Mushoku Tensei

Volume 23 3 — The Person They Were Searching for

Volume 23 Chapter 3: The Person They Were Searching for

Part 1

Summary up to now.

Rudeus finally discovers the thing he has been searching for for all these years.

However, it’s ultimately inconsequential.

So he paid for it then and there, thus obtaining the small bottle of soy sauce, and hurried back.


The next day.

Our group headed towards the suburbs of the second city Irel to establish the Teleportation Magic Circle and Communication Lithograph.

After that, we headed towards the village where Ruijerd was spotted.

The village near the Earth Dragon Valley was about half a day’s travel from the second city of Irel, Bihaeril Kingdom.

『The village of the Earth Dragon Valley』and『The Forest of No Return』, or so they are called, but the official name is Marson Village on the map.

Although it's called Marson Village, the official name isn’t well known, so calling it『The Village of the Earth Dragon Valley』works fine.

An empty village.

It's not a tourist attraction, nor does it have any notable features.

Logging and farming on the fertile land near the forest is done, but it isn’t a village which was established by gathering people to build something like the Buena Village of the Fedora Region.

The people residing in this village simply came under the jurisdiction of Biheiril Kingdom, with little care being given to who ruled over them.

Probably something like that.

The country isn't the point, it's the people.

As the distance between houses increased, the land became desolate with few signs of civilization, and apart from the quiet……there was nothing.

The village wasn't completely deserted when we arrived; it was inhabited by humans.

However, they were not villagers.

People who obviously weren’t villagers were gathered in a group in front of the village's entrance.

They were equipped with armor and swords on their backs.

Probably adventurers.

No, the atmosphere is a bit too risky if they were just adventurers.

Are they mercenaries or possibly bounty hunters?

"Sandor, is this what it means for too many people to try and get a head start?"

His strength and quick-thinking during the incident in the bar yesterday… Sandor really is a useful guy.

I was in doubt about his usefulness until now, but I can see why Orsted assigned him to me.

I always want to hear opinions in situations like this.

In comparison, Doga isn't very useful.

I'm not saying that he's slowing us down, but……

It feels like he's just tagging along for now.

Well, I too, am not that great in criticizing a person.

I hope that he becomes useful somewhere along the line.

"No, they might've just come for a preliminary inspection. It would be advantageous for them to start immediately after they obtain information from here."

"But, aren't there too many people here with a head start to hunt one target?"

"Even if there are, there won't be too many. The government is just taking the initiative to dispatch a subjugation force. Even if they jumped the gun and started hunting demons, there is the possibility that they won't be rewarded."

Joining the task force, entering the “Forest of No Return” with the Chivalric Order of the government somehow, confirming the true identity of the demon, defeating it, and then returning safely.

Only after all of that is done will you be rewarded with gold.

Although if you’re following the crowd, then it ends up being a contest of luck whether or not you can secure that reward.

And not just luck, but also taking a step ahead at key moments and snatching first place.

As a result, the preliminary investigation is for the purpose of taking a step ahead to snatch first place.

"Then that means we have no involvement with them."

"I completely agree with that statement."

As he laughs, Sandor starts entering the village.

Lodging at a suitable building in the plaza.

At the plaza, you wouldn't believe that the village was deserted considering the crowds of people that were gathering there.

Everyone is frantic.

However, it's somewhat convenient that there is a crowd.

It should be easy to mingle in the crowd and begin gathering information.


Or so I thought, but I was told instead to leave.

Well, of course, it wasn't actually directed at me.

I heard the voice from the entrance of the plaza.

Some members of the task force are leaving the plaza with unpleasant looks on their faces.

When I looked at the spot where the shout came from, I saw an old woman with a cane yelling.

"Get out! There ain't any demon coming out of this forest! The forest people have been kindly protecting the forest and us! Anyone who wants to hurt the forest people, get out!"

Though unsteady, the old woman was thrusting her cane; she got closer to the large group of men in the plaza and started hitting them with it.

Snap! The sound reverberated in the plaza which could be heard even from where we were.

"You hag………"

"Oi! Forget it, if we cause a ruckus, the Ogre tribe will………"


The man who was hit tried to draw his sword in a fit of rage, but was stopped by his level-headed comrade, and retreated hastily.

The old woman didn't hobble after them.

While shouting, she was kicking all the other groups in the plaza.

In order to get away from the old woman, the groups were scattering.

What's this?

