Mutated Tao

Chapter 721: Method

Chapter 721: Method

‘Truth’ cultivation significantly enhanced Li Huowang’s strength, but the side effects were equally severe.

“Is it real? Or fake?” Li Huowang breathed heavily and looked doubtfully at Bai Lingmiao.

“Senior Li, what’s happening to you—” Bai Lingmiao began, but Li Huowang quickly interrupted, “Don’t come closer!”

“Let me ask you! Back at Zephyr Temple... No, that’s not the right question. If she’s truly part of my ‘Truth’ cultivation, then she would definitely know!”

Li Huowang paced anxiously in the river. Despite his advanced cultivation, he couldn’t distinguish reality from illusion. Everything could be real if he willed it.

“Hehehe...” Taishan Shi chuckled mockingly at this sight. “As expected of Ji Zai’s Twisted One.”

Smack! Li Huowang’s palm landed on Taishan Shi’s cheek, causing it to swell instantly. “Shut up! Your turn to cry will come soon!”

After some thought, Li Huowang said, “Miaomiao, don’t worry. We will... we’ll do this.”

“We’ll go back now, the same way we came.” This was a stupid method, but also an effective one.

If there wasn’t another Bai Lingmiao on the way back, this one was real. If there was, then she was the fake one.

Bai Lingmiao neither agreed nor disagreed. Instead, she questioned him directly, “Senior Li, can you tell me what’s happening? Are you having another episode?”

Li Huowang’s erratic behavior worried her greatly.

“I’m not—” Li Huowang didn’t want to explain too much to this Bai Lingmiao. “Fine, maybe.”

He also didn’t want to invest too much emotion. What if she turned out to be fake? What would he do in that case? Would he make her disappear, or would he live with two Bai Lingmiaos?

Li Huowang turned around and took out his tools to interrogate Taishan Shi. Suddenly, he noticed something strange about Bai Lingmiao’s reflection in the water.

Initially, he thought it was a mistake. Upon closer inspection, the reflection remained still. The water’s surface had turned into a mirror.

Li Huowang turned around slowly. He was shocked to see Bai Lingmiao’s body swaying like a shadow submerged in water!

“So you really are fake?” Li Huowang said, and Bai Lingmiao’s body began to flicker and gradually fade into nothingness.

“Senior Li! Li Huowang! What are you doing? Help me!” Bai Lingmiao was panicking. She began to drum and chant the White Lotus Sect’s incantations.

As her body was about to vanish, the lotus mark on her forehead glowed softly and blocked Li Huowang’s sight.

The light obscured his vision, and at that moment, he felt something familiar—the presence of the Heavenly Mater.

The feeling came and went quickly. However, Li Huowang realized something critical from it. He rushed forward and fearfully embraced Bai Lingmiao.

Despite facing numerous trials in the past, he had never been afraid. But just now, he felt utterly afraid. If not for the Heavenly Mater’s brief reminder, he might have erased Bai Lingmiao entirely!

With his current abilities, he could restore her. However, would she truly be the same Bai Lingmiao?

Bai Lingmiao tried to push him away, but his embrace was incredibly tight. “Li Huowang, what’s going on? Explain yourself! Are you having another episode? Just tell me if you are!”

A group of White Lotus followers ignored the Saintess’s orders and rushed forward. “How dare you be disrespectful to the Saintess!”

After calming down, Li Huowang released Bai Lingmiao and lifted her red veil. He gently stroked her hair, scales, spikes, and numerous eyes.

Through this experience, Li Huowang understood the gravity of his situation. He knew he couldn’t ignore the side effects of his ‘Truth’ cultivation any longer.

If left unchecked, the people he created would affect his sanity, and he could also unknowingly erase people around him. It was a serious threat.

Bai Lingmiao had the Heavenly Mater’s protection, but what about the others? What if it had been Suisui?

His heart tightened when he recalled a false Suisui that appeared briefly during his training in the forest.

“What happened? What have you been through while I was gone? Explain!” Bai Lingmiao demanded.

Li Huowang had discerned the truth for now, and he began to explain everything to her.

An hour later, they were by a campfire. Li Huowang donned the red Daoist robe she handed him. “That’s the story. I’m not sick. I’ve achieved advanced ‘Truth’ cultivation. I knew there would be a price, but I didn’t expect it to be this steep.”

This issue would likely worsen as his cultivation progressed. It was dangerous now, and he dared not imagine what the future would hold.

Bai Lingmiao nodded as she finally understood his previous strange behavior. “Senior Li, do you have a plan to solve this problem?”

Li Huowang sighed. “I wish I knew, but the solution can’t come from just idle thinking.”

He decided to ask Ji Zai first.

Bai Lingmiao frowned and tried to think of a solution alongside him. The surroundings fell silent.

Li Sui also wanted to help her father, but she didn’t fully grasp what he said about the truth and lies.

Li Huowang returned from the river after calling for Ji Zai to no avail. Bai Lingmiao asked, “Senior Li, do you remember that person? The one who sold breakfast?”

“Sold breakfast? Who?”

“The chubby one who made fried dough sticks wrapped in glutinous rice.”

“Shai Zi?” Li Huowang immediately remembered. Shai Zi had targeted him to achieve his own goals.

“When you left the city, he shouted something to you.”

“You will go mad by cultivating ‘Truth’ but not ‘Lies.’”

“I will go mad by cultivating ‘Truth’ but now ‘Lies.’”

The two of them said simultaneously.

“Right, Senior Li, he was referring to this. Given your current state, it seems like you’ve gone mad, right?”

Li Huowang’s face darkened. The logic made sense, but the source was questionable. Shai Zi was the leader of the Sitting Oblivion Dao. Was there another hidden motive behind his words? Even in death, could the Sitting Oblivion Dao deceive them?

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