Mushoku Tensei

Volume 23 7 — Genius

Volume 23 Chapter 7: Genius

Part 1

The first place Cliff went to was where the patients were.

“It is the basics of the basics to first examine the patient’s condition.”

With that in mind, Cliff began to examine all of them.

Still, those were the same things that the team of doctors were doing.

Looking over the patients with severe symptoms via the Demon Eye, questioning the patients with moderate symptoms, and comparing his theories with the patients’ charts.

That’s about it.

“To think we would talk to someone of the Milis church……*cough*, *cough*!”

The patients were startled by Cliff’s attire, and there were many among them who clearly showed him hostility as well.

Those who persecuted the Supard race the most violently were the Milis Religious Organization after all.

There were many here who held that memory.

“Answer truthfully, where did you first feel discomfort in your body?”

Not to mention, Cliff didn’t pay them any mind at all.

In a situation where those in need were not cooperating, if it were me, I’d have given up halfway.

As expected of Cliff.

“I see.”

After he had finished examining the patients, Cliff came to an understanding.

But, I had a hunch that perhaps he had still not understood anything.

I felt as if……even if Cliff may call himself a genius, there are things that can’t be understood.

In the first place, Cliff may be a priest, he may be a healer, he may be a researcher, but he’s not a doctor.

“Next, the attending physician’s story.”

Cliff said that and proceeded to consult with the team of doctors.

How did they perform the examination, and what did they intend to do afterwards?

He asked the two Asuran doctors respectively.

“Basically, we intend to use both medicine and detoxification magic simultaneously and monitor for any changes.”

“I see, the doctors of the Asura Kingdom aren’t that great, huh?”

One *hmph* from the nose.

The ones who were dumbfounded were both me and the doctors.

To think that Cliff would be so arrogant……

Looks like he was feeling uneasy about the Supard’s behavior.

“If that could cure it, it would have already been cured by Rudeus or Orsted.”

“Then Cliff-dono, what would you do?”

“I’ll be investigating that now.”

The faces of the doctors warped in anger.

Ah, human doctors, restrain yourselves.

If he fails, you can criticize him as much as you want.

For now, just for now, please restrain yourselves.

But I was a little anxious.

I thought of Cliff as reliable before, but will it be alright?

On the opposite end, Norn, who was nursing Ruijerd, was looking this way with a worried face as well.

“Alright, Rudeus, let’s move somewhere else.”

After parting from the doctors, we left the lecture hall.

Part 2

After leaving the lecture hall, Cliff stopped and looked over his results.

“Now then, I have confirmed one thing. I’ve heard this from the elder, but it looks like there was never a time until now that the Supards were struck with this kind of disease.”

“Until now? How old was the elder again?”

“He’s well over 1000 years, or so I’ve heard.”

The Supard race sure do have a long life span……

“They were struck by this disease after they came to this land. Which means, the source of the disease can be tied with this land.”

“The possibility of Hitogami bringing in a poison?”

“It’s not that. The Demon Eye can detect that sort of thing.”

Cliff said that and started looking at the village’s surroundings.

First were the fields.

He removed his eye-patch and carefully observed the growing vegetables one-by-one. At times he cut one and observed the inside to double-check.

Even now, the juicy tomato was cut into two.

At any rate, if it became known that the Supards are just ordinary farmers, perhaps society will view them differently?

Humans are the kind of beings who feel closer to those who are similar to themselves.


Next we went to the animal slaughterhouse.

There were small traces of blood left, but all the meat was disposed of.

It looks like the villagers were in the middle of carving the animals when they collapsed, but it would have been unsanitary to leave the raw meat as it was. So on Sándor’s order, they were thrown out of the village.

Cliff was diligently examining the cutlery and chopping board with his Identification Eye.

“……I see. Rudeus, where is the meat stored that is processed here?”

“Let me see……this way.”

I don’t know what he ‘saw’, but I led him to the food storehouse.

