My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Chapter 144: Aldria Luminus, The Empress

Two days had passed while Dante focused on improving his skills. He would have another meeting with the Emperor to devise a plan to defeat Ethan and reverse his currt condition. Of course, this would be out of the question without Adam's help, but now it was differt. Despite thinking that unforese evts could occur, Dante was confidt.

The sun poured its first rays of light over the palace rooftops, painting the sky with gold and red hues. Dante headed to one of the offices where Adam, the Emperor, had invited him for a conversation.

He knocked twice on the door but received no response. Nevertheless, he tered because he only ssed one aura inside the room, and it was a very similar aura to the Emperor's.

Wh he tered, he saw only a woman sitting wearing glasses while reading various papers.

Aldria, the Empress, was seated at the desk, her gaze fixed on Dante with an intsity that made him shiver. Her usually cold and distant demeanor was now tinged with a glow, something Dante had never se before.

"I believe this constitutes trespassing, as I didn't give any indication of confirmation to op the door," Aldria said, unconcerned about the situation.

"Empress," greeted Dante, his voice slightly hoarse with surprise. "I didn't know you would be here."

Looking at the woman, who turned to face him, Aldria smiled seductively, a smile that st a shiver down Dante's spine. "A pleasant coincidce, don't you think, Demon King of Devastation?"

Dante nodded, somewhat stunned by the change in the Empress's attitude. "Yes, indeed. He didn't keep his mouth shut, appartly," he replied, trying to regain composure.

"He can't hide things from me, Demon," she said as she stood up and sat on the table, facing Dante.

"So, wh do you plan to destroy this whole world, Demon?" she asked, laughing, as if it were a joke. "I believe you don't ev know who I am, do you? I wouldn't do such a thing in my wife's realm. But perhaps...

the contint of the Werewolves and the Giants could be wiped out..." Dante said with a malicious smile, something that surprised Aldria, who was tak aback, realizing that what he was saying was true.

"Adam asked me to come here to discuss what to do with Ethan, I believe that's why you're here," Dante said, and Aldria agreed.

"Dealing with traitors is my specialty, especially being an assassin," she revealed and appeared next to Dante wielding her dagger at his neck.

Dante didn't ev flinch; in fact, he felt no danger at all, but decided to understand what the Empress wanted from him.

With his own hands, he grabbed the blade of the dagger and twisted it, pulling Aldria forward and holding her by the waist. With the blade stained with blood, he pointed it towards her face.

"You didn't think you could handle me, did you?" Dante said, smiling, and Aldria's heart raced slightly, but she kicked Dante.


The kick hit his feet, and she quickly freed herself from his grasp, bding down to try to knock him over, but was quickly held back by Dante's large hands.

"Are you done with your show?" He questioned, but she refused to surrder and quickly wriggled free.

She tried to slide her other dagger across his arm, but again he held her with one hand. Dante was far too strong for her to deal with; it was easy. The small blade clattered to the floor with a metallic thud as Aldria groaned in pain and frustration.

"You're a fool, Aldria," whispered Dante, his voice lad with disappointmt and surprise. "Do you really think you can defeat me so easily?"

Aldria, held fast by Dante's firm grip, looked at him with a mixture of anger and admiration. She had underestimated his skill and determination, and now she was paying the price for her mistake.

They were both on the g, Dante holding Aldria firmly, his eyes locked onto hers with an overwhelming intsity. He could feel the warmth of her body, the sct of her hair, but he knew he couldn't let himself be swayed by temptation.

"You cannot kill me, Aldria, stop testing me," said Dante calmly, his voice echoing through the office.

"You're a fool, Dante," growled Aldria, her words dripping with vom.

With a sigh, Aldria finally relted, her anger turning into reluctant acceptance. "You've won, Dante," she admitted, her voice soft as a whisper. "But remember, next time may not be so easy."

"Are you done with your antics?" He questioned, she nodded, and they both got up. It was a rather strange sce for both of them. Aldria didn't ev know why she had done that, but she felt satisfied.

She rose and straighted her outfit, which was some kind of leather attire, acctuating her curves.

She sighed again. "Let's deal with that brat in a simple way. By exposing his crimes during the coronation. It will be easier this way, turning the coronation into an execution," she said, but Dante was surprised.

"Wouldn't that tarnish the Imperial family's name?"

"Not exactly. By exposing his crimes, we will use one of the empire's laws that refers to a fair duel, which will show mercy and that ev members of the royal family are not above the law," she explained, and Dante agreed.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Aldria couldn't divert her gaze from Dante. He could feel the heat of her gaze on him, veloping him like a blazing flame, which made him uncomfortable; she was supposed to be a cold person!

"I think a duel would be the fairest way to settle this matter, at least for the people. I, however, will just destroy him in every possible way," said Dante, trying to stay focused despite the intsity of Aldria's gaze.

Aldria nodded, her lips curving into a malicious smile. "A duel," she repeated, her voice low and melodious. "An appropriate way to deal with traitors and rebels."

Dante swallowed hard, suddly feeling acutely aware of the Empress's proximity. Their hearts beat in unison, faster and faster with the tsion that hung betwe them.

"You're so brave, Dante," murmured Aldria, her voice sding shivers down Dante's spine. "So strong and determined."

Dante felt snared by the Empress's gaze, unable to tear his eyes away from hers. He could feel desire pulsating betwe them, a flame threating to consume them.

"I'm only here for revge, protecting the Empire is for Velryna," Dante replied, his voice hoarse without emotion, trying to change the atmosphere of the room.

Aldria rose from the table, moving towards Dante with feline grace. She stopped in front of him, so close that he could feel the softness of her breath.

"You are truly admirable, Dante," she whispered, her lips lightly brushing against his. 'His strgth is great, but his control is exceptional.'

Dante felt a desire, but he instinctively repressed it upon hearing in his mind 'She is dangerous!', but the Empress didn't let him move away. She approached Dante, her hands seeking the warmth of his body.

"That's ough." He said, cold and solemn, without any true reaction, only his unparalleled coldness. Amidst this total tsion, he didn't succumb to the temptations of this woman; he was faithful.

Although he had several wives.

"You're quite forward, ar't you?" Dante questioned Aldria, who just blinked twice. "I'm not interested in you, I'm just analyzing you," she said, cold again.

"An act?" Surprised, he asked as he saw the seductive woman... turn into a piece of ice again.

"I would never betray my husband while he lives," she said firmly and solemnly, Dante felt that she was... like him, a really complicated feeling since she was another of the dangerous wom that appeared in his life.

'I told you, didn't I? You only attract crazy wom,' Voralith commted in his mind.

Dante stood still for a few seconds watching the woman go back to her duties as if nothing had happed. She returned to her desk and continued reading some papers, and Dante felt slightly bitter wh she said "while he lives." He felt they were alike, but she didn't care anymore?

"Are you going to let him die?" Dante questioned, he honestly wanted to know the answer to that, because for him, just thinking about one of his wom dying, he already wt crazy.

The strange feeling in the room began to grow larger,

Aldria looked at him heavily as if she could kill him just with her eyes and pronounced: "He wants to die."

Just that stce already made Dante realize what she was going through, his own love wanted... to leave.

"There is no cure for what he has, and he is also no longer interested in seeking it, I've tried everything, but he decided it was time to go," she said heavily, and the tse atmosphere got ev worse.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said, but Aldria never replied to him; in fact, she ignored him and continued doing what she was doing. After all, she couldn't cry anymore.

"I'll be going." He said and left.

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