My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 133-2

Chapter 133-2

The end of a blue duckweed (1)

Song Yuhang released her, a shy smile on her face. “Ask me what light is.”

Lin Yan didn’t understand the meaning behind it, feeling somewhat puzzled.


Unable to resist her persistence, a hint of a smile finally appeared at the corner of Lin Yan’s lips.

“What is light?”

The two of them were talking side by side, and Song Yuhang gently pulled her head over and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Just know that I love you.”

As the medical staff lifted Duan Cheng onto a stretcher, he took a last glance back.

The backlight only left their silhouettes, blurring their faces.

The scene was too beautiful and peaceful, with the uncleaned battlefield behind them and the morning sun in front, creating a striking contrast.

Duan Cheng smiled slightly, almost impatiently wanting to see his beloved Fang Xin.

The group returned to the pier.

Zhao Junfeng had been taken away by the Public Security Bureau personnel, with all his shoulder badges and rank insignia removed. He even took off his usual attire, wearing only a thin undershirt. The sea breeze blew his face slightly pale, but Song Yuhang was not sure if it was because he saw her.

As Zhao Junfeng passed by her, his footsteps hesitated, and his lips moved slightly.

Song Yuhang thought he wouldn’t say anything, but when the armed police took him away, he suddenly turned around and said, “Don’t tell my wife that I got arrested.”

This sentence sounded more like he was talking to everyone.

She silently took a step back, gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and never looked at him again.

As the ambulance door was about to close, a girl stumbled out of the crowd.

(Originally translated on , let's go!)

Fang Xin looked like she had run all the way from the city center, her hair disheveled, still wearing the laboratory uniform.

“Duan Cheng, Duan Cheng, where are you?”

Through the narrow opening of the door, Duan Cheng heard her calling and saw her shoes. He, wearing a simple breathing apparatus, struggled to lift his body.

The medical staff tried to push him, but someone climbed onto the car window.

“Duan Cheng, Duan Cheng, are you okay?”

The urgent call of the girl came from outside the car, and the doctor hurriedly opened the door, looking somewhat anxious.

“What’s going on? Who are you to him? He’s injured badly and needs to be quickly taken to the hospital for further treatment.”

Fang Xin focused her gaze on his bloodstained clothes and then on his face.

The man smiled, revealing two big white teeth. He struggled to raise his right hand, extended his thumb towards her, indicating that he was okay.

Fang Xin’s eyes immediately turned red. “I…I am his girlfriend.”

After a brief rest, the two were taken to the hospital together. During this process, Song Yuhang held her hand tightly, only reluctantly letting go when they needed to do examinations. The expression at that moment was extremely reluctant and sad.

After the examinations, the two were quickly arranged for surgery, and the lights in the two adjacent operating rooms were turned on simultaneously.

Mother Song anxiously paced outside the door, while Ji Jingxing softly comforted her.

Before long, the doctor came out and removed their mask.

“Who is the family member of the patient in 13th bed?”

“I am, I am her mother,” Mother Song hurriedly stepped forward.

The doctor’s face showed a hint of regret, “The patient is 36 years old, still very young, but she suffered a heavy blow to the abdomen, with a significant uterine bleeding. We tried to suture it, but if the bleeding continues uncontrollably, then we can only…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Mother Song’s eyes went blank, and she collapsed on the ground.

“Mom! Mom! Help, someone!” Ji Jingxing knelt down and supported her, shouting anxiously. Several medical staff rushed over with a gurney to transport her to the emergency room.

When Mother Song woke up in the hospital room, the surgery had already ended, her uterus was saved, but her fertility was permanently damaged.

Song Yuhang eventually learned the news. She touched her stomach, not feeling much. It was actually Mother Song and Ji Jingxing who shed tears, especially Mother Song, who was on the verge of crying.

She gently held her mother’s hand to comfort her, wearing an oxygen mask. When she saw Lin Yan lying on another bed not far away, a smile appeared on her lips.

The doctor said she didn’t have any major issues or lingering effects. The external wounds on her shoulders had been sutured and stopped bleeding. The only thing needing close attention was the series of infections that might arise from Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, the doctor also mentioned that her recovery from the previous treatment was good, and she was expected to return to a normal life – probably referring to her recovery process during the period when she feigned death.

As long as she followed the doctor’s orders, took her medication on time, maintained cleanliness, paid attention to food hygiene, infections could be controlled.

Song Yuhang looked at her, asleep, with a pale face. Her lips gradually gained color, her vital signs stable. The curve at the corner of her lips grew wider and wider until she couldn’t help but smile like a child.

To lose and regain, the best gift given to her at the age of 36.

On the day when the police sealed off the Lin family’s residence, Lin Yan struggled to get out of bed to go see what was happening. Song Yuhang had always been strong and recovered faster than her, but she couldn’t persuade her, so she had to accompany her. Both of them were dressed in patient gowns, with Lin Yan sitting in a wheelchair being pushed onto the car by her.

At the other end of the estate was Lin Ge’s villa, with police officers going in and out, some wearing uniforms with the words “Crime Scene Investigation.”

(If you're not reading on , it means this has been stolen)

Lin Yan slightly closed her eyes, her hands trembling, took a deep breath, and looked at Song Yuhang.

She understood, stepped forward to negotiate, and, upon receiving permission, pushed her upstairs. The second floor was Lin Ge’s study. She had been there before but had never noticed the human skeleton standing in his room.

There was a police line at the doorway, and a few forensic experts in protective clothing were collecting samples. Fang Xin was also examining the scene. After a while, she noticed someone at the door, raised her eyes and glanced at her.