As she saw the wide space getting clear of people……ah, she looked in our direction.

She's steadily drawing closer.

"Get out!"

The old woman's cane hit my armor and made a loud “clang!” sound.

There is no damage.

My armor is reliable against an agitated old woman, with its Asuran mark.

"You must not lay waste to the forest!"

The old woman was hitting my armor with a clanging noise while shouting.

"Granny, please calm down."

"What demons! The forest people have been our saviors! And now you're going to kill them when they seek our help! You brute!"

She is in a very agitated condition, looks like she won't listen to anything I say.

There is one thing on my mind though.

People of forest.

It's a new phrase.

I want to hear more about what they are.

"What does ‘the forest people’ mean………?"

"If you make the forest people disappear, the demons will attack!"

If the people of forest disappear, then the demons will attack.

Which means, the people of forest are probably defending the town against the demons.

"The people of the forest and the demons, are they separate beings?"

"Obviously! Don't confuse the demons with the forest people!"

"Clay, just stop, this old lady's sanity is long gone."

Sandor came to check on me.

Certainly, a sane person won't hit a stranger with a cane.

But I want to hear about the old lady's story.

"I haven't gone insane! The people of the forest exist! During my youth, I was rescued by them when I was lost deep in the forest! Apart from that, my great grandfather was also saved when he was a child!"

During her youth means possibly 20 to 30 years ago.

This old lady looks a little over 60 years old.

And, the great grandfather of such an old woman, possibly a little over 100 years ago.

But, it's been at most 10 years since I parted from Ruijerd.

Then, perhaps, Ruijerd isn’t related to the people of the forest?


"The people of the forest aren't demons! Why would you try to kill them!? Stupid! Get out stupid! Stupid! Haa……Stupid……Haa……Haa……"

The old woman had been striking at my armor for a while, but before long she ran out of steam and sunk to the ground in exhaustion.

"Granny, would you tell me your story in more detail?"

I estimated that she was calm now and smiled at her.

Ruijerd might not be here.

But, by some chance………

"I may be friends with the people of the forest."

They may be the survivors of the Supard village that Ruijerd has been looking for all this time.

Part 2

She was unable to conceal her agitation.

Despite her attitude being like that, she had been calmly talking to me for some time.

Based on this development, is it the Supard race or Ruijerd?

I don’t know.

But because of the flow of events in Bihaeril Kingdom, I somehow understood what was going on.

Forest people.

It seems even before the old lady was born, the so called people of the forest were already present.

They rarely ever showed themselves outside of the forest.

But, sometimes, ever so rarely, whenever a villager was lost within the forest and was being hunted or on the verge of death, they were saved by the forest people.

The villagers, including the old lady, don't know who or what they are.

But there was folklore surrounding them.

A long time ago, just shortly around the time when the war against demons was about to end…

Demons that couldn't be seen by the naked eye were inhabiting the Forest of No Return.

At dusk, the invisible demons came out to kidnap livestock and children to consume them.

The villagers hoped to defeat the demons one day, but were ultimately powerless and thus lived in fear.

And then at that time, the people of the forest appeared.

They made a proposal to the villagers.

『We'll take care of the demons, but in exchange, we want to live in the forest. However, our existence must never be known outside the village.』

The villagers agreed to the proposal and the people of the forest took up residence deep inside the forest.

They don't know how the forest people dealt with the demons.

After that, the demons stopped coming out of the forest. Even now, the people of the forest are still protecting the villagers.

Upholding their part, the villagers raise their children to give their gratitude to the forest people, but are taught to tell no one about it.

"To lay waste to the forest people like that, what an outrageous thing to do."

The old lady bought it to an end with that.

"I see, thank you very much."

I don't know if what she said was true or not.

It's such an old story, it seems almost completely fabricated.

But, let's just assume that the people of the forest are the Supard race.

The Supard have a third eye on their forehead.

It's a kind of demon eye that can sense any living being.

If they use that, then even the invisible demons can be located and defeated.

The Supard race coexist with the village while hiding their own existence.

But about six months or a year ago, tragedy struck.

A disease, or perhaps an injury.

A large quantity of invisible demons sprung forth, and the people of the forest may have not been able to keep them under control.

The Supard who had been concealing themselves for so long came to the village to buy medicine.

Everyone had already forgotten about the shopkeeper who interacted with that Supard.

However, the news spread.

The news that an extremely suspicious guy came out of the forest.

