Mushoku Tensei

Volume 21 9 — What am I Wavering Over

Volume 21 Chapter 9: What am I Wavering Over?

Part 1

When I saw Zenith and Claire, I wasn't visibly shaken.

Not because my victory is certain.

Not because I'm confident everything would go well.

Only that, at that moment, I had determined the worst case scenario.

I finished simulating escaping with Zenith in an instant.

I can't use the teleport circle with this many people around.

However, I've already grasped the capabilities of the Temple Knights here.

I'm not sure how strong the Temple Knights behind the Pope are, but if I believe the miko's words, there is no way they surpass the members of [Anastasia Keep].

I am certain I can retrieve Zenith.

Now that the situation has become like this, I've essentially completed one of my goals.

I can rescue Zenith.

I can also protect Cliff.

I can even secure Aisha and Gisu.

I'll just escape like that.

I'm a little worried about Aisha and Gisu, but I can get information on them in this conversation.

Anyways, while thinking about it, I boldly take my seat.

I escorted the miko to the neighboring seat, and forced her into the seat while holding her arm.

Before seating myself, I spoke out in a very calm voice.

"You've really saved me a lot of trouble by gathering here."

It slid right off my tongue.

I haven't had that sort of feeling in a long time.

"Since there are many here who I am meeting for the first time, I would like to start with self-introductions. I am Rudeus Greyrat, representative of [Dragon God] Orsted-sama and have given up on forming a friendship with the Church of Milis."

At the mention of the Dragon God, the surrounding people were slightly bewildered for a moment.

Nobody here has met Orsted in person.

Naturally, none of them know Orsted's goals or what he is fighting against.

Possibly, there may be some who have never heard of the Seven Major World Powers.

However, there are none who are unfamiliar with the term [Dragon God].

That is a title that is just as well known as [Demon God].

"Presently, for certain reasons I have taken the miko-sama's life into my hands."

I pointed at the miko with the index finger of my right hand.

Tension filled the surroundings as I gathered mana and created a small flame like a lighter.

"It is extremely regretful that the situation has come to this. I didn't think that I would have to take a prisoner and sully the name of the overwhelming super-being Orsted. However this is for my own protection, and the safety of those under me, and a necessary measure for the following negotiations, so I hope you understand."

"Overwhelming, super…?"


I made a slip of the tongue.

I didn't intend to joke around.

"Now then, as for why I had to aim for the miko's life and disgrace my master…"

I looked around my surroundings…

Suddenly, my gaze stopped on Claire.

She wrinkled up her eyebrows.

"I would be grateful if someone gave me a proper explanation. Otherwise, the [Dragon God] Orsted and his subordinates, including me, will truly become the enemies of the Church of Milis."

It's not a threat.

It's in the case that the top brass of the Church of Milis are being manipulated by Hitogami.

I need to take that case into consideration.


At my words, the conference became deadly silent.

Nobody returned my words.

None of them told me to bring it on.

I wonder if it was because of the battle earlier.

Or maybe I said something strange.

I'm sure I took on a pose that showed that I am angry.

"I can understand Rudeus-sama's fury."

The one who answered is the one who is sitting directly across from me.

The man who is sitting the furthest from the door.

With Cliff by his side, the most important man present.

The Pope, Harry Grimoire.

"However, as Rudeus-sama said earlier, there are many here who he has never met. I would like to go through introductions one by one, is that alright with you?"


"It won't take much time."

I think about his intentions.

Is he stalling for time?

Are they currently moving to secure Aisha?

No, there aren't that many people here.

It won't be bad to know the others in the room with me.

To make demands, the proper sequence must be followed.

In order to be heard, preparations must be taken.

Simply shouting whatever I want at them has no meaning if the other party isn't prepared to listen.

"I don't mind. I was getting too impatient."

"Thank you… Cliff, if you would."

"Yes. Everyone, I am Cliff Grimoire, grandson of Pope Harry Grimoire."

Cliff stood up and said that, then took a step backwards.

It seems he is in charge of progressing the discussions.

"Then, if Cardinal Leblanc would please start."

At Cliff's words, one person stood up.

A man wearing vestments that look just as expensive as the Pope's.

