My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 130-3

Chapter 130-3

The final battle (4)

Before she reached the door, Butler Lin, who was lying on the ground severely wounded, suddenly lunged towards the Supreme Lord who was passing by, shouting loudly.

Miss, quickly, avenge the master!

As soon as he finished speaking, Kubas gunshot shattered on his forehead. Butler Lin collapsed to the ground, blood oozing from a bright hole in his forehead, dying with his eyes open.

Pay with your life! Lin Yans eyes turned red with anger as she grabbed a submachine gun and started shooting wildly.

Bullets hit the iron gate, making banging sounds and splashing sparks.

Lin Yan chased after them, only to see Kuba stuffing the Supreme Lord into the car, taking the drivers seat himself, and speeding away.

She caught up, intending to shoot out their tires, but Tiger turned from the back, raising an AK with flames shooting out of the muzzle.

Lin Yan was forced to dodge, and in the blink of an eye, the off-road vehicle had already driven out of shooting range.

Watching her running out the door, a hint of relief appeared at the corner of Lin Youyuans mouth. With his still-functioning left hand, he reached for the dropped pistol on the ground, tremblingly raised it, aimed at his temple.

Death was inevitable, and he didnt want to die in a hospital, nor in the hands of the enemy. He decided to end his own life with this gun, perhaps it could be a form of redemption for the mistakes he had made in the past.

His only regret was not having the chance to tell her with his own mouth: Yanyan, Daddy loves you.

Chewing on these words, a smile appeared at the corner of Lin Youyuans mouth, and he gently pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire cut through the dusk.

Lin Yan abruptly stopped in her pursuit, turned back to look at the yard, then rushed back, tears streaming down her face as she screamed.


Supreme Lord, theyre catching up! Tiger glanced back, several police cars were closely following them, relentlessly pursuing.

Sitting in the swaying car due to the rapid speed, Lin Jueshui remained calm as a mountain.

No need to rush, someone will block them for us.

Captain, our backup units havent arrived yet, should we keep chasing?! Amid the deafening gunshots, the driver shouted, but before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly bent down as a bullet shattered the front windshield, narrowly missing his head.

Xue Rui returned fire, Keep chasing! We must stop them before they board the ship!

Lin Yan rushed into the yard and knelt down in front of Lin Youyuans body, tremblingly lifting his face, Dad Dad say something

(Originally translated on , let's go!)

Her only response was a series of faint footsteps, and the gate closed shut once again.

Turning with her gun in hand, Lin Yan suddenly froze, her hand starting to tremble.

Lin Ge, dressed in a long suit and wearing delicate gold-rimmed glasses, held a long sniper rifle in his hand, the barrel resting on the ground. His gaze was gentle and soft as he reached out his hand to her.

Yanyan, come to me. Brother will take you away. No one can stop us from being together now. (LP: Disgusting)

Lin Yan took a step back, the bloodshot eyes in her gaze not fading, looking incredibly cold.

Youve been here all this time?

Lin Ge nodded, Yes.

Did you kill Liu Zhi?

Liu Zhi? Who is he?

Lin Yan gritted her teeth, a flash of resentment bursting in her eyes.

Lin Ges gaze shifted to the body in a white shirt beside them.

Oh, him. If hes the one, then let him go. Just a lackey, and besides, wasnt he also disloyal to you?

Tears quickly welled up in Lin Yans eyes, He was my friend, not just some lackey!

Lin Ge sneered, slinging the gun over his shoulder, taking a firm step forward, reaching out his hand towards her.

Enough, that doesnt matter. Listen to brother, come with me.

He approached step by step. Lin Yan kept retreating, her back finally hitting the abandoned van parked in the yard, with no way to retreat further.

Since youve been here all this time, why Lin Yan gritted her teeth, her heart aching.

To watch with open eyes

Helplessly, Lin Youyuan had no choice but to commit suicide.

That man was your uncle, wasnt he?

Lin Ge kicked Lin Youyuans body lying in the middle of the road, a hint of ironic smile forming on his lips.

This man, perceived by the public as a generous philanthropist, a good father, a good uncle

He emphasized the words.

Do you know that he was the one who caused the ruin of my family, involved with my mother, making me the laughingstock, a bastard in the eyes of others!

Shut up! Dont touch him! Seeing his actions, each word felt like a knife stabbing into Lin Yans heart, causing her blood to boil. Without hesitation, she grabbed her fist and lunged at him.

What she didnt expect was that in her impression, Lin Ge had always been gentle and refined, never learned martial arts, at most occasionally exercising. Yet, he unexpectedly had so much strength.

Lin Yans punch was cleverly angled and used full force, making it impossible for someone with no combat training to dodge.

Lin Ge not only evaded the punch but also grabbed her wrist, pressed it down, and locked her arm with his right hand, performing a standard joint lock and pushing her backward.

With a loud bang, Lin Yans back hit the car, causing dizziness and blurred vision.

Lin Ge shook her shoulder and roared, He killed my father. If it wasnt for him, how could I have become an orphan? Lin Yan, think carefully. If he didnt have an affair with my mother, why would he send you to my house? Why would my mother treat you so well, always thinking of you first when it comes to good food, clothes, and fun, and not treating me as well as she treats you!

Youre talking nonsense! Lin Yan shouted through tears, Who do you think you are, a f*cking orphan? You were born in the Lin family, raised in the Lin family, living off Lin familys money, enjoying your mothers care and love. Have you ever wandered outside? Have you eaten from the garbage? Have you fought dogs for food?

You havent experienced any of that. What kind of f*cking orphan are you? If Auntie is kind to me, isnt it because she pities me for being abandoned since childhood? What right do you have to dismiss others lives with your own speculations? Thats your mother and uncle!

