My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 44-1

Chapter 44-1

Dripping Blood

When Lin Yan dragged herself downstairs, wrapped in a bath towel, Song Yuhang was already standing in the kitchen. Lin Yans clothes were a bit snug on her. She wore a shirt that clung tightly to her body, with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her long legs made her trousers look stylish, and she casually tucked the shirt into her pants, giving off an air of nonchalance. Water droplets still clung to the ends of her wet hair.

Upon hearing the commotion, Song Yuhang turned around, with an apron tied around her waist. What would you like to eat?

From behind, she appeared to be a gender-neutral beauty, but when she turned around, she transformed into a head chef at a Western restaurant. Lin Yan couldnt help but chuckle, her chin almost dropping. Why are you dressed in a suit with an apron? Are you aiming for a Michelin three-star chef position?

Song Yuhang smiled, a hint of embarrassment in her expression. Your closet is full of dresses I didnt want to get them dirty. They must be quite expensive.

Lin Yan, still wrapped in her bath towel, descended the stairs barefoot, wearing a slightly lazy expression. You look really good in it. Ill give it to you.

Song Yuhangs gaze initially landed on her feet as she walked, which were fair, dainty, and beautifully rounded at the ankles.

Um you dont have to. Ill wash it and return it to you.

Oh, by the way, it seems you also left a uniform jacket to me, Lin Yan said as she walked into the coatroom, searching through a pile of clothes and shoes for Song Yuhangs jacket.

Her graceful figure was reflected on the frosted glass. The living room was entirely open, and Song Yuhang stood in the kitchen, taking in the scene. The bath towel only covered the upper and lower parts of Lin Yans body, and the rest faintly showed through on the glass, adding an intriguing touch to the view.

Hmm, didnt I ask the butler to wash and hang it up a while ago? Where could it have gone?

Lin Yan stood up, appearing somewhat frustrated.

Song Yuhang turned her face and said, If you cant find it, dont worry about it. Its not a big deal; I get plenty of those uniform jackets from work every year.

She even had a selfish desire to leave something of her own in Lin Yans room.

While Song Yuhang was lost in her thoughts, Lin Yan had already turned around with the clothes in her hands. Ah, I found it. I kept forgetting to return it to you. And, by the way, dont bother cooking. The butler will bring a chef later.

Song Yuhang had a half-cut tomato in her hand. Is that so

She seemed somewhat disappointed, lamenting the waste of all the kitchen equipment and the beautifully maintained kitchen itself.

You never cook?

Lin Yan poured a cup of coffee from the coffee pot and approached her, poking her head out. Why should I bother cooking when my manicures are so expensive?

Song Yuhang chuckled, True

As she said this, she intended to toss the tomato from the cutting board into the trash can. Sometimes, I find you utterly vulgar, and other times, I feel like youre otherworldly.

We all eat grains and worship the same deities. Vulgarity is ingrained in us, and no one is nobler than another. Strip away that outer layer, and youll find all sorts of creatures lurking. Theres nothing special about it.

Lin Yan took a sip of her coffee and, noticing her actions, reached out and grabbed her wrist. What are you doing? Didnt you already cut it in half?

Didnt you say a chef would be coming later

Lin Yan chuckled, and from her expression, Song Yuhang could sense a hint of embarrassment. I only said I wouldnt cook. I never said I wouldnt eat. Detective Song, you should still taste your own cooking.

The fingertips resting on her wrist felt cool and had a jade-like texture, and it reminded Song Yuhang of the sensation she had experienced last night when Lin Yan had performed a medical examination on her spine, causing a tingling sensation.

She began to feel a slight itch in her neck once again.

Tomato sauce noodles arent anything particularly fancy for breakfast, but if you want to eat, Ill make them, Song Yuhang said, getting busy but avoiding looking into Lin Yans eyes.

Of course, I want to eat. Why wouldnt I? Im hungry, Lin Yan replied, her tone carrying a hint of playful cheerfulness.

She was quite wary of using this tone of voice, just like earlier when she playfully elongated her words while teasing Song Yuhang. It brought out a bit of innocence and radiance that she normally didnt display, but somehow, it added a touch of alluring maturity to her.

She did it on purpose.

Thinking back to the scene upstairs bathed in the morning sunlight, Song Yuhang blushed ever so slightly.

Since coming downstairs, this person hadnt made eye contact with her. Lin Yan half-leaned on the kitchen counter and lifted her gaze. Song Yuhang, look at me.

The person, fully focused on chopping vegetables, remained unfazed.

Lin Yan changed her approach. Song Yuhang, come on, look at me.

Song Yuhang sidestepped her and took a handful of scallions from the refrigerator to wash, completely ignoring her.

Lin Yans mind raced, and she reached out to pinch Song Yuhangs blushing ear. Teasing this person was just too amusing.

Before she could even raise her tiptoes to pinch, she was splashed with water on her face.

Hey, you!

Lin Yan was getting angry now, but the person across from her was even angrier. Due to the hangover, there were still traces of bloodshot in her eyes, and something Lin Yan couldnt quite decipher had added to her expression. She looked more serious than usual.

Put your clothes on and sit down!

I Lin Yan wanted to say something more, but when she saw the restrained anger at the corner of her lips, she felt a bit breathless.

It was as if saying one more word would turn her into the meat on Song Yuhangs cutting board.

Hmph, fine, Ill sit down. Youre so stingy!

* * *

At the time Lin Yan usually got up for work, the scene was as follows when the butler arrived.

They sat at the spacious dining table, each on their own side, not acknowledging each other. In the center were plates of food, several side dishes, and two boiled eggs.

In an earth-shattering turn of events, Song Yuhang had made all of the Lin familys chefs unemployed overnight, and Lin Yan not only willingly ate breakfast but was eating Tomato Sauce Noodles!