If I were to describe his face in one word, it would be 'fat'.

A perfectly circular face, like a certain hero with Anpan for a head.

However, this man is in charge of the Demon Race Expulsion faction…

"I am Cardinal Leblanc McFarlane. I manage the Order of the Temple and assist his eminence the Pope."

So this man is Number Two of the Church of Milis.

If I'm not mistaken, his job is to assist the Pope… so it's kind of like a King and his Prime Minister.

Of course, the Pope and Cardinal seem a little different from the religious organizations I'm familiar with, so it may be something else.

But this Pope and Cardinal are certainly fighting.

They're aiming to be the next Pope.

Although I don't know if they do anything like an election every few years or something…

While I was thinking that, the Cardinal immediately returned to his seat.

So by introductions, they're just giving their names and positions.

"…Sir Belmondo."

At Cliff's call, the man in white armor sitting next to Leblanc stood up.

A one-eyed man with scars on his face.

He looks around 40 years old.

Since he's wearing white armor, he's probably in the Order of the Church.

But his facial expression can only be described as grim.

If I remember correctly, the Order of the Church are the chief knights protecting the country.

He's probably angry at me for causing a disturbance in town.

"Lieutenant Commander of the [Arrow Group] of the Order of the Church, Belmondo Nash Venick."

The man said that and sat down.

I get the feeling I've heard that somewhere before.

He's glaring fixedly at me.

However, he's not saying anything else.

That's probably his natural look. Like Orsted or Ruijerd…

Ah, I remember now.

If I remember right, the knight that Ruijerd knew had that kind of name.

That's right, Galgard. Galgard Nash Venick.

Gouache for short.

"Are you perhaps related to Galgard-san?"

"…I'm his son."

"A while back, I was in the care of your father."

I see.

Even though the father is in the Order of Instruction, the son doesn't always enter the same Order.

Nonetheless, it's not like he's an incompetent son, his position of Lieutenant Commander is proof of that.

"… Sir Reilbard."

After that was another knight in white armor.

It was an unfamiliar name, but he named himself as a Battalion Commander of the [Arrow Group].

This something group is like a regiment of the army.

A Battalion Commander is basically the next most important post after Commander, Lieutenant Commander, and Regimental Commander.

"… Sir Carlyle."

"Please forgive me for my rudeness earlier, I didn't intend to ignore you."

Carlyle Latreia excused himself from an introduction.

I wasn't sure if that was alright, but now that I think about it the Pope and Cliff didn't introduce themselves either.

If that's the case, I wonder if Claire will go without an introduction as well.

As I thought that, the introductions continued.

The archbishop and the Group LeaderRegimental Commander.

For the time being, I'll remember their names.

I'm not sure whether or not there's a need to remember them, but there's no harm in knowing their names.

However, if possible I would like to have exchanged business cards…


Claire's name was called.

I wonder why she's among these dignitaries.

She may have been called as a suspect.

Or maybe she was the one who spread the rumor of me planning to kidnap the miko.

Why did she bring Zenith?

There are many things I want to know right away, but I get the feeling that an explanation is coming.

I'll be patient for now.

"Countess of the Latreia house, Claire Latreia. This is my daughter Zenith. She's in this state because of an illness, so I beg your pardon."

Claire said that with a prim face and took her seat.

For now, this is everyone.

The knights acting as guards didn't introduce themselves, but I guess this means they have no right to participate in the discussion.

"Well then, let us begin. Taking turns with Rudeus-sama, let's describe what has happened."

At the Pope's words, the conference started.

Part 2

"Well then, Rudeus-sama, first I would like to make the context clear, is that fine?"

"I don't mind. I also want to know what has happened."

Since the Pope worded it like that, they probably only became aware of the circumstances a moment ago.

It's been a few hours since the disturbance.

To gather up the cardinal and the top members of each knight order, the circumstance seems a little too good.

However, although I say 'top', the leaders of the orders are not present.

The people gathered here are probably all the members that could quickly come after the miko's kidnapping.

Nevertheless, for the related Order of the Temple to not be present feels odd.

"Well then, where should we start… at any rate, I've also only just heard the circumstances. I still haven't been able to put it all in order."

