My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 64-2

Chapter 64-2


Song Yuhang gently clamped the bomb disposal pliers around the red wire. She let out a sigh, attempting to alleviate her tension and anxiety through deep breaths, but it proved insufficient.

Her palms were covered in sweat, making it almost impossible to maintain a firm grip on the bomb disposal pliers.

Gritting her teeth, she withdrew her hand, wiping it on her clothes. She then carefully picked up the white wire, and in the quiet atmosphere, her breathing felt as heavy as if she were pulling a bellows.

Which one should I cut? Cut which one? Cut which one! She murmured to herself, her breath erratic. Covered in sweat, her clothes remained unwashed. Whats more, the hand pressing on the bomb was gradually losing sensation, and she was uncertain whether she was exerting enough force or if it was too much.

This was dangerous, equivalent to having one foot already in the realm of the unknown.

Lin Yan, Lin Yan.

She slightly closed her eyes and let out a breath.

Give me courage.

If I sacrifice my life here, the flames will surely illuminate the heavens and earth. My teammates will follow the marks Ive left and arrive here.

You will be fine.

And I, will become the most insignificant and tiny star in this world, guarding over you.

She remembered a moment not long ago in Wuli Town. She asked Lin Yan, If one day, I also

Lin Yan shook her head, using her hand to cover her lips.

In truth, in that moment, she should have been braver and kissed her.

That way, when this day truly arrived, there would be no regrets left behind.

With these thoughts in mind, Song Yuhang had already loosened the grip of the bomb disposal pliers on the insulation of the white wire. She was breathing heavily, her eyes slightly reddened. Just as she was about to exert force to cut it, she suddenly saw another dial behind the peeled-back white wire.

No light, no timer.

Song Yuhang relaxed her hold on the bomb disposal pliers and used her teeth to shine the flashlight on ita small keypad.

She breathed a sigh of relief, joy evident on her face.

Lin Yan, you truly are my lucky star.

However, what could the password be?

Song Yuhang didnt dare to guess randomly, fearing that an incorrect attempt could lead to disastrous consequences.

She pondered, quickly organizing the clues of the entire case in her mind.

Setting aside the fact that Lin Yan had been kidnapped, it was highly likely that the perpetrator intended to disrupt the police investigation and buy time.

But why would Lin Yan seek him out?

Because he is related to the Chu Nan case.

He is a suspect in the White Whale Case, and there is a possibility that he may have killed Chu Nan many years ago, fitting the age profile of the killer.

If thats the case, his motives become clear; from the beginning to the end, he has been trying to save the child abandoned by Wei Lihong.

The mining accident happened twenty years ago, just one month after that child was born.

The time of the mining accident was

The black and white text seen in the county annals in Wuli Town vividly reappeared in front of Song Yuhang.

1998, December 5th.

Muttering to herself, Song Yuhang pushed forward another month, gritted her teeth, and decisively pressed a sequence of numbers.

* * *

Some say that life is like a river, constantly flowing forward, continually forgetting.

Those departed individuals or memories will eventually completely vanish in the torrent of time.

And before ones death, they often reminisce about these things.

Before the darkness set in, Lin Yans mind vaguely recalled many fragments. There were moments before she turned three, wandering the streets and alleys with her mother, picking up meat buns discarded by others on the ground.

There was also the first night after arriving at the Lin family, locked out by Lin Cheng in a pouring rain.

Being beaten, scolded, and despised it was all routine.

In this way, many years passed in a flash, and finally, someone reached out and pulled her out of the quagmire.

Lin Yan, does it hurt? Be strong, dont cry.

In the darkness, those eyes suddenly opened.

What she saw, however, was another person extending their hands towards her.

Lin Yan, look at me, think again, dont die

Lin Yan, youre not fighting this battle alone.

Lin Yan, Ive figured it out, what about you?

Lin Yan, after the case is closed, Ill accompany you for a drink.

Bubbles emerged between Lin Yans lips and teeth. She struggled desperately, seizing the golden three seconds as the underwater pressure reached its limit. With a wrist-thick iron chain on her hand, she fiercely slammed it against the water tank.

Her entire body slammed up, one hit after another, the sound of bang, bang, bang echoing in the warehouse.

The man couldnt laugh anymore; has she gone mad?

Lin Yan was indeed mad. She had sought death many times, but the desire for life had never been so intense.

She used the iron chain to strike, her shoulder to bash, her head to knock, her foot to kick, employing every possible means.

