Mushoku Tensei

Volume 16 11 — Eris Greyrat - Second Part

Volume 16 Chapter 11 - Eris Greyrat - Second Part

Part 1

Right now, I stand facing Eris, outside of Magic City Sharia by the city wall.

Although lacking an audience, Ghyslaine stands nearby. On the way here Eris asked her to be the judge. With a judge present, she probably doesn't plan to kill me. Hopefully.


Eris stood in silence with her sword raised toward me. No, her hand is shaking, a warrior's shivers?

I don't know what to do, are we really going to fight?

To be honest, I don't really mind losing. Losing is great, I like Eris, although like I just said not as much as Roxy and Sylphy, but that has nothing to do with it.

Sylphy has Sylphy's strengths, Roxy has Roxy's, Eris has Eris's. I like them all.

Fickle and indecisive, but I'm that sort of man. Unfaithful, overly lustful, but that's why I covet such a feminine Eris.

If she wants me to love her, I shall love with my all. This is no longer unfaithful or an affair, this is love. It's only natural! To desire such a charming woman is the law of nature! Not like any Church of Milis people would show up suddenly.

But if I lose on purpose, won't she feel insulted? She hates those kind of people, right?

Eris trained, in order to protect me, in order to gain strength against Orsted. That's why I must demonstrate the strength fit to be Eris's husband. I really ought to show an equal share of effort too.

… Even though I may not have worked as hard as Eris, but that's fine. As long as I gave my all, without knowing which of us will come on

top, win or lose, I'll ask her to marry me once more.

If I win, then I'll tell her [You belong to me. Quit complaining and come home!] Alright, let's do that.

My armored magic core lay broken and discarded in the forest. In close combat, Eris the Sword-King and Orsted fought to a stalemate. Against

someone like her, I don't have any confidence of winning at this distance… If I lose, it can't be helped.


Ghyslaine called for me after deciding on something.

"What's up?"

Although it's been a while since I saw Ghyslaine, she hasn't changed very much. All in all, a woman with some years behind her. We greet each other at our reunion, and chatted as well, but never about the current situation. We didn't have a lot to say to each other, but there

was no animosity either. Ghyslaine has always been that way, according to Elinalise.

"Eris-sama hasn't changed. Treat her with an attitude."

Ghyslaine's mannerism hasn't changed much either. The subtleties of her words make me a bit uncomfortable. Wondering to myself, am I doing the right thing right now?

Looking at Eris, she's waiting for me to get ready in her usual posture. Her arms crossed, feet apart and her chin raised. The same posture, but so different from the Eris from memory. She's taller, her chest got bigger, and exudes from her an aura of a carnivore.

Five years passed, I changed, Eris changed too. Yet Ghyslaine said she hasn't. Five years ago, how would the me from then face Eris? Facing a stubborn Eris, what would I have done?

"Ready, begin!"

The signal from Ghyslaine came, but I did not raise my staff, nor did Eris move her hands.

After a while Eris slowly moves forward, unsheathes the sword from her waist, it dangles powerlessly, heading towards me. That sword with an almost transparent body, a gift of the Sword God, one of the legendary seven swords.

Eris arrives before me, her sharp eyes looking straight at me.



Eris arrives before my eyes, raises her sword still.

"What? You're not going to fight?"

"Eris, I… If you losing means you leaving, then I admit defeat."

Eris pouts, her mouth へ.


"Also… I didn't have a chance to say it earlier, well. I… also like you."

I thought her hairs would raise, I thought she would get angry. It might be better if I fought for real. At this moment, Eris's sword

comes down.


I instinctively close my eyes, my body stiffens, but what hit my head is the hilt. A light tap, that's it.

Reopening my eyes, Eris's face before mine.

"I… can't cook like Sylphy."

"It's fine."

"I'm not as smart as Roxy."

"It's fine."

"I'm not as cute as those two."

"Eris is a cool beauty."

"… With my body like this, it's far from Rudeus's tastes."

"No, not true at all, your body is enchanting."

Eris sheathes her sword. Gently her hand wraps around my waist, her full blossom pressed tightly against mine.