After the Pope said that while scratching his brow, one man raised his hand.


It's Besh-san.

"We're probably the ones with the least information. We simply came here following the cardinal's summons. In order to collect the corpse of the person who killed the miko and caused damage to the country."

Damaged the country.

That is to say, a [Miko] is one of a country's most important possessions, as can be seen from Zanoba's case.

Even if she is managed and appropriated by the Church of Milis, she's an existence that would trouble the country if she were to go missing.

At the very least, she's important enough that they couldn't disregard the summons.

"However, upon coming here we learned that the guards were merely knocked out and the miko kidnapped. On top of that, the kidnapper returned to the scene of the crime while infuriated, and claimed that he was in the right."

Saying that, Besh scowled at the cardinal.

"The summons we received do not match the current situation. As such, we will be adopting a stance of neutrality."

Besh said that and returned to his seat.

While smiling, the Pope directed his vision to the cardinal.

"Cardinal-dono, please detail your reasons for sending such a summons. Not to me, but to Rudeus-sama."

The cardinal stood up expressionlessly.

From that conversation, it seems the attack was the cardinal's doing.

"I received a notice from a member of the Latreia household. That there was someone who made dangerous proclamations about kidnapping the miko while on the roadside…"

Someone from the Latreia house, on the roadside…

Ah, it could be that I was followed while on my way back from my second visit to Claire's house.

I didn't notice at all, but I was causing such an uproar when I left.

They may have sent someone to make sure I didn't do anything.

Even if that's not the case, I had that conversation on the roadside.

It wouldn't be strange for someone to overhear it.

It wouldn't be unlikely for that to have reached the ears of the Latreia house.

The walls have ears, honest Mary.

There are traitorous Mary's everywhere.

"When we investigated who made that remark, we came across Rudeus Greyrat-dono. My subordinates discovered that Rudeus-dono was using his relationship with Therese to skillfully draw close to the miko-sama."

According to the cardinal, it would usually be fine to ignore that kind of remark.

That type of prank is an everyday occurrence, the Order of the Temple doesn't have enough spare time to mobilize based on every insult that is spoken on the streets.

However, he has a close relationships with demons, and is close friends with the grandson of his eminence the Pope, who pushes for the acceptance of the Demon Race.

In addition, he separated from the Latreia house over some issue.

Furthermore, shortly after quarreling with the Latreia house, Rudeus quickly approached the miko.

And to top it off, Rudeus has more than enough power to kidnap the miko behind the backs of her guards, and murder her.

Both motive and ability were present.

"Thus, I forestalled him."

"I see… However, that differs from the testimony of the Order of the Church. There's a large difference between kidnapping and murder."

"Most likely, the people we sent to contact them exaggerated a bit."

The cardinal spoke nonchalantly.

However, looking at the situation, his intentions are obvious.

He wanted to frame me as having attempted to murder the miko, and make it seem as if the Pope was manipulating things in the background.

However, I'm sorry to say that your treasured Temple Knights were defeated.

Let alone the miko, it was plainly shown that I didn't even intend to kill the Temple Knights.

"Now then, as for the Latreia house… before we hear Sir Carlyle's story… let's hear from Rudeus-sama. Is that alright with you?"


For a moment, I considered rejecting that.

However, thinking it over carefully, there is no need for me to lie.

There's nothing for me to feel guilty for.

"Certainly, I did propose kidnapping the miko, but that was purely because of the blood rushing to my head. I didn't mention it again after that, and didn't put it into practice."

"Then why did you draw close to the miko?"

"In order to resolve the issue with the Latreia house, I was consulting with my aunt Therese. I suppose that looked like drawing close to the miko."

"I see. However, if that is the case then why did you actually kidnap the miko?"

The contents of his speech sounded like a cross-examination, but the pope's voice is just as kind as usual.

As if to say that everything will be fine if I reply honestly.

"I said it earlier, but it was only to ensure my own safety and protect the people important to me. Naturally, I got Miko-sama's permission as well."

"Is that true?"

"Yes. When I looked into his eyes, I could see that Rudeus-sama has done nothing to feel guilty over."

The miko said that and scanned the surroundings, and the pope and cardinal casually averted their eyes.