Finally, a small crack appeared on the transparent glass. Lin Yan grabbed the iron chain, wrapped it around her wrist, and fiercely struck it.


Under the powerful pressure and her violent impact, the glass shattered with a resounding noise.

Lin Yan instinctively protected her head, getting violently thrown out by the rushing water and shards of broken glass.

She rolled on the ground, falling and ending up battered and bruised.

Lin Yan looked up, taking in deep breaths of fresh air, feeling an unparalleled sense of relief. Her chest heaved up and down.

She turned her head towards the darkness, her eyes dark and bright. It was the joy of surviving a disaster, the madness after bloodlust, and brimming with confidence.

She gritted her teeth, stepping on glass shards as she slowly climbed up from the ground. Despite still being bound by the iron chain, she moved much more freely than before.

She even pulled the knife from her own shoulder, blood splattering as it dripped down the tight black suit.

She seriously doubted the intelligence of the person who left her with a weapon.

Lin Yan licked the blood from the blade, her eyes alluring and scalding, lifting her chin slightly.

Come, you coward hiding in the darkness.

As if hearing movement outside the door, the man concealed in the shadows glanced at her, showing no desire for a fight. Without knowing what switch he pressed, a door appeared on the wall.

He turned and ran, and Lin Yan lifted her foot to charge out. However, she stumbled again on the iron chain, falling hard to the ground. She angrily roared, slashing the knife onto the iron chain, sparks flying.

F*ck! Damn it! Break for me! Lin Yan raised her hand repeatedly, the knife quickly rolling its blade, leaving several white marks on the iron chain.

Breathing heavily, she looked at her left hand, a hint of fierceness flashing in her eyes. She raised the dagger high.

No! A womans sharp, slightly choked voice cried out.

Song Yuhang raised her hand and fired two shots. One shot knocked the dagger from her hand, and the other hit the iron chain.

Sparks flew, and Lin Yan fell to the ground.

Song Yuhang rushed over, tightly embracing her. Lin Yan, Lin Yan, Lin Yan

She caressed her face, wanting to push the sweaty hair away. In just a short day, Lin Yan had been through so much; her face was covered in bloodstains, and there were bruises around her eyes and eyebrows.

There were small cuts on her face, blood trickling out slowly.

The bloodstains at the corner of her lips were impossible to completely wipe away.

Song Yuhang held her, crying out in pain, Lin Yan, Im sorry, Im sorry, I arrived late I arrived late Im sorry, Im sorry

She repeated these three words, hot tears falling into the nape of Lin Yans neck.

It was at this very moment.

Lin Yan looked at her, who had never lost control and was now crying like a child.

Suddenly, she believed the words Song Yuhang had said to her.

However, now was not the time for reminiscing.

Trembling, Lin Yan climbed up Song Yuhangs wrist, pulling down the hand that was touching her face. She gritted her teeth, gasping for air, only managing to say a complete sentence with great effort.

Go go after him save save people

Song Yuhang shook her head, wiping away tears and mucus as she lifted her up. No, no, Ill take you to the hospital first. Its not okay, not okay You cant go on like this

Due to excessive bleeding, Lin Yans lips had started to turn pale, her face as white as paper without a trace of color.

Exerting her last bit of strength, Lin Yan pushed her away and roared, Go away!

Song Yuhang didnt let go, holding her tightly in her arms and shouting back, Im not leaving! Even if you hit me or curse at me, I wont leave! Even if you kill me, I still want to be with you!

Lin Yan, who hadnt been tortured to death, was almost driven to death by this unexpected confession.

Too straightforward.

It didnt sound like something she would say.

And her actions today were unlike the usual calm and wise Song Yuhang.

It was precisely because of this contrast that Lin Yans eyes welled up. Even though she should be angry, tears streamed down her face.

No one said anything more. Song Yuhangs face was burning, but she couldnt bring herself to let go of Lin Yan, even for a single moment.

She no longer wanted to experience that heart-wrenching and gut-wrenching feeling.

In this moment, to hell with solving the case, to hell with the suspect. Only Lin Yan mattered; she was her entire world.

In the quiet atmosphere, only the gradually intensifying heartbeat echoed.

Lin Yan slightly closed her eyes. She felt tired, to the point where she had the impulse to just fall asleep like this.

But she couldnt.

Justice has not yet been served.

The whole truth has not been revealed to the world, and Chu Nans body hasnt even been found, let alone resting in peace.