A structure just below ground, there was dried and salted meat. In addition, large quantities of preserved vegetables were stored inside the building.

Cliff used his Identification Eye there as well and was examining each item one-by-one.

“Did you……find out something?”

“Don’t be impatient, let me examine everything first.”

After leaving the food storehouse, Cliff began looking around the village houses.

He entered the houses, kitchens, and bedrooms. On top of that, he looked through the wardrobes as well.

This is trespassing.

Cliff is brave.

Be that as it may, now that I look around the Supards’ houses, I can understand why Ruijerd’s house is plain.

The other houses were decorated with flowers and drawings………it suggested an energy and livelihood.

This small house may have been used by the children.

Of course, if there were any residents with moderate symptoms still in the house, then we asked for their permission.

“Milis church……!”


“It’s alright. Please calm down. He’s safe.”

After seeing the priest Cliff, some raised their spears in intimidation, but that did not prevent us from gaining their permission.

“Lies! The Milis church, just by looking at us they……ah, aahh……”

“Mother? Mother!?”

Maybe she remembered something, because the mother started to tremble.

Watching her, the daughter hugged the mother who looked as if she was about to cry.

The Supard race and the Milis Religious Organization.

It feels like that there is still a gap that has yet to be bridged between them.

As far as I and Cliff are concerned, the persecutions of the Supards were a thing of the past.

But there are many victims who still remember that in this village.

“So, what kind of things do you eat? What is your cooking process?”

Cliff doesn’t read the mood.

As if he has no consideration for the frightened mother and the child trembling with anxiety, he continued his questioning.

“Answer quickly. We don’t have much time.”

Until they answered.

Part 3


And thus, Cliff finished touring all the houses.

But I didn’t think that anything in particular happened.

Just that, he only came into contact with Supard culture.

“Excuse me, Cliff-senpai.”

“Rudeus. There is no need to be anxious about it, they weren’t frightened by me. It was just the clothes that I’m wearing that scared them. And if I cure the disease while wearing these clothes, that would change their way of thinking as well. Right?”

Would it be that simple?

Or so I think, I hope that it's possible for the daughter to reconsider that.

I hope it’s that simple.

“Now then, on to the next one.”

While saying that, Cliff started looking around various areas of the village.

The fountain, the water well, the warehouse that lied in the center of the village. On top of that, he even looked around the garbage dump.


Cliff was carefully examining each of them.

His expression was serious.

Seriously rummaging through the contents of the dump while pushing through the rotten meat.

Just what was reflecting in that Identification Eyes of his?

The only thing I could do was to answer Cliff’s questions.

And when he finished examining the entire village, it was completely dark.

We came back to the infirmary.

“Well then, Cliff-senpai, how about it?”

“I’ve determined a few things.”


“Lize, bring in my medicine box!”

When Cliff shouted inside the infirmary, Elinalize, who was nursing, quickly got up and began running.

She grabbed the large backpack which was at the corner of the infirmary, and came running this way.

“Here you go!”

“Thank you, Lize.”

Elinalize looks delighted.

Probably because she saw Cliff after a long time.

Did they entrust the kid to my house?

“Listen well, Rudeus. I know how the disease works.”


“Though I say that, I’m no doctor, so I wouldn’t be so sure……

For now, the fact that the Supards were struck by this disease after coming to this land is confirmed.

That’s why I tried looking at the vegetables grown in this land with the Identification Eye.”

“Ooh, and then!?”

“I didn’t see any abnormalities.”


“It didn’t look like some kind of pathogen was lurking in the land or the water.”

“So that kind of thing can be found out with the Identification Eye?”

“Yeah, you can at least have confidence in the food.”

It’s the Kishirika-approved demon eye, can it be trusted regarding food?

Could there be someone who got ill after eating?

“But, everything was indicating one thing, 『A delicious tomato having a very high concentration of mana』”

“It’s not just the vegetables. The land, as well as the water, are holding a very high concentration of mana.”


“There are cases even in Milis of food having high concentration of mana, but it’s quite rare.