It must be difficult for people who have done nothing but things to feel guilty for.

"However, if that's the case, why annihilate the guards? Couldn't you have persuaded them with words?"

"I was suddenly trapped in a barrier, given a farce of a trial that I had no right to speak in, and was told both arms would be cut off. There was no reason not to resist."

However, looking back, there certainly wasn't any need to completely annihilate them.

It would have been smarter to leave only Therese standing and smoothly persuade her.

The miko was just about to come out, after all.

When she saw that I didn't act even with the miko in front of me, surely even Therese would…

Nope, impossible.

I had no way of knowing that the miko was about to come out, and if I remember the atmosphere back then, I don't get the feeling that it would have been possible to persuade them by talking it over.

It was a trial with a predetermined result.

In my previous world as well, I've been bullied that way before.

"I see… Then…"

The Pope slowly spoke, cutting to the heart of the matter.

"In the first place, what kind of issue was it that you had with the Latreia house?"

Claire's body shook with a start.

Seeing that, the gloomy feelings within me resurfaced.

Claire's egotistical speech and conduct from that time were revived in my mind.

I can endure anything being done to me.

However, those words about Aisha.

Those words about Zenith.

That cruelty towards Gisu.

"That countess, abducted my mother, who is standing over there, and confined her in a place beyond my sight."

As I spoke, my irritation gradually rose.

"She tried to force my mother who couldn't even speak to marry some unknown man against her will, and make her bear his children."

My voice is getting rougher.

"When I opposed that, she used cowardly methods to kidnap her, and pretended to know nothing when I questioned her!"

Those around us shuddered in fear.

Therese and the other Temple Knights wore grim faces and had their hands on their swords.

The miko was grimacing slightly.

It seems I was grasping her too tightly.

"… Well, that's how it was."

My words suspiciously cut off, and my story was left unfinished.

However, my fury seems to have been passed on to the listeners.

Their gazes closed in on the Latreia house from all directions.

They glared at Carlyle and Claire, and sent pitying eyes towards Zenith, who was blankly staring at the ceiling.

"Then, Sir Carlyle, Madam Claire. From those words, the fault for this case seems to lie with you. Let us hear your views."

Carlyle and Claire exchanged glances for a moment.

I wonder what they're planning.

At the very least, there's no sign of the cardinal intending to help them.

"My wife did that of her own accord, I had no knowledge of it."

Carlyle said that with an unruffled expression.

He's casting her away.

This man is casting away his own wife.

No, if Claire normally acts that way and Carlyle's irritation grew day by day, isn't it natural to cast her aside in this situation?

If it was me, no matter how many problems Eris causes with her violence, I wouldn't cast her aside or abandon her.

I can't say with confidence that after a long married life I won't come to dislike the parts of her that are disagreeable.

However, I would definitely never cast her aside or abandon her.

This bothers me a bit.

I remember something Cliff said long ago.

In Milis, when a woman gets married, her family gives the groom a betrothal gift, but in exchange, he will definitely provide aid should something ever happen to the bride's household.

Of course, what is meant by household isn't clear, but is Carlyle seriously considering forsaking Claire…?

"Of course, I fully intend to take responsibility as the head of the family, but I would like to make known that this matter was not done with the full consensus of the Latreia house."

I wonder if adding that on is part of his sense of responsibility.

"I see. Then madam Claire, how about you?"


Claire doesn't answer.

She simply presses her lips together in a straight line and remains silent, like a pouting child.

"I will take your silence to be a confirmation."

The pope said that and looked over the listeners.

Then, before anyone could say anything, he raised his voice again.

"Then, the perpetrator of this incident was Madam Claire. Sir Carlyle will share responsibility. I would like to end this with Madam Claire receiving punishment and Sir Carlyle taking responsibility. Are there any objections?"

I get the feeling that something is being distorted.

That the topic was being manipulated.

That the conclusion was decided from the start, and the conversation smoothly flowed towards that.

"No objections!"

The cardinal responded faster than anyone else.

"… No objections!"

"No objections!"

When everyone was nodding in agreement with the cardinal's words, Claire's face became blue, but it didn't lose its primness.