Lin Yan bit her tongue to stay awake, and Song Yuhang also let her go.

In the darkness, the two of them silently locked eyes, staring straight into each others eyes.

Song Yuhang cupped her face, this time without any hesitation, and kissed her deeply.

Someone who has never experienced love naturally lacks any kissing finesse. It was unstructured, lacking any order, almost like two wounded beasts licking each others wounds through biting and tearing.

When they separated, both tasted the metallic tang of blood on their tongues.

Especially Lin Yan, who made a soft sound and touched her slightly swollen lips.

Song Yuhang kept her gaze on her, eyes burning and intense. She licked her lips, seemingly unsatisfied.

Damn it, she always thought she was ruthless enough, but there was someone even more ruthless than her.

Once shes recovered, shell make sure Song Yuhang wont escape death.

Song Yuhang seemed to grasp her thoughts and picked up a spare gun from the ground, firing two shots. Save it. I could finish you off right now.

As her words echoed, the ceiling suddenly broke open with a loud bang, and someone descended.

Song Yuhang instantly aimed the gun at the newcomer. Who?!

Duan Cheng, disoriented from the fall and seeing stars, raised his hands subconsciously in surrender. I I surrender dont kill me

Lin Yan looked up, and the members of the Technical Investigation Team were holding flashlights, peering into the hole.

Captain Song, Sister Lin Fang Xin was on the verge of tears, overwhelmed with emotion.

Zhang Jinhai proudly collected the detonator. See, I told you, this quantity is sure to blow it open.

Zheng Chengrui adjusted his glasses. Jiang Jiang is indeed experienced.

Song Yuhang holstered her gun, a slight smile appearing on her lips. You all came just in time.

Several individuals descended from the rooftop one after another. Fang Xin untied the rope and retrieved basic first aid supplies from the investigation kit, starting to bandage Lin Yans wounds.

Zheng Chengrui helped Duan Cheng up from the ground. He fell quite comically, limping and grumbling.

I told you Im afraid of heights and cant jump, yet you asked me to go first. What about revolutionary comradeship?

Comrade Duan Cheng.

Upon hearing the term comrade, he instinctively straightened up, preparing for a salute.


Obeying organizational arrangements.

Ignoring his complaints, should they overthrow that damned organization that kicked him off the rooftop?

Meanwhile, amid the chaos, Song Yuhang had already put on her helmet, fully geared up and ready. She squatted down, took a last look at Lin Yan, and even wanted to reach out and pinch her cheek.

With Fang Xin present, Lin Yan felt a bit embarrassed and swiftly brushed her hand away. Despite her lips still being swollen, she was starting to act like she didnt recognize anyone.

Song Yuhang chuckled. Dont forget, well have a drink together. Ill be waiting for you

Before she could finish her sentence, Lin Yan was already blushing and flustered. A faint blush appeared on her pale face.

Hurry up and go!

Song Yuhang didnt linger, turning around and making a quick escape.

When she arrived, she was in despair, thinking she might never see her again, or perhaps she would never be seen by her again.

Now, both having survived a close call with death, the kiss filled her with strength. It smoothed out every inch of her body, making her limbs and organs feel incredibly comfortable, bathed in a warm current.

This time, not for ideals, not for loyalty, she fought only for Lin Yan.

This was what Lin Yan gave hera power called love.

After Song Yuhang left, the others from the Technical Investigation Team helped her up. Fang Xin attended to the wound on her shoulder.

Lin Yan looked at the faces of several people. How did you find your way here?

Zheng Chengrui was about to boast and praise Duan Cheng, but he beat him to it, scratching his head and smiling embarrassedly. Oh, its all thanks to me. Fortunately, Im clever. I figured out the direction you were heading based on the bloodstains. Now Im doubly confident. I think next year, not to mention the assistant forensic examiner, I could even pass as the chief forensic examiner!

Fang Xin:

Zheng Chengrui:

Zhang Jinhai:

Lin Yan couldnt bear it any longer. Bloodstain analysis is a required course in the first year. Are you in your fifth year without any understanding of ABCD?

As she spoke, she coughed twice, as if trying to stand up.

Fang Xin pressed her down. Dont move, Sister Lin. This wound needs to be treated at the hospital. Well take you there.

Lin Yan, leaning on her hand, struggled to stand up. Im fine I cant let Song Yuhang go alone.

Duan Cheng scooped up her other arm and supported it on his shoulder. Who said shes alone? Were here too.

Yeah, were here too.

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