(If you're not reading on , it means this has been stolen)

At this moment, Lin Ge seemed to have gone completely mad, unrecognizable.

Lin Yan suddenly realized that she had never truly understood him; who she remembered was just the gentle and quiet young man.

The Lin Ge before her was like a devil, a beast. He had orchestrated this massacre, shaking her shoulders hysterically, roaring, smearing his own family members, trying to make her accept his twisted and false arguments.

Yes, shes my mother, but do you know how she treated me? Lin Ges eyes showed a hint of resentment, and they were slightly red.

My life was like a systematic machine, every part meticulously arranged.

At a certain age, I had to learn to walk, never allowed to cry. When I should smile, I had to smile. No toys, only books. Exams had to be perfect, and if I got half a point less, I would go hungry at home. Mistakes were always criticized, but even when I did things right, there was no praise.

While other boys could run and play, I couldnt. I had to sit at home and study. After finishing music, dance, painting, piano, calligraphy, and advanced math

Only you, Lin Yan, Yanyan He lifted her face as if possessed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Youre different. Youre so free-spirited, so uninhibited. I never knew life could be lived as joyfully as you do. You are my everything, my light.

He gently touched her face with his thumb, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes. Though her appearance had changed slightly, she was still so beautiful, so enchanting to him.

As Lin Ges throat moved, ready to embrace her, a shadow suddenly fell on the ground.

Looking up, he saw a figure that should have been lying in the hospital descending from above, holding a metal bucket in hand, seemingly picked up from somewhere, firmly covering his head.

Lin Ge was enveloped in darkness, taking numerous black punches.

Song Yuhang struck at vital points with precision, each blow accompanied by gritted teeth, forcing him to repeatedly step back until he knelt on the ground with a thud.

Are you sick in the head, wanting your cousin? Dont touch my fiance!!!

Shaking her slightly sore fists, Song Yuhang turned around to pull her, saying, Lets go.

Lin Yan stared blankly at her for a moment before a slight smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

How did you come here?

Song Yuhang pulled her along, saying, I came to take you back home.

As they passed by Lin Youyuans body, she glanced at it with a heavy heart, gripping Lin Yans hand tighter.

Im sorry Im late.

Its a bit late, but Lin Yan looked at her retreating figure, noticing she was also injured. It must have been quite challenging for her to journey alone from Jiangcheng City to here.

Her heart softened. When she was alone, she could pretend to be strong, but now seeing her, her eyes reddened and feeling her nose tingle, tears welled up and streamed down her face.

Its good that youre here.

Song Yuhang protected her as they pushed open the courtyard gate. Just as they stuck their heads out, a burst of bullets came flying towards them.

Get down! She rolled to the side while holding her, as sparks splattered on the door frame with a loud bang.

Damn it, Lin Ges people were outside too; the yard had been surrounded.

Song Yuhang dragged her back, the courtyard empty. Lin Ge had a large-caliber rifle, while she was defenseless, which put her at a disadvantage in combat.

She needed to find a hidden spot to hide Lin Yan before she could free herself to fight back.

Song Yuhang quickly scanned the courtyard and set her gaze on a warehouse at the back. She pulled her towards it.

Lin Ge had just managed to remove the metal bucket from his head and blocked their path.

Perfect timing, lets kill them together.

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The dark barrel of the gun was aimed at them, but Song Yuhang fearlessly lifted Lin Yans chin and provocatively glanced at him, then fiercely kissed her, doing what he wanted to do.

Lin Yans eyes widened, pushing her shoulder away.

Mmm even when facing death

Song Yuhang grabbed her hand, deepening the kiss tinted with a romantic blood-red hue.

So what? Her voice was low and hoarse, muffled amid their intertwined lips and teeth.

Even in death, I want to die with you.

If it were anyone else, she would never dare to act this way in front of the enemy, but this person happened to be Lin Ge.

His perverse possessiveness prevented him from shooting at such close range, and his fierce pride drove him to want to defeat Song Yuhang, kill her with his own hands, to make Lin Yan give up completely and see who would ultimately prevail.

If Song Yuhang could figure it out, then why wouldnt Lin Yan know? Her slender hand wrapped around her neck, lifting herself gently onto her toes to respond passionately.

Receiving the response, Song Yuhangs heart surged with desire. If it werent for the enemy nearby, requiring half her attention on him, she almost wanted to drag her to the bed and have her way with her right now.

She truly desired it, really, even in her dreams, to the point of tears welling up in her eyes.

However, it was time to deal with the big trouble that was Lin Ge.

Song Yuhang released her, licking her lips as if savoring the moment, but her gaze eagerly challenged Lin Ge, raising her chin slightly.

How about it, a one-on-one fight?

His men immediately flooded into the courtyard, surrounding the two of them in a circle.

The scene just now had Lin Ge trembling with rage. He chuckled softly, the laughter growing louder and more piercing, breaking down his full resentment, sending shivers down peoples spines.

Fine, a one-on-one it is, clear a path for us!

After a slight hesitation, his men parted slightly to create a passage.

Just as Song Yuhang was about to step forward, her clothing was gently tugged.

Lin Yan walked up to her, her eyes shining with calmness after being cleansed by blood and tears. For some reason, even though she had been deeply saddened just moments ago, upon seeing her at that moment, Lin Yan felt as though the missing piece of her heart had been filled.

Her appearance seemed to inject a strong dose of courage into her. She felt like she could speak, could think, and had the ability to face him in battle.

If this day had to come eventually, she hoped it would be her to put an end to it all with her own hands.

Song Yuhang, let me handle it this time. There are some questions I want to ask him.

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