up to freshen up.

She didnt realize how intense the battle was until now. When she opened the door, she saw items scattered even in the hallway and corridor.

Song Yuhang blushed, picked them all up and threw them into the washing machine. She separated the clothes that needed handwashing and soaked them in detergent. After a while, she finished cooking breakfast.

As Lin Yan listened to the sound of running water coming from the adjacent bathroom, she fell back into a drowsy sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yan had a faint impression when she was awakened by the aroma of food drifting up from downstairs.

She still felt dizzy, her head heavy, and her body ached. She had no intention of getting up at all.

The door creaked lightly, and Song Yuhang quietly walked to the side of her bed.

Lin Yan, are you hungry?

Lin Yan blinked her eyes, her long lashes fluttering, and shook her head slightly.

Song Yuhang tucked her in. Then Ill put in the pot for you to heat up. Remember to eat when you get up.

Lin Yan nodded, her expression still listless. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her complexion, affected by staying up late, didnt look good either.

Song Yuhangs heart softened, and she gently stroked Lin Yans head. Go back to sleep. Im leaving, see you tonight.

Lin Yan reached out from under the covers and hooked her finger around Song Yuhangs clothing.

Song Yuhang chuckled, leaned back and kissed her forehead. Only then did Lin Yan let go, obediently burrowing back into the blanket.

Song Yuhang quietly left, closing the door behind her, and drove away.

Morning, Captain Song.


Song Yuhang rushed into the local police station almost out of breath.

After being promoted to captain, she had her own separate office, not far from the technical investigation department, down the same corridor.

Fang Xin greeted her with a folder in hand. She intended to leave but suddenly halted in her tracks, looking at the collar of Song Yuhangs shirt with confusion. The top button of her uniform was still undone, revealing a row of bite marks and suggestive marks.

Glancing at Song Yuhangs expression, despite arriving late, there was clearly an uncontrollable joy and excitement, with a satisfied smile at the corners of her eyes and lips.

Song Yuhang snapped back to reality, quickly buttoning up the top button as if nothing had happened, pretending to be serious.

Whats wrong?

Nothing. Fang Xin shook the folder in her hand.

Just looking for Sister Lins signature.

Song Yuhang glanced at the folder and saw that it was related to forensic analysis. Since she couldnt sign on behalf of Lin Yan, she handed it back to Fang Xin.

She took a day off today, so lets take it easy. We can sign it tomorrow.

Alright, then I wont trouble you, Captain Song. As Fang Xin turned to leave, she took a couple of steps but then turned back and whispered.

Wow, Captain Song, youve captured Sister Lins heart. When are you announcing your relationship?

Song Yuhang casually put her hands in her pockets, chuckled, and since she had been found out, there was no need to hide.

Soon, probably next year.

Fang Xin clicked her tongue and covered her mouth with the folder. Next year is right around the corner.

Song Yuhang laughed. Yes, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is. By the way, how are things going between you and Duan Cheng? I think

As soon as Fang Xin heard that, she immediately made a quick exit. Him? I see him as my little brother. Sibling relationships are off-limits. My mom would kill me. Goodbye, Captain Song.

Song Yuhang shook her head, laughed helplessly, and pushed open the door to her office before preparing some instant noodles with hot water.

As long as two people love each other, being in a same-sex relationship is nothing to be concerned about, let alone an age-gap relationship.

While Song Yuhang pondered this, she had only taken a few bites of her instant noodles when she received a call from her field operative. They informed her that they had located the whereabouts of the last remaining thug involved in the assault on Bai Ling.

She quickly stood up, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and rushed out.

Prepare for the arrest!

This is a residence in an urban village.

Next to it is a recycling station, emitting a foul odor.

The police have already surrounded the yard.

A group of people huddled against the wall, and the field operative team leader whispered to Song Yuhang, They returned two hours ago and havent left since.

Song Yuhang made a hand gesture, and two team members stepped forward, cupping their hands. Two other detectives stepped on their knees and supported their shoulders, silently leaping over the fence, removing the iron door latch from the inside.

Song Yuhang led her team inside one by one, bullets loaded, assuming a tactical formation as they reached the window. She pushed aside a corner of the tattered window screen and peered inside. The room was dark, with no lights on. The doors and windows were tightly shut, and there was a faint figure lying on the bed.

She raised her index finger, gesturing 1, and then pointed to two team members, signaling them to separate.

The two detectives understood and circled around to the back of the house, guarding the exit.

Then she waved her hand, and several people spread out and surrounded both sides of the door.

Song Yuhang nodded, kicked open the wooden door, and forcefully entered, breaking it down.

The group rushed in, their gun muzzles pointed at the person on the bed in the pitch-black room.

Get up, police!

The room was filled with smoke, emitting a pungent coal smell.

The detective shouted a few more words, but there was still no response.

Song Yuhang halted her words, holstered her gun, waved away the smoke, and reached out to turn the person over.

The moment her fingertips touched his body, she was startled. Rigor mortis had already set in.

Song Yuhang quickly pulled her hand back, and under the force of gravity, the man lying on the bed stiffly turned over, his mouth wide open, drool trickling from the corners of his lips, and his eyeballs protruding.

The group took a few steps back, coughing and struggling to breathe.

Song Yuhang placed her hand on her nostrils.

No breath.

She frowned and gestured for everyone to exit first.

It seemed like Lin Yans vacation was going to be disrupted.

Make a call and ask Forensic Doctor Lin to come over.


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