I wonder if she's not going to say anything.

An excuse, or something.

Well, I'd get in a bad mood if she gave some poor excuse, so it's fine.

As for me, as long as Zenith is returned, it's fine.

I'll never approach the Latreia house again. I won't let Zenith, Norn, or Aisha approach it ever again.

That's the end of that.

"Is that okay with you, Rudeus-sama? This incident was caused against our intents. We had no intention of harming Rudeus-sama, or making enemies of Orsted-sama, and would like to maintain an amicable relationship."

I looked at the pope.

His smiling face hasn't changed.

I looked at the cardinal.

When our gazes met, he let out a squeak and started pouring sweat.

"O-, of course we don't desire conflict with Orsted-sama either. No matter how Orsted-sama knows of Laplace's coming return, we have no intentions on sparing our cooperation in defeating him. We would like to put off the matter of the sale of Demon Race figures until a later conference, though…"

After that exchange, I somehow grasped the flow of the situation.

In this case, the mastermind was the pope.

Most likely, the ones who leaked the matter of the miko's kidnapping was the pope's underlings.

Using the Latreia house's name, he manipulated the cardinal's faction into suspecting me of attempting to murder the miko.

Or possibly there are spies from the pope's faction in the Latreia house, and used the fact that I was in fact heard by their servants, it doesn't matter either way.

He couldn't be sure whether the cardinal would move or not.

However, from the cardinal's viewpoint, I must have been a troublesome existance.

I'm friends with the pope's grandson Cliff, and am the subordinate of the Dragon God.

It must have looked that I had an issue with the Latreia house, and the pope used that as a pretext to send me as an assassin and draw close to the miko.

It's no wonder he thought that he had to get rid of me.

That he didn't mobilize the entire Order of the Temple was either because he was underestimating me, or that he predicted things would turn out this way.

The pope knew I wasn't going to kill the miko.

Either that, or he didn't mind even if I did.

Naturally, even if I couldn't win against the Order of the Temple and was killed, there would be no demerit for him.

I may be Cliff's friend, but I'm not part of the pope's faction.

The pope didn't have to dirty his hands, or agree with the kidnapping.

He had confidence that even if he were questioned by the miko and his plan were discovered, in the worst case he could use Cliff as a scapegoat.

Furthermore, if Orsted came, he could proclaim that I fell for the trap of the Demon Race Expulsion faction.

He must have been thinking that if it came to that, he could establish a cooperative relationship with Orsted on his own.

And then, this situation.

The conclusion that he can punish the Latreia house.

I'm sure that both the pope and the cardinal thought that it didn't matter who was sacrificed.

The decision to make an example out of Claire was surely because of the fury I held towards her.

If I can get revenge on Claire then I'm satisfied.

The pope is overjoyed that he can damage the Latreia housecardinal's faction.

Only the cardinal's faction is upset.

I get the feeling that I was dancing on the palm of his hand, but…

Well, that's fine.

I can get Zenith back.

I can get revenge on Claire.

And following this flow, it seems I'll be able to establish a mercenary corps as planned.

"I don't mind."

"Then according to convention, Claire Latreia will be sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crime of treason."


I let out a strange sound.

"Do you have any objections, Rudeus-dono?"

"… 10 years?"

"Of course. She abducted the family of Rudeus-dono, who is a close associate of the Dragon God-sama, and incited the attack on the miko."

"But, that's…"

"Not dealing properly with people that possess power invites this kind of disturbance. If Rudeus-dono wasn't someone with such good sense, the miko-sama would have lost her life long ago. Thinking of it that way, 10 years is still too short."

Is that… the case?

But that's right.

It became such a situation that this many people needed to be gathered.

I'm sure there are other people who will be receiving punishment, but Claire gets 10 years of imprisonment.

10 years…

It's by no means short.

10 years ago I had just separated from Eris.

So, it's not short at all.

Be that as it may, there's no helping it.

In the first place, Claire's methods were dirty.

If she hadn't kidnapped Zenith like that, it wouldn't have turned into this.


"Since you seem to have no objections, by this informal trial with the presence of at least three bishops and at least three Battalion Commanders, Countess Claire Latreia is hereby sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crime of treason. Sir Carlyle's sentence will be decided later in a formal trial."