Neither the land nor water have this much.”

Mana density, is it?

If I recall correctly, Aisha said it too.

That if we prepare the rice in the soil made by me, it will grow well.

That’s probably because the soil had a high mana density.


“Yeah. And I would like to know if farming was popular in the Demon Continent.”

“I am unaware of the Supard lifestyle in the Demon Continent, but there were almost no vegetables or anything like that there. The variety was also limited and the staple food there was just meat.”

“I see, as I thought.”

Cliff raised his finger with a flick and started speaking about his hypothesis.

“Possibly, growing crops in a soil with high mana density resulted in crops having high mana density.”

“Not to mention that there are a variety of soils. The soil in the Demon Continent is rich in mana, but due to the lack of fertility, only a few crops can be grown there.”

“The Great Forest as well, this kind of disease can’t be found there, so that place is probably special.

In this place, the soil and water is infused with too much mana.

On top of that, this soil is fertile and rich in nutrients.

As a result, crops grown here end up having a high concentration of mana.

Perhaps it is related to why there’s only one kind of monster here, but let’s leave that case for later.”

“Although, by all rights, consuming mana-enriched crops isn’t that big of a problem.

Since we keep on living without paying much attention to it.

If there was any correlation, it wouldn’t be strange to see many similar cases before now.

What I’m trying to say is, in reality, we can eject any mana that we consume.

Even for the Supards, that fact should remain unchanged.”

“But what happens if we keep on consuming mana?

Not for 10 years or 20 years.

I’m talking about what would happen if we keep on absorbing high density mana for 100-200 years……”

“Despite the plague, there are many adults who are infected, but many children who are unaffected.”

Then, after explaining this much, Cliff turned to face me.

Certainly, there are a lot of children who are unaffected by the plague.

It’s hard to figure out how many of the Supards are of old age, but it’s not a problem regarding immunity, is that what he’s saying?

“And thus, we should be familiar with it.

A case where the mana that was taken in couldn’t be ejected from the body.”

Couldn’t be ejected……?

Ah, it’s about Nanahoshi!

“Then, is it Drain syndrome?”

I was suddenly struck by something.

The initial symptoms were cold, and you fall at the same time you succumb to it.

But, if that was it then Orsted would’ve……

No, Drain syndrome is an old disease.

Perhaps Orsted didn’t even know its name, much less a method to cure it.


If there wasn’t anyone suffering from it in one of the loops, then even Orsted wouldn't know about it.

There’s also the fact that it’s difficult to ask Kishirika about it, just like how it was for me.

“But there are contradictions as well. It shouldn’t have been that long since Ruijerd-san came to this village.”

“Certainly……but he was possessed by the real Dark King Vita, right?

Perhaps it’s because of that.

Anyhow, it should be worth trying it out, right?”

Cliff said that and took out a box from the bag.

There were a variety of papers and materials tightly packed inside of it.

Cliff took something out.

It was dried up Sokasu grass.

“I thought that this would happen, so I borrowed a little.”

His preparation is perfect.

“Let’s use this as well.”

Cliff took out a red fruit from the bottom of the bag.

“That is?”

“The thing that will become the source of poison. It will make the mana inside the body malfunction.”

“Poison……is it?”

“Ah. Although it’s called a poison, it only works to the point of rendering a magician unable to use magic if drank.”

Would it be alright to drink that?

“According to the Identification Eye, this was taken along with the Sokasu tea since ancient times.

『It improves the effects of the Sokasu tea, and can be used as tea cakes, though it will also make you slightly drunk』, or so I’m reading.”

Which means it isn’t a poison, according to Kishirika’s judgement.

“The only problem is………if the Supards drink this right now, I don’t know what will happen.”


“In my opinion, this can cure it. But it may also have a reverse effect.”

It’s probably fine.

Or so he thinks, but it may aggravate the disease and result in death.

There is no guarantee.

“Well, it’s no use thinking. Let’s just try it.”

Cliff said that after a moment of hesitation.