With strength far greater than mine she hugged me tightly. The little sweat fails to conceal her aroma, that smell is Eris.

My arms around hers. Her muscles have toughened, but not bulky, just right, feels great.

"Then it's fine to consider it my victory, right ?"


"If Rudeus was serious, in rejecting me… I would have given up, you know?"

Her voice was trembling. Don't tell me, if I seriously fought, her plan was to intentionally lose.

"You don't have to give up."

"Then, can I be part of Rudeus's family?"

"Yes, along with Roxy and Sylphy, if that's okay with Eris…"

Say it. Say everything. With that in mind I take a deep breath. If too quiet, she might not hear me.

"Please marry me."

Eris opens her eyes wide when she heard me.

"F-Fine! I'll marry you!"

As if disgusted she turned her head, thus Eris and I got married.

Part 2

That night during dinner, I announced Eris as my wife. Unlike that time with Roxy, since I did the prep work, no one had any complaints.

Although I didn't think Norn would object, I expected at least some harsh words from her, but none came. She probably had given up on me when it comes to multiple wives already.

Roxy and Sylphy both gave us their blessings.

"Eris, the three of us, let's do our best together."

"Let's set the rules in order."

Eris trembles nervously in front of those two.

"T-then, I'll be in your care…"

Those words are strange too, although it's strange to see Eris so nervous, but she probably understands that's their own way of showing acceptance.

If possible, I hope they can live together in harmony, but I don't have a right to say that, right?

To cement their relationship, the three of them went in the bath together, as a way of smoothing things over as well as explaining how to use the bath. Although I want to join in as well, but I'll hold back for today.

Left behind are me, Lilia, my two sisters, Zenith… and Ghyslaine.


After Eris left, Zenith starts beating me on my head. Even with Lilia asking [Madam, please forgive…] does nothing to stop her. Zenith is a follower of Milis. She can forgive two. But with a third one, she couldn't find it in her to forgive her son again.

"Oww, it hurts mama. Please stop, I won't do it again."

With that said, Zenith finally withdrew her fists and returned to her seat. My two sisters watch me with suspicion beside her.

"You know, Brother, you said the same thing with Roxy-sama too. Even if you say so, who knows how long before you bring another girl over.

More laundry for me to wash. It's too much."

Aisha's words are harsh. Seems like my value in their eyes have took a hit for welcoming in Eris. But I'm serious! Even with those words, I

feel like she's just messing with me.


The other sister speaks. This one isn't someone who would mess around. I need to listen seriously.

"Oh, what is it Norn?"

"Well, as a follower of Milis, I cannot feel happy with brother's actions."


"But, I also understand the love Eris has for brother, so I won't say anything this time. Even if brother doesn't like Eris, but please love

her properly anyways. That's all."

"Okay, I'll give it my all."

Norn seems to really like Eris. In the mornings Eris teaches her swordsmanship, but Norn also was proactive in approaching her. I guess in the past few years Norn has become more sociable. Is that the effect of joining the student council?


Lilia spoke up quietly.

"Oh, what is it, Lilia?"

"Now that you married Eris, the house is a bit full. I plan to rent somewhere nearby and move there with Zenith--"


Lilia's proposal is unacceptable.

"Please let me take care of you two… Well, really it's Lilia that has been taking care of me."

"No, not at all… But, if Rudeus-sama says so, then I'll comply."

Kick out my two moms just to welcome in another wife? Paul up in heaven would definitely come back to haunt me. It's only natural for a son to care for his elderly parents. It's true that with Eris, we no longer have a guest room, but who cares. We'll figure something out.


Finally, Ghyslaine speaks.


"Ghyslaine is fine."

She's in her 40s already, but her muscles haven't weakened a bit, result of a lifetime of training perhaps.

"Eris-sama, can I leave her in your care?"

"… Yes, I swear to God."


Ghyslaine smiles gently.

"You grew up. Those eyes are same as Paul's when he married Zenith."

That should make me happy, right? Yes, I'm happy.

Right, the same eyes as Paul. That's great, I have grown up…

Eh? But that's the Paul that Ghyslaine knew… should I really be happy?

"Ghyslaine, what do you plan to do next? Will you stay around?"

