My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 51-1

Chapter 51-1

Old Person

A tour bus pulled into the service area, and the tourists got off in small groups to use the restroom or take a walk. Lin Yan blended in with the crowd, wearing a woolen cap and a mask, and a plain windbreaker. She also went to the restroom. When she came out and was washing her hands, she caught a glimpse in the mirror of a police car from the Criminal Investigation Team pulling into the gas station across the way.

She was momentarily stunned, flicked the water droplets off her hands, and hid in the shadows. She joined a few other ordinary tourists and made her way back to the bus.

Once on the bus, she finally looked outside through the window. A familiar figure was standing at the convenience store, buying water, and then carrying a crate back to her car.

After she left, several people emerged from the side of the gas station. One of the gas station employees pointed in the direction she had left. Just as Song Yuhangs police car left the gas station, another black car in the service area immediately followed.

As the tour bus set off, the mountain road was narrow, but there werent many vehicles on the road. The black car continued to follow, not too close, not too far.

When the tour bus and the black car passed each other, Lin Yan glanced down. The tea-colored glass reflected the blurry silhouette of the driver. She couldnt see his face, but she noticed something on the front passenger seat.

Lin Yans pupils contracted, and she instinctively reached for her phone to send a message to Song Yuhang: You are being followed.

She stopped typing halfway and clenched her teeth.

No, she couldnt tell her. It would also expose her own whereabouts.

As they approached a sharp bend in the road, the police car intentionally slowed down to let the tour bus pass. Lin Yan reached out and pulled down the curtain, and her phone screen lit up with a message from Song Yuhang.

When she saw that name, she felt a twinge of apprehension. Could it be that in just that fleeting moment as they passed by each other, she had been recognized?

Opening the message with an anxious heart, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Yuhang: What are you doing?

She had nothing to say.

Lin Yan rolled her eyes, At home, on vacation.

She casually sent her a photo of herself swimming in the courtyard as proof.

In passing, Duan Cheng glanced at the picture on Song Yuhangs phone and saw Lin Yan wearing a bikini, looking refreshingly cool, with her damp curly hair draped over her shoulders. She was holding a glass of red wine, sitting by the pool with a slight turn of her head. There was no smile on her face, making her appear even more alluring and enchanting.

She effortlessly combined two completely different styles.

Duan Cheng had a look on his face that seemed to say, Have you two become familiar enough to exchange sultry photos?

Song Yuhang became alert and quickly locked her phone screen. Though nobody said anything, her cheeks inexplicably flushed.

After a while, she turned slightly and replied to Lin Yan, Its broad daylight; can you not be so flirtatious?

Lin Yan felt like she could almost reach through the phone screen to scratch her and sent several angry emojis in a row, saying, Get lost!

Song Yuhangs lips curled into a faint smile as she said this. Although she said that, she secretly saved the photo.

Song Yuhang looked at her profile picture, which was in keeping with her typical old cadre style, with a gun and a national emblem on her black police training uniform.

She sent a few unrelated topics one after another, but Lin Yan didnt respond. Thinking about the car that had been tailing her earlier, she gradually pursed her lips.

Her phone was becoming sweaty from being gripped tightly.

Lin Yan rubbed her forehead and turned her phone back over to type a message to her.

Song Yuhang waited for a response for a long time and felt somewhat disheartened. Then, she saw The other party is typing, and a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

Lin Yan only said 3 words: You stay safe.

For some reason, every time she was cared for and encouraged by her, Song Yuhang felt a renewed sense of strength deep inside. Perhaps it was because this person was sharp and acerbic, not one to show much compassion, and was ignorant of worldly matters, so her occasional concern seemed all the more precious.


She thought for a moment and added, Wait for me.

Wait for you to come back?

Lin Yan tugged at the corner of her lips, showing a disdainful smile, and tossed her phone back into her bag.

In any case, she had done what she could. She had given all the necessary reminders, and the rest would depend on fatewhether it would bring good or bad fortune.

She would not allow any variables to interfere with her investigation, not even Song Yuhang.

* * *

After leaving the provincial road, they were on a mountain road with a bumpy cement surface. The jolting ride left everyone feeling a bit disheveled, but they finally reached Wuli Town.

The town was small, the kind you could see from end to end at a glance. Distant green hills stretched in succession, and the road underfoot was plain and dusty. The few well-maintained tall buildings in town belonged to government departments and state-owned enterprises. There werent many people on the streets, only a few villagers carrying bamboo baskets on their backs, hurrying along. As the car drove through, they only saw that the local branch of Postal Savings Bank was still open, but it was nearly empty.