"No objections."

"No objections."

The cardinal, archbishop, and knights solemnly declared such.

"Then, Belmondo-dono, please have the Latreia couple restrained by the neutral Order of the Church. The other involved parties will be judged later with due form."

The pope exchanged looks with the Order of the Church, and raised his hands.

Besh and the other two immediately stood, and briskly circled the table to where Claire and Carlyle were seated.

When they passed in front of Therese, she furrowed her brow for a moment.

One of the Order of the Church produced something similar to manacles from his breast pocket, and shackled Carlyle.

Carlyle silently complied, and followed the Church Knight to the exit.

Claire didn't move.

As she stood up, her whole body was shaking.

Her facial expression was unchanged, but she was trembling from head to toe.

"Now then, Madam Claire."

"I-, I am…"

The Order of the Church were slowly approaching Claire.

Claire will be arrested, and put in jail.

It has a bad aftertaste to it, but I guess with this the case is closed.


Suddenly, I met eyes with Cliff.

He was looking at me with a flustered, bewildered expression.

Why are you making that kind of face?

Certainly, even I find it a little hard to stomach.

With this kind of vigilante justice, she's sentenced to 10 years.

I think it's too overbearing.

However, isn't this your society's rule?

I received a similar treatment from the Order of the Temple.

In that case, isn't this due process according to your people's rules?

"Now then, Madam Claire."

So as not to incite Claire, Belmondo slowly reached out.

While fearfully looking at those hands, Claire tried to escape…


The next instant, Belmondo was pushed away.

While his heavy armor vibrated with a clang, he stumbled a step backwards.

Belmond immediately lowered his stance, and prepared to draw his sword.

The one who resisted, wasn't Claire.

It was the woman who sat between Claire and Carlyle.

Zenith was standing before Claire.

She spread her arms as if to block the way.

She was looking at Belmondo with a blank face, yet hostility could clearly be felt from her actions.

She protected Claire.


I was even more confused.

Why was Zenith protecting Claire?

Was it a spontaneous action?

However, up until now she had moved on her own in certain circumstances.

Whenever she moved like this, she was acting for her family.

Did she have no idea what was going on, and reflexively protected her mother?


I have the feeling I'm missing something.

At times like these, I was always mistaken.

If I calm down, and think things over carefully, I may discover what I was overlooking.

However, there's no time.

Belmondo will momentarily push aside Zenith, and take Claire away.

Should I stay out of it?

Is it okay to stop him without thinking of the consequences?

Wouldn't it be better if I asked questions first?

But, Claire, to Zenith…

"Please wait!"

While looking back at the perplexed me, someone raised a voice to stop Belmondo.

A person of small stature interposed himself in front of Zenith.

Someone who was looking at me with eyes of criticism until just now.

It was Cliff.

"These overbearing methods aren't right."

He stood in front of Belmondo to cover Zenith.

"Forcing an old woman against the wall and making her into a sacrifice like this will not be forgiven by Milis-sama!"

"A mere priest dares to object to an official Church decision and proclaim himself as a spokesman for Milis-sama!?"

The cardinal speaks up in a loud voice.

"Then, do you think Milis-sama will forgive such actions, Cardinal!? When the husband has abandoned his wife and only the child is standing to protect her mother, ganging up on the mother to take her into custody!?"

"You say child, but she is merely an adult who has lost her mind!"

"Age has nothing to do with it!"

The cardinal made an indignant face to Cliff who was expressing flat refusal.

He immediately turned to face his subordinates, the Temple Knights.

A face as if to say to shut this man up.

However, the one he was looking towards was Therese.

Cliff as well, looked at Therese.

"Middle Leader of the [Shield Group] of the Order of the Temple, Therese Latreia-dono! She is your mother as well! Is this okay? Milis-sama said [A knight must never forget his loyalty. However, there are times in which the ones whom one loves must take precedence]. To you, is your mother someone not deserving of your love? Did you feel no love for her as she raised you into who you are today? Even if you haven't, do you feel no debt to her when you think back on your past?"

Therese made an agonizing face and turned away.

While maintaining his infuriated expression, Cliff moved his line of sight.

