My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Yi Qingju woke up the next morning under the urging of Auntie Zhang, as she had chatted with the system too late last night.

"Mistress, get up quick. Things are different now. Even if the master is not home, there is a little master in the house now."

Although Auntie Zhang got along fine with Yi Qingju, she would say antagonistic words like this from time to time.

After washing up groggily, Yi Qingju finally woke up completely.

Looking at the little lump sitting on the sofa opposite her, whose short little legs couldn't even touch the ground but still insisted on crossing his legs to strike a pose, Yi Qingju coughed.

She put on a disguised gentle smile on her face.

"Your name is Qi Xinian right? I'm your auntie."

Alarms went off in the little lump's mind. How could this woman who was so cold to him yesterday put on this facade now?

"Belated affection is lighter than grass, woman." Though the words came out unclear in a soft, childish voice, the little lump gave a cold snort.

Yi Qingju's mouth twitched. She looked to Auntie Zhang beside her, "Did the master leave any instructions?"

Like giving me the privilege to spank him or something.

Hearing this, Qi Xinian also looked over, eyes bright and expectant.

Auntie Zhang said, "The master only called to say the young master would be living here from now on, and that he had hired a home tutor to teach the young master. Then he hung up."

Qi Xinian's gaze dimmed in disappointment as he retracted it.

Yi Qingju noticed his change in mood. After all, he was still a child and needed adult care and affection.

Just as she was thinking this, her phone rang again.

Qi Xinian and Auntie Zhang instantly looked over.

Yi Qingju leisurely took out her phone.

Unknown: Baby, I'll get to see you soon.

Yi Qingju: Spare me, you're not my cup of tea.

The other side quickly replied: You don't even know who I am, how do you know I'm not your cup of tea?

Yi Qingju: At most you're a scallion.

The other person didn't reply again after that.

"Mistress, have you made a new friend?" Auntie Zhang tentatively asked.

Pigs can't speak human words after all, so the friendship between us can't last.

"When is the home tutor coming?" She didn't answer the question, but asked directly as she stood up.

Qi Xinian across from her instantly became vigilant.

Auntie Zhang replied, "He said he'd come this afternoon."

Yi Qingju nodded and walked out.

Watching Yi Qingju's back, Qi Xinian wrinkled his little bun face in dissatisfaction. "Where is she going?"

Ignoring me again.

Auntie Zhang knowingly said, "Going to feed Little Flower."

Qi Xinian leapt down from the sofa, his little body swaying before standing firm. "She's keeping pets in my little uncle's house? I'll go take a look."

Saying so, he trotted off after her, footsteps going clack clack clack.

Auntie Zhang shook her head with a smile. Kids were just so energetic.

Hopefully he could get along well with the mistress.

They were both lonely people...sigh...

Qi Xinian jogged after Yi Qingju as she turned into the backyard.

According to TV drama tropes, if he, the stepson dependent on others' shelter, let her have her way, he would definitely be abused in the future.

He had to gain the upper hand first and let this woman know he wasn't easy to bully.

Half a minute later—

Craning his head to look at the huge black pig before him, Qi Xinian fell silent.

Yi Qingju was just about to close the door when she saw the small figure.

"Since you're here, help out."

Glancing down at his handmade Italian leather dress shoes, then the grunting big black pig and piglets not far away, Qi Xinian took a step back.

"I'd rather die."

Yi Qingju didn't make things difficult for him either.

"Then stand there obediently, don't run around."

Watching Yi Qingju efficiently mix pig feed wearing protective gear, Qi Xinian's steamed bun face wrinkled.

No, Qi Xinian, you're supposed to become a domineering CEO in the future. You can't give up here.

You have to make trouble and show her your might.

Just as he steeled his resolve and took a step—

Yi Qingju in front of him suddenly moved.

She pulled out a piglet, flipped it over, and restrained its limbs.

Then she took out a box of bottles and cans, put on disposable gloves, and held a scalpel in her hand.

Qi Xinian halted. "What are you doing?"

Yi Qingju glanced up at him with a smile. The knife in her hand reflected a cold gleam. "Castration."

Qi Xinian looked on in horror, reflexively clenching his legs as icy chill instantly seeped into his crown.

(; ́༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

" vicious woman!"

He pointed a trembling little hand at Yi Qingju and stuttered out a sentence before fleeing swiftly.

Even his back seemed to spell out horror.

Yi Qingju ignored him and continued her work.

After birth, piglets would go through tail docking, tooth clipping, nose ringing, and finally castration within 30 days to meet quality standards.

What Yi Qingju was doing was this last step.

Seeing her skilled movements, Xiao Ji Ji said, 【Host wasn't just an ordinary office worker before right? How do you know how to do this?】

Yi Qingju smiled faintly, 【I did odd jobs at pig farms during school breaks because I couldn't afford tuition fees, so I know a thing or two.】

Xiao Ji Ji softly praised, 【My host is so capable!】

By the time she finished everything, it was almost noon.

Auntie Zhang had long prepared lunch waiting for her.

Glancing at the empty seat with bowl and chopsticks set out opposite her, Yi Qingju asked, "Where's Qi Xinian?"

Auntie Zhang said helplessly, "Ever since he came back, he's shut himself in his room hugging Ultraman and refuses to come out and eat."

Yi Qingju nodded understandably. "Bring his meal up to him later."

Auntie Zhang nodded.

The mistress was always normal as long as it didn't involve the master.

Time flew by.

Yi Qingju was in her room discussing with Xiao Ji Ji whether to set a trap to lure out the person sending her short messages when—

Her room door was knocked on.

"Mistress, the home tutor the master hired for the young master is here."

Hei Meilu's gaze suddenly froze as he was secretly assessing just how much the Qi family's main residence, the number one aristocratic family in the capital, was worth.

His eyes fixedly stared at the white clad maiden slowly walking down the spiral staircase.

She had a frail figure, skin so fair it was abnormal compared to ordinary people. Her palm-sized little face, thick seaweed-like black hair cascading smoothly down her back. When she raised her head, those eyes that aroused pity. Just looking made people soft.

Hei Meilu swallowed, desperately suppressing the excitement in his eyes, constantly reminding himself—

After coming to this world, he was no longer that apex rent-seeking Phoenix Man from his old world.

He had to start over from scratch.

And the first step was to seduce this rich but unloved young wife into his hands. Then cook her old husband to death together and become the male lead's next stepfather!

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