My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 75-2

Chapter 75-2


The next morning, Song Yuhang got up to wash her face with two large dark circles under her eyes. Mother Song had already prepared breakfast and set the table.

Oh, what happened? Did you not sleep well last night?

Song Yuhang greeted her weakly, Good morning, Mom. I slept well, really well.

Lin Yan, sitting at the dining table, slightly pursed her lips and smiled, which was noticed by Mother Song.

She found herself liking Lin Yan more and more. She was good-looking, energetic, sitting there with a straight back. Her complexion looked much better than last night, fair with a hint of rosy color. There was a touch of unrestrained springtime in the corners of her eyebrows and eyes.

On the other hand, Song Yuhang looked completely drained, as if all her vitality had been sucked away. Unable to hold back, Mother Song started scolding her own child.

Just look at you! We slept at the same time, but how come she looks so energetic while you look like youve worked a night shift? I wonder what you were up to all night.

The sound of angrily flushing the toilet came from behind the bathroom door.

Up to up to what?

Lin Yan was taken aback by Mother Songs explosive words. She couldnt help but spit out the water she was drinking.

Cough, cough

Lin Yan hastily grabbed a tissue and wiped the water stains off the table. Mother Song came out of the kitchen with a plate of cooked wine lees eggs1.

Oh, why are you choking? Dont just drink water. Try the wine lees eggs Auntie made.

Its alright, its alright. Thank you, Auntie, Lin Yan stood up to take the plate, but was avoided again.

Its hot, its alright. You sit and eat, no need to wait for Yuhang. Theres more in the pot.

While speaking, Mother Song brought out freshly steamed mantou2 from the kitchen, along with a few cold dishes.

Auntie, arent you going to eat? Lin Yan asked.

Mother Song untied her apron and was about to hang it up. She turned back and smiled, saying, I woke up early and have already eaten. Im going out to dance and buy groceries.

Lin Yan pondered. It was only a little past eight in the morning now. Mother Song had slept around the same time as them last night, yet she woke up even earlier and had already prepared breakfast.

Auntie, do you have trouble sleeping?

Mother Song was taken aback, and Lin Yan continued, I know several professional doctors who have some experience in this area. Leave me your phone number, and Ill make an appointment for you. We can arrange for a convenient time for either a home visit or getting medication directly.

Even Song Yuhang was unaware of Mother Songs insomnia problem. Initially, they thought it was due to age and a decrease in sleep, but in recent years, it had become more severe. She often couldnt fall asleep until around eleven or twelve at night, only to wake up in the middle of the night.

Now that Lin Yan had noticed, the elderly woman was touched. No need, no need. Youre all busy

Lin Yan took a bite of the mantou and smiled, saying, Alright, its settled then. If you dont tell me, Ill talk to Yuhang about it.

Ah, you child, alright, alright. Mother Song reluctantly took a piece of paper and a pen from the telephone directory on the table and tremulously wrote down a series of digits for her.

When the time comes, Auntie, you can give me whatever amount you think is appropriate, Lin Yan said as she pocketed the note, skirting around the topic of money.

Seeing that it was almost 8:30, Mother Song changed her shoes and prepared to leave, while Song Yuhang came out of the bathroom.

Mother Song turned to look at both of them. Come back for lunch, okay? Your sister will also come over. Im going to buy groceries now.

Song Yuhang furrowed her brows imperceptibly. No, Mom. Lin Yan and I will eat out for lunch.

Hey, you said you wouldnt come home for the big weekend meal and its a waste of money. Forget it, forget it. Look at you. Its rare to see you bringing a friend home. Have fun, got it? scolded Mother Song as she grabbed her keys and headed out the door. Song Yuhang replied with a drawn-out Got it.

Lin Yan, biting her spoon, observed her. Somethings not right. You frowned when your sister was mentioned.

Women, or rather, female forensic experts, have such keen intuition.

Song Yuhang chuckled and flicked her on the forehead. Youre not right either. I can tell by your expression. You must have something you want to do today.

Lin Yan lightly pursed her lips and smiled, not wanting to give her too much satisfaction. She deliberately put on a serious face. Then lets eat quickly.

They continued eating and talking.

Lin Yan told Song Yuhang about Mother Songs insomnia.

Song Yuhang furrowed her brows. Ive noticed that sometimes when I come back from the night shift, shes still awake. I always thought she was waiting for me, but it turns out its because of this. Lin Yan, thank you. Let me know when youve made the appointment, and Ill accompany Mom.

Lin Yan stirred the rice wine lees3 in her bowl, feeling a warm sensation in her heart upon hearing the word thank you. She curved her lips slightly.

Youre busy with work, and theres no one else at home. We still need to pay more attention to Aunties physical and mental health.

The consecutive losses of loved ones like this can bring a blow that ordinary people cannot bear. Mother Song is an extraordinary woman, but it doesnt mean that her heart is not left with any scars.

Song Yuhang nodded. I understand. Ill make time to spend more with Mom.

In the end, she looked at Lin Yan cautiously and reached out to hold her hand that was empty on the table.

And what about you, Lin Yan? Do you need to see a doctor again?