His eyes stopped on me.

"You too, Rudeus!"

Just as usual, he pierced me with a completely unwavering gaze.

"Doing things like this, are you satisfied? Doing something unlike yourself like taking the miko hostage and trapping your own grandmother, throwing her into jail, are you satisfied with that!?"


Hearing that, I fell silent.

Cliff's way of speaking is strange.

I didn't intend to take the miko hostage.

The one who sentenced Claire to prison wasn't me.

In the first place, it's undeniable that Claire was in the wrong.

Isn't it natural to be punished?

It's not something that should be overturned with those emotional words.

"Certainly you may have been quarreling with her, but don't you always reach a solution considerate of the others' feelings when disputing with your family? I heard it from Norn-kun. Even though she was so cruel to you, you came to help her when she was down, without letting the past get between you. This time as well, you put in so much effort to conclude things peacefully. You consulted with grandfather and Sir Therese, and were about to reach a peaceful solution. Is it really okay like this?"

It looks like he's misunderstanding something.

Trying to find a peaceable solution was for the sake of the mercenary corps and Cliff.

It wasn't out of consideration for her as part of my family.

But Cliff probably doesn't want to hear that kind of fault-finding.


"Answer me! Rudeus Greyrat! Is this okay with you or not!? Depending on your answer, you may receive my scorn!"

For some reason that resounds in my heart.

Something that pierces through me.

Why is that?

Certainly, I don't think it's good for my family to be imprisoned.

But, Claire is different.

She never tried to see me as part of her family.

She is different.

She isn't family.


However, there's still something bothering me.

I don't know what it is.

However, if I don't take care of it, I can't answer.

"Cliff-senpai… Before I answer that, can I ask Claire-san a question?"


Without waiting for Cliff's reply, I turned to face Claire.

With an attitude that was mixed with fear, but full of resolution, she caught my gaze.

"Why, did you kidnap my mother…?"

Claire didn't change her expression.

She simply answered as a matter of course.

"For the sake of my daughter, and the house."

"Do you really think that forcing your daughter who is in this state to marry is for her own sake?"

"Depending on the time and circumstances."

Without realizing it, I was clenching my hands into fists.

I was putting power into my hands, and grinding my teeth.

Why is this person like this?

Even though if she said that she wasn't thinking, that she was mistaken, she may be able to escape this situation.


The others looked to me as if waiting for my decision.

As if I'm the one who has the right to decide.

No, I have it, don't I?

I'm still holding the miko's arm.

The playing field was never level from the beginning.

"Which is more important to you, your daughter or your house?"

"They are both just as important."

My irritation rose at her non-committal answer.

Why doesn't she try to persuade me?

She should understand that I have the advantage in this situation.

If she says she wants my forgiveness, I'd stand down.

No, I won't completely stand down, but she won't be stuck in prison for 10 years.

No one died, so I would be satisfied with a lesser sentence.

That's why.

Just do it.

Stop fooling around.

Just apologize…

At my hesitation, Claire snorted roughly.

"You don't need to force yourself. I don't expect to receive your help. If doing something for my daughter is deserving of punishment, then I shall accept it gratefully."


You, Wh-… Ah… Sheet, I don't give a damn anymore.

Zenith covered for her, Cliff covered for her.

After that, that is what you say…

I can't forgive you anymore.

"If that's what you're going to say, I won't… Hm?"

As I started to say that, I felt a prod on my shoulder.

When I looked over, the miko placed the hand of the arm I wasn't grasping on my shoulder.


"What is it?"

The miko wasn't wearing her usual na?ve face, but was expressionless.

She was expressionless, but I could see something behind that expression.

She was giving off the atmosphere of a saint.

"Please help her."


I won't be deceived by the atmosphere.

I no longer have any intention of forgiving Claire.

At least, she never had any intention of reconciling with me.

She's just a worthless mother who tried to take control of her daughter.

She probably couldn't stand the grandson who tried to get in the way of that.

When things didn't go her way, she threw a tantrum like a spoiled child.

"Claire-sama is truly only thinking of her daughter and her house."

"If it's just thinking, anyone can do it."

There's no point unless you consider the standpoint of the other person.