And then, while making up his mind, he turned to the infirmary and shouted.

“I want to try a medicine in regards to your sickness!

Is there anyone who wants to drink it?”

“Ah, wai-, Cliff-senpai!”

After Cliff’s words, the inside of the infirmary became still as death.

Looking at Cliff, looking at Cliff’s clothes, their face grew pale.

There were also those who simply looked away.

“Just one is fine! There’s no guarantee that you’ll be cured after drinking it!”

In order to see the effects, there is no need to make everyone drink it.

Just one is fine.

But there’s no one who would answer.

“We can’t trust the Millis church……”

Someone said.

When I looked, it was one of the males present during the meeting with the chieftains.

Looks like it’ll be impossible with the leader.

But what to do now?

We can’t forcefully make them drink it……

“I’ll drink………”

There was one who was willing to try it.

He rose up unsteadily, and was looking at us with sharp eyes.

The one who was supporting his body was Norn.

“Ruijerd-san, so you woke up?”

“Ah, yes. Nii-san, he just woke up……”

The one who answered my question was Norn.

However, as if to drown out her voice, the surrounding voices raised in volume.

“Ruijerd, are you going to believe someone from the Milis church?”

“That’s right! Who were the ones who prosecuted us the most after the war, you of all people should know that as well!”

They were mainly remarks by the youngsters of the Supard race.

On top of that, as if being enticed by their remarks, the team of doctors interjected as well.

“I have never heard of someone who would make someone forcefully drink something without any reason!”

“Do you even know how to medically treat someone!?”

The anxiety of the doctors spread to the surroundings.

Even the Supards, who were silent up till now, started to object.

An incomprehensible medicine.

Which was brought by a person wearing the Milis Church’s clothes, no less.

People who spoke of uneasiness, people who exposed their anger.

Mayhem spread in the infirmary.

“Do you want to be annihilated!?”

With Ruijerd’s roar, silence was again brought about in the infirmary.

The complaining people went silent with blue faces.

Ruijerd who declared that, was coughing violently and was being caressed on his back by Norn.

“Rudeus brought this man along. I believe in Rudeus. If you have any complaints, say them after I die……”

No one would rebut those calm words.

It was a scene which showed just how influential the name Ruijerd Supardia is in this village.

“Alright then, Ruijerd-san. I’ll have you drink the medicine. I’ll say this in advance, but there is a possibility that it may worsen and you will die.”

“Fine, I’ve lived long enough. Even if I die, I’ll have no regrets.”

No, but I’ll feel regretful.

I’m doing all of this for the Supard race, or rather, for Ruijerd’s sake.

Look, even Norn has that ‘Huh?’ face. We both have the same opinion.

“If Ruijerd is going to drink it, then I’ll drink too.”

One male raised his hand from the quietness.

A young man who has comparatively less severe symptoms.

To be honest, he may be an old man instead of a youngster.

“I was saved by Ruijerd in the Demon Continent. I would have no future if I had died back then, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Reacting to those words, people started saying “Me too” and raised their hands as well.

Many, many did.

“We can’t trust in the Milis church. But Ruijerd is our hero. We’ll abide by what this hero has decided.”

Finally, the chieftain raised his hand as well.

And then he said with a calm tone.

“People of the Human race, I apologize about our attitude, about our words towards you. Please save this village.”

“Yes, please leave it to us.”

In response to those last words, Cliff strongly nodded.

Part 4

After drinking the Sokasu tea with red fruit, Ruijerd and the rest fell asleep.

At the very least, their condition didn’t suddenly worsen, and they didn’t die immediately after drinking it.

The results will be clear tomorrow.

I don’t think that everything would be settled with just the Sokasu tea.

But I hope for even a bit of improvement.

Despite thinking that, today was already over, so I decided to sleep.

I’ll be staying at Ruijerd’s house again.

For some reason, my feet naturally headed for that place.

We didn’t get permission from Ruijerd, but we freeloaded anyway.