The villagers should've hidden his existence. Especially if was true that he came to the village to seek help, but…

Just how did the story end up like the one I heard at the bar yesterday?

『We must exterminate the demons that came out of the forest』

Just what happened for it to result in this?

Since it was a year ago, blaming Gisu would definitely be rash……

Anyway, the Supard race live deep in the forest.

It was a belief that I held close.

But then.

A question came to me as well.

Why was I just now hearing about this?

I had been searching for Ruijerd.

Everyone should know that.


For example, even Orsted.

………If the Supard had been living here for so long, then why was I not aware of it until now?

Part 3

The Forest of No Return was a quiet place.

In general, a large amount of monsters inhabit the forests of this world.

The concentration of magic is also great in forests, but one would encounter only one monster per day in the Forest of No Return.

Mostly treants.

Treants can be found anywhere in the world, but they are even more commonplace in forests.

You could even believe that forests are actually nests of treants, so encountering them would be the norm.

But in this forest, there is no sign of them.

It's completely silent.

There are creatures here, but no monsters.

A tranquil forest that is deadly silent.

Of course there are birds and small animals, but that’s it.

It’s as if we're inside a nightmare.

"Weird, eh?"


Looks like Sandor is feeling uncomfortable about this place, again.


Doga is silent.

Is he unable to read the mood? He’s not even surveying the surroundings.


We keep walking deeper into the silent forest for a while.

The presence of animals diminishes the farther we go.

Insects and birds are present, but no small animals.

Of course, no monsters as well.

The trees were getting larger too, and the overgrown leaves covered up the sky.

In this atmosphere, you begin to dissociate and believe you’re the only living thing there, which you occasionally snap out of whenever you hear the sound of birds.

Whether the invisible demons are following us or not right now…

Paranoid, I turn around to look.

And each time I do, my eyes met with Doga's unaffected ones, making me believe that it was all in my head, as I turned forward again.


Suddenly, when I glanced towards the roadside, there was a stone monument that I recognized.

It's the Seven Great World Powers stone monument.

Before, I was unable to recognize the markings on this monument, but……

These days, I can more or less understand them.

Looks like there are no changes in the rankings.

"So this thing can be found in such a place, eh?"

"It's probably not that unusual. Since the Seven Major World Powers stone monument can only work in places of high magic concentration."

"Yeah……they are magic tools."

You know quite a bit about it, eh?

That this type of magic tool can only be found in places with high magic concentration.

Not many people know about that.

But well, it isn't like those in the know, know it very well.

"The sun will be setting soon. Let's make a camp around here."

"That's right, then, Doga, the firewood."


That day, we decided to set up camp near the stone monument.

As an added precaution, I made a tent with Earth Fortress, and there we slept.

Part 4

The next day.

We continued our walk in the silent forest.

Then, Sandor suddenly thought of something.

"It feels similar to the Red Dragon Mountain Range, doesn't it?"


"The other animals don't draw near in fear of the dragons."

They won't approach a stronger animal's turf

Earth Dragon Valley exists deep within this forest.

Earth dragons are, needless to say, powerful creatures.

The wild animals won't approach a dangerous place, such is the basis of nature itself.

"So you've been in the Red Dragon Mountain Range, Sandor-san?"

"Only to the foot. It had a similar feeling; as you get closer to it, the presence of animals diminishes."

The earth dragons build their nests in the rock cliffs of the valley.

They fundamentally don't come out of the valley. They can't fly in the sky, but they can use earth magic to build holes.

Their nature is quite gentle for dragons; they won't attack humans as long as their territory isn't invaded.

Again, holding a very strange nature, they'll be defenseless to anyone who comes from above, but they'll attack in excess anyone who comes from below.

By the way, according to Orsted, the red dragons and earth dragons are mortal enemies.

Although the possibility of these two species, what with inhabiting such different environments, encountering one another is almost nonexistent.

Thus, the danger in approaching them from above is less.

For the time being, it would be alright as long as you don't end up falling to the bottom of valley.


Was it because I was thinking all this time?

It suddenly unfolded in front of my eyes.

A steep cliff appeared out of nowhere within the dense forest.

A cliff so deep that the bottom couldn't be seen.

It's probably 4500m to the opposite side.

It gave the sensation of standing on top of a mountain.

I'm not very well-informed on valleys, but this size makes me think of the Grand Canyon.

