My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 60-2

Chapter 60-2


Zhang Jinhai inclined his body slightly, his gaze firmly fixed on every expression she made.

Tears streamed down Wei Lihongs reddened face as she vigorously shook her head. Handcuffed, her entire body trembled. No no no I didnt kill him no no!!!

Song Yuhangs voice abruptly rose, Where did the incident occur?! How did you kill him?!

Wei Lihong collapsed, crying, and buried her head in her hands. No, its not, I didnt mean to, no

Song Yuhang decided to employ a final, forceful approach, Confession could be considered a mitigating factor. The government will cover a substantial portion of your sons subsequent medical expenses. Its a form of benevolence.

Wei Lihong cried uncontrollably, struggling for breath. Ill talk, Ill talk, Ill say everything, just as long as you protect my son

* * *

This was still Bai Lings first time visiting his home.

Hidden in a house next to the garbage heap in the suburban industrial park, the man removed the large lock hanging on the door. It resembled the kind of sturdy iron lock one would find on a warehouse.

Darkness followed, and Bai Ling felt a bit frightened.

The man reached in and pulled the greasy lamp cord, and the entire room suddenly brightened, revealing that it was divided into two levels.

Go in. Shes around the same age as you, and you should like her.

Who is this she?

Bai Ling had been feeling a bit disoriented these days, with wounds on her wrists that she had inflicted herself with a knife.

Fortunately, the uncle came to her rescue once again.

Soon, she met the she he had mentioned.

It seemed to be an abandoned warehouse, cluttered at the entrance with miscellaneous items. A washbasin stood nearby, emitting the scent of disinfectant.

Moving further inside, the person in the wheelchair turned around. They wore a knitted cap, had fair skin, and their face was marked with spots due to the metabolic issues caused by kidney disease.

Their eyes were calm, and the entire person was wrapped in a black outfit, appearing particularly frail.

Bai Ling curiously widened her eyes to look at her, but the girl suddenly turned away, manipulating the wheelchair to move to the computer and continue typing.

The man smiled, She doesnt talk much. You two play; Ill step out for a moment.

After saying this, he walked over to the person in the wheelchair, pretending to pick up something for her. In a low voice, he said, Dont let her leave here alive.

What about you? The girl finally turned away from the computer screen to look at him.

The man smiled meaningfully, Me? Im off to find our final experiment.

* * *

Jiangcheng City Central Hospital.

The detective on duty at the ward entrance had been standing there for the entire afternoon. He handed his phone to his colleague.

Oh, I cant take it anymore. I need to use the restroom. Can you keep an eye out for me?

Fine, go on, but make it quick. Youre such a bother.

His colleague laughed and scolded, waving him off to go.

Not long after he rushed into the restroom, a janitor pushing a cart appeared in the corridor, heading in his direction.

Hold on, this is the isolation ward. Unauthorized access is not allowed, the detective blocked his way.

The middle-aged man, wearing a mask and a blue disposable surgical cap, with some gray hair showing at the temples, and shoe covers on his feet, spoke in a local dialect.

Wasnt it Dr. Zhao who asked me to come? He said the patient soiled the bed, and I should come to change the sheets.

Dr. Zhao?

The detective paused, as if he recalled a Dr. Zhao who had just examined a patient inside.

Subconsciously, he checked the mans credentials. The name, position, and hospital stamp on his ID were all in order.

He stepped aside, saying, Alright, go ahead. Hurry up.

Okay, thank you, comrade police. Youve worked hard, the mans face showed a simple smile. However, as he wheeled past, the detective suddenly felt that something was wrong, an instinctive awareness of danger.

He instinctively placed his hand on his gun, but quicker than him was the other persons knife, stabbing straight into his abdomen and viciously twisting, causing him such pain that he couldnt utter a word.

The man gripped the knife handle and thrust it deeper. The detective staggered back a few steps, and someone steadied him.

Inside the room, another detective heard the commotion at the door and rushed over to open it.

Outside stood a janitor in his forties, Hello, Im here to change the sheets.

The strong smell of disinfectant in the room masked the heavy scent of blood on him.

The detective stepped back, opening the door, Come in. Strange, where are those two at the entrance?

The janitor pushed a handcart large enough for a person to fit into. I saw them just went to the restroom, so I knocked on the door right away.

They shouldnt both leave for the bathroom, the detective muttered, holstering his gun.

The janitor retrieved clean sheets from his cart. Maybe one of them had an urgent need.

Seeing that the man seemed a bit overwhelmed on his own, the detective offered, Let me help you.