The officers from the Wuli Town police station had been waiting at the entrance, and when they saw the police car pull up and stop, the station chief immediately rushed forward to shake hands.

Captain Song, hello, Captain Song, hello. Its rare for leadership from the city to come here. Its been tough, really tough. Weve prepared some wild game and hope the leadership can enjoy

Song Yuhang discreetly withdrew her hand from his handshake. No need for the wild game. Just a simple meal in the canteen will do. Our colleagues all have duties and cant afford to delay.

Despite being the chief of the local police station, Song Yuhang held a higher administrative rank at the deputy bureau level. She was also the head of a special investigation unit, which meant her administrative level was one notch higher than his. So, even though Song Yuhang refused to indulge in the pleasantries, he still nodded and bowed around her.

Alright, alright, the canteen is fine. You can try some of our local specialties; its mushroom season

The others found their seats, and the station chief subtly signaled to a subordinate who promptly approached with a pack of cigarettes. I heard Captain Song usually smokes Zhonghua cigarettes

Even when handling cases, the police station chief was quite adept at understanding the thoughts of those higher up.

Song Yuhang smiled thinly, No, thanks. Give them to our colleagues here.

The police station chiefs expression stiffened, but Song Yuhang became serious, saying, The city bureau attaches great importance to this case. Solving it will be a significant accomplishment, and I will report the situation truthfully.

In a small town with a lagging economy and simple folk, one might never have a chance to make significant achievements or advance in their career. Song Yuhang was subtly advising him.

The police station chiefs face finally brightened, and he waved to dismiss the onlookers.

Alright, alright, Captain Song, go ahead and eat. We can talk while we eat.

Twenty years ago, I was still working at the grassroots

Duan Cheng was thinking to himself as he ate, Youre still working at the grassroots now.

I remember there was someone in Xiaohe Village named Yu Xinye.

Song Yuhang raised an eyebrow slightly, and the station chief understood. I remember because Xiaohe Village used to rely on tin mining for their livelihood. Most of the villagers worked in the mines. Unfortunately, that year, there was a tragic mining accident with a collapse and a gas explosion, resulting in dozens of deaths. The provincial leaders even came. Among the deceased was a person named Yu Xinye. I remember that my colleagues and I were the ones who helped carry him out.

Back then, the internal network of the Public Security Bureau hadnt yet taken shape, and county records were handwritten. The police station chief had someone bring over a thick, yellowed book.

The musty scent of old books filled the air as Song Yuhang set down her chopsticks and quickly found the account of the mining disaster in Xiaohe Village in the index.

The person who wrote the record back then was very clear. Eleven people perished, and Song Yuhang scrolled down to find Yu Xinyes name in the last column of the deceased.

Song Yuhang furrowed her brow. If it was a fatal accident, why does the internal network of the Public Security Bureau now say he passed away due to an illness?

The police station chief shook his head. I dont know. Its also possible that its because its been so long, and the personnel who entered the information made a mistake. However, at the time, the countys forensic expert performed body identification and determination. Maybe something was discovered during the autopsy process, but we cant be sure

At this point, he was afraid that Song Yuhang would hold them accountable, so he chuckled and picked up a large piece of free-range chicken for her plate.

We reported it as a fatal accident. As for how others wrote it and what happened when it was sent to the city bureau, thats beyond our knowledge. Its not within our scope of responsibility. Captain Song, eat the food, dont just keep eating rice. Have a drink, have a drink, pour one for our comrades as well.

Song Yuhang pushed the cup away. Thanks, I dont drink on duty.

Seeing her response, the others dared not drink anymore and put their cups down.

Duan Cheng glanced at that Maotai bottle1, feeling somewhat disappointed. He thought, Too bad, if Dr. Lin were here, we could have lifted the alcohol ban, and I could have had some too.

Is the forensic expert responsible for the autopsy still alive?

Yes, yes, hes from our Wuli Town, but, but The police station chief hesitated.

But what? Song Yuhang frowned, showing some impatience.

Just go and see for yourself.

* * *

The towns only nursing home, built with government funds, was surrounded by earth slopes and enclosed by wire mesh, to prevent the confused elderly residents from wandering away. There was only one rusty little iron gate for entry and exit.

The director of the nursing home led them inside. The residents here are all subsistence allowance recipients, most of them have no family, and their mental faculties

He tapped his temple and said no more.

The courtyard was small and had a few cement ping pong tables, covered in fallen leaves. It had rained a few days ago, and the place emitted a smell of decaying vegetable leaves.