"No, once I leave Eris-sama with you, my work here is done. I plan to head back to the Asura Empire."

"Asura Empire? Going to help rebuild the Fedoa Region?"

Her eyes shone when Ghyslaine heard me.

"No, I will go hunt down those that killed Sauros-sama and kill them."

The mood suddenly grew heavy. What a terrifying answer. For so long she has been taking care of Eris, now that she hands over her, her job is done, so all that's left is revenge.

"… Find them, in other words, you don't know whom? It was probably a political plot, so I don't think it's just one guy."

"Then I'll just kill them one by one, all of Sauros-sama's enemies, until it's over."

That's too naive… How do I stop her? No, no matter what I say she won't stop. No matter what, that's Ghyslaine for you.

No, on the other hand, I should give her a hand and support her instead… Now I remember, in my diary, when Ariel was assassinated, Water God and North Emperor were involved.

"Ghyslaine, according to my sources, Water God and North Emperor are hired by Asura Empire."


"You know them?"

"Yes, Eris-sama actually knows them better. What of it?"

"They might be your enemies. In that case, even Ghyslaine might not survive, right?"

"True, I alone cannot defeat them."

Ghyslaine nods and stares into my eyes, as if asking me to get to the point.

"… In that case, I know of someone that also took the fall in the chaos that took Sauros's life. Although Boreas might be her rival too, so she can well be Ghyslaine's enemy too. But if you work with her, then you can kill those enemies with impunity."

"Who is she?"

"Ariel Anemoi Asura."

Ghyslaine's ears raised. Ah, how nostalgic. In class, whenever there's something she does'nt understand, Ghyslaine would do something similar. Well, better if she doesn't know her.

"Princess of Asura Empire."


But is it really okay to introduce Ghyslaine and Ariel? Ariel will head to the Asura Empire eventually during the time of political strife. Is it okay to involve Ghyslaine in that?

No, the future can change, with this diary, I can offer her a lot of advice. Besides, the strife was part of Hitogami's plans. Now that I'm a subordinate of Orsted, so who knows what'll happen as a result.

In that case, if Ariel is to win, then gaining Ghyslaine would help. In that case, I'd probably help too… But I probably need to consult Orsted on this matter.

"In any case, why don't you have an audience with her and see?"

"If you say so, okay."

Ghyslaine said without a second thought. For now, at least, I stopped her from her naive actions. Good.


Aisha and Norn look at me blankly.


"Well, I was thinking, brother really was the teacher of Sword King-sama before."

"Wait, you didn't believe me?"

"It's not like I don't believe you. I was just thinking, that Sword King-sama is really obedient."

Ghyslaine and I stare at each other. Did we say something weird?

"You know, brother. At school, there's a Senpai that wants to become an adventurer one day. He said [There are two Sword Kings coming to town. The super scary kind] things like that. Even though usually adventurers in town would never give a second glance at strong people. Yet when it comes to brother… What is it, that Aha~ kind of feeling."

Hearing Norn, Ghyslaine suddenly laughs.

"Rudeus is far stronger than I am. No matter what, even that Dragon God recognizes his abilities."


Norn seems impressed. With that, maybe brother's stocks can rise a little. Even if it rose, only the upper half did. Really feels like my lower half just keeps dropping.

Anyways, thanks to Ghyslaine, I can keep some face.

That's good, really good.

Part 3

That night.

Ghyslaine returns home. Sylphy, Roxy, and Eris talk among themselves. What could the three girls be talking about? Despite my strong interest, it's better to leave the girl talks to girls. I'll have to pass.

The mood seems good, and Eris is listening diligently. This should be fine, Eris is a different person now.

I went back to the study and watch Norn study. After she left to sleep, I fill in my diary. A lot of memorable things happened today. Thinking about the future and Orsted though, I couldn't help but feel a little unease.

Anyways, the moment of crisis has passed, I should let loose a little.

By the time I left the study, the house has quieted down. Looks like the girls' meeting is done. Whose room are they staying at tonight? Or maybe they'll all camp out at the living room instead? Probably not.

