My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 126-1

Chapter 126-1


It was late at night, and the people in the war conference room were gradually falling asleep on the table for a brief rest.

A tall figure pushed the door open and walked out. The passing police officers nodded to him, and he waved his hand before quickly walking into the restroom and locking the door behind him. He took out his phone from his pocket and made a call.

Before long, several unfamiliar figures appeared near the Lin familys residence.

The butler lifted a corner of the curtain to take a look and gently let it fall back down. These people probably never expected that the seemingly laxly guarded Lin residence area had long been equipped with infrared thermal imaging cameras, making it impossible for any movement to escape the machines and his eyes.

Sir, theyre here.

Lin Youyuan opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine that was handed to his lips.

Theyve come to see if Im dead or not.


Who do you think they belong to, Sir? The butler carefully cooled down the medicine in the spoon and handed it over.

Lin Youyuan coughed lightly, and the butler wiped away the medicine stain at the corner of his lips.

At this critical moment, it would be strange if they didnt come.

Should we? The glint in the butlers eyes was full of meaning.

Lin Youyuan waved his hand, indicating not to drink it.

No need. If they all want me dead, then Ill just die for them to see.

Sir The butlers eyes showed a hint of reluctance.

But it was Lin Youyuan who remained composed and interrupted him.

What has Jin Xia been up to lately?

Shes been staying in her own villa, occasionally hosting parties. A few days ago, she was chatting all night with some popular male actors.

The butler spoke openly because he knew that Lin Youyuan had no feelings for Jin Xia.

Jin Xia received money from him, while Lin Youyuan coveted her young body. As a successful businessman with no blemishes in his personal life, wouldnt that attract unwanted attention?

As the saying goes, when the water is clear, there are no fish.

Lin Youyuans lips curved into a slight smile. She seems to be enjoying herself.

The butler placed the bowl on the bedside table. Regarding her previous provocations against Miss, and the poisoning incident

Lin Youyuan understood his implication.

No need. Let her continue to revel in her happiness for a few more days. Just watch, she will come around eventually, and we will deal with her then.


Is the young master really planning to team up with the Supreme Lord and the others?

As the attendant asked this question, Lin Ge was wiping his surgical knives. He seemed more attentive to these tools than to people, dipping them in cold water to wash away the bloodstains, disinfecting with alcohol swabs, and finally wiping them clean before placing them on the tray with a somewhat absent-minded expression.

Not interested.

Then The attendant looked puzzled.

Let them fight amongst themselves. Ill just watch the show. Of course, it would be best if they could help me get rid of that woman.

Perhaps feeling tired as he spoke, Lin Ge briefly closed his eyes, resting his hand on the lab bench.

The attendant understood. Young master, would you like me to bring you the Drunken Dream?

Lin Ge faintly murmured Hmm. The door to the lab opened, and the attendant rushed in again, carrying a tray with syringes and blue medication.

Direct injection was much more intense than oral ingestion, but also much more dangerous.

Lin Ge waved his hand, his face showing a hint of weariness.

Go down.

Early the next morning, the body of the thug whose throat had been cut by Lin Yan was discovered, and the Supreme Lord asked her to come and see.

Lin Yan appeared in front of everyone looking calm. If there was anything out of the ordinary, it was a slight bruise under her eyes, giving her a weary appearance as if she hadnt slept well.

Oh, whats this? She was surprised, examining the body on the ground. After a night, it had slightly stiffened and emitted a foul odor. She stood back slightly, showing a hint of disgust.

The Supreme Lord scanned the people in the room, his fingers intermittently tapping on the rattan chair.

Who did this? Step forward.

The group exchanged looks, remaining silent, their expressions all a bit grim.


Lin Yan yawned, Didnt we have patrols last night? Its not easy to commit murder under our noses with so many of us around.

Tiger squinted at her, his tone ambiguous.

Indeed, maybe theres a hidden expert among us.

Expert? Lin Yan chuckled.

Arent they just Tiger and Second Master? The people at our Huange Nightclub dont have that kind of skill.

Last night during the surprise inspection, there was a commotion in her room, and almost half the corridor heard it.

Lin Yan didnt have the opportunity to commit the crime, and Kuba was injured, leaving only him with that kind of ability, no?

Tiger was digging his own grave, choked by Lin Yans words, his face turning red unable to speak.


The Supreme Lord gave him a glance, frowning impatiently.

With such an incident, it seems we cant stay here anymore. Pack up and go to the next place.

Yes. Several subordinates echoed.

As Lin Yan turned to leave, she was stopped by someone.

Wait a moment, Aunt Hong, let the others take care of things below. Stay and chat with this old man for a bit.

The Supreme Lord nodded, and Tiger locked the door from the outside.

Lin Yan sensed trouble but still turned around with a casual smile, Whatever the Supreme Lord wants to say, Jinhong is all ears.

Have a seat. There was a chair beside him, and Lin Yan graciously took a seat.


The room was not large and had a bed on one side and some clutter on the other. What Lin Yan didnt know was that behind a full-length mirror, a gun was silently aimed at her.

The Supreme Lord greeted her with a calm expression, even in his current state of exhaustion, looking like a dog that had lost its home. There was a plate of melon seeds and some oranges, a rare sight in this season, beside him.

Lin Yan picked up an orange, peeled it, and the fresh juice spilled out as her nails punctured the skin.

The Supreme Lord smiled, Your mother is Burmese?

Lin Yan continued to struggle with the orange without looking up.

Yes, she was from Kachin State in Northern Burma. She passed away early, and I was sold to China when I was six.

The Supreme Lord sighed, She was a pitiful person.

Lin Yan peeled the orange and handed him a slice.

Supreme Lord, would you like to try one?

No, Im too old, my teeth arent up to it. This thing is sour, more suitable for young people like you.

Over the years, the Supreme Lord had seen many beautiful women, each with their own charms. But Lin Yan was the only one who effortlessly combined sophistication with innocence. For example, at this moment, she sat there with her legs crossed, completely at ease, seemingly unconcerned about the police chase or the gun already aimed at her head. All he had to do was give the order, and even the smartest and most beautiful woman would meet her end.

The Supreme Lord gently tapped his knee with his fingers, asking like a kind elder.

What about your father?

Ive never met him, dont know if hes alive or dead.

Lin Yan shook her head and popped a slice of orange into her mouth.

The Supreme Lord pondered silently, finding parallels between her and Pei Jinhongs life story.

I heard that you went through a lot of hardship with Wang Qiang.


As the Supreme Lord mentioned this, Lin Yan displayed a hint of sorrow appropriately.

He should never have gone looking for other women.

The Supreme Lords tapping hand on his knee slowed down.

Men, theyre inevitably like that.

A trace of disdain crossed Lin Yans lips as she discarded the orange peel on the table and pulled out a handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe her hands.

A cold glint flashed, she was armed.

The Supreme Lords hand on his knee stiffened.

Youre right, but women, they always have unrealistic hopes and desires, wanting men to love them more. But when it comes down to it, its all in vain. Ive seen through it all. Only money is eternal. With money, you can have any kind of man you want, calling them to come and go at will.

As she spoke, there was a hint of resentment and malice in her expression, appearing like a woman who had been hurt by love, regretted it deeply, and now harbored extreme hatred towards men.

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