No need Before the man could finish his sentence, the detective had already lifted the white cloth covering the handcart, revealing a dark head underneath.

His pupils contracted, and before he could react, the man had already lunged at him with the knife.

The man was incredibly strong, firmly gripping the detectives shoulders and swiftly slashing at his throat. The splattering blood painted the snow-white walls.

Licking the fresh blood from the blade, the mans face revealed a mix of madness and excitement after the bloodlust.

The window on the 24th floor of the hospital was opened. With two loud bangs, the crowd below erupted in screams.

The man lifted the child from the bed, stuffed him into the car, covered his mouth, tucked the handguns of the two detectives into his waist, threw his blood-stained coat into the janitors cart, and swaggered out.

The entire process of the crime was executed seamlessly, taking no more than five minutes.

The detective, who narrowly escaped by going to the restroom, rushed back and, seeing the wide-open door, immediately knew something was wrong. With a swift stride, he entered the room, only to be hit by a strong scent of blood that almost overwhelmed him.

Bloodstains were also on the window sill. Leaning over and looking down, he was instantly struck by a sight that made his eyes widen in shock.

(LP: This guys are stupid wth)

* * *

The bell in the duty room rang loudly, and the operator swiftly answered, Hello, Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau.

Before the other person could finish speaking, his face instantly turned pale.

Zhang Jinhai was urgently called out from the interrogation room. Two detectives dead in a single incident, the perpetrator ruthlessly wickedit was enough to send shivers down ones spine!

Feng Jianguo slammed his hand down on the table in the training room with a resounding pop, causing tea cups to jitter. The room fell silent, even Zhang Jinhai, who had just entered, dared not speak, shrinking back.

Director Feng paced back and forth, visibly agitated. Call Song Yuhang, find out where the hell she is. Damn it, that turtle should have crawled back by now!

The two brothers who died were both members of her team. When Song Yuhang received the news, she was briefly stunned, then slowly reddened around her eyes, leaning her head against the front seat.

Lin Yan looked at her, opened her mouth, but couldnt bring herself to say the teasing words she had in mind to cheer her up.

She slowly raised her hand, gently placing it on her back, offering silent comfort.

They had entered the city, with bustling traffic and the evening rush hour making progress slow.

Lin Yan watched her shoulders tremble. She gently patted her back, and she suddenly lifted her head, bloodshot eyes ablaze in the twilight.

Song Yuhang gasped for breath, gritting her teeth, We cant we cant have more deaths we need to quickly find that little boy and the next victim.

Lin Yan was startled, awakened by her words, That little boy also has uremia; his kidney source cant be used again. So, did he abduct the boy just to practice before the kidney transplant?!

She spat harshly, feeling a bit uneasy, Damn the lunatic! Since hes no longer afraid of exposure and daring to openly kill, it means hes reached the point of no return. That also means he has found a suitable kidney source

Song Yuhang mumbled, Who could it be? Who could it be? Who could it be

As she spoke, she rubbed her forehead a bit anxiously. The urgency of the imminent threat, with the sorrow of losing comrades, seemed to fade away in the face of the killers impending actions.

They must get ahead of the killer to find that person.

Zheng Chengrui opened the computer, and the satellite map of the entire city unfolded before them. Captain Song, were currently on South Ring Road. Taking North Fifth Road will help us avoid traffic.

Duan Cheng, responsible for driving, immediately made a turn.

Lin Yan was also recalling all the clues from the beginning of the case until now.

The victims are mostly teenagers, and the reason the kidneys werent taken is due to mismatched blood types. So, can we confirm that the group of victims is also comprised of teenagers?

Song Yuhang nodded, Thats right. They all share a common trait: most of them have tense relationships with their parents or come from single-parent households. Children in such families are more prone to being neglected, providing the killer with opportunities to commit crimes.

Fang Xin was puzzled, Then why go through the trouble of psychologically manipulating them? Why not just target whoever you fancy?

Song Yuhang squinted slightly and furrowed her brow, Perhaps the killer has an extremely psychologically twisted mind. They derive pleasure from manipulating people, feeling the thrill of having the power of life and death. In their world, they are God, the ultimate authority. Even if the blood type doesnt match, they still want to kindly free them from suffering in their own warped way and send them to paradise.'

She recalled Wei Lihongs statement during questioning: Since they want to die, I might as well help them.

Its probably a sentiment originating from the killer.

Single-parent households, divorce, left behind

A flash of insight crossed Lin Yans mind. She grabbed Song Yuhangs wrist, exerting so much force that her fingertips turned white.

Song, Song Yuhang, I know who the next victim is.

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