Lin Yan’s eye sockets were red, her jaw trembling, tightly clenching her fists, nails digging deep into the palm of her hand.

A forensic expert repeatedly touched the skeleton, frowning and saying, “Preliminary corpse examination shows this is the skeleton of an 18-year-old adult female. It will be taken back to the office for further autopsy to confirm the cause of death.”

An intern forensic expert opened the body bag, and a few people carefully lifted the skeleton and placed it inside. Just as they were about to zip it up, Lin Yan suddenly rushed forward. Unable to stand up, she fell outside the police line, stretching out her arm to reach for her best friend in her life.

“Chu Nan, Chu Nan, don’t leave…”

It turns out, the person she had searched for tirelessly for fourteen years was right beside her.

It turns out that the murderer she had tirelessly searched for for fourteen years was right beside her.

Over these fourteen years, what had she done? Her good friend’s injustice remained unavenged. She doubted her father but wholeheartedly trusted Lin Ge. For the sake of revenge, she had turned herself into someone unrecognizable. If it weren’t for Song Yuhang, would she have also walked down this path?

Thinking back on the countless opportunities she had to uncover this secret, yet missed them every time.

Lin Yan’s heart felt like it was being twisted by a knife, wishing she could slap herself hard across the face.

With a “click,” the dark body bag was finally sealed. Several police officers lifted it and walked out.

“Chu Nan, Chu Nan, look at me, don’t go… Don’t… go…”

Lin Yan struggled to crawl over, but Song Yuhang held her tightly, lifting her up and covering her eyes with his hand.

“Lin Yan, Lin Yan, don’t look, I’m here, I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

It was on this day that news came from the psychiatric hospital, saying that Aunt Chen’s breathing was failing and that she might not make it.

When Song Yuhang and Lin Yan rushed to the hospital, they only had time to see her one last time.

Aunt Chen, thin as a rail, lay on the bed, her hands as rough as chicken claws tightly holding onto her wrist. She struggled to lift her body, as if trying to say something.

Lin Yan gently removed the oxygen mask for her.

In the eyes of someone who had always been confused and unaware, there was a rare moment of clarity, and a hint of a smile appeared on the old lady’s face.

“Thank… thank you…”

With just two words, she let go and passed away, and the heart rate monitor next to the bed flatlined.

Lin Yan stared blankly as Aunt Chen’s hand slipped from her own palm, stunned for a while. In disbelief, she gently shook her shoulders.

“Auntie, Aunt Chen?”

Chu Nan’s mother peacefully closed her eyes, never to wake up again.

Medical staff came in to cover her with a white cloth, removed the breathing machine, and took away the heart rate monitor.

The rolling bed was moved away from her sight.

Lin Yan sat on a wheelchair, hand covering her lips, shoulders shaking violently.

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Song Yuhang walked up to her, squatting down to gently hold her hand, offering her silent comfort.

“These are the elderly woman’s personal belongings. Since she has no family left, they will be handed over to you.”

The doctor handed over a cardboard box. She had stayed here for a long time, and as everyone had developed a bond while taking care of her, he let out a sigh.

“This morning, the elderly woman was in good spirits, not crying or causing any trouble, she even washed her face and took her medication by herself. Our nurse helped her with her hair, changed her clothes. Who would have thought that in the evening…”

“Well, I heard her daughter’s case was solved, right? It’s no wonder. She held on for so many years, it finally came to an end.”


Song Yuhang nodded with a smile, and only after the doctor had walked away did she open the box. Inside, there weren’t many things – a few old clothes, socks with patched holes, an old photo frame, a few train tickets she had kept from her travels in search of Chu Nan, and a leather envelope.

Song Yuhang took out the envelope, on which it was written: To Lin Yan.

The handwriting was elegant and beautiful. Aunt Chen had never been to school, so most likely it was Chu Nan’s handwriting.

She placed the envelope back as it was, then carried the box towards Lin Yan, who was sitting on a bench. She squatted down in front of her, held her hand, and handed her the letter.

“This is for you. Do you want to read it?”

When her eyes fell on those words, Lin Yan felt as if she had been burnt by fire. She shrank back and her shoulders started to shake, murmuring under her breath.

“It’s my fault, it’s my fault… It’s me who caused harm to them…”

Song Yuhang gripped her hand tightly, slightly raising her voice, “Lin Yan, it’s not true, it’s not your fault.”

“It’s me… it’s all because of me… If I hadn’t met her, we wouldn’t have become friends, Lin Ge wouldn’t have killed her, Aunt Chen wouldn’t have gone mad…”

“Lin Yan!” Song Yuhang grasped her shoulders firmly, forcing her to look up at her. Her expression was unwavering, her tone resolute.

“People always talk about the guilt of the victims, but what wrong did the victims do? The encounters between people are not factors that can be controlled by human will. The changes in Lin Ge are also not factors you can control. If there is any fault, it is all his fault. He will never understand that life is like a long river, nobody will always stand still. If he cannot cross this river and remains in the same place, then he has taken the wrong path. One wrong step leads to more wrong steps.”

“Over the years, you have done enough for Chu Nan and Aunt Chen. That’s why she finally said ‘thank you’ to you. Do you understand the meaning behind this?”

Lin Yan, tearful, gazed at her, tightly holding onto the letter in her hand.

“It means she has let go and can rest peacefully now. The doctor said she even had her hair done, changed into new clothes. She wanted to go see her beloved daughter. Before that, she wished for you to live well and have a peaceful, healthy life forever.”

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