My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Unexpectedly, upon hearing her words, Yi Qingju's reaction was not as panicky as the male nurse had imagined.

He didn't even seem panicked... at all.

Where was the fragile, innocent demeanor he was expecting?

"So, did you see who did it?" Yi Qingju secretly assessed the unfamiliar female nurse, suspecting she had ulterior motives.

If there was a real issue, why didn't she report it to her superiors instead of seeking him out?

Touched, Xiao Jiji shed tears of admiration: [Host is truly clever.]

The male nurse, upon hearing the term 'culprit,' instinctively shrunk his neck. "When I was airing blankets on the top floor, I heard strange noises from the elevator and machine room."

He glanced at Yi Qingju's expression before continuing, "I peeked under the blanket, didn't see the face, but I could tell it was a strong man."

"He wore a gray coat with a fluorescent green pattern on the right shoulder, quite memorable," he stopped there.

Yi Qingju pondered his words, about to say something when Xiao Jiji in her pocket suddenly bumped into her: [Host! The person he described is Ande!]

"I know about this. Have you told anyone else?" she interrupted.

The male nurse, surprised by her quick acceptance, responded a bit slowly, "Uh, no, I haven't."

Yi Qingju stood up, "You came to tell me this for a reason, didn't you?"

Caught off guard, the male nurse blushed.

Glancing at him, she courageously asked, "Do you need a lover? I'm obedient, with eight abdominal muscles, and I'm good at... things."

Xiao Jiji silently retreated into its shell, covering itself with its tiny hands.

Yi Qingju's eyes showed a moment of complexity, "Stop pretending. I know you don't like women."

The male nurse's pupils contracted, blurting out, "How did you know!?"

Yi Qingju deadpanned, "Your orchid fingers were about to point at my face."

The male nurse stammered, "..."

Returning empty-handed to the nurse's station, he first met those indifferent eyes.

"Ice Pea..." he mumbled, seemingly afraid.

Yi Bingmei, watching his pitiful state, coldly asked, "So, did she believe you?"

The male nurse nodded, "Yes, she believed me and said she'd reward me."

"Since I've done what you asked, can you not send those photos of men hugging to my family?" he pleaded.

Yi Bingmei disdainfully smiled, deleting the pictures of men embracing from her phone right in front of him.

The male nurse finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, after the male nurse left, Yi Qingju immediately called Ande.

He picked up quickly, "Hey, sis, we're home."

"About today's incident, I've thought it over and decided..."

After chatting with Ande for nearly half an hour, Yi Qingju hung up.

Soon after, faint noises could be heard from inside the room.

She immediately opened the door.

Qi Weiran, who had just dozed off, woke up again, now sitting up.

His usually immaculate shirt was slightly wrinkled, and his tie was loose, revealing a glimpse of his sexy collarbone.

"Sir, are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? I'll go get the doctor."

She hurriedly said this, then turned and walked away with a graceful posture.

Just as her fingers were about to touch the door handle, a slightly hoarse and slow voice came from behind: "Come back."

Yi Qingju had no choice but to turn around, pulling off a perfectly joyful smile as she walked over.

【Seriously? You shouldn't have been conscious in the elevator; you shouldn't remember what I said, right?】

This was something the system admitted.

The scapegoat Xiao Jiji: 【.....】No, I didn't promise that.

Qi Weiran calmly handed her the tie he had just pulled off, tilting his neck slightly. His Adam's apple bobbed, instantly capturing Yi Qingju's attention.

【I heard that the bigger the Adam's apple...】

Qi Weiran: "......"

No, I couldn't guess.

"Sir, it's done."

She smiled shyly, her soft expression filled with pleasantly surprised joy as she took a step back. The gleam in her cat-like eyes seemed like that of a cat seeking praise.

Qi Weiran felt a slight tightness around his neck. He reached to loosen it but didn't find the familiar knot.

Lowering his head to look, he found a beautiful bow tie neatly tied around his collar.

"...What's this?"

Yi Qingju cleared her throat and explained, "This is what's been said in the recent fashion magazine. It's the elite-style tie most suitable for successful men. It represents extravagance and status in high society, currently the most popular tie style."

【Don't ask, just know that I made it up.】

Qi Weiran expressionlessly untied Yi Qingju's creation, swiftly retied his tie with his deft fingers, then stood up and said, "Let's go back."

Yi Qingju obediently nodded, "Yes, sir."

【It would've been better if you had done this earlier. I had to do it for you. Do I look like someone who would have that skill?】

【But this old guy's attitude seems a bit unusual. Could he actually remember something?】

As she was pondering this, the man in front suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Nuclear bomb..."

The sudden word made Yi Qingju's hair stand on end.

【Oh no!?】

"Sir? What about the nuclear bomb...?" Her voice carried a hint of caution.

Qi Weiran didn't reply, as if he hadn't heard Yi Qingju's voice at all.

This made her uneasy all the way.

It wasn't until they returned to the Qi Mansion that Yi Qingju had just entered the door.

A small figure suddenly rushed over and hugged her leg.

When she lowered her head, she met the tired but determined eyes of the little bun.

"So sleepy, you haven't told me the bedtime story yet. Why did you just come back!?" He pouted unhappily.

Coming over, Auntie Zhang said, "The young master has been waiting for the sir and madam to return."

Qi Xinian snorted arrogantly and muttered softly, "That's not true."

Lifting the child in her arms, Yi Qingju affectionately kissed his chubby cheeks. "Do you want me to tell you a story now? You'll be going to kindergarten tomorrow."

At the mention of kindergarten, the child's face instantly wrinkled. Even dominant CEOs didn't want to go to school when they were young.

Qi Weiran watched quietly, feeling a slight stir in his heart.

It was the first time Qi Xinian had ignored him and turned to someone else's embrace.

He had been worried before that Yi Qingju might resent him because Qi Xinian was the heir to another half of the inheritance.

But now, seeing how sensitive Qi Xinian was leaning on her, it was different from what he had imagined.

It even surpassed his imagination.

"Sir, should I take Nian Nian up for a nap now?" Before leaving, she didn't forget to ask Qi Weiran.

Qi Weiran's attention, however, was focused on that term of endearment. "Nian Nian?"

Yi Qingju paused.

"Well... since you call him Nian Nian, how could I call him the same? So, I gave him a nickname."

But Qi Weiran just nodded, without blaming her.

【Scared me, if you don't let me call him that, then I'll just—】

【Call him in secret, hehe】

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Yi Qingju turned back slowly, meeting the gaze of those eyes that seemed to be coated with a layer of gold under the orange light.


【Do you need something?】

Qi Weiran nodded, his tone devoid of any fluctuations. "You wanted to tell a story, didn't you? I'll listen too."

Yi Qingju: ?

【Did you leave your brain at the hospital!?】

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