Lin Yan tugged at the corner of her lips, not directly answering her question. Its getting cold. Lets eat.

After saying that, she pulled her hand back. Song Yuhang hesitated, wanting to say something but ultimately remained silent. She finished her meal and took the initiative to go wash the dishes.

Meanwhile, Lin Yan opened her wardrobe, carefully examining the various clothes. She picked one, frowned, and discarded another. Before long, the bed was piled with a large heap of garments.

Feeling frustrated, Lin Yan sighed. Well, it looked like the first thing she had to do today was go shopping for clothes.

Song Yuhang finished washing the dishes and dried her hands, finding it amusing. Lets go, Miss Lin. Just put on any random piece for now. Well go out and buy some.

This one, this one, and this one, I want them all. Wrap them up together.

Lin Yan tried on the clothes whenever she found something suitable, she would buy it. Standing at the cashiers counter, she pointed out her choices. Just as she was about to pay, Song Yuhang handed over her card.

Lin Yan pushed it back. No need, Ill pay for it myself.

Swipe mine, Song Yuhang directly handed her card to the saleswoman, who glanced at her and then at Lin Yan. She smoothly accepted the card, going along with it.

Alright, the total is 36,480 yuan. Please confirm it and sign here.

Song Yuhang signed the document with a pen, and Lin Yan bit her lip in exasperation. I never expected you, a little police officer, to be quite wealthy. Tell me, did you get involved in corruption and bribery?

Song Yuhang glanced at her. What are you saying? I dont spend much money in my daily life. This is all savings from working for so many years.

But dont you feel heartbroken?

Song Yuhang capped the pen and handed it back to the saleswoman. She held the packaged paper bag and wrapped her arm around Lin Yans waist, heading towards the exit.

Of course, I feel heartbroken. Thats why someone has to pay with their body.

Lin Yan threw her handbag at her. Just go die, will you?

After leaving the shopping mall, Song Yuhang stuffed all the purchased items into the backseat. Lin Yan also bought some health supplements for Songs mother, filling up the trunk.

Song Yuhang opened the car door for her, watching her get inside before opening the drivers seat door herself. She fastened her seatbelt, shifted gears, and set off.

Lin Yan looked at her driving. Do you know where were going?

Song Yuhang didnt turn her head and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

I guessed.

Lin Yan placed the freshly bought bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of the tombstone.

Song Yuhang placed several cans of cola and some snacks that children love on the ground.

The two stood side by side, their clothes fluttering in the wind, their hair strands lifted.

Lin Yan looked at the familiar face on the tombstone, a girl of merely fourteen or fifteen years old, smiling so sweetly.

She should have had a brighter future, but it was forever frozen at the age of fifteen.

Even though they later caught the culprit and the villain received the punishment they deserved, it couldnt change the fact that some young lives were forever robbed.

The wind in the cemetery was strong, and Lin Yans hand turned pale from the cold. She trembled as she took out a business card from her wallet and watched as the tongue of the lighter gradually consumed it.

Im Lin Yan, born in 1976, currently 32 years old. I work as a forensic doctor, and my hobbies include dissection. My phone number is

She paused, her voice slightly choked.

Its nice to meet you, Bai Ling.

We may meet again someday.

Finally, she completed the self-introduction to Bai Ling, filling in the unfinished regrets. However, it could never be considered truly fulfilling.

The wind in the cemetery suddenly turned chilly, blowing the remaining shreds of paper from her hand up into the sky, swirling and flying away.

Song Yuhang patted her shoulder. Lets go.

When they paid tribute to Zhang Jinhai, she appeared particularly calm.

This news couldnt be hidden from her for too long. Lin Yan wasnt some naive and innocent young girl with little worldly experience. She was a mature and experienced forensic doctor with her own connections and channels.

Instead of waiting for her to find out on her own, it was better to tell her proactively. Besides, Song Yuhang believed that she could handle it.

Even if she couldnt bear it and fell into a swamp of guilt, Song Yuhang had the courage and confidence to gradually pull her out.

The firelight reflected in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Silently, Lin Yan threw paper money into the bronze basin4. Song Yuhang handed her the last stack of paper money, watching as she tossed it in. Dust and ashes soared into the sky, spreading far and wide.

Lin Yan, I come to this place almost every year, and the police from Jiangcheng City Bureau also come here almost every year. Its not only because we have fallen colleagues to commemorate, but also because every year, newly recruited police officers hold their oath-taking and induction ceremonies here, in front of the monument honoring the heroes and our senior predecessors.

This place is not only where the realms of the living and the dead intersect, but also where the old and the new converge. Generation after generation of detectives rest here, while generation after generation of young detectives step out from here.

Song Yuhang pulled her up to her feet, looking at the photo on Zhang Jinhais tombstonethe dignified face and the national emblem on the cap.

Even in his final moments, he didnt forget the oath of a Peoples Police Officer. In fact, when the knife first slashed his throat, he realized it. He had the chance to throw the child to someone else, but he didnt. When you entrusted Yujing to him, he could have passed her on to someone else, but he didnt.

Lin Yans eyes became solemn, a silence that was chilling.