"Is this the Earth Dragon Valley?"

"Seems so. What should we do? Looks like we've arrived without any incident……"


As I worried, I put mana inside my left eye.

When I keep my vision open, I can use clairvoyance.

For now, I peered into the valley's bottom.

Since I am not accustomed to using this demon eye yet, I can't measure the distance to the bottom.

But, I immediately saw it.

There are bluish-white mushrooms and moss growing at the valley's bottom, and near it, a lizard-like monster with a boulder-like body was slowly moving.

Is that an earth dragon?

It looks like a King land tortoise rather than a dragon.

It might be defenseless to anything from above since it can’t possibly win against a red dragon with that body.

Now that I take a closer look at the rock cliff rather than the bottom, a lot of them are clinging to the sides - it's a bit gross.

I activate my demon eye again and survey the surroundings of the valley next.

There is nothing to the right of my vision.

Before long, my vision gets interrupted by the cliff and forest.

According to the map, the Earth Dragon Valley is supposed to be a straight line, but it looks like it's curving.

There is a mistake in the map.

To the left of my vision.

There's also nothing to see at this si-……ah, no, wait.

"It's a suspension bridge."

The place where the cliff's width was less, there was a hanging bridge

"I see, to get to the opposite side, is it?"

"Let's try to cross it."

There are still 7 days left until we meet with the information broker again.

Calculating the time it would take to return back, it should be safe to remain in the forest for one or two more days.

Deciding on that, we began walking along the valley.

It wasn't too far till we reached the bridge.

It took about 1 hour on foot.

I was glad that I was able to see the location of the suspension bridge.

Part 5

The suspension bridge was worn-out.

Where the distance between the two banks was smallest, two thick vines were laid across. On top of them was a wooden board, and that was it.

The overwhelming sense that the bridge was made by an amateur and its lack of safety were real concerns.

Although I call it unsafe, if a single adult with luggage crossed the bridge, then they should be fine.

"Should we cross it?"

But I am wearing the magic armor. If I go on, it will definitely fall down.

I can’t embarrass myself by falling to the valley’s bottom, after stating we should be fine so long as we stayed out of the valley.

"No, let's pass on crossing this bridge."

"Then, shall we head back?"

"No, let's build a different bridge."

While saying that, I stood at the edge of the cliff.

If the bridge can't be crossed because it's unsafe, then I’ll just make a bridge of my own.

From my hands to the surface. I raise the earth with magic.

Making use of my magic by putting Earth Lance to practical use.

Strengthening it so much that there shouldn't be any concern for safety, even if I crossed it.

Apart from the durability, I should make the lance so that it reaches the opposite bank.


When I release my magic, the earth lance appears.

The earth lance silently extends and pierces into the other side of the valley.

No sound could be heard.

I repeat this three times over.

Just to make sure, I increased the width so that people can pass by one another.

Over the earth lance, I build a board.

This is, again, an earth board.

A sturdy board as far as the opposite bank.

Finally, I reinforce the other side along with the base of the bridge with earth magic, and the stone bridge is now complete.

The handrail……well, it's fine for now.

"Splendid……I've heard from the talks, but to do this much……"

Even though I'm being praised by Sandor, we can't let our guard down.

Since I don't know anything about architecture and stability of bridges.

There is no need to strike the bridge before crossing it, but I must rebuild it again if I were to get on with the magic armor and it collapses.

"For the time being, hand me the rope."

I fastened the rope to a nearby tree and began crossing over slowly to examine it.

After several steps, I was smoothly walking on the bridge.

The stone bridge was solidly-built and holding up my weight.

It would be extremely stupid if one were able to fall from this, but it looks like this should work fine.

Just in case, I reinforced weaker spots along the bridge as I slowly crossed it.

Midway was as far as the rope could go; Sandor extended it with what he had and I finished crossing.

One rope was 50m long, and considering that I was barely able to cross with two, the bridge should be a little less than 100m.


I signaled with the rope to the other side of the valley.

Sandor and Doga easily crossed over the bridge while grabbing onto the rope.

They were on the bridge at the same time.

Do they think that it won't collapse?

Or do they trust me?

That I would immediately come save them if they fell.

"Now, let's continue shall we?"

As I was feeling uneasy, Sandor and Doga easily finished crossing.

"But from here on out, looks like we must stay alert."

Sandor spoke as he looked deep into the forest.

The dark, endless forest.