Norn wanted to stay beside Ruijerd, but there was nothing she could do since he was asleep, so she came with me to the house.

Currently, Norn and I are sitting beside the sunken fireplace.

The crackling sound of the burning firewood could be heard.

The boiling sound of the stew in the pot on top of the fireplace as well.

As for the total number of sounds, there were only two.

Within the pot, there were vegetables and meat brought in by the team of doctors.

Despite Cliff telling me that it’s probably fine, I still can’t eat the village’s food without thinking that it might have been the cause of the plague.

“Nii-san, Ruijerd-san will get cured, right?”

Norn muttered.

She’s anxious.

Even I am.

“Yeah, he’ll get cured.”


“As far as I know, whenever Cliff declared that he would do something, he always accomplished it. That’s why, tomorrow may be impossible, but someday he’ll get cured.”

“Will Ruijerd-san even live until then……?”

“It’s alright. You might’ve heard about it, but Ruijerd was surrounded by over 1000 soldiers during Laplace’s military campaign and came back alive. He won’t be dying in a place like this.”

I have no choice but to say this now.

“I’m anxious……”

Norn said that and folded her legs to hide her face.

It’s a gloomy atmosphere.

There’s still some time left before the stew is cooked.

It’s not that I have to cheer her up, but there’s no meaning in feeling sad as well.

We’re going to just eat and then sleep for today.

I hope to at least make the food go down so that we could sleep soundly.

“Oh right, Norn, is school going well?”

Hearing that, Norn raised half her head.

“………I’ve already graduated from school.”

“That, how should I say this……well, sorry for not coming to see you.”

So she did graduate.

Why didn’t she tell anyone?

But, now that I think about it…I see, during the time of Sylphy’s delivery……so it was already time for graduation, huh?

Even though it would’ve been fine to tell Roxy and the others……

No, well, she would’ve only gotten embarrassed if she had said it that time.

“Not really, it’s fine that you didn’t come to see.”

No, but, it was Norn’s graduation……

To miss such an important event is……

I wonder what Paul in heaven would say……

“It’s not like I was the top student or anything……”

“But you were the student council president, you did give a speech or two, right?”

“Of course, we did a congratulatory speech. But I fumbled midway, and I almost fell down the stairs, it was terrible.”

I can picture it.

The figure of a person fumbling in the middle of a speech, losing her footing while descending the stairs but somehow not falling down.

I wish I could have seen it.

Norn has a somewhat ashamed face, but I would’ve taken a video and had it placed on my grave.

“Which reminds me, before graduation you were talking about doing some kind of event, right? What did you do at the end?”

“………Did you not duel with various people during Cliff-senpai’s graduation? We just imitated that and held a fighting arts tournament.”

“Fighting arts tournament! That sounds interesting. But wasn’t that dangerous?”

“The danger was suppressed as much as possible. The rules were to not kill anyone, the school lent out many Saint-class healing magic formations, healers were on standby as well, and the teachers prepared many healing scrolls too. On top of that, the participants were made to write an oath. That’s why there were some injuries, but 0 deaths.”

That’s amazing.

If it’s to the level of graduates from Magic University, then there should be many who can mutually kill each other with high powered magic.

Within such a tournament, there were 0 deaths.

It might be because of luck, but it’s mostly because of the well-prepared system.

“I wanted to see it too.”

“I think it would be like some kind of sport in your eyes.”

“But a tournament literally makes your heart pound.”

During my previous life as a shut-in, I participated in several online game tournaments.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any noteworthy accomplishments.

But just watching such a scene is enough.

“So did they prepare any kind of championship trophy?”

“……We did.”

She said that and pouted.

“Everyone in the student council contributed money. An honor certificate, flowers, and a magic staff were prepared.”

An honor certificate, flowers, and a magic staff.

Well, that’s how it is.

I suppose they didn’t have much of a budget, so it’s possible it was a strenuous effort.