Song Yuhang knew what she wanted to say. No need to blame yourself. Your intentions were good. Staying there would only result in more sacrifices. Life is unpredictable, and if it were you or me, we would make the same choice.

Lin Yan smiled, returning to her usual cold expression, with a hint of mocking smile at the corner of her lips.

So, you police officers are quite annoying. You know you might die, yet you still go.

Song Yuhang turned her head to look at her. Thats the power of belief, isnt it? Being born here, growing up here, we cant help but love this land, the people on this land, and the five-star red flag waving above our heads, the national emblem on our caps.

Just as Lin Yan would fight for the truth throughout her life, Song Yuhang would also sacrifice everything for her belief.

This is the belief engraved in their bones, an eternal flame that cannot be extinguished.

Do you know? I used to really dislike the police. Ive seen too many detectives who were mediocre and ineffective, and I had become thoroughly disappointed in this world, thinking it would never get better.

But, you know, at a certain moment Lin Yan basked in the sunlight, her hand resting on the railing as she gazed into the empty space. It was a beautiful day today, with clear blue skies and white clouds stretching as far as the eye could see. A flock of geese heading north happened to pass by her line of sight.

She squinted slightly, I still feel that this world is pretty good, just like it is now.

There are also those individuals who persistently pursue truth and justice throughout their lives. I believe that a spark can ignite a prairie fire.

Song Yuhang smiled and raised her hand to her temple. Salute to the heroes!

Lin Yan followed her command, tensing her body and slowly raising her hand.

For the first time, she willingly performed this gesture, and in that moment, she felt an indescribable sensation. However, somehow, she recalled the few lines of the oath she hastily memorized before an exam.

For the prosperity of the country, for the tranquility of the people, for the sacred mission, for the fallen comrades; Chinese police officers engage in an endless struggle against various illegal and criminal activities until they shed the last drop of blood.

Lin Yan gently closed her eyes and silently recited it in her heart.

As they descended from the mountain, dusk settled upon the tips of Song Yuhangs hair, transforming her originally black hair into a chestnut color.

Lin Yan stared at the back of her head.

Song Yuhang turned around and reached out her hand to pull Lin Yan down the steps. Theres something I didnt have the courage to say just now

She touched her nose and smiled shyly, still holding onto her hand without letting go.

What is it?

Lin Yan followed her, keeping pace with her.

The atmosphere just now was too solemn. I felt it wasnt appropriate to say those things in front of the seniors.

Lin Yan grew even more curious. What is it exactly? Just say it.

Song Yuhang stopped in her tracks, standing on the next step, looking at her while holding her hand. Clad in a black motorcycle jacket, utility pants, and combat boots, she was a handsome and charismatic woman.

But her face turned slightly red, and there was a hint of bashfulness in her expression. Um I wanted to say youre also my belief.

Lin Yan was stunned for three seconds, then burst into uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming down her face.

Hahaha What a cheesy confession! Its so cheesy, incredibly cheesy! Help!

Song Yuhangs face turned from pale to red and then to green. She gritted her teeth and turned to walk away.

Lin Yan caught up with her and pounced on her from behind, their shadows stretching long in the sunset.

Oh dear, are you mad?


Then why are you ignoring me?


Lin Yan poked her face. Officer Song~ Captain Song~ Song Yuhang~ Yuhang~

She dragged out her voice as she called, causing Song Yuhang to get goosebumps.

Tell me, what are you up to?!

Lin Yan carelessly hung onto her neck, looking serious and confident. Im tired, I cant walk anymore.

Song Yuhang was about to burst into laughter. She shook her off and took a couple of steps forward. Seeing that Lin Yan didnt catch up, she turned back in frustration and squatted in front of her, as if resigning herself.

Come on, Miss.

Lin Yan smiled and climbed onto her back, allowing Song Yuhang to carry her for the rest of the way.

She wasnt capable of saying any romantic words, be they cheesy, delicate, elegant, or charming.

But she knew that from the moment she decided to be with Song Yuhang, she placed her deep in the recesses of her heart, in that neglected corner.

Song Yuhang said she was her belief, so Song Yuhang became her ideal.

She wanted to get closer to this warmth, to become a small sun like her, to be gentle yet sharp, to be kind like her and love everyone around her as much as she could.

Those were things that the eighteen-year-old Lin Yan hadnt learned, but she regained them in her thirty-second year.

Lin Yan whispered something in her ear, but Song Yuhang couldnt quite hear it. What did you say?

I said Lin Yan pulled her ear. Im hungry, I want to go down the mountain and eat!

Song Yuhang smiled faintly. Hold on tight.

Before Lin Yan could react, Song Yuhang started running with her on the mountain path. A thin layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads, but their expressions were carefree and warm.

The wind carried their laughter far away.

During that time, they ran freely, enjoying the profound joy that love brought them, unaware that the White Whale Case was just the beginning, not the end.

The truth was still far from being revealed.


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  4. The act of throwing paper money into a bronze basin is a common ritual in Chinese culture during ancestor worship and funeral ceremonies. It is believed to provide material comfort to the deceased in the afterlife.

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