The butler couldnt help but shed tears of gratitude; he was on the verge of awarding Song Yuhang the Most Touching Person in China title.

Song Yuhang rarely indulged in such everyday snacks, and while Song Yuhangs culinary skills werent top-notch, the meal was still relatively fresh to her.

Lin Yan couldnt help but take a couple more bites of the noodles and then shifted her gaze to the plate of eggs.

Song Yuhang reached over and took both of the eggs. Lin Yan opened her mouth, clearly irritated but swallowing her frustration.

In less than a minute, a small plate was pushed in front of her.

For you.

Peeled eggs lay smooth and shiny in the center of the plate, and Song Yuhang carried the bowl to the kitchen to get some soup.

The butlers eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. If he wasnt mistaken, Song Yuhang was wearing Lin Yans shirt, and it looked like her beloved limited edition Armani!

She even had on Lin Yans slippers, and when she turned back around, the slightly open collar revealed a large red mark and nail scratches.

The elderly butler took another look at his mistress, who appeared tired and weary from lack of sleep, and felt deeply troubled. Miss, arent you the one above?

Of course, he didnt dare to ask that question. He sent the others away to tend to the garden and approached to clean up the dishes for Lin Yan.

Lin Yan dabbed at her lip with a tissue. Have a bit more, just a small bite.

The butler was surprised. He couldnt see anything particularly special about this home-cooked dish, but he complied with her request and spooned a small bite for her.

Seeing Lin Yan enjoying her meal, Song Yuhang felt a warmth in her heart. They serve this dish in the cafeteria for lunch; you can give it a try.

This statement seemed to hit one of the young misss sensitive spots.

Lin Yan snorted coldly, saying, I was just curious; its nothing special if you eat it too much. Who wants to eat cafeteria food? Old Lin, continue to bring me lunch.

Yes, Miss, Old Lin respectfully bowed.

Lin Yan stood up, no longer casting a glance at Song Yuhang. Im done, you can clean up now.

* * *

Once they were in the car, Lin Yan, sitting in the front seat, began to feel drowsy. Song Yuhang clutched her bag, repeatedly trying to find the right moment to return the repaired mechanical rod to her, but without success.

In the midst of this dilemma, they had already arrived at the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Did Captain Song not go home last night? Thats impossible; Dr. Lin sent her back a long time ago, didnt she? Fang Xin stood at the door, observing Ji Jingxings anxious expression, and dialed her number.

The same cold, unresponsive ringtone playedSorry, the phone you dialed is currently powered off.

Dr. Lin?? Ji Jingxing caught her mention of a name, furrowing her brows slightly. Is she the colleague Captain Song is close to?

As the two were talking, Lin Yans car pulled up, and it had an air of grandeur that even the official vehicles of city leaders couldnt match. It immediately drew the attention of both Fang Xin and Ji Jingxing.

Fang Xin waved towards the car. Hey, Dr. Lin, youre here.

Ji Jingxings gaze also shifted in that direction.

Lin Yan emerged from the car wearing sunglasses, and her shirt dress accentuated her graceful figure. Her slender high heels on the ground emphasized her long and slender legs, giving off a full aristocratic vibe.

But when she took off her sunglasses, things took a different turn. Leaning against the car door, she smiled at Fang Xin with an air of playfulness. Hey, waiting for big sister?

Ji Jingxings first impression of her was significantly diminishedostentatious.

How could Song Yuhang associate with someone like this?

As the rear car door opened, Song Yuhang emerged, wearing Lin Yans expensive little suit. Her clothes were impeccably ironed, accentuating her tall and commanding figure, exuding an air of elegance and confidence. Standing next to Lin Yan, the scene was undeniably pleasing to the eye.

Ji Jingxing felt a sting from this sight, and her smile seemed somewhat forced. Yuhang

Lin Yan stopped smiling and shifted her gaze.

They called each other quite intimately.

Song Yuhang quickly walked up to her. Sis, what brings you here?

Mom told me you didnt come home last night, and you didnt answer my calls. I thought maybe you stayed at the office I was passing by this morning on my way to work, so I decided to drop by and brought you some breakfast.

Ji Jingxing explained and handed her a bottle of soy milk and a deep-fried dough stick.

Song Yuhang seemed to have a sudden realization and remembered the phone she had left in her backpack. Oh, my phone ran out of battery, and I forgot to tell you all. I stayed at a colleagues place last night.

Ji Jingxing glanced at Lin Yan, who stood idle without greeting anyone. Lin Yan seemed unconcerned, and she let Ji Jingxings gaze sweep over her before returning her own gaze.

I wont have breakfast since Ive already eaten. These are for my colleagues.

Song Yuhang was holding a large plastic bag filled with various types of food.

Ji Jingxing hesitated but managed a somewhat forced smile. Alright, alright, as long as youre okay. Thats what matters.

Its nothing, what could happen to me? Song Yuhang smiled, but Ji Jingxing keenly noticed the marks on her neck.

This how did this happen?

Ji Jingxing asked, noticing the rash had disappeared but left behind a red mark and some prominent scratch marks, resembling the aftermath of some ambiguous encounter.

Song Yuhangs expression seemed somewhat evasive. Its nothing I scratched myself. Ill go in first, sis.

Ah Ji Jingxing wanted to say more, but Lin Yan had already followed in Song Yuhangs footsteps.

I think she came not to see you but to see who your with.

The faint words of the woman fell into her ears.

Song Yuhang wasnt angry, but she said, Its all the same, arent they? Are you full? If not, have a little more.

The two walked side by side, and Lin Yan distanced herself, pinching her nose, until their figures completely disappeared into the lobby of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Song Yuhang never turned back to look at her throughout the entire walk.

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