There was only one change since we began walking in the forest.

It's the presence of monsters.

Part 6

No less than 100m in and we were attacked.

It was just a noise at first.

The noise of leaves rustling together.

But, I didn't think there was a monster near us because of the wind blowing.

It felt like a person from far away was approaching us.

It was still a ways off.

It's alright for now.

The moment I thought that, I heard a noise close to my ear.


As soon as I heard that sound, I noticed the scent of blood hanging in the air.

Shortly after, something was clinging onto the trunk of the tree right next to us.


The moment I noticed it, the tree bent for an instant, and the leaves and branches rustled.

We were paused for just a moment, and then something, like a heavy mass, dropped down behind me.

When I turned to face it, I saw Doga had fallen with his face up.

I could only see Doga.

But, Doga's head was shaking as if it was moving against his will.

Doga's hand grabbed something mid-air that was shaking his head.

There is something there.

The moment I realized that, I hit the thing on top of Doga with all my strength since I couldn't use magic.

My hit, strengthened by the magic armor, sent the thing flying from on top of Doga.

It felt like flesh and broken bones.

The thing that was on top of Doga hit the trunk of a tree, and red blood spread in excess.

The color of blood started to reveal some kind of figure.

A four-legged animal.

I couldn’t identify any specifics, but it is certainly four-legged…

I reflexively hit it with rock bullet and kill it.

Almost simultaneously, I was hit on my back with a thud.

I turned around immediately, about to use magic to defend myself when…

"Doga! Stand up!"

It was Sandor.

He was standing as if to protect my back.


Doga stood up while grabbing the axe from his back, and he positioned himself in front of me.

Oi, I can't see in front of me if you do that.

"It's an invisible opponent! Their numbers are unknown! Doga, don't rely on your eyes, use your ears! Only deal with the enemy in front of you!

Rudeus-dono, please use magic! Clear them away using your ranged magic!"

Sharp instructions fly out of Sandor.

As expected of the person known as the Golden Knight leader, his judgment is fast.

His title isn’t just for show.

I load magic in both my arms as I think that.

Should I use fire magic?

No, using fire in a forest would be problematic.

It'll be double the effort in extinguishing it.

Let's go with water magic, Frost Nova.


As I was about to cast my magic.

It was only for an instant.

Doga moved in front of me.

Swinging his giant axe in an arc

Wielding a huge battle axe in this forest resulted in broken tree trunks and limbs every time it is swung.

There is no resistance from the monster, however.

As blocks of wood scattered around, I felt something slip by Doga's flank and approach me.

The magic armor is heavy, but hard.

Even if I was attacked by a monster's nails or fangs, it's likely that I won't be injured.

I judge that in an instant and was going to cast my magic when……


I was knocked away by Sandor.

What the!?, but I had no time to think that.

Before I realized it, a spear was standing at my side.

The spear looked like it stood by itself in mid-air, but… that’s wrong.

It was because something transparent was pinned to the ground by it.

It's a white spear.

Exceedingly white, as if it was made out of chalk.

It was similar to some kind of monster's bone.

Ah, how nostalgic that spear is.

A single person jumped to the ground to recover that spear.

Green hair.

A white body as if stricken with disease.

A native dress, similar to a poncho.

Ah, I have no doubt.

I know after looking at his height, I can't possibly be wrong.


I got up and called out to him while extending my hand as much as I could.

He looks back at me with his spear in hand.



It was a face I didn't recognize.

A beautiful face, he had a Ruijerd-like appearance… but it's not him.

My Ruijerd was more like……the side of his chin was a little……

"Sorry, I mistook you for someone else."

I feel…

Really disappointed.

There is a different member of the Supard here.

Which means, my beliefs were right to some degree……this is a Supard, right?

Damn, my face is all hot because I shouted Ruijerd with so much determination and confidence.

"……Do you know Ruijerd?"

The Supard male that I didn't know asked me with a curious look on his face.

Ah, that's right.

If he's a Supard, then he knows about Ruijerd.

And even if it wasn't Ruijerd, there isn't any problem.


There aren't any typical problems that are rising in the Bihearil Kingdom right now.


"Eh? Ah, yes. Comrade……no, friend……maybe a patron?"

"If you’re a guest, come with me. I'll introduce you."

The man turned around as he said that.

"Eeh…please wait a moment, is he here?"

"He's here."

The Supard male nodded at the dumbfounded me as if it was obvious.

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