“And yet, the moment Rimy saw a large number of male participants, she proposed:『The winner will get a hot kiss as a present from President Norn~』”


“They got so excited, both the people participating and those who were not.”

What the hell? A tournament where you’ll receive Norn’s kiss?!

That’s not good at all.

This is beyond evil, inexcusable!

If I had been there, I would’ve wrecked them while wearing a mask……

No, wrecking them would be unwise.

“Then……did you?”

“………On the cheek.”

On the cheek, is it?

I wonder if it’s safe.

But Norn has buried her bright red face in her knees and is moaning with a ‘Uuuu’.

Is it an out for Norn standards?

After a short while, she fell sideways like a book.

“The one who won said he will never forget it………but I already want to forget about him.”

“I see, what’s that guy called? If possible tell me about his address and phone number, and maybe some kind, mysterious masked magician will erase him and his memories from this world.”



Norn raised her body and repositioned herself on the floor.

Not sitting while holding her knees, but sitting with her legs in a ‘W’ pose.

“Anyway, looks like the tournament was a huge success.”

“I wonder. As for me, I was thinking whether I did a good job or not, but there were a lot of difficult things as well. I feel like I just kept reflecting.”

“You call that a huge success. I’m glad.”


Norn blushed a little and then nodded.

She no longer has a gloomy face.

“Well then, the potatoes are almost cooked. Do you want to eat as well?”

“Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub.”

I pour the potato stew and meat in a bowl and give it to Norn.

Norn was staring at the contents, but after a short while she muttered a few words.



“Thank you very much.”


I served myself as well.

I hadn’t eaten anything the whole day,

I was hungry to the point of death.

“But this isn’t delicious.”

Well sorry ‘bout that.

Part 5

The next day.

Along with Norn, I went out towards the infirmary as the sun rose.


Ruijerd’s well-being was the only thing on our mind.

For now, we were able to get a good night’s sleep thanks to the unappetizing potato stew.

Even if it served no purpose, it should’ve guaranteed the stamina for nursing.

While resolving myself to some extent, I opened the door to the infirmary.


The scene that leaped at us was clattering.

The inside of the infirmary, which was like the wake until yesterday, was overflowing with liveliness.

No, liveliness would be a bit too much.

It doesn’t have that much power.

But, at least everyone’s faces look better in comparison to yesterday.


The doctors came running towards me after looking at my figure.

“Please take a look. The medicine prepared by Cliff-dono made everyone……!”

Did it work?

Did the Sokasu tea work?

“Last night, the ones who drank that medicinal water suddenly experienced bowel movements.

When taken by the nurse to the toilet, everyone started discharging light-blue diarrhea. A short while after that, they all rapidly started to get healthier.

The ones who were seriously ill haven’t recovered yet, but if given a bit longer, they will definitely recover!”

To think that I would hear such a fortunate thing so early in the morning………

But wait, excreted light-blue diarrhea?

“We’re currently adjusting the medicinal water and giving it to everyone.

Well~, it was absurd of us to doubt him.

I can definitely say with confidence that Cliff Grimoire is the person who even smashed the curse!

Oops, we can’t be going around doing this now.

We still have our duties to do, pardon us!”

The doctor said all that to us in one go and hurried back to the patients.

Light-blue diarrhea.

Something’s bothering me.

What might it be? Light-blue, light-blue……


When I came to, a huge silhouette was in front of me.

A male with white clothes and black helmet.

“Ah, Orsted-sama.”

“Did you see the stool?”

“……No, not yet.”

While saying that Orsted leaned a little.

Close to my ears, he whispered.

“Those were the remaining fissions of Dark King Vita.”

Dark King Vita.

The moment I heard those words, my mind suddenly crossed some strange ideas.


If only perhaps.

That the plague wasn’t the Drain syndrome?

Dark King Vita.

That king who distributed his fissions within the village.

And was keeping the progression of the plague in check……

But, if only perhaps, what if that Vita had already cured the plague?