The nursing home was only two stories tall and housed about ten people. When they reached the fifth room on the second floor, the director knocked on the door. Old Li, Old Li, someones here to see you.

After waiting a long time without any response, he pushed the door gently, and the wooden door creaked open because it hadnt been closed properly.

Hey, Old Li, dont eat that!

An elderly man with white hair was crouched on the floor, using his tongue to lick his own excrement. The director rushed over, lifted the man up in one swift motion, and pulled him away while holding his nose. At the same time, he said, Quick, someone clean this up clean it thoroughly!

A janitor cleaning the hallway rushed over when she heard the commotion.

Song Yuhang had been observing him the entire time.

The elderly man had graying hair, almost completely falling out, with strands sticking together. His clothes were dirty, and one foot had a shoe on while the other was bare, still smeared with filth.

He appeared to be an ordinary old man, impoverished and with an impaired mind. Sitting on the bed, he remained silent, his hands beginning to shrivel and curl together, constantly fidgeting and muttering to himself.

Eat, eat, eat

Song Yuhang rummaged through her bag and pulled out the bread she had bought in the morning, gesturing to the director to hand it over. Before it could reach him, the old man snatched it away, desperately stuffing it into his mouth. Crumbs stuck to his beard, falling down from the corners of his lips.

It was truly pitiful.

The director, afraid that the visiting official might have some criticism, hurriedly explained, Normally, we have sufficient food for everyone here. We wouldnt let the elderly

He blushed mid-sentence due to Song Yuhangs actions.

She rummaged through her bag again, pulling out a food bag and collecting the remaining food. The other members of the police team did the same, offering their own snacks. Duan Cheng even stuffed in his favorite potato chips.

Song Yuhang threw it back to him, jokingly scolding, The old man cant eat this.

Finally, she took out a few bills from her wallet, leaving only two hundred yuan for emergencies, and placed the money and the plastic bag on the table.

Grassroots work isnt easy, but we also need to make sure the elderly have enough to eat. Ill go back and talk to the higher-ups. It may take some time for budget allocations.

This statement had two implications. First, it was a reminder not to mistreat retired government department personnel. Second, it assured them that their urgent needs would be reported truthfully.

The director was both grateful and frustrated but quickly responded, Yes, yes, of course. Please rest assured, leadership.

Lin Yan sat on the rooftop, holding half of a steamed white bun in her hand, watching the real-time transmitted images on her tablet. She couldnt help but snort in disdain. Always meddling in others business.

Old man, my name is Song Yuhang. Im a police officer from Jiangcheng Citys Public Security Bureau Song Yuhang spoke as she crouched down, pointing to her police badge and patting her shoulder patch. Worried that he might not understand, she repeated it.

I, police, want to ask you if you know someone named Yu Xinye?

She took out a photo from her pocket and held it out to the old man.

The old man stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth, then reached for a banana, not bothering to peel it before shoving it in.

Hey, Song Yuhang quickly took it from him and peeled the banana before handing it back.

The director shook his head and whispered, Hes been suffering from senile dementia for over a decade. He cant remember anything. Its probably a lost cause.

Song Yuhang turned around and gestured for everyone to leave.

While it was true that the old man suffered from senile dementia, the avoidance in his eyes when he saw the photo was also apparent.

Once everyone had left, and the old man was still eating, Song Yuhang opened a bottle of mineral water for him, saying, Take your time drinking.

She had plenty of patience, but the old man was getting a bit anxious, which caused him to choke and cough, spitting out what he had just eaten.

A foul odor filled the room as a result. Song Yuhang got up to gently pat his back, waiting for him to catch his breath. She then grabbed a broom leaning against the wall and began cleaning up the mess.

The old mans gaze followed her every movement, from the Great Wall emblem on her shoulder patch to the soft police badge on her chest and the two bars and one star on her shoulder epaulettes.

Finally, his attention shifted to the food bag and the money placed on the table.

The old mans lips moved slightly, and he began eating again.

Song Yuhang completed all these tasks, set up a small stool in front of him, and took out a nail clipper to trim his nails, carefully removing the dirt from underneath, even though the smell from his body was unpleasant.

As for the case, she didnt mention a single word.

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    Maotai or Moutai is a style of jiangxiang baijiu made in the town of Maotai, Guizhou Province, China. Maotai is made with few ingredients and uses traditional Chinese techniques of fermentation, distillation, and aging, to produces a spirit with a unique nutty, grain forward, and in many ways savory aroma and flavor.

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