My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Banquet

The Banquet was supposed to be an almost entire day event, with guests coming in from the afternoon. The lunch and the dinner both would be served by the Banquet itself. When the twins went through their entire wardrobe and found none of the clothes they would like to wear, they started to bug Ashton to take them shopping.

Ashton still had quite a few things to take care off. They were nothing too big, but still he wanted to do them diligently as being a responsible person he felt obliged to and also he wanted to keep his promise to Caleb. “I will take you”, a feminine, but bold voice spoke, which came from behind them. Turning around, they noticed none other than Mrs. Wrisberg.

Ashton slightly bowed at her to show her his respect, but still maintained his silence, as he was not entirely comfortable around her. The twins however, tried to hide behind Ashton to avoid her piercing eyes. Ashton, despite not wanting to say anything, decided to speak up, “It’s fine, I will take them after a while. I just need half an hour to take care of some things”. He informed Mrs Wrisberg. “It’s alright right”? Ashton looked at the twins and asked. Normally they would pester Ashton more, but to get rid of Mrs Wrisberg they nodded vigorously, instantly agreeing with Ashton.

Being Caleb’s mother she was used to being rejected over the little things all the time. After all, raising a rebellious son was never an easy task. Despite that she would have loved to bond with the twins since she found them genuinely nice and well mannered (and maybe get more info about her future son-in-law). Nevertheless, not too sound too intrusive, she nodded in agreement. “Take this” She handed him a card.

Feeling offended Ashton frowned, trying very hard not to say something rude. Taking a deep breath Ashton spoke, “I appreciate the gesture but I can assure you we are good”.

“I am sure you do. But, thanks to my husband’s stubbornness you are forced to stay here against your wishes. This is a way me apologising from his behalf” She insisted.

“You don’t have to”. Ashton clarified. “We prefer real apology instead of money”. Seeing the change in her expression, Ashton bit his lip, regretting losing control over his snappy attitude. He didn’t regret the context of what he said, but maybe he could have tried a nice approach and thus he felt bad for screwing up. But there is a limit of what one can try with someone who gets on their nerves.


He expected her to get mad or say something harsh, and honestly more than for himself he was worried for his sisters. “I can see why Caleb liked you” She mumbled with a smirk. “Well, I am really sorry for what my husband is putting your family through. For what it’s worth I will try to convince him to let you leave” She assured.

“Thank You,” Ashton said.

“Well, if you are not going to take a card, take this” She handed him an envelope which made Ashton frown. ‘What makes her think I will accept cash if I didn’t accept the card’?Ashton wondered. “It’s a voucher that’s about to expire. I got it months ago but I never got to use it. If you happen to shop here, feel free to use it. I would hate for it to go to waste”. She clarified sensing the doubt in Ashton’s eyes.

Thanking her, he took the twins away from her to the Banquet hall where they met Caleb. As usual they were excited to see him, and Ashton was quickly forgotten. This time however instead of feeling jealous he felt glad that Caleb got along with his family. If only he could do the same thing with his family. He mused with a suppressed scoff.

He informed Caleb that he made sudden plans so he won’t be able to help after a while. Caleb simply shrugged, and let him be. After spending an entire afternoon with the twins they bought a pair gowns. Ava chose a lilac colored one while Ariel preferred a maroon one. Satisfied, they returned with their brother, who himself didn’t get anything for himself.

By the time they reached the pack house they could see a lot more commotion around the hall, which was not that far away from the house. Feeling largely underdressed the twins ran inside to get changed as soon as they could. Turns out even their mother was waiting for them to arrive as she didn’t want to be all by herself at the banquet.

Ashton, who took some time before getting in, looked around him properly and tried to get a note of how many Alphas, betas and omegas were there. He was not surprised to find the majority of the guests were Alphas. After all the purpose of the banquet is to strengthen inter territorial relationships, and according to the hierarchy Alphas were the epitome of strength.

He himself got changed into something not so formal but not so casual either. Lacking any tux, he decided to wear his black shirt which went nicely with the black pants he wore making him look very professional, until of course he noticed that his attire was very similar to the caterers present there. “Well, at least I will blend in”, Ashton murmured to himself.

He tried to look for the people he knew, mostly his family and Caleb. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to interacting with anyone, but he came here just because he was afraid of his family being alone here all by themselves.

He could recognize the faces of many people who were from the pack. From going to school, to living in the premises for a long time, he got familiar with their faces. What he noticed was new was their expressions. The horror they elicited on sight of Ashton. He knew the pack was terrified of him just because of his blood status, he had noticed similar stares from the wolves in school for the last couple of days. Even the teachers who used to scold Ashton were wary of him and ignored him for the most part

Finally finding his family, he approached them. His mother was talking with an out of town beta, which made him feel a bit relieved. The twins however were bored, having to pretend so sophisticated when they believed in having some fun, which is why they were a bit delighted to see Ashton.

“You know, I was looking forward to attending this party. Feels like a bore to me”. Ava rolled her eyes which made Ashton chuckle.

“Now you know why I wasn’t so excited” Ashton retorted.

“Oh please, like you are excited by anything”. Ava rolled her eyes at him.

Ashton simply shook her head at her boldness before saying, “By the way, don’t tell Caleb about this”. He knew how hard he tried to put together this whole thing, and while it may not be their taste it was still magnificent. It was too sophisticated which could be boring sometimes.

“Don’t tell Caleb what”? Caleb, who appeared out of nowhere, and apparently heard him asked suspiciously. Ashton pursed his lips, trying to think of something as an excuse before clearing his throat.

“Why would I tell you, when I clearly mentioned not to tell you” Ashton hit him with this sentence which made Caleb look at him as if was gone mad or something.

“Whatever” Caleb mumbled simply shaking his head before moving on to the twins. “I hope you guys are having fun”! They nodded seeing the enthusiasm on Caleb’s face, and realizing why Ashton said what he did.

“What are you doing by the way? Aren’t you supposed to meet and greet these people”? Ashton asked Caleb after a minute.

Rolling his eyes he replied, “All of them are asking me the same question. They are starting to make me sick”. Caleb snorted. “Where is my mate? What does he look like? What does he do? Blah blah blah”! With an irritated sigh, he continued. “It’s like everything about me is about my mate”!

“Well, to be fair these people know you right? I have heard this is an annual thing”. Ashton asked.

Caleb nodded, “I swear if anyone asks me anything about you anymore, I am going to break something”! Letting out a breath he looked at Ashton when suddenly an idea stuck to him. “You know what? Stick with me. If they ask me anything about you, I will redirect them to you”! Caleb proposed.

“Why? So I could talk to them”? Ashton scoffed.

“Yes” Caleb shrugged.

“Ha ha ha” Ashton gave a heavy fake laugh. “No thank you. I am good”.

“You do realize you’re gonna have to talk eventually, right”? Caleb frowned at him.

“Why”? Ashton raised his eyebrows, challenging him further.

“Because today they will announce that you are my mate”. Caleb shrugged.

“WHAT”!? Ashton panicked.

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