Just to threaten, by using his fissions, he was making the physical condition of the villagers worse, and after his death, while mustering his last power, he gave a job to his fissions……

And then, the fissions that were hidden somewhere in the intestines were disintegrated by the red fruit and Sokasu tea and were washed away……

Which means?

No, this is mere speculation.

“Just like you said, we struggled for a bit more.”


Well, it’s fine.

For now, we have crossed the difficult part.

We’ve completely defeated Dark King Vita.

Let’s go with that thinking.

“Where is Cliff-senpai?”

“He was looking after the conditions of the patients, but fell asleep shortly after dawn. He’s currently in a nearby vacant house with Elinalize Dragonroad.”

I see.

He worked hard.

Let him sleep.

Since he’ll start preparation for a second child with Elinalize right away after he wakes up.

“Just now, Ruijerd Supardia woke up as well.”

“Is it true!?”

“Yeah, go and see him.”

“Pardon me!”

I bowed and headed inside the infirmary.

Directly towards the place where Ruijerd was sleeping last night.

Ruijerd was there.

Sitting up on the bed, with a good complexion, he was having a meal.


The moment we arrived at Ruijerd’s place, Norn immediately ran to him and hugged him by his belly.

“I’m glad……I’m so glad……”

Norn started crying.

It’s the crybaby Norn.

With a worried face, Ruijerd wiped his mouth, set the bowl of food aside, and caressed Norn’s head.

I didn’t say anything for a while and watched the scene.

For some reason, I started to feel like crying as well.


After a while, Ruijerd raised his face.

“Ruijerd-san……are you alright now?”

“Yeah, I can’t wave my spear yet, but there’s no problem.”

I see.

I’m glad……I’m so glad………

I’m not mimicking Norn, it’s the only feeling that’s coming out of me.

“I’ve become indebted to you again.”

“………Let’s not say such things to each other. Not to mention, you haven’t completely recovered yet. Please don’t be negligent.”


As I started talking with Ruijerd, Norn moved out of the way while grumbling.

And started sobbing convulsively while hiding her face with her hands.

“However, let me say this first, Rudeus.”

“What is it?”

Within that serious face, small amounts of uneasiness could be felt.

Is there still something left?

Will he tell me a shocking truth right now, with this timing?

As I thought that and put myself on guard, Ruijerd said this.

“After my complete recovery, I’ll become your strength.”


I wonder what this feeling that is boiling up from my chest is.

Ruijerd became my comrade again.

Is it the sense of exaltation in regards to that truth?

I’m happy.

Just happy.

“Yes, I’ll be in your care.”

I swallow something that was welling from inside my throat,

while stopping the inner corner of my eye from getting hotter,

I lent a hand towards him.

“It is I who should say that, let’s get along well.”

Ruijerd’s hand was warm and strong.

Author’s Q&A

Q. Why did the doctor say ‘smashed the curse’?

A. Maybe he noticed it by some chance. Like, he may have heard from someone about his origins from the Magic University in the Asura Kingdom.

Q. Who was Rimy again?

A. One of the pupils of the Magic University and a member of the student council. Of course, she hasn’t even showed up yet.

Q. When Cliff said ‘Just one is fine’, what happened after that?

A. “I ain’t drinking that!”

“Do you want to be annihilated! I’m going to drink it!”

“If Ruijerd is going to drink it then me too!”

“……Then, me too!”

“Please, by all means.”

With such a course of events, they drank it.

Q. Cliff was able to check Elinalize’s pregnancy with the Identification Eye but couldn’t check for Vita’s fissions that were inside the body?

A. Looks like he couldn’t.

Q. In the end, it’s still not clear what cured the disease.

A. Cliff’s prescription cured the plague and exterminated Vita’s fissions. The red fruit that cliff had disrupts mana in the body. Most likely it disrupted Vita's fissions(The blue stool that came out after they took the medicine) with this the Supard race got healthy! With this we can rest for now! We did it!

That’s everything from Rudeus point of view. Perhaps someone would roughly explain it in the second half of this volume or perhaps they won’t.

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