Even if you have good intentions, you have no business forcing someone against their wishes.

Furthermore, this time you were forcing things in an undeniably wrong direction.

Nobody would wish for that.

"Rudeus-sama, you are included in the [house] she was thinking about."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She was also thinking about you while doing this."

About me.

If that's the case, then why did this happen?

How did it turn out like this?

I don't get it.

Someone explain this to me.

"Please believe me. I understand from looking into her eyes."


Her power as a miko.

By looking into someone's eyes, she can see their memories.

In other words, Claire had a reason for doing this.

I don't know what that reason could possibly be, though.

"Claire-san, about Miko-sama's words, could you please explain? I don't understand your reasons."

"There's nothing to explain, I have no idea what she's talking about. I'm sure even Miko-sama tells lies. I've never given someone like you any thought at all."

A standoffish attitude.

That's it.

Cliff, Miko-sama.

No matter how much you try to cover for her, even I can't give in to that.

Certainly, there are a few things I'm reluctant about…

However, let's just put an end to this.

"I have no intention of reconciling with someone who never tried to get along with me from the very beginning…"

As I said that with a sigh, Claire once again nodded with a prim face.

Cliff looked at me with a painful face, and the miko put on a sorrowful expression.

Therese gave Claire a glance, Belmondo began to move, Zenith---

---Before I realized it, Zenith was standing in front of me.


She slapped me on the cheek.

There was no power in it.

A weak strike that left no marks.


However, for some reason it hurt.

It feels like the place I was struck is heating up.


Tears suddenly started gushing out.

Before I could understand why, Zenith had passed by my side.

When I turned around, there was the handcuffed Carlyle, who was watching over the course of events before leaving the room.

Since he was behind me, I never saw his facial expression until now.

However, on his face was a complicated expression mixing worry, impatience, and regret.

He was also struck.

As expected, a powerless open-handed slap.

Zenith walked with an unsteady and unreliable gait.

Nobody stopped her.

Not the Church Knights, not the Temple Knights, nobody.

Zenith walked the room in which time had stopped.

Finally, she stood in front of Claire.

She slowly raised her hand, and with an open hand…

No, it wasn't a slap.

She was touching Claire's cheeks with both hands.

As if trying to look through it, she stared at Claire's face from close up.

From my position, I can't perceive Zenith's facial expression.

However, Claire who could see Zenith's face underwent a dramatic change.

First, she opened her eyes wide.

After that, her lips quivered.

Her cheeks, her shoulders, her body, all trembled.

When the shivering reached her fingertips, as if slowly being moved by those trembles, both of Claire's hands rose, and grasped Zenith's hands as if to envelop them.

"O… A… Aa… Aaaaah…"

From Claire's mouth, a wail that was neither a cry nor a groan escaped.

Claire brought Zenith's hands up to her face as if to kiss them.

From her eyes, tears spilled out one after another.

At the same time, as if unable to withstand the trembling, Claire crumbled from the knees.


At the same time as I heard a voice from behind me, someone quickly passed by my side.

It was Carlyle.

With both hands bound, he ran up to Claire.

Then, while sitting by her, he spoke.

"Claire, let's stop being obstinate."

"A… Aaah, dear… Zenith is… Zenith is…"

Claire clung to Carlyle while crying with a disheveled face.

Carlyle looked as if he were going to try to hug Claire's shoulder's, but after looking at his handcuffs and deciding it was impossible, instead laid his hands upon Claire's, that were still covering Zenith's.

"It's okay. Even if you don't strain yourself, it'll be okay."

Carlyle said that and stood up.

While scanning the room echoing with Claire's cries, he spoke.

"I beg your pardon. We will explain everything now. May I ask for the verdict to be postponed until afterwards?"

At Carlyle's words, the room that was frozen in time began to move once more.

I think his words were directed to everyone present.

However, the pope, the cardinal, Cliff, Belmondo, Therese, and the members of Anastasia Keep, were all looking towards me.

The miko was tugging on my sleeve.

Tugging with both hands.

At some point unknown to me, I had released her hand.

"… I understand."

I reseated myself as if collapsing.

The cheek that Zenith slapped still felt hot.

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