With it being so quiet, I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable. That night when I met the future me was a quiet night like this. Maybe something's coming? For example, that guy with a body full of mosaic might suddenly jump out of the hallway shadows.

No, nothing will happen…

Entering the bedroom but no one is around. No light is on either, guess I'm sleeping by myself tonight.

As I was thinking of these things, the bedroom door suddenly swung open from the inside, and a great power pulled me inside.


Immediately I raise my hand and gather magic towards my opponent, but my wrists are held back. My entire body is pressed against the door.

It's over!

Thinking that, I suddenly noticed who my opponent really is.

"… Oh, it's Eris."

Ah, Eris. I guess that's her in her nightgown holding down my wrists.

"S-say, Rudeus…"

Her eyes bloodshot, her face red, and her breaths heavy, she looks angry. Did something bad happen? I have to be careful with my words.

"We, us, are husband and wife, right?"

"… Oh, yeah. Ah, would it be better if we have a wedding ceremony? Get everyone together and make it lively?"

"I don't care about that. I don't even remember how to dance anymore… More importantly, as husband and wife, so it's okay right?"

What's okay? Before I could think I feel an arm bar against my shoulders, and I was kissed. BAM our teeth slammed into each other, and the pain spreads throughout my body.

I want to retreat, but the door blocks my path, Eris forces herself all over my face.


Eris puts her arm around my waist and starts dragging me over. By the time I regain consciousness, I'm already in bed. What is this, what's going on? Eh? Are we doing it? Eh?

"Em, Eris, em, these sort of things, shouldn't we, well, have a schedule, maybe discuss with Sylphy and Roxy first."

"It's done. They will let me have today."

"Roxy didn't say anything? Like hold back while she's pregnant or something?"

"She said don't worry about it."

Somehow, I'm already in bed, and Eris is really strong. I don't think I can get away.

"Hey, Rudeus, I want a son."

Eris's breaths are rough, not of anger, but animalistic passion.

Violently pursued like this. No, I'm actually really happy, pursued like this is worth feeling happy about.

Two bodies so close together, little Rudeus has already become like that, at least the body is honest.

Wait, isn't this backwards? Aren't our roles reversed.

"Rudeus, I like you, so, it's okay right?"

"Eh, yeah, it's fine, but please, calm down a bit. We should get in the mood first, maybe a little wine, let's talk about the past five years, and after the mood is right, we can embrace and confess our loves."

"I don't care about those things. I've been waiting to do this!"

Eris presses me down as she said. Her thighs clamp my legs firmly in place, both my hands squeezed, unable to move. With her nose she presses against my chest and begins to breath in deeply, like a dog, do I smell?

"Hahh… Hhha… Rudeus. Now that we're married, you belong to me, right?"

"Eh? Well, I'm not just yours. I'd be thankful if you all get along and not fight."

"But tonight it's my turn, so you're mine?"

No matter what I say, Eris wants to make me hers.

"… Well, yeah I am."

Her hands squeeze even harder. It hurts, it hurts. My wrists are broken, so broken that #1 needs to come over to heal it.

"T-then, I get to do whatever I want, right…?"

What does she want to do? What'll happen to me? It's definitely XXX. Am I unwilling? The answer is NO, then the answer is YES.

"I, I guess?"

In that instant, Eris became a beast.

Part 4

Next day.

Chirping sparrows woke me. I immediately looked for Eris. I immediately found her. Right before my eyes, Eris resting peacefully right before me.


I let out a sigh of relief and reflect on last night.

I ended up really enjoying myself last night. Technique-wise I held the advantage, and I dominated the first half. [Like I'd lose to Eris] I was thinking, so I tried my best. But by the second half, the tables were turned.

It's a difference in stamina. It was like this the first time too. Eris has seemingly infinite stamina. What can I say? I can't beat her…

Once exhaustion took me, she violated me to her heart's content. [I'm sorry dear, this person has made me her play thing]… that sort of feeling.

I can't become a bride anymore.

Yet when she's asleep like this, Eris looks strangely adorable. Even though she was so wild last night, right now she has become so serene. It brings a smile to my face. I wonder if this is how Sylphy feels when she sees my sleeping face.

"… Still."

Right now Eris is giving me an arm pillow. I'm not usually on the receiving end, but it's strangely refreshing. Her arm is slender, yet strong, and I feel really safe for some reason.

Anyways it's been 5 years, Eris has grown up. How muscular has she become? Last night I recall some alluring contours, but it was too dark to know.

I squirm a bit to touch Eris's tummy.

"Wow, amazing…"

Not particularly bulging on the surface. Or rather, there's some fat, but tightly coiled around that layer of fat are heavily compressed layers of muscles. With just a touch, it's obvious which is which.

Even though I also have a six pack, but Eris's seems far more incredible, I want them. So much muscle but not bulky, and such a thin waist to boot…

Only god-like techniques could train such an amazing balance of external oblique, abdominal oblique, and the Psoas major muscles.

Even so, a woman's muscles, why are they so enticing, I can't stop touching them.

Not just the muscles, my hand reach upwards, towards those mounts clearly marked even under the blanket. Last night I was groped but never groped… It's fine if we're husband and wife, right?


Incredible! Those foundations! Pectoralis muscles! How firm, how muscular, simply wonderful.

And there, riding on top of this dish is a just desert. The balance between soft and hard is the important part of life, thus H SKETCH ONE TOUCH.

It grew magnificently, like a honey melon. Sylphy and Roxy are both lacking. Theirs aren't bad either, but as expected big has an entirely different appeal.

God, I'm grateful that I can touch this from here on out. Thank you Roxy, Sylphy, I did it! I successfully climbed Mount Eris, a new dawn awaits for all mankind!

"Ho ho ho."

Just now, a white haired, old man come to my mind. It's the hermit! The Oppai Hermit! How have you been! Look, this is the real deal! Hallelujah!

"Ho ho ho, I have nothing left to teach you… Do your best."

Ah, hermit! Where are you going, hermit! Please! I need your guidance!



In my daze, Eris and I suddenly caught each other. Who knows how long she's been staring at me, rubbing her all by myself. Is she going to beat me up? Just then, Eris grabs me by the throat. She's mad.

"Let's talk it out. Rather than fight, how about we talk this out, baby. Just a little pillow talk, about how we used to wrestle. Just now, my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to rub your abs a bit…"


Eris did not let go of my hand, rather, she turned around and pushed herself all over me, natural instincts in her eyes.

So she's not really angry, rubbing her chest in the morning just relights her passions. If it was me, waking up to ecchi stuff, I would want it too.

Men and women are different, but Eris is an exception. O-okay, let's do this. Eris can be my appetizer for breakfast!

"B-be gentle, it's morning already. Even last night you were… Kya~!~"

I made the voice of a maiden, and was ravaged a second time.

Part 5

Getting out of bed in the afternoon, Eris is already gone. Empty bed, a chill by my side, but I feel no loss, only a little shame and satisfaction.

Stood up while massaging my sore waist, I walked by a window. The sun is particularly yellow, and so is my face.

I spot Eris outside the window, a perverted smile on her face, in a happy mood. Still moving around after all that, what a monster.

Sylphy and Roxy both have less stamina than I, to be squeezed dry like that is a first for me.

If Sylphy is passive, and Roxy is technical, then Eris is the aggressive type.

My masochistic qualities seem to have awakened. Tokugawa, Toyotomi, Oda, something like that.

Eris brilliantly earned the title of Sword King, because Orsted kicked my ass. Just kidding, she might kill me if we got carried away. I can't just keep troubling my Hideyoshi here.

Next time, maybe we decide on a safety word first. I should talk with Eris while she's still exhausted from last night…

With those thoughts in mind, I went to cleanse myself in the bath. After cleaning, I enter the basement and offer a prayer to my shrine. Another holy object is necessary, because God of Wisdom, God of Love, and God of War… A wooden sword would do.

Thinking about this and that I entered the living room, Aisha, who's sweeping the floor, jumps up.

"Hey, brother, good morning! A mail came! It doesn't say from whom, but there's an emblem here. Do you recognize it?"

That letter stops me in my tracks.

On it drawn a very obvious emblem.

Dragon God's.

This letter is from Orsted.

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